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Found 9 results

  1. Our car was involved in an accident a few years ago to the front of the car. Other party admitted liability and was repaired, that part is all settled and no problem. However during the collection of the car for the repair to be carried out, the recovery vehicle driver had to fit the tow bar on the car (it has no tow hook and was stuck) and was very vigorous in his attempts to put the tow bar in place. On return of the vehicle, it was noticed that there was a hole in the panel above which surrounded the access cover to fit the tow bar. I took photographs and said that the car was not like this before it went to the garage. So the attempts to fit the tow bar resulted in cracking of the panel and subsequent falling off. They agreed to replace the parts. And the car came back with a rear bumper with no holes in. However, now comes my problem, I have had no need to tow anything (I don’t have a car trailer) and the car hasn’t been stuck anywhere necessitating use of the tow bar to pull it out of anywhere. Today I did need to fit the tow bar and cannot because the aperture to put the bar in is partially covered by the new surrounding and it is not possible to open the electrical cover for attachment of a trailer. To use the tow bar now requires the dismantling of part of the bumper which is very difficult and time consuming and so far have not been able to do it. So the part they used is not the right one to use with the tow bar that is on the car and the small access panel is useless to access the tow bar fixings Unfortunately my insurance company says they have limited details of the repair as it went through the other party’s insurance but would have been 5 year warranty (within this time scale) if we had gone through our insurance. I have looked up the repair warranty details and it says 3 years and not within time scale. But this wasn’t part of the accident claim, it was damage the repair company’s driver did to the vehicle, so I am a bit unsure if it has been left too long to claim? I am familiar with small claims procedure. Any ideas? Thank you
  2. Hello, Summary: Recently found out I have a CCJ against me, which was made on the 07 April 2010 after signing up for a popular credit report/expert website and have done some research before deciding what action to take. What I know: The CCJ on 07/04/2010 will be removed from all registries after 6 years, which is only a few months away at this point The amount is for £194 If I pay the CCJ it will be classed as "Satisfied" If I do not pay the CCJ, it may come back to bite me in the proverbial ass in the future What I need to know: If I pay the CCJ, will it still be removed in a few months, or will it start a new countdown of 6 years since the date the CCJ became "Satisfied" What do I need to do (helpful if listed in steps) to resolve this matter without it blowing up in my face? Thank you very much in advance for any assistance provided!
  3. Hi guys been lurking around on the forums for a couple of days using the search function, not sure if this is correct place to make this post so the debts going off my credit report now are (drum roll....) Lowell Telecommunications supplier £1000+ account started 2006 Defaulted 2011 Default every month since 2015 Rang them once or twice going to submit a SAR request under the DPA ------------ Idem Unsecured Loan £3000+ account started 2008 Defaulted 2011 Defaults shows 2 defaults 2016 Rang once or twice going to send a CCA request ------------- Lowell (think it has been moved to another company) Credit Card account start date end of 2007 Defaulted 2011 Defaults every month since 2015 Going to send a CCA request -------- So i was looking at my credit score and there is some old debts on there, i read about defaults being removed after a certain amount of time but if they are defaulting every month it will never end? I have no problem going to court if need's be These are really old debts, i haven't seen a letter from or heard from any DCA's (that i can remember) I can't see how i have a phone bill of £1000+ (they said it was £800+ airtime call charges!) I am willing to fight my corner at all cost's (whats the worst that can happen a CCJ? i get defaults every month i can't even upgrade my bank account from a child account) After a hard time in my life i was homeless (registered with local council etc years ago) Plus i can't remember having these debts! I don't know if this helps me in anyway Has any one got any advice? My main objective here is to get rid of the default's
  4. Hello, Thank you for all the advice here, good place to find help from good people - so I'm hoping I can bother you for some tips please This past friday (17/07), I bought a used but low mileage vehicle from a seemingly reputable dealership. I work for a UK company but contract for a Swiss company and so spend most of my time in another country. I arranged the finance remotely (I could only get finance with a UK company due to UK employer) and there were only really four vehicles on the market at the time that were of interest to me. Aware that I (oddly) have slightly more protection buying by phone/internet these days and given the dealership's reputation, I was happy to go ahead and buy the car based upon the description, chat with sales regarding condition of vehicle etc and that I would pay deposit / finance etc based upon the car being as per description. Possible mistake, I know, simply due to my working conditions I did not have the time to take on lengthy searches/checks/etc... all basic mechanical and history checks were done of course, the car has been covered by main dealer warranty to date without any issues or advisories etc and the mileage is low and general condition of the car is very good for a car that is 5.75 years old (24k miles). To put it simply, I am still quite happy with the condition of the vehicle... but after my first drive at night, it has come to my attention that some things that were on the advertisement of the vehicle are not actually on the vehicle. One, I'm not really bothered about, the other two are significant to me, including one being a selling point of the vehicle for me over some others that were available on the market at the time. The car is supposed to be equipped with cornering headlights, after tonights driving I am sure they are not and having found this, it prompted me to double check the other options on the car to find a couple of other things missing. The car is a late 2009 Porsche Boxster S and I have discovered that the following items, that were detailed clearly and plainly in the description (which I still have a copy of) are not actually options on the vehicle: - Cornering headlights - Heated steering wheel - Sports Chassis Sports Chassis is the one I am most disappointed by, an medium expensive suspension option and a significant selling point for this specific vehicle... had I known that this was not fitted to the vehicle, I would not have purchased the vehicle & would have looked for one with PASM [electronically adjustable suspension] instead... there were three Boxster S cars I was investigating and this was the only one with Sports Chassis option, the other two being PASM... making this my first choice. For the heated steering wheel, admittedly I am not too bothered about this one and to their defense, this option is specified on the build sheet - however it appears as though the heated wheel has been replaced with the sport design wheel which offers a different type of gear shift paddles post-original build... I knew it came with the sport design wheel, but only after discovering the lack of heated wheel did I find out that this specific wheel does not have the heated option and it will have been installed aftermarket. Cornering headlights I would have liked and it's not simply that they are not functioning... they are not installed on the car. I have not yet confronted the dealership about this discrepancy. I wanted to ask for advice on here first before talking with them. I am, genuinely, happy with the majority of the car... the engine and rest of the car are in pristine condition and it's a hoot to drive. I'm not sure of my ideal outcome from this, I quite like the car so would prefer not to reject it, only the mis-advertisement that would have led me to a different (although who knows, potentially worse despite options) purchase are offputting. It would be nice for them to fix this and fit at least the headlights and sports chassis suspension options. It would just be nice for them to honour what they advertised to be sold. Noted: As especially this sport chassis option was so important to me, why did I not thoroughly check this when I collected the car? I did give it a test drive before finalising the paperwork (even though payment in full had been received by the dealership at that time)... unfortunately I had only driven cars equipped with PASM adaptive suspension prior to this vehicle and so the relatively stiff suspension compared to that, lead me to believe there was nothing missing. Cornering headlights (or lack thereof) only truly became apparent at night. Any tips on where I stand please? What can I do? Or do I just suck it up as a lesson learned and check more vigorously next time? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  5. Been dealing with a few folk who have had door step visits from MoorCrap recently. all the debts are pretty hefty amounts, ie over £3000.
  6. Asking on behalf of a relative who does not have the internet bought a 2005 4x4 vehicle 31-10-14 from garage in Derby they delivered it 3-11-14 paid £2,700 for it and was given £300 for his vehicle it came with a months warranty, relative kept hearing a noise 7-10 days after sale he went to a local garage with it on 18-11-14 after keep ringing the garage he bought if from and keep being fobbed off when asking to speak to the manager. Local garage booked car in to have a look at it 24-11-14 and made a report it has a constant light on dash board for the air bag, gear box on its way out flooded with oil, clutch going, brakes faulty/sticking, car differential problems. Whenever relative keeps ringing garage he bought vehicle from he gets fobbed off they told him to bring vehicle back but car is not roadworthy according to local garage that as inspected it. Rang consumer direct they said to keep ringing garage and demand to speak to the manager and tell him want a full refund as they have sold him vehicle that is not fit for purpose and that he does not want a replacement etc relative cannot get this far with only speaking to sales team, not been advised to write to them. Advice what to do to secure a refund and to get garage to come and collect this vehicle, relative now as no vehicle for work and will have to go out this week and buy another vehicle.
  7. MacDonalds/Lidl/Dreams Oxford Road Reading https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p200x200/1391644_10201729133565606_1186692471_n.jpg
  8. On day i got the keys, I had just lterally walked through the door, no furniture or anything moved in or anything and a knock at the door, TV licensing, I explained I had just literally got the keys, and my TV licence was actually registered to my old address, and would arrange a COA when i moved my TV over, you would rather think it was a straight forward task? No!. Because there was an old sat dish outside my property, this was considered 'TV' equipment and should be paid for by a seperate licence? I refused and he gave me a warning, threatened with court blah blah. Surely i was misinformed here?
  9. Hi all, hoping I can get some clarification on my rights as a tenant in regards to mouse infestations. recently noticed there might be a mouse or two in the house after hearing some scurrying along the skirting board in my room. I informed the landlord who also owns the house next door and he said he caught a couple of them and decided to lay a trap. at least 3/4 have been caught so far but upon investigation there seems to be some gaps in the walls/skirting board which I suspect the mice are coming from. I suggested to the landlord could he not fill these in as it would help to prevent them coming in bu he just sort of brushed off the matter and said there would be no point. It would take no more than 10-15mins to fill in. My main worry is I am on the ground floor and the mice seem to be coming into my room, I have bought one of those repellers but I am not sure if its actually bringing them out or not working at all. I've been staying some other place last few days as I dont really want to hear or have any mice running around my room while im sleeping. What rights do i have in this instance? I do know there is some case law regarding rodent infestations but doesnt seem so clear. My housemates are not back until this weekend but I am away on holiday and ideally i would like all of us to have a sit down and discuss what needs to be done and i think the first step is filling in the gaps on the walls. I have been informed that Environmental health could order my landlord to deal with this but on the other hand I have also been told that the Landlord and Tenant Act puts the landlord under an obligation to do this in relation to pests such as mice. Any help would be appreciated as I would like it sorted and the landlord seems nice so far I just like to know my options should he refuse do to anything about it. p.s. Is laying down mouse traps/bait considered reasonable where there may be an infestation? Cheers!
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