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Found 18 results

  1. Hi Car was parked on double yellow lines - ticket inspector observed car from 1.02pm - 1.02pm gave a ticket 01 Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours - one picture of the front of the car was taken at 1.02 another was taken at 1.04 when I got into the vehicle to drive off. (I was definitely there by 1.03. what's the best way of appealing this? technically its parked on double yellows - not on a restricted street during prescribed hours as there are no prescribed hours on double yellows? thank you for all the help in advance
  2. Hey guys, I just received a parking notice, the observation time is 10:19 to 10:27. I went and saw the same cars which were parked right next to me, and they didn't receive a parking ticket, but I did? I'm not sure how this has happened, it was a single yellow line, with no time restriction sign anywhere. Please help. Thank you in advance, if there is more information required from please let me know Cheers. Hope you aren't having a bad day as myself.
  3. Received this pcn today for driving in a street during restricted hours. This is a fairly new restriction that I had no idea about. The only warning is on a sign above the bus lane on the main road that the restricted street is at a right angle to. As my focus was on the oncoming traffic and the junction itself, I didn't notice the new sign. As it is,I have never seen a restricted street displaying this kind of sign. Do I have any grounds for appeal?
  4. Hey guys, Looking for a bit of help. Got this parking ticket while dropping my daughters medicine off to nursery. I was literally in and out. I have checked the signs and road markings, I don't think I have grounds to appeal on those. My only saving grace might be the fact that the ticket was issued at 9.50 am and it was observed from 9.50 to 9.50. I know some councils have an observation period but I couldn't find anything relating to this on Havering councils website. I found some in Camden council (3 minutes) and Brighton council (5 minutes). Could anyone give me some advice whether I have any grounds to appeal this? Many thanks, Bogyo79
  5. Hi everyone Myself, brother and sister recently parked outside a parking facility for apartments at 12:07 on Monday 30/05/2016. We came back to the car at 13:34 to see a PCN from Salford City Council on the window. I took pictures so I could give more detail to were she was parked to see if she really has to pay. Please let me know if anything can be done. http://docdro.id/1ED7Zpn Thanks Andrew
  6. Hello, Probably as most of the people here I feel like I've been heavily fined for minor offence. As mentioned in the Title I'd been issued a PCN for 'Parking on a restricted bus stop/stand'. The most important question for me now is whether I should pay full amount (£154) or take it to the court. I don't know if I have the case here and whether it is worth risking for that kind of money. Also the way I dealt with it up to now was probably not too good and on top of it I'm not British which makes it even more difficult for me to understand all these legal procedures. here is the story: 1. On 02/04/2015, 22:15 at Doncaster airport I stopped in the bus bay. It's located just outside the fenced carpark but apparently is still within airport premises. I guess it might have been ca.30s and to be honest I don't remember why I stopped. As I had a kid with me and just picked up my parents from the airport it might have been some safety issue (not fastened seatbelts) or just simply to set the sat nav. I'm not from the area and didn't exactly know which way to go meaning I had to stop somewhere and that bay seemed to be the safest place there. 2. I received a PCN on 20/05/2015 with a £60 discounted rate. 3. I appealed (in my own way, not too professional and legal manner - unfortunately I confirmed in my letter that I did stop in that bay and tried to explain the circumstances.) and obviously it was rejected on 06/06/2015 having found no extenuating circumstances. Still could have paid £60 but decided to appeal to IAS as suggested in the letter. 4. I went to IAS webpage but there was no option suitable to my case so I just left it. 5. I've received a letter on 13/04/2016 from VCS that the case had been moved to legal department: BW Legal and should pay the outstanding balance (£154) or it will be taken to Court They threaten me with CCJ, affecting my credit score and employability. Any suggestions welcomed. Personally I'm leaning towards paying the penalty and getting it off my head. £154 is not a fortune.
  7. Hi guys, after some advise on a PCN I got about 6 weeks ago, and have finally received the rejection of my unofficial appeal today. PCN is issued by Lincolnshire county council, code 01 - parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours [ATTACH=CONFIG]58643[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]58644[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]58645[/ATTACH] Attached are the pictures of my car parked in the exact spot that i got the ticket (same day and I didnt move it) Basically, our house is to the right out of shot in the picure and we dont have a driveway. The road directly outside our house has 2 hour parking restrictions, so we cant park there. We have an agreement with the family run funeral directors (premises shown behind the black gates to the left) that we can park in their unused permanently gated entrance. This has been the case since we moved in 3 years ago, and I havent ever got a ticket, until 6 weeks ago. I challenged the ticket immediately on the grounds that I was parked on private property with the property owner's permission. Received a letter rejecting my appeal, but if I provided a statement from the landowner saying I had permission, then they would reconsider. I'm fully aware that double yellow restrictions are valid from the centre of the street to the road edge, across any pavement or verge on public property up to the boundary. The crux of the argument I can see is what is classed as the boundary, and where does that lie? I'm of the opinion, and so is the funeral director that their lander ownership is a straight line across the mouth of the gate, from where the wooden fence stops, and then the metal fence starts. All the land behind both fences are owned by them. Surely this is classed as the boundary and therefore the double yellow line restriction stop there? Any advice on what to next would be greatly apprecialted
  8. I parked in a council car park a couple of weeks ago and got a ticket, at first I couldnt understand why as I thought I had parked in a disabled bay which I am allowed to do. Someone was already in that space and they left and I reversed straight into the bay. However it turned out to be a restricted area, but looked like a disabled bay as it was situated on the end of the row of disabled bay parking spaces. I parked over where it said 'keep clear' so had no knowledge until I got the PCN that it was restricted. There were no other signs. I understand I was in the wrong, however if I didnt see the 'keep clear' signs under my car as I had no idea that it was restricted, surely they should have signs on the wall to make it clearer. I certainly would not have parked there otherwise. I have appealed it, but the onus is on me to check. Was their response. I happened to be in a rush and didnt think about looking under my car to see if I was parked correctly. who does in a car park. As i said a car was already parked there so didnt see the 'keep clear' sign. I just want to know, please, do the council have to have other signs, say on the wall to state that the area is restricted, it was marked out in yellow just like the other disabled bays. Im quite happy to pay it but if its a technicality that I dont have to pay Im all for that, I cant really afford to pay it if you get what I mean. Cheers guys
  9. Hi, I have been issued a PCN for parking on a street round the corner from my home on Thursday while I went to pick up my lunch. (See photos below). The place I am parked previously used to have a yellow line all the way across the gate, now there are terminations to the single yellow either side of the gate. There is no sign on the gate saying parking is not allowed there. On what grounds have I been issued the PCN? How, as a motorist, am I to recognise this as a place where parking is not allowed? I assume it is to do with the dropped kerb perhaps? I have emailed the council asking and got the statement: "Yellow lines are enforceable from the centre of the carriageway to the back of the footway/start of the private land, any pavement, grass verses etc being classed as part of the public highway". I don't understand how this statement relates to where I was parked. Regards, Chris [ATTACH=CONFIG]56317[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]56318[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]56319[/ATTACH]
  10. Hi all, I can always rely on you guys for advice I'm certain this will be straight forward, but I thought I would ask here just in case. I have recieved a PCN and the reason for this was "Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours (01)". This was on Friday at 20:46, in Portsmouth. There was a PVC sleeve over the meters and a notice on it stated "NO WAITING BETWEEN 0800AM TO 0500PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY" (I have pictures of it right next to my car). So I assumed I'm safe to park as it was outside those times. Before I challenge it I wanted to ask your advice, although like I said it's probably as simple as stating the facts? Thanks in advance
  11. Hi all, I work at a local hospital and got myself a motorcycle to commute. iv been using the hospital bike shed for years with its code locked doors so security for bycycles is good and thought using the same bike shed for my motorcycle was logical as its a secure location. The bike shed is massive, they even store cleaning machines in there and they are always nearly empty except for about four or five bycycles. Its been about two weeks of me locking my motorcycle in there with no problems as there is so much room. But this evening there was a parking notice in a yellow plastic bag stuck on my tank. There was no signs saying I couldnt park my motorcycle there only a sign saying park your bycycle at your own risk, but it hadnt really crossed my mind at all that i couldnt park there? Now this ticket is saying if I dont pay it will be handed to a registered debt recovery company. the box where it says parking in a restricted area is ticked. The ticket has the nhs foundation trust on it. Any advice on this please as Im loath to pay as I work there and wasnt causing any obstruction at all. Thanks in advance.
  12. I entered in a street where the above restrictions were in force. I was not aware and I did not read the sign. However when I entered the street I saw a car parked on a yellow line on a Sunday, which made me to believe that parking may be allowed. I stopped and put my wares in the boot for safety. Before I decided to park there my wife and i discussed to check if we were really allowed to park. Then I saw a sign and read it through and decided I am not allowed to park. We got into the car and moved from there. I requested to see the Video footage. The footage starts at 59.14 minutes and stops at 1.51 minutes as soon as I got into the car. The video was cut off. It did not cover my leaving at the time possibly deliberately. I believe that the contravention did not occur as I did not load or unload anything. The video confirms I did ot move away from the car. Additionaly the whole waiting was under three minutes which I beleive is allowed on a yellow line. I did not park deliberately as I had not seen the sign. I only became aware when I came out of the car and read the sign. I wish to appeal. What are my chances. Can you please help. Incidentally the PCN does not mention contravention Code or the exact place. It mentions Station Road Ilford.
  13. Hello Gang I received a PCN notice for what looks like ended up to be an expensive trip to London. It seems like its a fair cop - they have a picture and silly me - i did stop in a bus lane!! However, the date of contravention was 02/02/13 and the date of notice is 21/02/13 - almost 3 weeks ago - is it still enforceable?? Its my only hope.. Thanks guys.. Regards, Jameson
  14. Hi guys, I parked my car on single yellow line in an emergency for going to medical store because my wife is pregnant. I went inside the shop and ask for the medicine but they said you need to consult with your midwife and I just came outside the shop. This all took not more than 90 seconds and when I came outside the officer said you are late. A PCN has been issued to you, at that time he was still writing PCN, he said why you parked here and why you left your daughter unattended in the car, please take this PCN and you have to pay £65, when I refused to take PCN then he said ok its up-to you we have taken the pictures and we can send you by post if you like, because I was definitely sure that the pictures can't be taken in less than 2 minutes so I asked him to send by post. Today I received NTO with penalty charge of £130 without any pictures after 1 month and 3 days. My questions: 1) The observation period for "01 contravention" is 5 minutes, can they issue if contravention was less than 5 minutes. how can they prove this? 2) The officer said, take this PCN and pay £65 then how that amount become £130 by post. how does it possible? On Newham website it clearly state that newham.gov.uk/ParkingAndTransport/PenaltyChargeNotices%28PCNs%29/PCNLevelsJuly12007.htm "A penalty charge notice level of £130 applies to all 'serious' contraventions. You can reduce the charge to £65 by paying within 14 days (if issued by a civil enforcement officer) or 21 days (if issued by a camera operator)." 3) He said he has taken the pictures, I am receiving this NTO after 1 month and 3 days without any pictures, why he lied with me? 4) there is no discount period and they are asking me to pay full £130 in 28 days. Should I pay this amount or do you think I should try to go for representations for atlest reduce charge. Thanks ifti
  15. Sunday afternoon, the weathers lovely, lets spend the afternoon by the river at Eton. Found a little lane that I was vaguely aware of before. Several areas for parking but all full. Then a godsend, a junction with a footpath where the lane turns sharp left and wide verges. 2 spaces next to a gate into a field, 1 just further up the road, one across from it. 1 car already in situ in the space next to the gate. Double yellow lines but these spaces were well off the road had obviously been used before and crucially apart from a sign to not park in front of the gate, no signs indicating that parking anywhere in this area is an offence.No blockages were made by parking in these spots. Of course subsequently I and 3 other motorists get issued with PCNs. I was inscensed and left my mobile number on the other cars. I have since been contacted by 2 of them who both feel the same way. I was not previously aware that yellow lines apply to a verge (Only by reading previous posts on this site has that become clear and i've been driving 40 yrs) and clearly it is not a commonly known fact, as both other drivers thought the same as me. The geography at this point clearly entices drivers to park here and I suspect Windsor & Maidenhead council make a tidy little sum out of this honey pot. Should there not be an onus on councils to erect signs at these spots to make it clear parking is not allowed. Had there been, I and the others would not have parked here. Is there any point in appealing on these grounds? Your considered opinion would be appreciated.
  16. Hello Everyone I would be grateful for and advice or a bit of guidance on how to best handle the following; I have been issued a Parking ticket under the contravention; (01) Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Band B. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are photos; http://s590.photobucket.com/albums/ss345/cmguk22/Parking%20Ticket/ As you can see my front wheel was parked over a single yellow line (which incidentally does not have a T-bar at either end). The single yellow extends about 10m where it ended and there is an 'End of controlled parking zone' sign. On the reverse of the sign (thus I could not see this) is an 'Entrance to controlled parking zone' sign. However what is bugging me is that there are NO other signs, thus there is no indication where the zone starts/finishes. What is also bugging me is that there is no T-Bar at the end of the yellow line Do I have a leg to stand on?
  17. Hi Guys. I am in need of your help once again. I was in London on the weekend and parked on a Unnamed road in Harrow. This is the road: //g.co/maps/faext (please add the begining of the url your self) I was parked directly opposite the bins. Which had a single Yellow line, with a dash (blip) on the pavement. I received a parking ticket stating: "Parked or Loading / Unloading in a restricted street were waiting and loading / unloading restrictions are in place" at 21:15 in the evening. Having looked at google maps (see image below, i added the red line for the approximate location), the road isnt marked on the maps, also it is unamed. I suspect it is a private road. 1. is this the case? 2. If it is a private road can council enforcement officers give me a ticket there?
  18. Hi all, Never posted in this section of the forum before but hoping you guys can give me some advise and help me make a desicsion on whether or not I should fight this case? I recently received a PCN from the council stating that I had contravened section 47 and stopped on a restricted bus stop or stand. The alleged offence took place on the 16/06/11 and the PCN was issues on the 24/06/11. In the PCN they have attached 2 pics of a car taken 4 secs apart from each other (not sure if the timing will have any relevance to the case). Just a little back ground; the bus stop in question is no longer active and has not been active for around 3-4 years. Only the school bus used the stop previously. As all the parents know the school bus is no longer active they use this stop as a drop off/pic up point for their kids and have been doing so for years. Is there anything I can do in order for the council to cancel the PCN or should I just suck it up and pay the money?
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