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  1. I originally had a debt passed form MBNA to Arrow Global approx 4 years ago after falling into difficulty. I have been making token payments since due to income. Arrow Global recently passed over managment to Restons Solicitors. They agreed for payments to stay the same but I need to pay them direct instead of Arrow Global. Couple of questions really 1) should I make a Credit agreement request to Restons 2) Do you think they will seek a ccj the amont outstanding is £6k
  2. hi I am pretty new to this and need some advice, I have received a court letter from Northampton court, I replied to the court online to defend claim in full, I am being taken to court by restons solictors on behalf of arrow global, they claim I own them £742, over last weeks I have sent restons requests for information using your cpr request letters , so far they have given me nothing , in every letter I have denied any knowledge of this alleged debt, as I have not a clue what there talking about so far restons have given me nothing , the last letter they have just sent me under a cpr 18 request, states by restons they fail to see how the information I requested under a cpr18 is reasonably necessary or proportionate, and how provision of the documents I requested will assist you in preparing your case, they then went onto say on a voluntary basis we can confirm this debt is owed to shop direct, (littlewoods extra catalogue) opened in oct 2004 and last payment shows on account on march 2008, i am some what mad with restons as how can i defend myself when 1 i have no clue or information for this alleged debt, and they refuse to provide any documents to prove this, my credit file contains no information, so i am pretty much working blind and i am sorry i have until the 25th nov to submit my defence, and i lost as what to place as a defence, and prior to the court paper s turning up i had received no letters , from either global or restons i would be grateful for any assistance
  3. Hi all I have recently had the delightful Scotcall get in touch with me about a former MBNA debt of 5K+ Some time ago I got a letter from MBNA stating they could not locate a credit agreement so would not be pursuing the debt. It was then sold to Aegis who backed off and now some years later Scotcall. After requesting a credit agreement they have sent a photocopy of an agreement signed in a supermarket- not an agreement as I would define one. Any ideas on where I should go with this??
  4. Hello All, Letter received from Arrow stating that. We are writing to let you know that the management of your account has been transferred to Clarity Credit Management Solutions Limited. HOW WE WORK Arrow Global works with a network of specialist third parties who manage customer accounts on our behalf. We have now appointed Clarity to manage your account and have passed your account details and payment history to them. NEXT STEPS You should now direct all queries, correspondence and payments to Clarity quoting ********. Their contact details as follows. Clarity Credit Management Solutions Limited PO BOX 336, Northampton NW6 9WZ Tel No 08445611715 Text 07797 800850 E: Mail [email protected] If you believe you have received this letter in error, or that the outstanding balance is incorrect or not owed, please contact Clarity as soon as possible. Our aim is to help you clear your outstanding balance in a way that works for you and fits your current circumstances. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, we can help. Please contact Clarity as soon as possible to discuss your account and any questions you may have. Yours sincerely The Arrow Global Customer Services Team. This is an ancient account Stat Barred many many years ago. Rockwell dipped their sticky fingers in at the back end of 2012, I sent them the Stat Barred no acknowledge any debt to them or any other organisation the claimed to represent. Within 1 week they sent letter stating that. We can confirm that we are no longer dealing with this matter and our files have now been closed. Any future queries relating to this account should be directed to Arrow Global Limited. Yours Sincerely Collections Manager ROCKWELL DEBT COLLECTION AGENCY Then nothing until New Letter as above from Arrow Global. 1) Will I ignore totally as it is a phishing letter. 2) Send prove it letters 3) Send Stat Barred letter. All info/advice will as usual be gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  5. Hello all, I really could do with some advice. I have an alleged debt for 20k with MBNA which was sold to Arrow Global then Blake Lapthorn. I have two (yes two!!) defaults on my credit file for this same debt. One from Mbna & one from Arrow. Both defaults will drop off my credit file in around 50 days at which time I believe the debt will be statute barred too. When they drop off, my credit file will look much better than it has for the past few years. To throw a spanner in the works, I have received a letter from Blake Lapthorn asking me to contact them within 14 days with a repayment proposal or they will commence legal action. Whats my best course of action? These are my initial thoughts - 1) Try and delay things until the debt becomes statute barred. 2) Enter into a payment arrangement to avoid a CCJ. (If I did this, will the default still drop off and no information be available on my file?) I have a few defaults and one CCJ but they all drop off my file this year. I desperately need to avoid any other advese because I'd like to get a mortgage at some point in the near future. Thanks
  6. I have a debt with Arrow Global from 2007. The original debt was £3995, but they took me to court, never received any documents and I found out I had a CCJ issued in Jun 09 for £491. I would desperately like to pay the CCJ. Rossendales deal with the account even though Arrow Global still own the debt, I can't deal with them directly. The Court has told me I only need to pay the £491 to remove the CCJ. The problem is that even they are refusing payment for the CCJ, and insist on me paying at least £3000. This old agreement has left my credit report, only the CCJ is still showing. After months of arguing about it, I agreed I would pay the £3000 as I really need to satisfy the CCJ, but they have told me the Full & Final letter would not indicate that its in receipt of the CCJ as well as the original debt, so therefore pointless .. . If I can't get a receipt then I can't get a certificate of satisfaction. Any suggestions, I have tried the Financial Ombudsman and they can't help. I don't know where else to try.
  7. Hello, I am hoping someone can offer advice about a Debt Collection Agency that has been on my case since 2008. I do not owe them or anyone the money they are suggesting. I have never taken out a loan or a credit card. Here is a history of the situation. I apologise for the length but I wanted to make sure I included the history of what has happened. Over this entire time I have lived at two addresses. From this point on I will state these as Address1 and Address2. • 17/12/2008 – Receive first ever letter at Address1 (dated 11/12/2008) from Allied International Credit (AIC) relating to this debt of £2507.7 (that I have do not own) to Client Triumph Asset Service, stating it is a final notice of intent – that I have ignored numerous letters threatening action against my wages, assets and property. • 17/12/2008 – Call made from work on a withheld number to AIC regarding this debt. I call to ask it there has been some kind of mistake as I have never taken out a loan/credit card nor have any debt outside of my mortgage. After being passed on to a debt analyst, the analyst informs me and says something about a debt with Citi Bank, although he says this so fast I can only make a guess this is what he said. He says I must pass on my Date Of Birth to discuss the matter. I refuse as I don’t believe I am the person who owes this debt. I state that from this point on I will correspond with them via letter only • 18/12/2008 – Send recorded response to initial letter after advice from this consumeractiongroup forum (with an old account I can’t remember) online stating I acknowledge no debt to the company with a CCA Request and a 1 pound postal order for this request – no response • Following this check credit account with Experian and Equifax in case a fraud account has been set up on my account. No such account or debt exists. Am unrecorded enquiry search was conducted by AIC on 21/11/2008 (with no DOB - only name and address). There is no debt nor mention of any credit card or loan on my credit report. • 10/03/2009 – Receive 2nd letter as Address1 (dated 05/03/2009) from Allied International Credit with notification of intended visit. They have clearly ignored my letter as they state I have ignored their attempts to communicate. • 11/03/2009 – Respond to 2nd letter stating that AIC have ignored my letter enclosing copy of my original letter. I state I have not received the CCA I requested and this is a summary offence. State that if they continue the harassment towards me and offer no proof of debt that I will report this issue and AIC to OFT (Office of Fair Trading) – no response • I take advice from Consumer Network response and Experian. They suggest I ignore further letters or simply reply with “not known at this address” to these letters. • 09/2009 – I move from Address1 to new address in Address2. Address1 not yet sold until April 2011. • 04/10/2009 – Receive Statement of Account from Triumph Asset Services at Address1 – with statement of this debt. The statement shows a payment of £1.00 on the debt on 22/12/2008. This suggests they used the £1 postal order to pay £1 off the debt despite my initial letter stating that this was payment for the CCA to prove the debt was mine. Perhaps a ploy to stop the debt going statute barred? – I ignore this • 04/2011 – Address 1 sold. Set up forward to Address2 with Royal Mail. • 07/02/2012 – Receive letter at Address1 from Arrow Global attempting to contact myself on a personal matter at Address1 asking for any correspondence to AIC go to –Letter ignored • 10/04/2012 – Receive letter at Address1 with Notice of Assignment saying that that Fairmile Partnership 1 LLP (another DCA I have not head of) has assigned the debt to Arrow Global and asking for any correspondence to go to AIC. It states that I should contact AIC to organise payment of this as a matter of urgency. Interestingly it says the debt is originally owed to Citifinancial Europe plc. This is the first time this has been noted in any letter. –Letter ignored • 31/05/2012 – Receive letter at Address1 from Arrow Global with Annual Statement. Some odd £-1 credits from 2011. Again Citifinancial Europe plc have been added as the original debtor. Interestingly the Date of Loan appears for the first time - 29/03/2005. – Letter ignored • 22/11/2012 – Receive letter at Address2 – how did they get this address? - from Pace Forward (Debt Collector from Southend) - asking if I live here. They say they will assume I do not reply in 10 days they will assume the address is correct – Letter ignored (possibly a mistake) • 6/12/2012 – Receive letter at Address2 from Rockwell (Debt Collector from Southend) stating they have been instructed by Arrow Global to contact me. Have pre-screened the debt for litigation and the debt is overdue and it must be paid in 10 days. I’m away on business – my wife opens the letter and then panics, calls them on a withheld number and states that the person with my name does not live at this address. They say they will update their records. • Letter arrives as Address2 in Summer 2013 (can’t remember the exact date). I can see it states Arrow Global so send the letter back unopened with “not known at this address” on the envelope • 16/12/2013 – Receive letter at Address2 from Shoosmiths Solicitors attempting to contact myself (listing both my new and old address), asking to contact them if I live here with reference to Address1. Also asks for information as to where I may be so they can update their records. Until now I have thought ignoring was the best option, but this last letter is from a solicitor. May I state yet again I have NEVER taken out anything with Citifinancial and the only loan I have ever had has been my mortgage which I have never missed a payment on (and I know this makes me a very lucky individual). This last letter shook me a little because it is from a solicitor. I have called a solicitor to take legal advice this morning and they are due to call me about this in the next day or two. I do not owe this money and never have. I have dismissed this is a phishing, spamming campaign until now, but a letter from a solicitor (even though it is trying to find out where I live) takes this up a level for me. This forum was so useful to me in the past with advice back in 2008. Can anyone help me with this some guidance on this now? Thanks in advance
  8. Hi, would love some advice please I've been paying a debt for years to Bryan Carter, it was over £1000 but had long since disappeared from my credit file and I've been slowly improving my credit score by paying my bills etc on time now that ive been in stable employment to the last 3 or 4 years..... ....my question is......A few months back I called Carters to see what the balance was and was told the Arrow Global have taken the debt back and have assigned it to Wescott. Carters told me not to pay them anyone and wait for a letter from Wescott to sort out paying the remainder to them. A letter came today from Wescott saying the balance was £118.29. As it was such a small amount ive paid the debt through the Wescott website to get it paid off and off my back. As this debt has long since been removed from my credit file will it now reappear now ive paid in full? Obviously I should of got some advice first but i just wanted to be finished with debt collectors. Now im worried that ive ruined my credit file as the debt might reappear. The original default date was 2004. Thanks in advance
  9. Hi, I'm new here so hope I am posting this in the right place. Sometime ago I received a letter from Arrow Global stating that they had purchased a debt from Orange Communications for app. £60. Due to the passage of time (Feb 08) I had no record of this. I wrote back to them requesting more details of the debt and they were able to provide me with a mobile telephone number that I did not recognise. They sent several more demands for payment and in the end I explained to them that I was not happy with the way they had contacted me out of the blue and had not supplied sufficient evidence that the debt was actually mine and therefore I am disputing the case. I never heard from them again. I assumed they had given up, but then when I applied for credit recently and was declined I checked my credit file and realised that they had recorded a default for £60 which will remain on my file until Feb 13. I have written to them to complain about this. They hav not responded but instead have handed the complaint to Rossendales who are now chasing me for the £60. The 2 things that have annoyed me are how can a DCA leave a default and then sell the debt onto another DCA, it does not seem fair. I have also written to the OFT and the Financial Ombudsman who have basically said they can log my complaint but cant help with specific issues. Do I have any rights?
  10. received a letter a while back from Arrow Global Limited about a debt I knew nothing about but have a sneaking suspicion is a catalogue ran up in my name by ex, I fired off the prove it letter to them asking for all original documentation to do with debt and never heard a thing back, stupidly assuming they'd written it off, today a letter from Transcom comes through acting for clients Arrow Global Limited, do I fire off the prove it letter again or do I need to divulge somehow that I've been in contact with Arrow Global to prove this debt and they never did! I know DCA's just pass debts on but surely when a debt is disputed on who's it is they are under obligation to provide information and to not just pass the buck, ok ok I know....that's a stupid thought! The old PC crashed and burned, stupidly I didn't print off a written copy of the letter but I know it was one of the bog standard prove it letters from here! I'm not phoning them, they are however threatening Scotcall will door collect if I don't comply help
  11. Hi The assortment of letters are still coming, most of which are worthless, however one concerns me, any advice please? Its from Drydensfairfax lot again on behalf of Arrow Global which was originally an Egg loan The letter starts of with - we have tried to contact you etc. It then goes on to say unless payment is made by 9 Sept we hold instructions to issue legal proceedings against you to recover the full balance. If payment is not made, our intention is to obtain a CCJ and if necessary we will apply for the court to enforce the judgement by either warrant of execution or attachment of earnings. Do you reckon this is hot air or they're getting serious? Thanks in advance
  12. My partner has an ongoing problem with these. A hearing is due on Thursday with defence etc already submitted. Just wanted some advice. The copy CCA that has been sent comes across as fishy to me. It contains his signature and on the copy sent to the court they have blacked out certain details like mothers maiden name and bank details. When looking at what they are claiming is the back of the CCA should this be a genuine copy the T&C's are upside down if you line up the blacked out parts with the front. There are a few marks which looking at the front would be on the top ie an A in a circle but funnily all the rest of the marks that are showing on the front in darker print do not come through to the back. I cannot see any way this would be the front and back of the same document unfortunately the scanner on our printer is broken at the moment.
  13. Recently i started to receive letters from a solicitors called drydenfairfax who are ignoring all my correspondence in response to theirs i am being instructed repeatedly that i must telephone them. This i do not want to do i have been advised to deal with the issue only by letter as this is the safest way to deal with this company:!:. I have been sending all my letters via recorded delivery and am retaining copies.... any one else had similar problems!??.
  14. i had an account with Littlewoods / NDR in December for years i had been paying online and without notice they wouldnt let me into my account yo make payments it was passed onto a company called Arrow Global who then gave it to RMA Resolve to collect payments ...i have been making payment on time 28th every month via telephone banking ... on Wednesday i recieved a letter saying they had not recieved payment's for May and June i know they had recieved payment for May as i had recieved 6 monthly statement and it was included .. and i know i definately paid June .. i phoned them up and they said both payments HAD been receieved although claiming they were late. My bank operates and immediate payment with 2 hr service so not late from my side. Anyway when i was on phone they said it had flashed up on computer that i was to send an up to date financial statement ...i got letter this morning saying it si required by law within 7 days ...i have not had this with any of my other creditors and as i told them on phone my circumstances / income were still the same and they were only getting what was already agreed via littlewoods / CAB at the time Do i have to send my financial details and expenditure on to them ? thanks in advance
  15. I have been issued a CCJ which was pursued by Bryan Carter on behalf of arrow global. It was issued in Autumn 2010. When this was being issued I asked for CCA and SAR requests to which I did not get any reply. The debt was just under £4000 but with court fees it came up to almost 4 and a half. I was asked to pay £50. But due to my circumstances I requested fro reconsideration to the court and then it was brought down to £1 per month. I also received a confirmation letter that £1 of payment would be deducted from the information I provided to the court. But I just checked today that the payment was not being deducted and since then I have not received any correspondence from them either. What is my best course of action. This CCJ is going to be off my CRA file by the end of 2016. I have other debts being managed by LOWELL, DLC. 3 BY LOWELL AND ONE BY DLC. I am paying £1 statutory payment to them. I started defaulting in 2006ish or so. But CCJ was issued later. I have no idea who my original creditor is, it looks like a credit card. Please advise as to what should my next steps be: 1) Should I ignore CCJ and wait? 2) Should I contact Arrow global directly and ask for proof? Thanking you in anticipation.
  16. Hi, hoping for a little help: Claim Issue Date: 21/6/13 Ack of Service sent Letter to blake lapthorn sent 1/7/13 Telephoned them 12/7/12 and e-mailed 13/7/13 asking for response by 12pm Monday 15/7 Received e-mail today (16/7/12)confirming extension to file defence - date agreed 21/8/13 Sent e-mail to CCBC today, with e-mail attached advising of extension I have spoken to Northampton today and they advised (prior to me receiving the extension) I should enter a defence detailing the facts and none supply of docs. Blake Lapthorn confirmed in their e-mail that they do not have the documents;agreement, default notice, assignment and have requested them. However they cannot provide a firm date when they will receive as their client (Arrow Global) will need to obtain from the original creditor (Egg). My questions are: Do I wait and see what happens - if no documents, then enter a defence stating this by 21/8/13 enter a defence now and wait for response send N244 with order for disclosure and if non compliance apply to be struck out Hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks
  17. Hi there, I've done a bit of research here but would like to tell my story and just see if I've got things straight. In July 2005, when I was at University, I took out a student credit card from Natwest and ran up £300 on it (the limit). I never made a payment on it at all (I was a student with no money) and moved from the property the card was registered to in Jan 2006, and forgot about it. Up until that point Natwest sent me letters asking for money etc. I have moved 3 times since then, and over the years have received various letters about this debt, mainly from Arrow Global. I have never made contact with anyone about or regarding this debt (as far as I know, I could have answered the phone to them maybe?). The only contact I know that has been made was my old landlord sent them a letter saying I didn't live there anymore and she didn't know where I was now. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago. I got married 4 weeks ago, so I guess that's how Rossendales have my current address. The debt is now £750 apparently, and their client is Arrow Global LTD. They are threatening to send a baliff round if I do not pay. There is no record of the credit card anywhere regarding my Natwest account, Natwest have never ever mentioned it to me since (even offering me credit cards...) and there is NO record of it on my credit history at all. So, is this debt statute barred? If not, what is my next step? Thanks in advance. The
  18. Hi all, Hoping someone can help. I had a debt from 2003 for a loan. My last payment was January 2006. I never received anything from them at all (Black Horse original Debt) until a few weeks ago. I received a claimform from Northampton for this. I put a defence in stating that I believe the debt to be statutory barred. ELS Cole sent me a letter on Friday with copies of so called letters they have sent me over the last 6 years (three in total) and also saying to the court that they want another enforcement to be taken out on me and the fact I have replied to the court and put a defence in, is also me admitting the debt now.... I did put the usual defence in saying "I do not acknowledge this debt" Were do I go from here? Do i wait for another Claimform to be issued? Will I get any advance warning? I want to fight this dont want A CCJ entered at this stage? Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks
  19. OK, so this morning I got served with a court summons. Well, I say me, but the name on the court order is "close". For a debt of nearly £2k taken out at this address on 3rd April 2008. 1) I didn't move in here until Feb 2009 2) That isn't my name on the "official document" Where do I stand? My name is James but everyone knows me as Jim, which is the name on the court summons. In fact, I was homeless in April 2008. I genuinely have no idea what this debt is for.
  20. Hi all. Been a while since ive been on here as ive had nothing to report. Last year AG filed a claim against me regarding a Cap1 account. After filing a defence on line Bryan Carter stood down as their representatives. Now 7 months later AG have sent pages of terms & conditions with a photocopy of the application form. Along with this they have sent copies of transactions made up to 2009 when i stopped paying.However they also sent a page showing a credit limit & account number of somebody elses account. How careless is that. I intend to write back asking how these documents have come to light after all this time. I will also be writing to the other person concerned telling them that i have received some personal information about them. Also if AG decide to go to court i shall request the original documents not copies. If others have recently had the same experience then please let me know. As i do not owe AG this money i will contest it. Cap1 had every opportunity to resolve this but chose not to.
  21. Hi All, Just received a letter from Clarity chasing an old, must be now 7 year old debt. I have had no contact from the original creditor or any other DCA regarding this old credit card debt until now. They are asking for a final single payment of 2k less than the amount which I don't remember it being so much at the time, must be all the interest, or settlement repayment plan, which I do not intend on paying anything as I am sure its SB. I have just successfully got Lowells of my back with the help of CAG members only to get a letter out of the blue 3 days later from this different DCA. Do DCAs pass information onto other DCAs or is this just coincidence? My credit file is clear with experian but I have not checked equifax, so should they be the same after 6 years? Can a CCJ be on experian and not on equifax? Any advice on how 'Clarity' work and do they work under different names like Lowell/Red etc? And what would you advise on my next step? Thanks in advance.
  22. Hi all I have just come in from work and found a letter from the above regarding my repossessed home from 21 years ago. This company is asking me to get in touch with them regarding the shortfall between the sale of the house and the outstanding mortgage. i recieved something similar about 6 years ago and I was assured by citizens advice that there is nothing they can do about it as it happened over 6 years ago (at the time it was 15 years ) I am worried again that they will be able to force me into something which I cant afford and not only that I am remarried with a house and family of my own. Can anyone help me? I'm sick with worry in case they make me sell my home!
  23. Hi All, I'm in a bit of a pickle and need some advice. I received a County Court Claim via CCBC @Northampton from Arrow Global. It was instigated by drysdenfairfax solicitors, and to be honest I don't think they expected me to defend and thought they were in for some easy money. Anyhoo, I sent off my CPR request for docs etc, did my AOS and after 28 days having still not received docs mentioned in POC I put in a holding defence of no docs received and a request to change defence accordingly once they were received. I also put in a counterclaim for damages re Arrow updating my creditfile without legal right to do so and harassment from the DCA's they had chasing me. Last week I received an AQ, so I requested trial at my local court. As I still hadn't received any documents from Arrow, I informed the court that I couldn't proceed with my counterclaim because, without them I couldn't provide the evidence I needed to prove that they were barking up the wrong tree. Today I received a copy of an AQ from Arrow, where they have requested a month stay to 'settle' the claim, an intention to apply for my counterclaim to be struck out, and a notification that they have sacked their solicitors drysdenfaifax and are now representing themselves. They also stated in the covering letter that unless I pay up they will apply to strike out my defence. For background info... They are claiming on an old MBNA account that they say they have bought. I have in my possession a default notice from MBNA with the wrong account number on and a demand for full payment rather than arrears. I have a letter of assignment from Arrow stating a different account number to the one they are making a claim for, and, on a previous request for a copy of my agreement, they actually provided me with a copy of an old MBNA account which was paid up in full and closed many years ago. I basically need to know what to do from here on in.. I omitted to request that claim be struck out through lack of docs in my holding defence. Do I just sit back and wait to see what happens now or is there something else I should be doing? All advice appreciated... Thanks, Spam.
  24. This letter was received today. Arrow made contact several months ago to the named person. The debt was registered at another address and wrote to someone with the same name at another address. Arrow were informed that they have never lived at the address and never heard anything since until today.
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