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Found 9 results

  1. Hi Im not sure if this is correct place to post this so I'll be brief and wont object if someone moves my post to the correct place! I have done a DSAR and noticed on my Bank Statement in 2007 that a cheque I wrote was presented on Tuesday 02/01/2007 and it bounced. It was further presented on the Friday 05/01/2007 and bounced again.* 02/01/2007** *Tuesday 05/01/2007** *Friday If cheque clearing took 4-5 days at that time, how could it be possible that a cheque could be represented 3 days after bouncing in the first place. I am mystified! Please can anybody shed any light on this. thank you
  2. Last year I paid in a handful of cheques as a 'job lot' via the automatic machine - more than once. Some months later I needed to identify a few cheques and noted the ones paid in together didn't have a breakdown on my online statement. I called into my branch and nobody seemed to be able to help and was told Head Office would contact me. They didn't. I called back a few weeks later and again nobody could help - both visits took way over 30 mins. Again I was told Head Office would send me the details I wanted. Again they didn't. That was October. 4 months later (last week) I called in again and was told Barclays don't log cheques individually if paid in together. They couldn't tell me this 4 months ago?? So I've no way at all finding these. Surely businesses don't have this problem when paying in 100's of cheques at one time - do you mean to say Barclays would just stick them all in as one lot and never be able to identify each one? Surely cheques have to be noted with different references, payees etc etc? It all seems so ridiculous for a simple request.
  3. Hello, Its my first time when i am trying to claim my PPI - can someone help me where to send complains I had a few store cards, all now closed and all information are from my Equifax account DEBENHAMS 2009 - 2013 - NewDay MONSOON 2007 - 2012 - NewDay TOP SHOP - account closed 2009 - GE Money River Island - NewDay NEXT - (2006 - 2012) I had as well Personal loan from Ocean money and again I dont have idea which address to use? Any help will be appreciated
  4. Today received a FAKE £50 refund cheque *apparently* from sainsburys bank regarding a debt I had way back when. They have no idea I live here now as the debt was incurred in another part of the country. The cheque appears to come from sainsburys and is a goodwill gesture because they overcharged in debt fees. Its suggest they have asked Direct Collections to credit my outstanding debt account and have themselves sent me this £50 cheque as a goodwill gesture. Its pure fabrication and no doubt highly illegal too. I have had no contact with anyone since leaving previous address. No doubt you try to cash the fake cheque and they know you exist where they think you are now when they receive notice of the failed deposit or if you use the contact details therein.
  5. Hello I am an Independent Accountant and one of my clients has their business bank account with Barclays. The bank returned on two days some of the cheques presented for payment and direct debits with a remark 'refer to drawer' actually there were sufficient funds in the account to pay these cheques and when a complaint were lodged the bank admitted it was due to an error and agreed to refund the unpaid transaction fee. The client suffered business losses and bad reputation due to these cheques being returned by the bank. Is there a provision to make a claim for consequence losses from the bank with out having to go through any legal procedures.
  6. Never heard of this one before from a bank, but can someone just bring me up to date on this? Mate of mine sent a post dated cheque to Lewis Debt Collection Agency for a payment towards a late filing of accounts on behalf of Companies House. It was dated 9th or 19th May (Can't recall exactly) I just got this email from him after Lewis presented it for payment and his bank cleared it despite the post dated date...: "According to the bank post dated cheques can now be cashed anytime and they are not responsible for when they go through. It is now merely a “gentleman's agreement “ between the debtor and the creditor whether the date on the cheque is honoured. I did point out it was a post dated cheque on the correspondence I attached with it." (to Lewis) He was asking me if that was correct and I didn't think it was, but then it's a while since I have had much general day to day dealings with banks per sa....mine has been a trifle more confrontational ....anyone any thoughts on this? Thanks A1
  7. I was informed on Friday that my Firstplus loan has now been rescheduled following a Successful PPI claim. Does anyone know how soon after the rescheduling will I receive my cheques. I have been told to contact on Wednesday if I had not heard anything but just wanted to know what sort of timescale I was looking at. Thanks.
  8. Payday lenders regularly ‘lose’ cheques sent by customers to settle debts, forcing borrowers to pay even higher interest bills, Financial Mail has learnt. The tactic used by a number of payday loan firms aims to maximise profits by effectively locking in hard-pressed borrowers for extended periods. The ploy will heighten concerns over the sector, which entices desperate customers into taking loans with interest rates as high as 4,000 per cent. Paul Lynam, chief executive of Secure Trust Bank, whose Everyday Loans subsidiary frequently deals with customers seeking to consolidate loans to settle payday borrowings, said: ‘We will normally forward direct to the payday lender a cheque in settlement. ‘One thing that we find very surprising is the ability of some of these payday loan companies to regularly lose this settlement cheque, which has the effect of delaying settlement of the debt and incurring more very high interest rates for the trapped borrower.’ His company is frequently forced to send settlement cheques by recorded delivery before the payday loan firm will cancel the outstanding debt. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2231006/Scandal-lost-payday-loan-cheques.html#ixzz2Bx04vCMc
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