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Found 9 results

  1. If you are going on Holiday Abroad always check if you need any Immunisation/Medication beforehand for the areas you may be visiting. NHS Choices Travel Vaccinations: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/travel-vaccinations/ Travel Health Pro: https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/countries
  2. About a month ago i received a Court Find in the post for around £350. I sent a letter asking what the fine was for. I got a letter back saying that on 26/03/2015 my car was found not to meet the insurance requirements. I have had the same insurance company since at least 2014 and it renews automatically every year since. I even phoned my insurance company and checked with them the exact date in question and they confirmed that my car was insured on that date. The letter said they are holding off on the fine until the 10th of June to give me time to contact them on the Phone number on the letter. i called them and they simply told me i have to contact the court direct that the Hearing took place. The next problem is i cant find any contact details on the internet for the Court which is the West Hertfordshire Magistrates Court. Any advice of what i can do to sort this issue would be great help i am now really stuck and really don't want to pay a fine for some thing i should have never been given in the first place. Thanks
  3. They used to be Blemain, now are 'Together'. I am always behind with my mortgage. I am on a very low self employed income and it is erratic. So always end up having to pay three or four months arrears when they threaten me with an eviction. They have an court order due to persistent late payments. My circumstances have changed since I lived at the house...my gf who is also on the Deeds split up. She pays the mortgage, I pay the second mortgage with Together which is about £500 a month. I can never do one of those things with income and outgoings because is so erratic and I dont even live there. But I pay it every few months when I can so she doesn't lose her home, and at some point maybe we can sell it. But, because of all the charges and extra interest etc the amount I owe after paying it for about 10 years is about £10k more than I borrowed! Yet am Paying £6k a year! Total amount is about £60k and its a high interest rate because that is all I could get at the time. So virtually everything I earn bar about £100 a week pays that. And as I only get money erratically and then £2-3k every three months or so on average, I can never get in front just keep paying off the arrears and my living and some debts. So I am very depressed about it and cant see a way forward, except that one day we may be able to sell it. But there is no equity in it atm, and I am losing £6k a year really while the market is stagnant and yet actually reducing nothing its gone up over £10k. Problems started when the banks called my business o/d and loan in as then I had no way of budgeting to cope with the erratic income. I am effectively homeless, and cant even get tax credits because of my circumstances, and living between a few sets of friends and a new girlfriend. She has a tiny flat so I cant store anything there, and cant stay at all when her son is there...no room to swing a cat. All my stuff is with friends in my 'rooms' there, and I have nowhere to sit and do my books which are a few years behind and no doubt I am being chased for that too on money I haven't earned but fines for late books. I am in a total mess and cant see what to do. What can I do? Are these charges even legal? I am told they are not? I want to sort this out first as it will be one thing off my mind if I can stop them doing that. Then I have to face the HMRC and explain why I haven't done my books for several years afterwards.
  4. I have been waiting a couple of months for a migration from one energy supplier to another to be completed and get my final bill but I kept getting the same lame assurances that it will happen soon, could be aonther month etc. I found out that my old supplier, Greenstar, hadnt been given the electricity final reading so I got on to the new supplier, who assured me it had been forwarded. I found out that the numbers are passed through various middle men first and then put on a database where the oldco can look at it. Well, guess what? A company called SMS (smart metering systems) based in Cardiff hadnt forwarded the reading given to them so they werent on the database. When I compained to them about their inability to do their job they said that it was a data flow problem insinuating that it was a computer glitch. What they meant is they forgot to do it. These third parties get paid handsomely for basically doing nothing and there is a chain of them involved, not just one. No wonder this country looks like it is struggling, we create methods of cocking things up that others simply couldnt comprehend.
  5. Hi Every time I read about Single Premium PPI, I am always told that most financial institution will add the cost of the policy to the principle loan and pass both amounts to the borrower as said loan as per the credit agreement. If most do that, what do the others do? I ask as my partner a had Single Premium Policy which was deemed mis-sold however she never actually received the cost of the premium ie the premium was not added to the principle loan and deposited in her current account, although the cost of the Single Premium was added to the loan account to be repaid, which she did. I think she was swindled but she says it is not the case. Can anybody advise regarding my question above? Thanks!
  6. every fortnight i sign on. but inbetween them times ,my coach rings me at random times asking how im getting on . im nearley 60 yrs old.and am getting sick of her ringing me.asking stupid questions 'about what ive been doing to find work. i told her as in nearley 60 it puts employers off she disagrees and says age as nothing to do with it. does any one else get harrased by there job coach.
  7. with the growing popularity of the new sheriffs tv show and the fact that often people who have been screwed over have no one else to turn other than the bailiffs and the sheriffs, My question is are the bailiffs and sheriffs always the bad guys? For instance you win a judgement and a sheriff operates for you. or youve been a victim of crime and the bailiff goes out to get your compensation that youre rightly entitled to. Is every bailiff and sheriff in the wrong from the outset?
  8. To keep it brief. I had a secured loan of £5000 that I took out in 2006 with the ever delightful Blemain. Many crazy things happened to me over the course of the loan and I did fall into arrears on occasions and did have to go to court once for repossession but the contractual amount that I was scheduled to pay on the loan has all been paid back now. It was £7520, all done and dusted last October. After I finished paying the loan Blemain sent me a letter telling me that I still owed them another £7000 (not unexpected) but the nice thing was there was a "goodwill gesture" of £1500 deducted from the balance and now I only owe them £5500, which was nice! I did ring them and I complained about their fees etc and they put me through their internal complaints procedure and they have gotten back to me and they have found numerous errors in my account and have identified £1200 of excessive charges so they have taken them off my account... ..... but hilariously they have deducted it from the "goodwill gesture". I intend to fight the remaining charges on the account, and put up a good fight too with these bas#ards, don't know if I am in the same league as Welshperson but then who is, but I'll try. What I really want to know is now I have finished paying my contracted loan amount what recourse do Blemain have to collect the money they say they are owed. Can they repossess my house still, I think they may still have a suspended possession order or do they have to go down the more usual debt collection route, CCJ, bankruptcy etc. I have looked all over these forums and others but I cannot find the answer. I have paid the loan so I cannot be in arrears, they say they I owe them further money but that is in dispute, this is not a delinquent account just one in dispute. Any help would be much appreciated. It would just be nice to know what threat they can use to get the money out of me while I fight them.
  9. These everyone seems to want to sue everyone else for minor injuries just to get some cash. But if the NHS done something minor, but a company told you to sue, would you? For instance, you are in hospital and they leave the drip on high into your hand and it swells up twice the size. It's very painful, and the staff don't seem to be bothered and just leave you. Hours later the shift changes and the first nurse in quickly turns the drip off. It then takes over 24hrs for the swelling and pain to go away. Now some people may try and sue for that and would probably get a few hundred quid, however I wouldn't even think about it. It would be another matter if I'd lost the hand , but it was only a 24hr issue and mistakes are made. I look at suing the NHS as taking away treatment from someone else, and so would only use it as an option in the most serious of cases. What do you think?
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