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  1. HI I sent CCA to Lowells for 3 different accounts. I had no response this was in 2014. I have now received pre-legal assessment letters. I have kept the post office recipts as I sent recoreded with 1 pound postal order. I also sent to Bryan Carter as well. (he respoded was on hold until could get info) never heard back from any of the creditors until now??? How do I prove I sent CCA if it goes to court? and do I need to send another CCA as its been 2 years?? Any help thanks
  2. I am the owner of a car and my wife the driver. On 31/03/15 my wife met her friend on for a meal one evening and parked side by side with her on what they thought was a free car parking space at the side of the Croma Italian restaurant in Prestwich , Manchester. neither of them saw any signage and plus it was about 7:30pm in the evenings wasn't expecting to pay parking. Apparently there were signs according to excel? After now numerous letters from excel parking, zenith, rossendale (all ignored). We have a letter from BW legal - a final notice saying that as i have ignored the last letter offering a discount of £80 they now have been instructed to commence proceedings in county court if i do not pay with 10 days of the letter date . The letter is dated 9th may 2016 and I received it on the 14th may. The letter states i have to pay £54 excel costs plus £100 fine. - Remember i am not the driver (I'm the owner). I have never corresponded to parking charges before and they always stop after a year or so but these seem more "legal" and possibly I'm now entering a reality whereby they will take court action? Q. has anyone had this "final notice" letter and when or how did you deal with it?
  3. I had been with Natwest for 22 years and had a black account with the Gold Advantage Charge card. I was advised to become a company as I would be delivering a service through several agencies. Unfortunately, due to exceptional circumstances and include a bad personal relationship left me in debt and I am about £8 -9k in mortgage arrears on a house I rent out and a personal overdraft that was £12k. In 6 months that OD was cleared and both business and personal accounts were in the black. The difficulty in meeting the mortgage department for an arrangement to be put in place was mainly because this period was over the summer, they would meet with me after 5pm and if I called at 4.45 they would not deal with me. I sent in 2 income/expenditure spreadsheets but they clearly didnt see them but I managed to set up a DD for the mortgage online and I met the deadline. That evening all three of my accounts were closed. I called the callcentre and they said they didnt have me on record. I tried to log a complaint and they were too busy on the Friday but promised they would be in touch the next day. They never did. As a prelude they stopped my access to online banking even though there was no way of spending money or transferring out into other accounts so it made knowing where I was financially and who had paid me and hadnt. The worst thing is that I couldnt operate, I need supplies, sundries and I was without any money to buy food or even some milk. I told Natwest this but they told me all my funds were transferred into the mortgage. It took a further 3 months to work out what had happened and the cause was not offered to me by the bank whose level of investigation was looking at the screen in front of them whilst on the phone. They hadnt cancelled the previous direct debit so every month the original arrangement would draw funds then the older previously arranged dd would be rejected. This was recorded as a default. I tried to make it clear to them there was an arrangement in place, it utilised a payment system set up and approved by the bank and it was their job to find out where the money was disappearing to every month for three months instead they left it to me. I complained about being oushed further into hardship by continued charges I had no way of keeping track of as the online facility had been taken away four months before they closed me down, failed to log 6 out of 8 attempts to complain and didnt care that I had not a penny for two weeks. They tried to issue a repossesion order and I wrote in to the lawyer to say that was illegal as the account was under dispute. In the meantime, I asked for SAR to get all the account information and after three months all I have is mortgage account copies. The lawyers are now calling me and I am sure its about instructing me to pay the arrears within the week or they would issue a repossession order on the house. They cancelled the direct debit that existed so I was conscious to keep puttting funds in every month but trying to function without a bank account lost me more money and irretrievably lost more clients. I am expecting a lump sum of money that will clear the arrears but the knock on effect meant that I was late paying my suppliers and one has taken a county court judgement out against me and bankruptcy is where I am at if I dont have some means of a reprieve. Yes, they said that if i didnt have an arrangement in place my account woud be closed and they talked about recovery. Sounded to me it was going to get better! The arrears werent as much as my overdraft which i cleared in less than 6 months and they had said the the charge card was a different legal entity and when I called the credit card company customer services before they closed my accounts they said that there wasnt any money owed and that it would be fully operational once the mortgage arrangement was in place. That wasn't true and I also lost my 36,000 reward points as I had no online access and frankly more serious things to worry about. i cant really afford a litigation lawyer at the moment and have little faith in the FSA from what I am reading. The banks replies to my complaints are to issues that weren't raised and they have not taken notice of my plea to allow me access to funds I had to eat and drink. I was not notified clearly that every account would be closed down and as far as I am concerned there was an arrangement in place that obviously isnt integrated into the RBS network as they couldn't see that the money had been taken from the holding account and HSBC provided a fast pay reference number. You cannot open another bank account if you have mortgage arrears is what every other bank told me but once I called the Business Debtline they advised me to walk into a bank and ask to open an account. Why didnt the other banks suggest this to me? A week after submitting an application form for a Cashminder account with the coop was i able to restart rebuiding what Natwest pulled down.
  4. Hi everyone this is my first post here so ill start at the beginning, when i was younger i had several loans from natwest and one rolled into a bigger loan several times over the years, after contact rbs they said i had 5 accounts with them and that so far they had one loan of £4.5 with an offer of £170 (like 4%) , then another account was 10k with £1900 offered (19%), then an £11k one still awaiting an offer , then an 18k one still awaiting offer. the last one was £1700 loan with no ppi so no offer. Heres where it gets interesting i was sold the ppi as you had to have it to get a loan with them and that in the event you were off work it would pay your loan until it finished or you went back to work , this however turned out to be false as i found out when i had a back injury was off work and the ppi ran out after a year leaving me with a loan to cover whilst not working which lead me to going bankrupt, being bankrupt then made it difficult to find work ( no banking industry ) and even when i ended up working for an insurer the highest level i could be employed at was the job i had at £21k pa, the next job up was £36k (which is what i should of been doing) so i lost out on 15k per year when i went back to work. Now i see that as some sort of damage (expectant measure, reliant measure, liquidated damages or professional negligence .) so in effect from me returning to work in 2009 (bankruptcy 2008) that until 2014 this was being held against me in terms of jobs and salary. Could i claim 5 years at £15k a year loss? Now that the bankruptcy is discharged will any payment from them go to me or insolvency people? My next step will be to SAR them before accepting any offers they have made or will make. is there any time frame for the SAR to be carried out by them? and how long do you have to accept an offer. thanks for your help
  5. I had driving offence just before Christmas 2014,, was fined by magistrates court amount £500.00 .. I am on benefits ,spoke to clerk of the court on phone requesting £20.00 per week on payment card ,, made 3 payments on card , benefits were taken unlawfully from bank account , had no money to feed daughter or pay bills for 2 weeks ,unable to continue to pay off fine on card. I received an enforcement notice from excel civil enforcement dated 18/02/2015 asking me to contact them before the 28.02/2015, ,,i am on benefits ,I am 30 yrs old benefits each week amount to £110.00 per week , I am a single parent . I rang excel on the 26th of February ,,they told me that the minimum I could pay was £35.00 per week ,despite me informing her I could not afford that much , she said I would have to make 12payments of £35.00 and one single payment of £20.00., ,despite my protests and telling her numerous times I could not afford that amount out of my weekly benefit amount of £110.00 per week shewas insistent that they would not accept anything else , I made an arrangement for the amount of £35.00 per week to be direct debited from my bank account . I made a £20.00 payment , ,but before any of the direct debits could be taken ,my benefit money was unlawfully taken from my account which left me with £4.82 p to live on ..in the meantime ,I contacted the police about money being removed from my account , ,they gave me a crime number ,,I was borrowing money from family land friends for basics ,food ,gas and electric ,dinner money for my 8 year old daughter ,this morning ,27 th March ,,excel bailiffs knocked on my door at 6.30 a.m ,,intending to remove goods ,informed me that he was recording and filming all conversations and what was happening . I asked him If I could call the court office when it opened at 9 oclock to tryand arrange a payment and explain the situation of all monies being taken from my account unlawfully also asked the bailiffif he would be prepared to do the same thing arrange payments ,,he said no ,he was there to take the payment in fll ,which amounted to original £470.00plus the compliance fee £55.00 ,plus enforcement fee of £235.00,,. ..told me that if I didn,t pay him the full amount he would get a warrant immediately to remove the goods ,,told him that they were on hp ,he said he would take the only settee I had ,it would be sold for next to nothing and that he would come back for more ,,I tried to make a payment arrangement with him numerous times but he declined each time and stated that only full payment would be accepted he was not prepared to come to any payment arrangement of any kind and that it would be a waste of time ringing the magistrates courts as that they were the ones that had sent him,as he knows what they would say , ,and they woud not be prepared to come to any arrangement as they would only tell me exactly what he had told me i.e. payment in full as he knows how they work .I asked my friend over the phone to pay £301 on his debit card ,I had to pay £100.00 out of my rent money ,then contacted my father over phone who said he would pay the remaining amount £360.00, ,I asked him if he could go to my fathers to fetchthe 360 ,then wait until 9 a.m.for me to contact the court office to speak to them and try to make other payment arrangments and after he picked the money up from my father he could cme back to me to find out what the court had said ,but he said no ,as his vehicle was tracked ..I had to telephone my friend again ,who was in work ,who offered a part payment of £300.00 and then would he come to an arrangement with my self to pay the remaining balance in instalments I could afford ,but the bailiff said a firm no !!..payment mustbe made in full today. .Now I have no money for rent ,for food ,for gas for electric etc;; ..despite me informing the bailiff , I have his name ,of my situation and that my 8 year old daughter was upstairs who would go hungry and cold ..after payments were made by my friend and father ,,he then wroteout on a form a controlled goods agreements ,,Ido not understand why he handed methis controlledgoods form and made me sign it after thedebt had been paid in full ,I am destitute ..please help
  6. Hi all, first off, sorry if this is posted elsewhere. I could only find old posts, posts relating to, but not quite this question. I had an HP loan back in early 2000. Satander (Wagon finance) recently rejected my claim, saying basically: 'it was over 6 years ago, and since you have no paperwork - sod off'. (or words to that affect) Is there anything I can do? Thanks in advance David
  7. hi just a quick query i had a mortgage with gmac-rfc the house was repossessed in 2003 the shortfall was 32k as i understand it the debt has been sold to a dc i have not acknowledged debt my questions are. 1; is this debt now unsecured? 2; is it enforceable if it is unsecured? 3; can i send off a cca or sb letter? 4; can they put a judgement against me or nick money from my wages ? its taken me yrs to get back on track and i dont want this messing it all up. thankyou for your help any advice would be appreciated
  8. Cant believe WF have done this, I cancelled the DD last month and have received a letter advising me of my new payment details. they have re set up my DD without asking for my bank details or permission, they have used the details they have on their records. How very naughty of them!
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