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Found 4 results

  1. Hi bit of a strange one, well is too this old Dragon! For some reason recently my mouse pointer keeps vanishing from the screen and it takes awhile for it to reappear again. I have tired a different mouse and that did the same, one was a usb type the other a plug type one and both did the same I have no idea why it does it Thanks Sandy xx
  2. I am helping a friend/client defend a summons from their former business Internet suppliers. Long story short, they were happily using BT for their phones and Internet for many years, until some Mickey Mouse outfit called them and said they could provide everything BT did at a fraction of the price. They foolishly agreed before talking to me and soon came to regret the decision as: 1. The Internet regularly went down for long periods. 2. One fix suggested by the ISP was too disable the fixed IP and change to dynamic. As they use CCTV and Remote Desktop this was not a great solution. 3. Their business was considerably disrupted due to the constant breakdown of the Internet. 4. They constantly contacted the ISP but the Internet continued to fail. 5. They claimed the same problems would be experienced with BT and yet since switching back to BT their Internet has been problem free. They have received a summons today from the ISP saying the last two months invoices remained unpaid, emails go ignored and have now cancelled the service. I believe they think the application will be left unanswered so they could apply for the award and get the bailiffs in, so I would like to get a reply back as soon as possible. They did warn the ISP that they would need to switch ISP unless it was resolved their reply was "you are under contract." They finally cracked and moved back to BT. I have advised them to dispute the claim in full and defend on the above grounds. If a business totally fails to provide a service, can be just walk away, on grounds of breach of contract/non-performance? This is effectively what they were forced to do.
  3. Hi all, hoping I can get some clarification on my rights as a tenant in regards to mouse infestations. recently noticed there might be a mouse or two in the house after hearing some scurrying along the skirting board in my room. I informed the landlord who also owns the house next door and he said he caught a couple of them and decided to lay a trap. at least 3/4 have been caught so far but upon investigation there seems to be some gaps in the walls/skirting board which I suspect the mice are coming from. I suggested to the landlord could he not fill these in as it would help to prevent them coming in bu he just sort of brushed off the matter and said there would be no point. It would take no more than 10-15mins to fill in. My main worry is I am on the ground floor and the mice seem to be coming into my room, I have bought one of those repellers but I am not sure if its actually bringing them out or not working at all. I've been staying some other place last few days as I dont really want to hear or have any mice running around my room while im sleeping. What rights do i have in this instance? I do know there is some case law regarding rodent infestations but doesnt seem so clear. My housemates are not back until this weekend but I am away on holiday and ideally i would like all of us to have a sit down and discuss what needs to be done and i think the first step is filling in the gaps on the walls. I have been informed that Environmental health could order my landlord to deal with this but on the other hand I have also been told that the Landlord and Tenant Act puts the landlord under an obligation to do this in relation to pests such as mice. Any help would be appreciated as I would like it sorted and the landlord seems nice so far I just like to know my options should he refuse do to anything about it. p.s. Is laying down mouse traps/bait considered reasonable where there may be an infestation? Cheers!
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