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Found 11 results

  1. Two days ago I bought a freeview box from Littlewoods but after plugging it in and having a look, it is completely unsuitable, I can't even read the channels in the guide. Can I return this and cancel the order please or will it be refused because I plugged it in ?
  2. 3 weeks ago I asked for a redemption statement so I could repay my mortgage. The first statement that sent included £195 final repayment charge an interest payment that I couldn't understand how it had been calculated and a monthly payment that had not been credited to the account. I questioned these and was told that Id agreed to the final repayment charge when I took out the mortgage and the interest payment was calculated pursuant to terms id agreed. The next redemption statement was correct save for the interest Of £84 and the £195 fee. I took issue with this again but got no where. I rang the FOS and they contacted Barclays and registered a complaint. Ive just spoken with their complaints dept and they now acknowledge that my mortgage offer did not include a repayment charge and they have failed to justify the £84 interest they've debited and are now saying the two redemption statements were just for illustration purposes. I accused them of Fraud pursuant to section 2 Fraud Act 2006. I await their next response. Naughty, naughty. Regards
  3. Hey! I joined Lifestyle Fitness on the 08/07/2014. When Harlands debited my account on the 08/08/2014, I was unfortunately short of money this day and the direct debit was returned. Unaware I received a letter from Harlands days later notifying me that the payment had not gone through and that I would incur a fee on top of the £17.99 direct debit, which I was more than happy to pay for my own recklessness. Unfortunately on the 21/08/2014 Harlands made a direct debit of £30.49 and on this occasion I was short by a couple of pence and my direct debit was returned yet again. I realised immediately and was very embarrassed to find out that this had happened a second time! I contacted Harlands to apologise and ask if it would be possible to arrange for the money to be taken out again. The woman who I spoke to on the phone was very polite, understanding and reassured me that it was fine because I contacted her straight away. I received no more letters from Harlands during September or October. As far as I was concerned money was in the bank and direct debits where set up to come out of my account as they where arranged to be. However, on the 27/10/2014 I received a letter from CRS explaining that my membership remains in arrears despite previous letters being sent to me. I have not received any letters from CRS it came as a total shock when this letter came notifying me that my account balance was an astonishing £320.13. Confused, I decided to contact CRS on the 28/10/2014. The man who I spoke to was extremely patronising and condescending. He assured me that it was my fault, despite the fact that I had spoken to somebody at Harlands and had arranged for them to debit my account again. I want to continue my gym membership. It is a 12 month contract, I have only paid for 1 month so far! I want to reinstate my direct debit and pay Lifestyle Fitness back for the months that haven’t been debited from my account. The man on the phone explained that I could either pay them £320.13 and be free from my gym contract and that I could set up a payment plan that incurred more fees. £2.50 charge every time I make a payment. Total nonsense. I explained I didn't want to leave the gym and he said that it would cost me £44 per month instead of £17.99 per month. Again total nonsense. I am appalled at how quick CRS have been to add their admin charges without warning! When I explained to the man over the phone that I hadn’t received any letters previous to the one I received on the 29/10/2014, he told me that it didn’t matter if I wasn’t notified anyway and that I still had to pay the fee because it was my fault. I found this obnoxious, rude and pretty unfair seeing as though I had actually made an effort immediately having realised payment hadn’t went through and was mislead into thinking that another direct debit had been set up. I have decided not to discuss anything further over the phone and I have written out a letter explaining this that I will send by recorded delivery to both Lifestyle Fitness and CRS/Harlands or whatever they decide to call themselves tomorrow. Just wondering if anyone has any advice they can give me I'm only 21 and I've never really dealt with anything like this before! Thanks Roxanna
  4. Hi i purchased my car back in november 2013. i did the relivant checks on the car. hpi text check out, paid extra for outstanding finance. when this morning i was woken at 7.30 to be told that my car has been clamped and the office opens at 8m for me to make payment. i thought i was still in a sate of sleep as i had no clue what he was rambling on about. he said yer green light credit. you got a loan agaisnt you car. i told him in no uncertain terms where to go and he was having none of it. dressed like he was about to take his next tour of iraq. stab proof vest the lot. i made my way round to the garages to where my car was parked in front of my garage. car was clamped and tow truck was there. he was asking me for my keys the whole time. trying to itimdate me. maybe he has some affect on other people when he prays on the unexpected or vulnerable, im 6ft7 and the best part of 18 stone. he seemed to back off very quickly once i started to get the ump a bit anyway i jumped in my car, locked the doors. phoned 101 and asked if i could be removed by the police or was breaching the peace or commiting some crime, they told me its nothing to do with them. they will only come out if a breach of the peace was to take place. as its a civil matter. so i then found out by making a few calls he was working for a company called varooma. and a log book loan had been taken out 2 weeks before i bought the car. now i got the v5 when i bought the car. the full document. and i have since received one in my name presumably thats how they found out where the car was registered to. they said there is nothing we can do, pay up or the recovery agents there will take you car. i said they will have a good job when im in it. chap knocked on my window and said are you getting out. i was just playing games on my phone at this point and ignored him he was on the phone for about 20 minutes. come over and said im not doing this **** all day and then proceeded to take the clamp off. Said that he had put a anpr marker on my car. (by him saying this, he must have thought i was born in a cave in a remote island off the west coast of nowhere yesterday and has just been introduced to civilization) even thought i knew the only people who could enter details onto the police national computer i phoned my soliciter who informed me he was talking out of his rear exit. and for my own peace of mind, phoned the police back who also confirmed, that a 3rd party having access to or being able to request details put onto the system, is completly untrue and also a load of erm rubbish so my question is now, as obvisouly my car is not safe, and my garage is about 6 inches to small to get the car in, what do i do, who do i go to i have phoned the high court after googled and finding information about a bill of sale, but thats £45 and 7-10 working days away. do i stand anywhere legally because i was not the person who took the debt out. there is no point going back to him because he is in the other end of the country and will deny it all day long, just a waste of time in that avenue.
  5. JC decided i should sign weekly. I was meant to sign and see advisor but there was a mistake (surprise surprise) and i signed on with a lady who was clearly narked she had to fit me in between appointments. She told me i would have to go twice to the JC next week, i immediately informed her it was Eid (muslim version of xmas) and she said - 'i know but you still have to attend'. Wonderful as they screwed it up. Thankfully my new advisor turned out to be muslim and be booked off so she had to make an appointment the following week. But really - can they legally do this to people? is it not against human rights or something???
  6. I have been looking at grants available for the self-employed. Just wondering if anybody has been successful and received a grant or government business loan.
  7. VFR flight-planning and navigation software: http://www.skydemon.aero/ Get an Ipad, load it in.
  8. Anyone tried ultrasonic lipo suction? I just wondered if they had and if it worked for them? Just i'm thinking too..£39 for 4 sessions and apparently it's meant to kill your fat cells from an area they target. It does say a good diet is needed next too it.
  9. I have just had an a bailiff from Rossendales round who wanted to seize a vehicle on my drive. The vehicle is a 11 year old vauxhall Astra with body damage, no tax and SORN'd. Maybe worth about 200 quid if lucky. The Notice of Distress merely describes the car and puts the fees as: Client debt and costs outstanding: 415.31 Walking Possession: 38.00 Other: 130.00 I called the police as I did not feel safe and they suggested paying the bailiff £300.00 which I did and he wants the balance on Friday. He also wants to make an arrangement for £100.00 a month after. I have already been paying £100.00 a month directly to the Council who whilst did not confirm the arragngement but accepted the money each month. This was on top of the regular payment which is made on time. The bailiff said that he would charge £70.00 for a further 20 mins waiting told him that was rubbish. Cops came along and sided with the bailiff, the police had no idea on bailiff law and I quoted national standards on vulnerability because I am unemployed and my mum is disabled. He just said that if I did not pay the council tax to the bailiff then I would go to prison for three months. I knew he was talking rubbish because I have been paying it, but did not want to aggravate the situation further. I rang the council who said that I had to pay the bailiffs and told them I was unemployed and mum was disabled, they refused to recall the balances from rossendales and insist I have to pay them. Questions are do I have to pay the fees that the bailiff has charged? What legislation can I use against the council to force them to take the balance back from them? Should I complain about the police who attended as they did not remain impartial, they said they were there to prevent a breach of the peace?
  10. Hi everyone, i hope you can help. I purchased a Samsung TV from comet on 23.02.11. It has developed a fault where the volume goes up and down and switches channels automatically. I've searched Google and I'm not the only one, it seems a fairly common Samsung fault. I went to see the store on 16.08.12 ( year and half after purchase date) and they wanted nothing to do with it. The manager wouldn't even pass on the letter I'd taken in with me, just point blank refused to take it. He said my claim is with Samsung and nothing to do with them. I've written to Hugh Harvey explaining the details and quoting SOGA stating that a TV should be expected to last longer than 18months. Their reply was simply, i can have it inspected for £70 and IF they deem it a manufacturing fault, they'll help out with a discounted repair! Now firstly I'm not sure what they are going to class as a manufacturing fault and this sounds very wooly. And secondly, surely if the TV is faulty, shouldn't it be repaired or replaced FOC? I was going to write back and quote the EU 2 year legislation but after reading on here it doesn't seem worth it as SOGA is deemed to overrule it? What are my options now? I don't want to loose another £70 on their inspection if I'm still going to have to pay to have it fixed. Oh and it was paid with a debit card so no claim there any help much appreciated thanks
  11. I moved into this private property, a single room on 21st March 2012 where I paid one months rent of £240 and £80 for a deposit on a three month agreed tenancy. All bills were included and with the following two payments for rent after that I paid £80 each time to pay a full deposit of £240. My contract having ended three months later I explained to the landlord I will stay another two months which has now turned unto three months until 21st August 2012. I have signed no new paperwork and was simply told to change the date on my original contract which I assume he has done so, however, I have not signed anything to state the new months I had stayed. I have just checked the three deposit schemes and can find no record of my deposit in any scheme and I have contacted asking him about this to no avail. I moved into a small room due to desperate measures of a bad ending to my engagement where the room was a complete mess, mold all over the walls, carpet had stains, mattress was in bad condition and the double socket was broken all to which I had informed the landlord but he never done anything about it. I replaced the double socket myself having been in the building trade to which he agreed to remove the cost from my rent. I have since moved into a free room downstairs which is £325 and as I have not been paid yet have not paid my rent due on 21st July 2012. I originally had pictures of the state of the room but having my phone break I lost the images so cannot prove it was in that state when moving in. My rent at times had been late however had fully been paid up to date apart from the one due for 21st July - 21st August. Furthermost, the landlord fails to repair things or when he does it is weeks later, the shower has leaked for months and after his many failed attempts at repairing it another tenant did it with a slight leak still. He had informed me on repairing the issue in my old room but never did forcing me to move to the room downstairs for the final month. Finally unless showing someone around the house there has been several times when other tenants in the shared house has felt threatened when the landlord called them out for lieing which I know they never did as it was the landlord who signed the tenancy payments himself, he comes into the house whenever he feels like it without notice or does maintenance on other rooms to rent out without notice at all and we constantly feel pressured by his behaviour. Any advice would be welcome on what to do about the rent (will be paid up to date next week when I get paid) and about the deposit and me not signing an updated contract and the other issues. Thanks!
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