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Found 4 results

  1. Last year I paid in a handful of cheques as a 'job lot' via the automatic machine - more than once. Some months later I needed to identify a few cheques and noted the ones paid in together didn't have a breakdown on my online statement. I called into my branch and nobody seemed to be able to help and was told Head Office would contact me. They didn't. I called back a few weeks later and again nobody could help - both visits took way over 30 mins. Again I was told Head Office would send me the details I wanted. Again they didn't. That was October. 4 months later (last week) I called in again and was told Barclays don't log cheques individually if paid in together. They couldn't tell me this 4 months ago?? So I've no way at all finding these. Surely businesses don't have this problem when paying in 100's of cheques at one time - do you mean to say Barclays would just stick them all in as one lot and never be able to identify each one? Surely cheques have to be noted with different references, payees etc etc? It all seems so ridiculous for a simple request.
  2. Hi! As there was some confusion in a recent Oyster Card thread as to whether a prosecution notice came from TfL or a Court, it's useful to be aware that TfL have a fixed "House Style" for all letters and correspondence, and anything *Directly* from TfL themselves will be written in a distinctive typeface called New Johnston - the same style of lettering you see used on all signage, posters, leaflets and publicity material. Compare the lettering of anything received with something like a map or leaflet from a Tube Station, etc., if the lettering is identical then it *IS* TfL produced, in which case read it carefully and find out what they are alleging or requesting! However if it's Times New Roman, Helvetica or Arial, etc., it could be from TfL *OR* a Court, *in which case you must read it even more carefully* and follow any directions on it to the letter! Hope this helps a bit!
  3. Hello, general question for you. Quite often more than 1 person in a household will drive a vehicle. So if a person other than the registered keeper happens to overstay there wellcome in a car park, and the regiersted keeper of the vehicle recevies one of those BS letters, are they obliged to notify who was driving the car? I was under the impression that only the Police/The Highways Authority/The courts had the powers to instruct a registered keeper to identify a driver. I saw this under the FOI - Conditions that must be met for purposes of paragraph 4 5(1)The first condition is that the creditor— (a)has the right to enforce against the driver of the vehicle the requirement to pay the unpaid parking charges; but (b)is unable to take steps to enforce that requirement against the driver because the creditor does not know both the name of the driver and a current address for service for the driver. We all know that there are ways around the FOI, so can any flimsy car parking company force a registered keeper to identifiy a driver? and if you cannot identify a driver of a vehicle, then surely you have no case for claim?
  4. In 1997 I took out a loan for £15,000 which included PPI. I know the loan was underwritten by Barclays but I cannot remember who the actual loan provider was. I have the loan reference number but Barclays claim it's not one of theirs. I know it is a long shot but has any idea who the loan provider might have been around that time please. Is is frustrating I cant remember Thanks in anticipation of any help or suggestions Cheers
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