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  1. Hi All, I have a work-related dilemma which as escalated over the last few months. I apologise in advance as this is a little long-winded, but please bare with me because there’s alot to tell. I work in a Sales role in the Food Service. My role is different to my colleagues as I'm the only one in a mobile position. This means I cover for maternity, sickness and vacant grounds. I live out of hotels 5 nights per week, Travelling down on a Sunday night and returning late on a Friday. Despite my contract stating working hours of Mon-Fri 9am-5pm they use the argument that they informed me of this at the interview stage, which they did however I did hope for some gratitude back for giving up my Sundays to travel down to a hotel for work. In addition to this, I carry a mobile fridge in and out of my hotel room and into my car twice a day. I submit working expenses twice per week. Also, my role involves sampling foods with Chefs and due to the fact I live in hotels during the week, it makes things quite difficult for me. I either have to rely on a Hotel chef or force my way into the kitchen with a client whom I have not known very long. Everyone else can make their samples from home and bring to work with them on a daily basis. I will be honest; I have found that this extra bit of work is like a job on top of my job, with the added fact I am away from home midweek. I don't get a full weekend which has often left me feeling drained. I have also found my manager to be the Jekyll and Hyde type; she can be supportive in some ways but extremely unsupportive in other ways. For example; when I first raised concern of carrying a heavy printer in and out of my room twice a week her response was ‘well its only twice a week’. Towards the end of last year, I’m ashamed to say, my performance slipped and I made a few mistakes which resulted in poor performance and failure to adhere to a particular health and safety procedure. I had a meeting with my manager where she brought forward these concerns and chastised me for my mistakes. The meeting was mainly negative with no signs of positive words to raise my morale. I was already devastated by my mistakes and felt that some words of motivation could have been given out to raise my mood. Unfortunately this didn’t happen and the day ended with me feeling very down and depressed. Throughout my job I receive a good amount of scrutiny from my manager and I feel this adds to the pressure of the job. Recently, due to fatigue, poor concentration and sleep problems, I have been off work with ‘Stress Related Problems’ and signed off by my doctor. I have been put on anti-depressants and had been off work for 7 weeks. On my return I sat down and discussed my issues with my manager including lack of support, empathy and tactfulness. She seemed to accept her part and also pointed out ways that I can adapt to work better with her, which I accepted too. However, on the ‘Return to Work’ form she sent me, she includes my areas that I need to improve on, but not hers. Shouldn’t she be including this? Finally, she asked me to stay home today as I’d be receiving a letter from HR regarding a formal meeting at Head Office. I have just received this letter and have noticed that the meeting is NOT to discuss my health, but to discuss my Poor Performance, Health and Safety breach and also Failure to follow my managers instructions. They state that the meeting will give me chance to present any information to support my case before a ‘Decision is Made’. Correct me if I’m jumping to conclusions here but this seems like an attempt to force me out of the company. It happened to my ex-colleague a few months ago and they invited him to a similar hearing, ignored his view and dismissed him from his role with the company. I’ve been here only 6months and feel distressed that they are taking this approach with me considering my recent health issues. It also is somewhat of a coincidence that they are now finding the time to bring up issues that have happened over 3 months ago. I’m considering handing in my notice and appealing for what would be Constructive Dismissal in Mitigating Circumstance. But would appreciate any help and/or advice you can give me to support my attempt to take this to tribunal. I’m unsure whether I have a Union rep nor do I know how to find out. Again, your help (as always) would be much appreciated. Thanks!!!
  2. I left the country in Oct. Before I did this, I informed Utility Warehouse of the move - as you're supposed to - and gave them my forwarding address in the USA. I had the house on the market, but was unable to hang around long enough for it to sell (in the end, it has been rented.) Admittedly, I didn't do much about their bills until my tenants were in, etc... and gave them final readings at that time. (mid-December) I'm now having a lot of trouble with them. For some reason, after cancelling my direct debit (mind, this was October! coming out of the warmer months), my November bill was nearly 2000! Yet, I've never seen an itemised bill which would explain this "underbilling"... And despite the fact that I told them in Oct that I was moving, they are still charging me for gas/electric that I'm not responsible for as I now have a tenant. Apparently, my word that I've moved out isn't good enough - as it is with every other company I've ever dealt with. So, I'm going to be e-mailing them a copy of the tenancy agreement in order to "prove" that I'm no longer responsible for the account. Now they're taking "legal action" - have tried to install a prepay meter in the house (though the tenants refused them entry) and have taken no effort to actually contact me at my forwarding address. And despite the fact that I'm trying to deal with them. They will not let me stop being a member at the moment and they won't let my tenants decide not to be with them due to their refusal to even believe their council tax bill as proof of residence! Good thing I'm not planning on returning to the UK permanently as I'm sure they're in the process of destroying my credit rating which I worked hard to keep good. Sorry this is so garbled. What should I be doing? I mean, 2000 should be almost the full price of the 12 months I was with them... considering that I was never delinquent on payments until I moved out, there shouldn't be that much still owing. Help!
  3. Hi I was pointed in the direction of your website and it has been very helpful. I am looking for advice, rather urgently, since i came home from work yesterday, to find a 24 hour removal notice through my door. This was a shock as the last contact i had with jacobs was back in aug 2013, the account was put on hold as i disputed it ( bit of a lon winded reason why, but it was a back dated change a few months after i left the property. I am a lone parent, working part time and my circumstances changed twice, propmpting all benefits to be recalculated, ending in this underpayment) Anyway, I do not have the funds, i have £30 in my bank account. The bailiff has never been into my house, nor, as far as i am aware, made any levy. I have not been given the chance to make any payment plan. ALl doors and windows are locked, burgler alarm is on, curtains closed and car parked a few streets away. I have text the bailiff on the letter, the following: I returned from work yesterday to find a 24 hours removal notice from yourselves. I am quite surprised by this as i have had no correspondance from you since august 2013 where my claim was disputed and put on hold. I do not believe this to be in line with policy and will be making a formal complaint to the council on monday. I al requesting that my account be handed back to the council under the protection of vunerable people act, so my income can be assesed to enable me to make weekly payments. Thirdly, since noone from jacobs has ever entered my property and no levy has been applied, no goods will be being removed. Please provide me will a full break down of ' costs' as detailed on your letter. I shall be emailing a copy of this to your office and to the council. Is that ok? I shall be speaking to the council on monday, but there isnt much i can do before then. And although my house is all locked, im pretty terrified. Can anyone offer any guidance, help. reassurance?
  4. Hey all, Got an urgent warning for JD Williams and Jacamo customers. it seems the company in a crafty attempt to get customers to agree to set up a Direct Debit and give them total control of when and where and how much they take out of your account have decided that as of the 7th of February 2014 customers who pay by debit or credit card will have to pay 37.68% interest where as customers who pay by direct debit will be able to continue to enjoy interest rates at 34.1%. This change means that if you want to be in control of where when and how much you want to pay you will now have to pay 3.58% more than those paying by direct debit. Surely this should be in breach of the Unfair terms and conditions in consumer contract regulations but what a way to treat loyal customers to me this is a kin to bullying either you give them control of where when and how much they take from your bank account or you pay them more for choosing where when and how much to pay. What a way to treat loyal customers JD and Jacamo just trample all over them. I say we should all write to them and protest about this tactic. Not very amused with them at all. Robert
  5. Hi i was fined for not having a tv licence a genuine oversight i thought we had paid for the year we hadnt i was fined in my absence as couldnt get to court it was 3 towns away where they wanted me to go . at the time partner was doing agency work we received no benefit help apart from child tax credits and child ben was struggling to pay and in the end we couldnt pay it the fine was £275 roll forward to september 2013 i was contacted by some one from the court who told me they had a warrant etc but as i had a child he wasnt going to take he told me to ring get an appointment etc so i did. went in front of a judge explained our financial state and was told to pay £185 in the october which we paid the day before my sons birthday partner had a new job so its fine . then he said to pay the £90 outstanding in the November which for one reason or another we have over looked and its not been paid on the 23rd of december i was out my partner was in and marstons turned up told him who he was etc and why he was there he didnt leave me any contact details or paper work as to who he was . i rang the office i found the number online might i add at this point how rude they was got his number rang him and he asked to come out the following day i agreed thinking i could set up some payment plan .but no he now wants £390 thats £300 charges he is coming back on the 10th of january and im worried sick i cant pay it i have no income my partner works but we just get enough to live off £390 is more or less our food budget for the month he was very nice with us we didnt let him in . he was trying to laugh and joke with us even wished us merry xmas ! Is there anything i can do ive now gone on to debt management but they said they cant do anything with the bailiff as its a court fine and a criminal matter as its tv licence . i rang cab who told us to ring the courts rang them explained we had no further steps notice if we had this £90 would have been paid it is a genuine oversight yes on our behalf but a genuine mistake . the bailiff in question still hasnt give me any paper work no nothing just quickly showed me a piece of paper saying it was a distress warrent ive checked the list of certified bailiffs he isnt on there . told the court there not interested at all is it worth me ringing marstons myself or will they not help i can pay the £90 but the £300 charges are so excessive . worried sick here as partner will be at work on friday when he comes back . i have a 6 year old aswell although he will be at school im so worried .everything in this house has been bought with partners cash obviously no proof as they say a receipt prooves nothing . The court that issued it was chester and merseyside it was originnally in wirral courts but when i attended i had to go to st helens what can i do to stop this if anything he said if we dont pay he will be coming through my door with police and locksmiths help anyone and thankyou for reading
  6. Hello I need urgent advice before tomorow please Marston is coming with removal guys to an address. This adress is council property and my wife main tenant owner solely. me and 3 children live too. But house in wife name. I got court writ nearly 29,000 from a claim that was friend name. friend was man driver i was passsenger, we got hit and claimed. but court struck t off. now i need to pay court costs everything and not my friend. Why? but problem is everything in house my wife buyed. i buyed 2 bed only. Marston coming tomorow with removal guys. what should do? if Marston take anything, my marriage finish
  7. Hi guys, I need some urgent advice really, I have been out the country for a while and my father has just let me know that I am being taken to court for not sending a logbook! A logbook that I did send. Now here's the problem.. The court date is tomorrow! I cannot make it :/ Is it to late to just phone up and settle this outside of court? I don't want to pay the fine but I don't see any other way to sort this as I'm not in the UK at the moment Please advise ASAP as I will need to ring them first thing. Regards,
  8. I'm hoping that I've posted this in the correct place on the forum. My niece and two of her housemates were at uni and approached an electrical company called Glide Utilities which consolidated all bills (TV licence, electric, internet, water, etc) for their 3 bed apartment in Nottingham. Their contract was from Sept 2009 - June 2010. Everything was fine for the first year. Just before that contract ended, the girls decided to renew the contract for their final year at uni (2010-2011.) They were paying approximately £57 each per month. Towards the end of the second contract, Glide contacted the girls and said they owed approximately £3600. This is in addition to the £171 they were receiving each month. Glide stated that they girls had incurred these fee's from Nov 2009....but failed to inform the girls at the end of their first contract in June 2010. The girls informed Glide that they lived above a shop and another apartment. There were 4 meters downstairs in the communal area and had informed Glide from the beginning of their contract that they didn't know which meter was theirs as they were not labelled. (they have emails to support this). The girls continued to pay the £171 each month but when uni ended, as Glide were unable to provide evidence to prove they owed over £3,000, the girls refused to pay and left the property Due to a family dispute, my niece came to say with me from July 2012 until January 2013. During this time, Glide sent someone to my nieces mothers (my sister) property to hand deliver a letter to my niece. My sister refused to take the letter and informed the representative that she was not accepting any letters for my niece as she was not residing at the property. In August 2012, they proceeded to register a CCJ against my niece. Not the two other girls. Initially my niece didn’t do anything but on Feb 5th 2013 she contacted Glide. The law rep at Glide said it didn't sound right and that she'll look into it further and get another meter reading. Glide did not respond until Oct 2013. Their response was “as Glide couldn’t get a meter reading, but the CCJ has been issued so there's nothing more that could be done". The question is can Glide do this? They have said they are unable to access the property so where is their evidence? Is it possible for Glide to just register a CCJ against my niece? We have a court date for the 2 January where we hope to resolve this. Glide have since tried to "settle out of court" but this involved reducing the amount but the CCJ would have remained. Would really appreciate some advice on this as it has only just been brought to my attention. In addition, my sister and I are a little worried as my niece recently purchased a property so can Glide put a charge against the property?
  9. hi there not sure if this is the correct forum I have recieved a ccj claim form on the 2nd its for a credit card i had in 2002 but it has been defaulted in 2009 when the bank stepped in and closed my current account. the debt is sold to a dca and they are taking me to court my question is can the judgment be set aside if the dca cannot produce the cca and i was probably missold ppi with the card dont know what to do
  10. Hi, first post on these forums. I was in a bit of a bad position with money a couple of months ago and borrowed some money from Wonga. Unfortunately when it came to paying it back I found myself still in a situation but decided that just ignoring was not the best option. So, I emailed Wonga, emailed an account executive (got an email address off the net), tried to setup a repayment plan via the website. In short, no-one got back to me and trying to setup repayment via the website kept coming up with an error - I had put off phoning them direct having read not to on here. In preparation I had already changed bank accounts and direct debits to a new account, I had phoned Tax Credits and Child benefit way ahead of time and was told (twice) over the phone that my next payment would go into the new account. Well, this morning it was paid into my old account and of course Wonga took the lot. I phoned Tax credits, who said there was nothing they could do. I also phoned Wonga, who said they wouldn't refund anything, pretended not to hear parts of the conversation and didn't seem interested in my original contact of a repayment plan - instead trying to get me to pay more. I'm now confused as to how to proceed, I wanted to pay the money back but via repayment plan. I'm now without money for food for 2 weeks, is there anything I can do?
  11. Hi All My wife has received a SD from a solicitor acting for a collections company (originally Lloyds credit card) We did communicate with Lloyds and requested an original copy of the credit agreement but they never replied. We been away and have returned to find this SD with only a few days left to respond. I'm looking for a way to stop any further action as we are struggling due to issues with property going back several years. Long story short we have 5 properties that we rent out and had some very bad luck with a few tenants that's left us in severe debt on top of buying our last flat at the end of the property bubble in 2008 (we had intended flipping it but had to keep it). About ten years ago a friend was defending a court situation regarding a a credit card, a loan and some other minor debts. He was told by a debt management company that there was some kind of law preventing certain actions being taken against him if the action would prejudice other companies he owed money to. Does any one know if this applies to SD's? We can't deny owing the money because we obviously do but there's no way we can pay this at the moment. When I say our situation is serious we have had a debt advisor calculate that we are currently about minus £600 per month due to the property situation. And we can't sell as most are in negative equity or would just break even. Any advice on how we can avoid further action would be most appreciated even if it's that we should offer £1 per month. Thanks
  12. Hi i need help with TSB loan TSB offerd me loan toclear my credit cards and make it one monthly payment which i took it back in 2004 and it was around £6000 and after taking loan maybe a year i lost my job and the insurance the loan refused to pay me as i was not entitled to it and i fought back and manage to get it through Ombudsman and i was refunded the insurance and the payment i made. i ask lloyds to fix the interest and the loan amount then they send me new contract and i was foolish and signed it as they put new amount on the new contract with the interest and late payments about £11,960 so i started paying then i asked them to look into it why this gone that high as my original loan was around £6000 so i stopped paying until they fix this matter and refused to do that and they also closed my TSB bank account and took more than £100 from my account into loan without my permission . Did Receive a letter from TSB solicitors i wrote them explaining every thing and also mentioned them that their are some payment i made they are not showing on the statement so you are welcome to take me to court never heard from them again . did use to get debt recovery letters just ignored them now and for long time never heard from any of them now today i received this letter please can someone assist me what to do should i ignore them i think isn't it to late for TSB pursue the loan .
  13. Help please In a DMP but have received a CCJ claim form from Marlin Europe who bought a debt of HSBC (a marks and Spencer card) The DM company arent being much help at the moment and seem content to let a CCJ be entered against me value is 8k I have missed a couple of payments to the DM company What can I do - need to get my response off to the courts on Friday
  14. I'm looking for some help and advice on behalf of my neighbour Angela, she has been on IB and migrate to ESA, she filled in her esa50 and sent it off unfortunately without taking a photo copy anyway needless to say she got zero point and was put on jobseekers. When she attended her first job seekers interview she was treated badly got shouted at because she did not have a computer to apply for job or fill in her form. Cutting a long story short she was told by her job seekers adviser that her circumstances has not changed and that she is fit for work even though her doctor issued a sick note and wrote on there that she is not fit for work, she then was told to apply for esa, she applied by phone then got a phone to say she's been refused, then got a text shortly after to say she has been awarded esa and that a letter will be send shortly. She now got another letter to say she has been refused esa and that she have to claim job seekers and not esa, then she got a phone call to say that she can claim esa again by phone, then to be told she cannot apply for esa. It's been three times she has been told she is not entitled and cannot claim esa and then to be told by another person that she can claim esa. She is now exteremely stress and say she is in the borderline of cutting her wrists because she also received a letter from her local authority to say her housing benefit has been stopped. Her circumstances at the moment , no benefit and housing benefit stopped. I need help please if someone is able to pin point us to any document we can use under the mental health act about the way she has been treated, there must be some mental health law for vulnerable people like her being almost abused and be made confused. any help would be much appreciate. many thanks in advance.
  15. Hi everyone, My bad luck does not stop! I run a LTD company and we done a refurbishment project a good 6 months ago, the customer didnt pay in full and we were owed about £40k , one of the creditors (electricians) started proceedings against us...we were late in sending the response pack but explained with enough reason to their solicitor. We came to an agreement to pay 5 consecutive payments, 2 were paid and then we couldnt afford to pay the other 3 and explained the situation again. Out of the blue, we got a judgement for claim which goes onto say about the CCJ etc, that was received only 3 days ago. Today, we had a knock on the door (i work from home) and the guy shows his sherriff badge and explained what he is doing here, to chase the above debt....I explained its a LTD company and that the only asset the company has is a 10 year old PC, nothing else in the house is in the company name (i work from home as i mentioned but live with the parents!), he then asked to see proof of ownership for the car on the drive which i gave, he then goes onto say "Because i am in a good mood today, i wont call the team with a truck to empty your parents house" so he has given me 24 hours to come up with £5.5k which is IMPOSSIBLE. I think it's a bit much what he has done threatening to take everything in the house! What can they actually do? As i said its a LTD company that has no money in the account! Your urgent response is much appreciated.
  16. Hi everyone , hope someone can help. I have a court appearance on Monday and need some help , i have arrears of less than £1000 and intend to pay them before the Court date . I believe this may stop repossession going through but understand its not guaranteed and i can also show that there is no problem with getting back to future payments being met . Just to say over the last couple of years i have had a little bit of that thing called depression , enough to cause my head to have a different outlook and think everything will just go away . That it certainly doesn't . Anyway what i need to find out is , What would be the safest way to ensure i can show a Judge the Order should not be given and keep my house. Another aspect is that the witness statement they produced includes the total on the mortgage with the added £40 administration fees whilst in arrears which they have included , this adds up to around £2500 in charges to which i have every intention of challenging . Should they be shown separatly from the Mortgage itself. So, could i or would it be the right time to attempt to have these dealt with at the hearing or would the Judge dismiss them as something that needs to be challenged separately . Hope you can help Thanks
  17. hello there i hope that you may help me. i had taken out a credit card in 2001 but had stopped paying in 2004 because of financial trouble i plan on using the statue barred defense
  18. Hi all, I really need some urgent advice! I've had a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors, dated 22/11/13. "we have been instructed by Fredrickson International Limited, on behalf of Lowell Financial Limited to issue court proceedings if payment of this debt is not received by us by that date". It relates to a Capital One credit card debt of approx. £450 I can't remember the date the card was taken out, but I've found an email saying I'd activated "Verified by Visa" for that card, back in Sep 2009, so I guess I would have applied for the card around Aug/Sep 2009. The last time I made a payment on the account was in 2011. I have other debts, totalling around £11'000. Just defaults, no bankrupty, CCJ's, DRO etc (yet!). Only the Capital One card above and a Barclays bank account (£2'200) have been purchased by Lowell, and they've said nothing about the Barclays account for some time, although I guess it's only a matter of time before it gets passed on to Bryan Carter? I know I signed a credit agreement, just can't remember when. I just checked my equifax credit report and it's not on there (but I know it was on one of the other ones, like experian). I'm a full-time mature student. I receive student finance and have no other income except child benefit and child tax credit. Too busy with the course to do a part time job. My wife owns a property in London (bought recently) and gets around £1000 per month (after expenses/mortgage from renting it out and managing another property which she doesn't own). She's in the process of registering with HMRC to pay tax on her earnings, but hasn't done so yet. I need to know what I can do? And more importantly, what can Bryan Carter do? I've heard that they can't take my wife's house or money as the debt is mine, but surely the courts will look at my wife's earnings as well as my own, in terms of assessing household income and what I can afford to pay? The reality is, our outgoings basically match the money coming in. If you discount my wife's earnings, then I don't even have enough money to support myself (ongoing dispute with student finance england, MP involved; I should be getting around £11'000 per year, but they've awarded me £3'700 for this year!) I'm studying in order to become a professional (the jobs I'm applying for will credit check all prospective employees), so I cannot afford to have any CCJ's or court actions against me! Defaults are bad enough. I do want and plan to pay everything off, ideally through income gained from doing internships throughout my course, so that by the time I graduate, I will have satisfied all the defaults on my credit file. However, I'm not eligible to do any such internships until the summer of 2015. So I need to keep the wolves from my door and avoid any legal action against me until after then! I've heard something about sending 3 letters to the DCA/Bryan Carter, but is that only for statute barred accounts, or for credit agreements taken out prior to 2007? Please advise what I should do, and thanks for reading!
  19. Hello. I just want to say, I don't dispute my loan with WDA (well kinda, they did give me a loan when I couldn't afford to pay it back). I know I owe them money, I just disbute how much I owe them. I took out a loan with WDA for £385 (with interest total owed was £518) last year, I was unable to pay it back and was put on a payment plan. In the summer this year I could no longer stick with the payment plan and WDA refused me another payment plan. Since july this year I have not made any payments to them. while I was on a payment plan they froze my interest. My balance was £350 at this point. Last month I got emails from ardent DCA asking me to pay up, they are asking me for £515. I have told them my balance was £350 but they are telling me WDA has added £165 interest for no payment since 31/05/13. They claim to have put a *Daily Interest applied £2.75 charge onto the balance but that doesn't even add up to £165. Also on the statement of account letter that WDA provided me with last month it says "Default Date: 29/06/2012" so how can they default me and then add interest? Or freeze my interest and then re-add interest? Ardent DCA told me they will accept £360 in Full and final settlement of this account, if I don't pay and want a payment plan split into 3 months it will be on £515. How is that legal? I refused and today I got a letter from moon beevers solicitors, please advise me guys; 14 november 2013 Ref;xxxx Re; wage day advance We act for the above named, having been instructed by its collection agents. Debt & revenue services, whom we understand attempted to contact you regarding the det you owe wage day advance in the sum of £515. You will appreciate that you are contracually bound to make payment and our client cannot continue to tolerate non-payment of that which is due. If you are experiencing genuine financial difficulty, then we urge you to contact debt and revenue services to explain your circumstances and agree to a payment plan which you are able to manage and maintain. In the absence of such contact by you and/or payment in full within 14 days of the date of this letter, then it is our clients current intention to issue county court proceedings against you for the sum of £515 in addition to legal costs and any interest due. Such proceedings will be issued out of northampton county court and served upon you by post. If proceedings are issued and you fail to sere a legitimate defence our client will request the court to enter a judgment against you in its favour. If any judgment so awarded remains unpaid it will be subject of enforcement action without further notice. For the avoidance of doubt and so that you are fully aware of our clients intentions, we feel it only fair to inform you that out clients preferred methid of enforcement in your case is to apply to the court for an attachment of earnings order. This means the court will be requested to order your employer to decuct monies from your wages in payment of your debt and legal costs etc, subject to a protected earning rate. This matter has now reached critical stage, but not to late to resolve the matter. Contact debt and revenue service. Yours faithfully, xx
  20. To anyone who can help, Please advice [Enforcement Notice from Lambeth] Received enforcement notice on the 29 Aug 2013 from Lambeth council stating that on the 23 August 2013, Camberwell Green Magistrates' Court granted a LO against me for non payment of council tax totalling £1798.37. Cost of £127.00 were incurred. A balance of £1798.37 is currently owing under this order and this amount should be paid in full by 15 September 2013 [/Enforcement Notice from Lambeth] [Equita Reminder Notice] Received a Reminder Notice dated 07 Nov 2013 regarding unpaid council tax. The letter states "Dear XXX, We write further to our previous applications for payment. To date we note that you have failed to settle your outstanding Council Tax. Our removal teams will be in your area in the coming week and will be looking to seize goods. Further substantial costs will be added to your debt once this action has been commenced. The additional costs include bailiff and porter, removal vehicle and auctioneer expenses. Should you wish to avoid this course of action we urge you to contact our offices immediately. [/Equita Reminder Notice] [Equita Bailiff Removal] Received a "Delivered by Hand" Bailiff Removal letter on the 19 Nov 2013 stating that Payment was due in full - 24 hours. The text reads "I have attended today with the intention of removing your goods and chattels as are necessary to discharge the outstanding council tax liability order and any additional enforcement costs incurred. PLEASE NOTE - No further arrangements are acceptable and payment is now required in full by CLEAR FUNDS ONLY. I will re-attend at your address with immediate effect and may remove goods even in your absence. Should you wish to avoid this distressing course of action, contact me immediately on the telephone number below to arrange prompt payment of your debt. No contact will be taken as your refusal to pay. Yours Sincerely *signed* .........- Bailiff in charge [/Equita Bailiff Removal] Now that I have stated the three letters I have received, I shall proceed with my question. i) I am heading down tomorrow (20th Nov 2013) to the council to show my Confirmation of Study Letter which suffice as an exemption. Will I have to pay the council anything? Does the £1798.37 and £127.00 stated in the [Enforcement Notice from Lambeth] affect me in any way ii) After proving to the council that I'm indeed a student and am exempted from council tax, will they call off the Bailiff? Does the Bailiff still have any legal rights to bother me? Does the bailiff have any rights to force entry into the house? iii) On a brief phone call to the bailiff to understand more he stated a incurred charge of about £200+ (forgot the exact), from what I've read and to my knowledge, since he has only made one visit to deliver the [Equita Bailiff Removal], and the council has applied for a LO. I should be fined a total of £24.50 + £3.00 = £27.50. Thus who should I pay this to if necessary? iv) If this helps at all, I tried inputting "....." into the Certificated Bailiff Justice Website and only received a ......which is not the same as "......" stated in the [Equit Bailiff Removal] and does not state an employee. Another search of certified bailiffs in Equita resulted in a list without ...... at all. I'm not sure if this will help at all, but just wanted to mention it. All help is greatly appreciated. Regards S.
  21. My sons friend needed some money last Friday and did a loan on Wonga He borrowed £85 to pay £96+ back this week. He's looking for work and is on JSA which he got paid today and left the money in his account. Wonga tried to get the money but it had already been taken £67 by Cash Locator, £39 from My loan and we;ve been onto Satans and they said there are 2 others loan companies. How do we get the money back ........... and how do we get wonga to not put the £30 unpaid loan charge on?
  22. Hello, I got access to my credit report today, experian report returned a score of fair it's just shy of being good. I also joined Equifax to find out it was very poor, black horse ltd have been registering my debt with them every couple of years. The loan was taken out in October 2003 for the amount of £3600 The loan was marked as defaulted 10/8/2009 and the last update they sent was 16/12/2011 I have had no contact with black horse for the last ten years no correspondence, plus I haven't lived at the address they have for me since 2003. I live in Scotland and it was my understanding that after five years of no contact the debt was statue barred and exhausted, I had several other debts from 2003 they have all vanished from my record but not black horse Are black horse in the wrong to keep chasing me and is it wrong from Equifax to have it on file? Equifax told me it's six years from the last registered date and that is in 2011 and they refused to help me any further meaning it will stay on there till black horse remove it. I don't understand why experian is clear with fair credit and Equifax has kept this one debt on my file. Any help would be great, I really need this gone from my file and if it shouldn't legally be there I really need advice on what to do because Equifax will not remove it.
  23. I've received a letter saying that BG has obtained a warrant of entry. I received no prior notification of this. I have an outstanding complaint against BG with the ombudsman. How can I get this warrant stopped?
  24. Hi all , iv got fair credit rating but keep getting declined for payday loans i dont know why, is there a site i can go to for a payday loan from a direct lender and have a good chance of getting accepted of 200 - 300 im in bad need of it im about to run out of electric and theres no food in the cupboards thanks
  25. Hi i need some urgent help for my neighbour with regards to a court summons for non payment of council tax. He is on jsa and is unable to pay. He suffers from depression and will not attend court tommorow! the payment is £535.41 outstanding council tax , £65 costs for the issue of the sumons totalling £600.41. he has been unable to pay ct before so dont think the council wil be leniant. what should he do? he obviusoly dont have the funds, i am considering paying it for him. wil i have to pay the £65 aswell? It states it the total is paid before the hearing all proceedings will be cancelled. he seriously is on the edge. He cant take much more. please advise. thanks
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