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Found 5 results

  1. Hi I just want a quick sanity check before pushing Groupon further. We purchased tickets to a car event that was due to take place last Saturday. The event is clearly listed on their site as 8AM to 8PM. As it was a bit wet last Saturday we waited until it cleared up a bit and arrived at the location around 6pm to find it was closed and everyone had gone. (Further searches suggest it got cancelled about 4pm) I came back and contacted Groupon to ask for a refund, eventually they came back yesterday and said that we could get Groupon credit. Am I being reasonable pushing to get the full amount credited back onto my card? Thanks
  2. Hi everyone Can someone please offer any help on what my rights are regarding a 'like for like' replacement for faulty goods? Does the term 'like for like' even have any legal bearing? I have recently bought a new TV as a treat when moving house. - a 47" Toshiba, 47WL968b. I considered myself lucky when I got it at a discounted rate via Groupon. The price I paid was £699 on 30th April. The retailer lists it on their site as £949. It arrived last week and worked without problems for a day. After that it present a catalogue of faults. The retailer confirmed these since they had other reports of the same. They sent me another of the same model which arrived yesterday. It too has the same faults. So, I've spoken to the retailer again this morning. I've told them that I'll be happy with a like for like replacement - to me meaning an alternative TV of the same size, standard, and spec as the one I bought. They've refused. The model I've pointed out with an identical spec is an LG listed at £999. The retailer says 'like for like' means replacement for a TV they price at £699 - what I paid for mine when it was on sale. I've even said I'll pay the £50 difference, but they're not interested. It's a refund, a TV listed at £699, or they'll arrange an engineer visit (which I think will be worthless since they've said themselves they think it's a firmware issue that might or might not be resolved in the future). Can anyone tell me where I stand here? Am I expecting too much? Or is the retailer supposed to replace my faulty product for one of the same grade? Cheers Mike
  3. I bought a Groupon voucher to use at a online store before the 25th. On the 24th night I tried to use the voucher to make a purchase and it didn't go through. I can prove that I tried as I set up a new account with that merchant at around 1030pm and the voucher failed at check out. Groupon is now saying that since the voucher is expired they can't do anything about it. It wasn't a big amount, only £20 but the principle is bigger here. How can they give me a voucher that does not work and then say they can't do anything? What are my Legal rights and how should I approach this as a few emails to groupon have confirmed they won't do anything.
  4. Hello ! Travel company Clear Sky Holidays increased their price by £25pp. According to them i was too late to make a booking (deadline was 26/10/2012). I did it online on 25/10. I know that according to their form I was not giving them the exact details, but fine print says: "Booking required via Clear Sky Holidays at "web site mentioned which I can`t post according to this forum rules" or by phone: 0844 493 4655." So that means I completed my first step. After a while I received an email: Hi Tom, Thanks for the interest in the offer that we were advertising. If you can contact me on my direct line number 02085111742, so that we can discuss the holiday and book it for you. I would be in the office from 09:00am till 06:00pm you can contact me anytime during these times. Kind Regards Alan Clear Sky Holidays 02085111742. Called them back to a number showed above, but company said that they have to increase a price, because I was too late to make a booking, that was my fault and blamed me. Yes I called them few days after I received an e-mail. I was away. But according to fine print there is a choice: online OR by phone. On the online form there is no mentioning of additional phone call which I have to make in order to "complete booking" (so I though that I have done everything before deadline comes), in e-mail there was no period of time as well. So was it a fair play from their side or am I being ripped off ? Cheers ! Ernie
  5. Hi folks, hoping you can help me with this one. This all started back in November 2011 when we purchased a 3 + 2 furniture combo, link below: https://www.groupon.co.uk/deals/national-deal/cool-furniture/719328 scroll down a bit to see the full details: So a £1600 suite for £579.99 - SORTED! Now, here's where the problem with it is... We have some cats in the house, and our previous suite had some minor scratches (and I do mean minor), no big deal. This one with the bonded-leather which as taken from the sales page link about bonded leather... "Bonded leather (also known as grain corrected leather) contains real leather processed to offer both consistency in colour and grain, as well as extra resilience to wear and tear. Bonded leather is the primary material used in new leather car interiors as it offers both luxury quality and excellent durability." It was damaged when one of our cats had a minor slip. Not major damage, but noticeable if you knew where to look. I queried this with the company cool-furniture and they told me they couldn't say for definite that cats couldn't scratch the leather. So we left it at that. About a month ago (Feb - 4 months after purchase), we noticed that the leftside of the 3 seater had lost all its support and effectively sunk when you sat on it. So yet again I contacted the company and I include their initial response below: "Dear Mr. , Thank you for confirming and this does confirm the springs have become misplaced and this would cause the seat to dip as you have reported. The relevance of the cat scratches is that if we are to replace the item these are classed as damage and would affect the offer we can make to rectify the situation. We can offer one of the following options to settle the issue. 1. Allowance/refund of £19.99 to keep the goods in full and final settlement or to go towards the arrangement for a local repair. 2. Exchange of the 3 seater sofa, but due to the accidental damage on the goods there would be a charge of £50.00. Please confirm by return email which option you wish to select and we can then take the necessary action. Kind regards So we got quotes from two local repair companies for the damage to be repaired. One quote was £160 and the other £145 (both + the VAT). The second guy from a 30+ year established upholsters went as far to say that after looking at the suite it was "****", which didn't fill me with confidence. Now, it doesnt take Einstein to work out that cool-furniture's offer of £19.99 was bordering on insulting, and the £50 surcharge for a replacement was well, confusing to say the least. And even if we did pay the £50, what's to stop it happening again? I understand there is minor cosmetic damage to the suite from the cat scratches BUT. Surely taking the cat scratches out of the equation, this would still go down as a manufacturing fault for the collapsed seat? I spoke with trading standards and they say I need to get a FIRA approved report that will confirm that the materials are defective or the suite was made to substandard levels. But that is £99 + VAT with NO guarantee I will get the outcome I am after. Why is it so hard for consumers to get justice these days? Any advice would be appreciated here guys as I'm sure that trading standards are missing something here... Thanks, Paul.
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