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Found 15 results

  1. Sca mmers have been sending out a host of fake vouchers, purporting to be from some of the nation's favourite supermarkets and high street stores. These fake voucher promotions have been popping up all over Facebook, Twitter and the rest. You will be led through some questions to get your voucher and you will have to supply your mobile number and your address – ostensibly so your “prize” can be sent out. In reality, your phone will be hit by premium rate calls costing up to £5 each https://www.lovemoney.com/news/26495/dont-fall-for-this-supermarket-voucher-[problem]
  2. Just received a energy credit voucher for £12.00 and states that I need to show ID to the retailer for this to be added to account. I am some what uncomfortable in producing ID to a 3rd party on the high street confirming any personal details. What do others think ?
  3. I qualify for a NHS glassses voucher and specsavers sent me a £40 off glasses voucher with their catalogue. Does anyone know if I can use this specsavers voucher with my NHS free glasses voucher? It says 'cannot be used with other offers', but I would argue the NHS voucher is not a special offer. Has anyone had experience with this? Thanks
  4. I bought a pair of boots from Littlewoods in December and use a £30 discount code. They did not fit and were immediately returned. They're now charging me for the value of the discount code even though I didn't keep the item. The customer service told me I'm required to pay for the 'broken discount code' (whatever that means as I didn't break any code!!) Perhaps she meant breaking a contract but I assume one is entitled to return online good without penalty. So can anyone enlighten me regarding this issue as I can't understand what is going on and how I'll paying £30 for trying a pair of shoes. What t & c's I'm breaking that I'm required to pay for the discount I never had as the purchase did not go ahead. Any advice very welcome. Thank you:)
  5. Hi, I'm not sure if I'm in the right place, or if anyone can help, but it never hurts to ask.... please I emailed a company with expired experience vouchers (by 17 days) explaining my situation, which is: My Mum bought me a sky diving experience and zorbing for 2 for my 'special' birthday (end of April 15). She bought them early April 2015, it's all a little vague as a family friend helped her as she isn't very confident with the internet. On April 12th, I fell very, very ill. I missed my birthday, and more things than I can count since. I've been in and out of hospital, had a multitude of tests, MRI, biopsies, and cameras. I've lost my position at work. I was also unable to complete a course, as I couldn't get to the exam. I'm still awaiting a diagnosis. I'm still very limited in being able to leave the house. I only include this to highlight why I haven't been 'on the ball' regarding expiry. I know it sounds somewhat My mum was under the impression that the tickets she bought for me were valid for 12 months. Again, I know it's our 'fault', we didn't read the vouchers thoroughly, but I'm also sure you can understand why booking a day out hasn't really been a priority when facing what we have been. I was severely ill when I received them on my birthday and have been since. I got the papers out today, as I wasn't feeling too bad. Good days are a rarity, so I figured I'd be productive. My good day quickly turned into floods of tears (not usually my style, sorry ), frustration (at missing out on yet another thing ) and guilt (as my Mum will probably end up losing her money, and now feels bad that she didn't get me anything for a 'special' birthday ...all while telling me I'm more important). She thought the vouchers were for 12 months, thus leaving us time to discuss the potential for an extension or refund....but they are only for 10 months. I emailed the company as I was too upset to ring, and explained all of the above, and that another company had been kind enough to extend a voucher bought even earlier under the circumstances, and could they help at all. I even offered to get medical letters to verify that I hadn't simply forgot, and that have been genuinely very ill. I very quickly (same day...today) received the following reply: "Thank you for your email and I am sorry to hear of the issues you had faced last year. For all eventualities that would prevent a customer from taking their experience(s), we do say that they can pay to extend their voucher(s). This will only be honoured all the time that the voucher(s) are still in date. Unfortunately as both of yours have now expired, we would not be able to assist you on this occasion. My apologies. Best Regards (name removed) Sales & Operations Manager (company name removed) :Cry: = my current emotions Do I have any way to get my mum her money back or an extension? Or has my illness cost my Mum her money and me my birthday gifts? I'm not sure if the vouchers were bought using a debit or credit card (family friend will check) but any help/ information would be greatly appreciated. Yours in hope and desperation, MissSocks
  6. Hi, I took back some items after Christmas with gift receipts, and was given a credit voucher in early Jan. I then spent some of the credit voucher that day and received another credit voucher in change. I wasn't feeling well that day, and probably shouldn't have been shopping, but I did, and obviously wasn't thinking straight because, it later transpired that I had the receipts from the two transactions but no credit voucher. I went yesterday in store and fully expected them to be able to track and trace the credit voucher via the receipt and replace it. At the time I was unsure as to whether I had even been given the voucher. Customer services asked the securityto look at the security footage and they have told me that they saw me place the credit voucher into a carrier bag I was carrying, but when I asked them to identify the carrier bag so I can check at home, they were unable to give me any information other than it was a dark carrier bag, possibly a marks and spencer one (when I then asked how they knew it was a credit voucher that went into the bag if they cannot see that level of detail they said "we just know what they look like"). I was told that a replacement is not possible - that in their terms and conditions it states that credit vouchers should be treated as cash, and that they are unable to trace the credit voucher from the transaction. However, in my opinion they are not the same as cash for two major reasons: number one, if they had refunded me cash, and I had lost it, there would be no way to trace it. number 2, if it were cash I had lost, they would not be benefitting from my loss. If this were a small amount of money, I would probably just let it go as lesson learned. However it was £90, and that is a lot of money to me (I know I should have been more careful, I realise that). Obviously my number one concern is getting a replacement voucher, but also I would have thought that they would wish to prevent any person who may have found the credit voucher from using it (if they haven't already) I certainly would like to prevent that. My understanding is that for somebody to use the voucher it would be theft, and so presumably they would wish to find out if/when that transaction occurred? I cannot believe that a huge company such as this, who use a barcoding system to track transactions are completely unable to link the credit voucher to the transactions. I would have thought in terms of an audit trail that would have been a basic requirement just from a HMRC point of view. So I suppose my question is, do I have any avenues here, or do I need to suck it up and not waste my time? Thanks
  7. I have claimed for my lost engagement ring thru direct line insurance and have filled in all the relevent paperwork and paid £200 excess. They passed me over to their jewelry assessor a company called LMG. They have in turn asked for more information including a photo if possible of the ring - which again I have supplied. They have now given me a valuation and 3 options which are - 1 a voucher for the valution for the Signet group which are H Samuel, Ernest Jones or Leslie Davis or 2 - a remake of the ring by one of their personal jewellers or 3 the cash equivalent but the cash is only half of the valuation and doesn't even cost the price of the ring way back in 2003!! So - do I have to accept these conditions? - I have looked at Ernest Jones and H Samuels websites but I don't see anything I love there however I have seen a ring I really like within the valution but with a different jewellers. I have agreed to get the personal jeweller out to see if she can help me. She is booked to come to my house to look at designs etc and perhaps make a new ring for me but on speaking to friends about this they have said that their experience with the "personal jeweller" was a rip off and the jewelry offered no where near the quality they would have gotten from local jewellers! Do I accept there is no way round this? I am already really down about losing my engagement ring - that I took months to choose - due to the fact that my hands are not the delicate hands of female kind but almost like man hands so a solitaire would look lost on them - unless I had a good few thousand to spend - which I don't! Any help would be appreciated...
  8. Consumers who cannot afford their energy bills are set to receive free vouchers for gas and electricity at so-called ‘fuel banks’. Energy giant Npower is planning to offer millions of pounds worth of free energy to claimants around the country in much the same way food banks give out emergency food parcels or supermarket vouchers. Npower has been working with food bank charity the Trussell Trust on its plans, which could see vouchers equivalent to two weeks’ worth of gas and electricity handed out a maximum of three times a year to those in need. The plans are due to be piloted this summer, Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3045322/After-food-banks-poor-fuel-banks-Labour-hails-Npower-plan-away-20m-gas-electricity-s-gimmick-cover-sky-high-bills-rest-us.html#ixzz3XsJhJIfp
  9. I was in a hurry and genuinely scratched out the wrong number on a parking voucher in error. (I work for the NHS and was ruinning late for an urgent appointment!) I scratched 13:30 instead of 13:00. The fine was issued at 13:15. It was issued in the London borough of Richmond. Any hope of winning an appeal?
  10. I'm going on a train journey on Saturday morning and trying to save money bought a redspottedhanky voucher on amazon which gave me £16 towards a train journey for £8. I've just tried to book and hadn't realised that the voucher is meant to take 72 hours before you can use it. That is about 5 hours AFTER I'm due to travel. I phoned RSH and they said they can't do anything to make it available sooner and it's rare for them to be available sooner. Does anyone have any experience of this company and if there's any likelihood of it being available sooner?
  11. I bought a Groupon voucher to use at a online store before the 25th. On the 24th night I tried to use the voucher to make a purchase and it didn't go through. I can prove that I tried as I set up a new account with that merchant at around 1030pm and the voucher failed at check out. Groupon is now saying that since the voucher is expired they can't do anything about it. It wasn't a big amount, only £20 but the principle is bigger here. How can they give me a voucher that does not work and then say they can't do anything? What are my Legal rights and how should I approach this as a few emails to groupon have confirmed they won't do anything.
  12. In December 2012 my Mum entered a competition on a local radio station. She won a voucher worth £20.00 for a local restaurant and two bottles of wine. Thinking this was a lovely present idea, she then purchased 2 gift vouchers as Christmas presents in 2012 for £20.00 each along with 4 bottles of wine to package 2 in with each voucher. She gave these as christmas presents to myself and my siblings to use with our partners. As you can see in the picture there is no 'Voucher Expiry' date etc. When my brother called to use his in FEBRUARY he was told the restaurant would no longer honour the vouchers due to a manager running off with money(although no change to the actual owners). The restaurant will not honour these now, where do we stand? She paid on her credit card so may be covered by Section 75 however I do not want the restaurant to get away with this! Letter (voucher) image attached. I have also posted this issue on their Facebook site tonight! Family members have suggested ordering our food and then producing the vouchers with payment, if they call the police we have evidence of our vouchers and they will be embarrassed by a scene. Advice appreciated! sorry image is too small, there is no expiry date and no condition of pre-booking.
  13. I purchased a lawn mower on line earlier this year and on line you offered me an opportunity to get £15 off my next purchase. I didnt read it very well but that conned me out of £10 which I was very angry about but now I find I have been paying Completesave £10 a month ever since, now £40. For that reason I WILL NEVER PURCHASE ANOTHER ITEM EVER FROM ARGOS as you miss lead me when I was buying something from you who until then Trusted.
  14. Hi hoping someone can help. I bought a pay & go mobile phone on o2 shop online and part of the deal was a £20 Argos voucher. It took a month and several phone calls to actually get the voucher and then when I tried to spend it I was told by Argos that it was part of a batch which had been re-called by o2 and I'd need a new voucher with a different code. I spoke to customer relations and they said just to use the chat on o2 priority and they could sort it no problem. Long story short this was beginning of December and despite several phone calls and a 3hour online chat on o2 priority I am still no nearer, they just keep sending the email with the same voucher code. Last time I spoke to them, last night they said they had sent a new code but I haven't received it so obviously a lie again. I have had the same one 7 times now. Spoken to customer services again today and they say all they can do is fill in a form to give to the back office, to re-issue which they already did last time, same code again. I pointed this out and they agreed but said that's all they can do. Totally fed up with the issue now, it's the principle of it. Am I right in thinking that as the gift voucher was part of the deal I am within my rights to tell them I want to return the phone for a full refund as it was in my opinion mis- sold, so I can buy it somewhere else. I intend to speak to customer relations again on Monday but want to know my rights before calling them if possible. Hope someone can give me any pointers.
  15. Hello, I have acquired a promotional voucher to enable me to free activiation and a free set top box from BT Vision, As i am already a bt customer i decided to ring BT, They say the voucher is not valid and expired back in 2007, There is no clear expiry date on the voucher, I have made a formal complaint which is being looked into, But they keep referring to the txt on the back of the packet which i will attatch here By jakemuk at 2012-06-07 Can i have some advice on this Thanks
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