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  1. Hi All, I have been working for a company since July 2013 in the same role ( Field service engineer ), driving all over the uk etc, the company start a young guy 23, iam young 45 with no health issue never been sick and not even taken holiday yet as been to busy with work. Since this guy started they have been training him, and last night a was pulled into the office and told not asked you will be now working in the office and the van needs to be given to the new starter next week. Which now means no transport will have to buy a car pay to get to work, they also state as i will be office staff no overtime etc . I worked out the loss of earns regarding overtime £5k loss of van fuel complete joke, can my employer do this so quickly without a notice period, all my letter of appointment stated was field engineer. i had my last meeting / appraisal which went very well no issue, i have asked for a copy as it was recorded yet they refuse. Do i have any rights or just find another job Just to make things even bitter, they asked me to attend a machine breakdown today, as the younger guy can not work today feel like refusing / saying no as its overtime Have anybody got any idea's, of my rights as someone did say an employer has to give 12 weeks notice to change a job role ???????????????????????????????? Cheers
  2. My husband and I not long got back from the settlement checking service as we are due to apply for ILR in person, very soon. Shes sorted it out for us, BUT shes only put ONE each of our most recent payslips in, and im majorly concerned that it wont be enough. The lady claimed that shes does everybodys case in the same way and has never had any problems. but surely one each is nowhere near enough. Help!
  3. Good morning all, Have been living in a Housing Association on a short hold tenancy agreement since 2011 and experienced financial difficulties in 2013. All of 2013 I was only able to get contract/temp jobs which resulted in me falling behind on rent. Entered repayment plan with HA september 2013 but after 5 months defaulted again due to unemployment. I made small payments adhoc and recently started another full time job which I informed HA about but all fall on deaf ears. They dont want to enter any agreements and as of 11th April sent a notice of repossession which I never received but was told it was sent. What can I do now? I'm very scared at this point as the Officers at my HA refuse to liase with me and the only advice I get is to speak to CAB. By the way...all conversations have been over the phone.
  4. Hi All... I have been looking at this forum for a couple of months and have made the leap to register. Anyway I would like some assistance with the following please and if this is in the wrong area please forgive me. Basically I have missed several mortgage payments to the Halifax and the arreas currently total £7000. I have had a few payment arrangements and some have failed due to not enough money coming in at the time. I was made redundant back in Nov 2007 for three months then found contract work for about five months but the payments from an agency were random such as fortnightly or monthly and as I was an umbrella company and needing to pay bills I did not want to alter a steady income. My wife and I seperated so that was one less income coming in. I have been in full time work since July 2008 with a government backed company so know my job is safe and I have a good salary with overtime etc.. Halifax have been fair (but not flexible) with excepting random payments but now say I will recieve a letter from their solicitors about possible court action but this may be avoided or suspended if I continue to pay the actual monthly amount £840 and then put the arreas back onto the term of the mortgage. The guy from Halifax did say the whole process could take up to six months but I would rather not go to court at all. I have made payments since August,some contractual some not although I only paid £400 in December 08 which has prompted the action. I plan to pay the full contractual amount in Jan 09 plus about £70 extra and will continue this for the next few months. After speaking to the CCCS and CAB both advisors say they would not go for repossesion but rather except the payment scheme.As a side note I did ask Halifax back in Sep to switch to an interest only for a year but they refused unless I made six consequtive payments which they may agree to again. Has anybody had a similar experience with this or Halifax and would they go for a reposssesion if I continue to pay my contractual amounts ? I have bank statements going back over a year showing payments and should Halifax have allowed me to switch the mortgage when I asked? I am only concerned if I go to court I may have an unsympathetic judge
  5. Sophks

    Urgent MRI scans

    Hi, this is a bit of a long one. after an excessive amount of migraines, sickness and declining vision with light sensitivity and constant blurring I was referred to a neurologist at gloucester hospital. I had this appointment a week after referral as my doctor was quite alarmed at my symptoms. The neurologist said I have pressure being applied to the optical nerves from within the brain (papilleodema). They don't know what's causing the pressure so he stressed I urgently need an MRI scan, stating that I should be ready to drop everything and rush in for the scan. I was then sent to the imaging department of the hospital with the referral form which had clearly been marked urgent , the word urgent circled multiple times accompanied by arrows pointing to it. The receptionist first complained that she was unable to read the dr's hand writing and then told me "we don't have any urgent appointments" before taking my phone number and walking off. I am completely confused at what's happening. I know the standard wait for an MRI is 3 months I'm worried that they are just going to put me to the bottom of the pile. does anyone know how long the wait is for an urgent case or what I should do for the best now to make sure they see me as soon as possible. Has anyone had anything like this happen to them?
  6. Firstly I apologize for joining and posting asking for advice please do not let that stop you giving advice please I am posting for my wife, we live in Norfolk UK Around 6 weeks ago out of the blue we recieved a court summons to apear this friday coming at Norwich magistrates court The offences are failing to give information of driver to her car which had commited offence of speeding The second offence is driving at 46mph in a 40 mph zone After our shock I myself rang the ticket office and stated this was first we had heard of this matter The offence was commited on 17 December 2013 We was informed a letter had been sent over xmas period and again in January we recieved neither letter We was assured on phone to write in to ticket office explaining this was first we knew of the matter and they would deal with it We wrote a letter explaining this was our first knowledge of the incident and sent the court letters back to the court stating there was a mistake and the ticket office was sorting it out My wife has a clean driving history with no points, she is disabled and on benefits she normaly travels at most 4K a year and has no knowledge of the incident Friday afternoon I rung the ticket office to check up as we had heard nothing from the courts or the ticket office and to my horror was told once the matter had a court date it had to go to court My wife is traumatised over this, the thought of going to a legal court physically makes her ill Its my fault, I assumed the mix up would be dealt with like the man on the phone told me and luckily I checked up or we would of missed the court date We was informed a simply £80 fine that could of got my wife a refresher class awareness will now possibly attract legal costs and fines exceeding £1000 and 9 points on her licence We have rung for legal advice been told we should be ok but fixed fees from around £1000 would be needed We honestly did not recieve any letters asking for driver information and to be fair our post office are very good, ive not experianced mail not arriving before and twice from same people makes me wonder I feel it unfair that and administration error so simple could potentialy cost us more than we could ever raise and we are reading courts do not listen to Joe public contesting cases that are not legaly familiar Please can someone write what we should say or do down so my wife can read it Its not as simple as tell it as it is, my wife is almost dumbstruck with fear (and Im also as bad) Most normal people never go through life going to court and the wrong word from us or forgetting to say something could destroy us We dont have the money to pay the car would have to go and the lifeline the car gives would be impossible to replace the court is this friday, its my fault Ive left it so late, simply I believed what the man in the ticket office saying write in informing us thisi s the first you have heard of the matter and they would deal with it Thankyou in advance
  7. Hi. got a rather urgent question, as a summons has just landed on my doorstep. I bought a van in Nov 2013. The dealer said it was taxed to Jan 31 14, and MOT'd till Mid May 14. I gave the documents a once over, and everything seemed fine (Tax disk stated it was for a Renault, and up to Jan 31 14.) The van was a pup. Complete rubbish. It was in various garages from 19th December till 9th Feb. When it came out, supposedly repaired, it was as bad as ever, wouldn't start, etc. The 9th of Feb was a Saturday, so I couldn't tax it (I got the van back till about 2PM.) On Monday Morning, it was clamped. DVLA also reported that the van hadn't been taxed since Sept 2013. On closer examination, it turns out that the tax disk was off another vehicle, but to be honest, I had to be shown by the police how to distinguish that. After months of wrangling, the DVLA have issues a summons, so what I need is rather specific information as to laws / acts broken here. Sale of Good and Services Act, presumably, But what laws are involved? As I say, I need specifics, because after initially getting involved, and saying it was illegal, the police are trying to back off. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi, This evening an open (not in envelope) Removal Notice from Marston was pushed under my door (I live in a block of flats). Its says 'despite previous visits and notices this matter has not been settled... .' Its for a claim of £635. The client is illegible something like Knots, Avon & Somerset. I have never heard from these people and have not received any notices from any Court. I am sick with worry and would greatly value your advice. I am a 62yo single woman on Housing Benefits and who works in a supermarket 2 days a week. I have no car, no tv or any assets or savings. There is a name and contact number on the notice but I'm scared of contacting him. Please help?
  9. Hi Guys, following this useful forum, I enquired from LOWELL about unrecognised debt. Kindly follow the attachment. My Letter to Lowell Lowell Reply I have following unanswered questions please: 1. I had an account with NEXT long ago which I regularly used but then stop using it as I stayed outside country for 6 Months. I can now recognised the account. But I never had any debt/dues with the next when I stopped the account. I had limit of 1000 GBP but didn't feel the need of buying on credit. I can recognized the account but dispute the debt. What should I do? 2. LOWELL says that they sent me some sort of letter on the 7th Nov, 2013; but I never received any letter from them and only found out about the debt through credit file. 3. Lowell asked for further 12 days to hear from the NEXT. If I don't hear anything in due time, what should I do? Please reply as the debt is so small but it is affecting my rating so badly
  10. Restons have been stalling to say the least, I have taken a few days putting this all together and now time is very tight for me to reply to them, I need some feedback quickly please. In 2005 I borrowed £20k+ from Egg and made all my repayments on time, I had a mutually agreed payment holiday for a short period at the end of 2006. In 2009 I got into financial difficulties I telephoned Egg in July to ask if I could arrange lower repayments for the loan and for a couple of credit cards that I had with them. I told them that I could not afford to pay the full amount for the upcoming payments on all 3 accounts and be sure of paying my mortgage, so any arrangement had to be effective immediately. It was agreed to cut the payments by half with immediate affect, the person that I spoke to said that the “original” payments may be debited as it was short notice and advised me to cancel the direct debits, if any money was drawn down then any payments taken would be reversed immediately. I stipulated that if any payment was debited and not immediately reversed that they would have to cease all and any debits until they came back to me and we could then reach a new lower agreement as I could otherwise be financially embarrassed. This was agreed but I was assured that any debit would be reversed immediately if it happened. The new payments were due to start in the middle of the August to give me a breathing space but the main payment of over £400 was debited the next day and despite the assurances it was not immediately refunded, having not refunded the money they took 3 weeks later the “new” debits for the credit cards, the refund was made after the next payment had been due, it was actually refunded 6 days after the first of the new payments were taken for the credit cards. As a result of not having an even remotely quick refund I had cancelled all direct debits to Egg, somehow they got new direct debits set up for the cards but not for the loan. It took many months to get the payments stopped. Egg never came back to me with a revised plan. Despite this Egg proceeded to request payments for the “outstanding balance” on the loan warning me that they may take action against me and gave a Current balance to pay, which was incorrect. They never issued a Notice of Default. They did send me occasional account statements. I wrote to Egg requesting a copy of the Contracts at the beginning of September 2009, at the beginning of September they wrote back enclosing a mostly illegible reduced sized copy (presumably from a microfiche) of the Loan Agreement and totally different Terms and Conditions from the original, it was not even remotely similar. I received a letter from Arrow Global (on Arrow Global headed notepaper) dated 25th June 2011 claiming :- YOUR EGG LOAN HAD BEEN ASSIGNED BY EGG BANKING PLC TO BRITANNICA RECOVERIES S.A.R.L, ACTING IN THE NAME AND ON BEHALF OF ITS COMPARTMENT ARROW (“BRITANNICA-ARROW”). ARROW GLOBAL RECEIVABLES MANAGEMENT LIMITED (”AGRML”) IS THE ACTING AGENT FOR BRITANNICA-ARROW IN RELATION TO THE RECOVERY OF YOUR DEBT. EGG LOAN ACCOUNT NUMBER XXXXX. NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT We advise you that Egg Banking PLC has assigned all of its respective rights, title and interest in respect of the above referenced account (including the right to receive payment of the outstanding balance) to Britannica-Arrow, effective 10 May 2011. It went on to state that I should address all payments and correspondence to Wescot Credit Services. I duly wrote to Wescot two times asking for a copy of the Contract, they dropped the case. Similar happened with the next four DCA / solicitors over the next 3 years. In that time:- (a) Arrow Global in December 2011 sent me a more legible reduced sized copy of the Loan Agreement with different Terms and Conditions than Egg had sent, with parts blacked out, still not the original, they must be guessing which one they sent to me in the first place as they do not have the original. (b) I was offered various levels of reduced payments, even a £25 p/month repayment or less. © I received a letter dated 15th of May 2013 telling me Arrow Global had purchased my account from Arrow Global! :- “Arrow Global is writing to let you know that your account was purchased by Arrow Global Limited from Britannica Recoveries S.a.r.l, acting in the name and on behalf of its compartment Arrow (“Britannica-Arrow”) on 28th February 2013”. This was of course on the same headed notepaper that they were previously using and continued using. At the time I thought nothing of it, but….**** I received a letter dated March 26 2014 from Restons re Arrow Global saying if I did not pay them £xxxx by April 9 2014 they would issue a County Court Summons. I immediately wrote back requesting a copy of the Contract and informing them that the debt was disputed, they bounced it back in a letter dated April 01 2014 saying it needed a signature, I added to my typed signature, a digital signature and returned it. Having received nothing from them, I wrote to them again on April 10 2014 again requesting a copy of the Contract. The next thing I received was a Claim Form from Northampton County Court dated 17 APR 2014 which I received on the 23rd of April. The Particulars of Claim were:- The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) and Egg dated on or about 09/02/2005 and assigned to the Claimant on 28/02/2013 in the sum of £xxxxx Particulars a/c no:- xxxxxxx DATE ITEM VALUE 07/03/2014 Default Balance xxxxxxx Post Refrl Cr NIL TOTAL xxxxx I then received one of my letters back again attached to a letter from Restons dated April 25th 2014 again stating that it was unsigned. I wrote back on 2nd May 2014 returning the letter and enclosing in my reply a request for true copy of my credit agreement pursuant to s.77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 enclosing a cheque for £1. They wrote back saying they could not process my request as the cheque should be made payable to Arrow Global. I wrote another letter to Restons on 14th May requesting documents mentioned in the statement of case under CPR 31.14, requesting :- 1. Contract , 2 Default Notice, 3 A copy of the deed of assignment from the Original Creditor. I informed them that I required them in order to file my defence on the 20th May. I received nothing back by May 20th so I filed an embarrassed defence. I received a letter from Restons dated May 20 2014 again returning my cheque for £1. I also received another letter dated May 20 2014 stating: - We acknowledge receipt of your recent request, made pursuant of to CPR 31.14. CPR 31.14 (1) states:- “A party may inspect documents mentioned in – (a) a statement of case; (b) a witness statement; © a witness summary; or (d) an affidavit” The documents you have requested are not “mentioned” in our Particulars of Claim and therefore CPR 31.14(1) does not apply. Now to me in the Particulars of Claim they mentioned a Contract between me and Egg, they mention a Default Balance, they mention the assignment to the Claimant BUT give the date when they assigned the account from Arrow Global to Arrow Global ****. Restons wrote to me again in a letter dated June 02 2014 enclosing the first 2 pages of the Agreement with Egg but no Terms and Conditions, some arrears notices and statements from Egg. They said that as they have now we have given you further details of your account could you confirm you are willing to withdraw your defence. Please complete the Form N9A and return it by 16 June 2014. Thanks for reading this far even if you cannot help me.
  11. hi im new to this forum so dont know if this is the right place to post. last year i recieved a ccj claim form i defended with a amended defence as i ran out of time to force them to cpmly with my cpr31 request and now i recieved a notice of transfer to my county court for summary judgement. i have not recievde from them any of the items on the cpr but i did a dsar request to halifax and found out that i originaly borrowed 4000 but have repaid 12000 over the years with all the charges for being overdraft and late payments my debt is still 4000 plus interst my question is how should i go about making a defence based on this also the amount that is shown that i owe does not account for 2000 they took setting off my current account. Name of the Claimant ? 1st credit Date of issue – top right hand corner of the claim form – this in order to establish the time line you need to adhere to. november 2013 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? Please type out their particulars of claim (verbatim) less any identifiable data and round the amounts up/down. the claimant claims 6000 for debt and interest. on xx/xx/2003 the defendant enterd into an agreement for a credit card with bank of scotland plc under ref.xxxxx. on xx/xx/2010 the defendant defaulted on the agreement with an outstanding balance of 6000. on xx/xx/2012 the debt of 5400 was assighned to 1st credit(finance) 5 ltd. on 19/11/2012 the company changed its name to cai finance ltd and on xx/xx/2013 assighned the debt to 1st credit( finance)ltd. notice of assighnment were sent to the defendent in accordance with s.136 law of property act 1925. and the claimant clamis 1. the sum of 5400 2. statutory interest of 500 pursuant to s.69 county courts act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum from xx/xx/2012 to xx/xx/2013 and thereafter at a daily rate of 1.06 until hudgment or sooner What is the value of the claim? Has the claimant included section 69 interest (8%)within the total claim or is it shown separate within the Particulars but not added to the debt? yes it is shown Is the claim for a current or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? before Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. assighned the debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? yes Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? cant remeber Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? not sure Why did you cease payments:- self employed could not afford to pay debt had other essentials to pay e.g mortgage Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? yes they closed my current account and kept 2000 which has not been taken off the credit card debt Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? no i tried to explain to them i was having difficulty but they set off my current account and i put me into more difficulty
  12. Hi. This morning ive recieved a claim form from the courts regarding an old capital one card that is now with hl legal. Im sure this was opened well over 6 yrs ago. Please can someone advise me on what to do asap. Thanks in advance vikki
  13. Hi I hope someone can advise on what I can do here a quick rundown is as follows in mid 2004 me and my then wife went to a solicitors and instructed them in adoption matters so I could adopt her daughter a few months later her natural father applied for contact, a terms and conditions was signed that stated "adoption" my wife went to the same solicitors and said that the adoption was on hold and asked them to deal with the contact matters move on to 2011 and they took us both to court over outstanding bills they told the court the invoices were for adoption matters, and the judge asked my wife and she said there were no contact matters I had no proof to show it was for contact and not adoption, so the judge issued a CCJ later that year I sent the solicitors a SAR and they eventuly sent the documents These document 100% showed that I did not instruct them in contact matters and the invoices were for contact matters despite what they said to the judge I wrote to them pointing out this evidence, they replied but made no mention towards the evidence I sent them so I wrote again saying, they did not reply eventuly after getting no joy direct with them I applied to the court to set-asdie the CCJ the following day they issued a statutory demand to me, so I also applied to set this aside court hearing was Thursday and their defence was that I should have appealed the CCJ within 28 days of course I knew nothing of the time limits, so the judge had no option but to dismiss my application to set aside the judge could not even look or take into account the evidence that clearly showed I did not instruct them and showed they clearly lied to the court in the original CCJ hearing. the same judge then looked at the stat demand set aside application, and basically as he could not set aside the CCJ he could not set aside the stat demand so this stat demand is still live and I don't know what to do. is there anyway to apply for some kind of injunction stopping them from taking further action due to the evidence that shows I was not liable ? I need to stop the stat demand from doing anything urgently as I understand there is only a short time involved here I should then be able to sue them for damages caused to me over this I do suffer from various health issues and depression and this could put me over the edge thanks
  14. my girlfriend claimed for sickness benefit or the modern day equivalent 5 months ago and is still waiting to be referred to a doctor for an appointment to assess her condition. The last conversation with the benefits office today ended up with her being told that there are no available appointments and it could take another 6 months and the best thing for her to do would be to contact a charity for financial assistance. Shes not well and even making phone calls isnt easy for her. I've managed to support her and her son for the past 6 months but now im defaulting on my debts as well as her depts. Is this really how the system works now? she is in genuine need for help but cant seem to get it. She has a 14 year old son, cannot work, no money coming in and that has been the situation for the past 6 months. Her housing benefit keeps getting canceled as the benefits office cant process the sickness benefit in time. She cannot get income support or any other benefit as she is claiming for sickness benefit! its ridiculous. Does any body have any suggestions? many thanks
  15. Hi there, I have a personal injury claim currently underway at the moment. The third party insurer has admitted liability and I have had an appointment with a 'medical expert'. My solicitors have sent me a copy of the medical report, the contents of which I am satisfied with. At the same time they have placed a valuation on the claim, They have also sent me a form to sign with three different options: Option 1: Agreement with the contents of the report and wish to settle claim on the basis of this report and authorising the solicitors to settle my claim between their valuation figures as FULL & FINAL Option 2: Disagreement with the content of the report Option 3: Agreement with report but settlement is delayed pending prognosis period, etc... My question is how can they ask me to settle my claim based on their settlement figures and sign to this effect until we have had an offer from the TP insurers? What happens if the figure I am offered is higher than their valuation figures? I'm not happy with signing anything until I have had an offer from the TP insurer. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  16. inspired by Tonycee success, I am planning to re claim charges back from BM. I am still with BM and paying mortgage regularly now after back on full time employment. also pay extra 200-300 every month towards arrears which i guess stands at 1500. instead of asking in other threads i decided to open a new one here. my rough estimates about charges are it will be around 2500-3000 consisting different amounts 30 35, 40, 50 and sometime 100 at various point of time cost of letters sent to me. given the scenario, could you please all guide me through. ie the steps i should follow? thanks
  17. My pre-eviction story is full of facts that should of prevented Decree being granted. However, due to no legal representation and apparant court error, Decree was granted on 24th January. I require urgent advice to prevent my family being evicted. I'm a single mum to 3 children. I'm a Housing Association Tenant. I've been a tenant with the Association for 17yrs. I suffer Mental Health problems following a Domestic Abuse relationship. Prior to receiving Help and support, i was evicted from same house in June 2011. I was given the house back a day later, due to a family member paying the full amount of rent arrears and court expenses. I was issued a SSST and had to receive Housing Support to avoid being in the same situation again. I was told this was a 'condition' of my tenancy. Support that was provided by the association came to an end in July 2012 due to not enough members of staff. No replacement of support was put in place which resulted in me falling into rent arrears. The Association started eviction proceedings on the grounds of rent arrears. There was 4 court dates prior to the 24th Jan. I was able to state my defence on those dates, which all resulted in 'continuation', granted by the Sheriff. Then, without warning, on the 5th court date, they changed the grounds to a SSST which has come to an end. The Sheriff sounded as surprised as i was on hearing this but immediately stated she 'had no option' and granted Decree. On doing my own homework i have discovered that i either should of been issued a Secure Tenancy from the start, or my SSST should of converted to an SST before the court proceedings. Other relevant information: Despite it being a condition of my tenancy, the association ignored my request for new support to be put in place. On receiving notice of proceedings, i requested support through my Health Visitor. Although not immediately, support was provided by Children and Families. I continue to receive their support. Rent arrears started due to problems with Benefits and no Housing Benefit in place. The same reasons for my rent arrears in 2011, which resulted in Eviction. This was pointed out to the Association when new support was being requested. Current rent has been paid regularly since October, following an award of full Housing Benefit. There was a HB back-date payment made and a claim to FURTHER back-date my HB was looked into on receiving my award. My claim was upheld on the 20th of January, both the association and myself were notified on the 20th. Payment was made on the 26th January. A deduction of benefits order was put in place end of December to reduce the arrears. I asked for the money to be taken off my benefits in September, but was told i could not make the application, had to be the landlord. This is the most relevant info concerning my case, there are a few other, not so important pieces of information. Is there anything i can do to prevent the eviction going ahead, to prevent myself and children becoming homeless? Thank-you in advance.
  18. Does anyone have a scan or a link to an example of an Equita walk in possesion order? I saw one a while back and there was something on it that gave me a "raised eyebrow " moment. I don't need to see any personal details at all , just the actual form
  19. Hi, I would really appreciate if anyone could help me. At the beginning of February 2014 I was offered a senior role within a very reputed Financial Services organisation. However within the Background checks I found out that there was a CCJ against my name registered in December 2013. As soon as I got the information on 17th February, I contacted the Northampton County Court and they informed me that Parking Eye had secured a judgment against me for overstaying in a car park. The way Parking Eye operates is that they take a video evidence and then get in touch with the customer using their contact details from DVLA. Unfortunately the address Parking Eye was trying to get in touch with me was an old address which I had vacated 3 months earlier. I was at a very low point in my life and updating the DVLA address was one of the last things on my mind. By the time I could update my records in DVLA, ParkingEye was trying to get in touch with me at my old address and eventually they got a CCJ against my name in December 2013. I paid Parking Eye on 17th February itself as I didnt want the CCJ, however I have been told that paying off £165 at the first instance wasnt a wise thing. I now need some help in finding out what are the best options for me to get the CCJ removed / set aside from my file. Parking Eye has been sympathetic and they are in the process of sending a Consent Order to court stating the condition and asking them to set aside my CCJ. However I have been made aware that this a rare circumstance it depends on the judge who undertakes the case. I havent yet raised a N244 application but I wanted to know whether I should be doing the same in conjunction to Consent Order; or should I ask Parking Eye to stop sending the Consent Order and I send N244 application on my own? Any help or advice on the matter would be useful. I have never defaulted on any payment or credit agreement and otherwise have an excellent credit history. Unfortunately with the presence of the CCJ on my file I would not be able to secure any further employment within Financial Services industry in which I have worked for more than 12 years. Thanks in advance...
  20. Good Evening Im hoping someone can give me a quick response. I was in arrears with GE Money (secured loan) due to relationship breakdown, losing my job, looking and securing child care. GE money had a suspended order in place from 2010 and due to my own erratic payments (redundancy from previous job etc) have received an eviction notice now for the 18th July 2013. I have alredy submitted the court forms and witness statements as per the excellent advice on the forum. GE money have provided me with an arrears figure of £2976.96 and have refused all efforts for reaching a payment plan. I have asked for evidence of the arrears and they have provided me with a simple statement and from my calculations the breakdown is £1178.96 arrears for monthly payment £1767.21 'loan reop instalment due' and "transfer to s/a E' I asked for clarification of what the loan reop instalment due was and received the follow from simply law solicitors Loan re-optimisation, is the process whereby any additional cost and interest that have accrued on a mortgage are paid on a monthly basis over the remaining term of the mortgage rather being due as a lump payment upon expiration of the mortgage term. The claimant believes that it is beneficial for an account to be re-optimised as it spreads the debt out over a long period and prevents the Defendant being asked for a lump payment upon expiry. I have paid all the arrears off now (payment made of £1180 and made the monthly payment last month), despite GE Money refusing to take payment, and will take this evidence to the court hearing tomorrow. I have made an offer of £60 per month to clear the Loan re-optimisation although GE money are adamant they want this as a lump sum due to the £1767.21 which should have been paid previously?? GE Money have also issued me a statement saying in addition to the £1767.21 i owe another £3,894.10 in charges which still need to be re-optimised? This statement includes home visits charges which I strongly dispute. Although no other breakdown of interest is provided etc. I have provided to the court evidence of my income, a letter from my employer stating I am out of my probationary period and not at risk of redundancy, a witness statement, all correspondence to GE money and income and expenditure and proof I am in a good position to maintain this commitment. I have two young children also. I think my questions are as follows (1) As I have/can demonstrate I have cleared the monthly instalments arrears would the Judge except £60 towards the charges on the account. There is 57 months remaining on the account which would mean I would pay approx £3420 which I understand is below what GE money is charging me however I want to dispute these and I cannot afford to pay these immediatley as per the request from GE Money. (2) What is everyones experience on loan re-optimisation and can this be classed as actual arrears on the account. Sorry for the delay (and my unreasonable need for an urgent response I thought I would be ok but I am having wobbles now. Many Thanks
  21. Hi guys, my situation was a got behind on HP agreement with Marsh, they applied for court order. Collection agent called at my home twice during work hours which obviously i was at work. I spoke with an agent and explained i was in talks with Marsh to organise repayment. Lady at Marsh said i needed to pay £540 in order to prevent action (car repo). I contacted Marsh once had the money and lady i was dealing with was off and i was told i would be called. Two days later i was at work and i got a call at work and it was the guy from repo agents asking me to leave work and go to car park to empty car. I went to car park and tried to reason with him, he was very abrupt. I contacted marsh and explained i had money at home and was able to pay the £540 i had. The man from North West discussed my finances in an open car park on hands free in front of members of the public. I explained i was at work and he told me i needed to leave work or he would take my car. Due to the pressure he put on my i left work and told them i was sick (i work in industry where these type of calls at work are not permitted). He followed me 12 miles in a van to my home town, he used foul language, he followed me from a relatives house to my house where he wanted the money. However when i got the money he demanded costs on top of £210 or he would take car. This was not discussed at all previous. I asked him for copy of my agreement which he didnt have. I called Marsh and they instructed to hand over the £540 and i told them i called my solicitor and they agree to spread agent costs over my agreement. My question is was the agent allowed to harrass me into leaving work, follow me home, contact my employer ( i have no idea how he knew where i worked), swear at me and most importantly breach data protection in the manner he did. I was off sick the follow day due to worry he would return. I sent a letter of complaint to the company which has been ignored, 5 weeks has passed. What can i do guys? I have no idea and just need some advice Thanks a lot
  22. Hi I have received a letter from Marstons group saying I owe a sum of £516.40. I have tried to speak to them about arranging a payment but they are asking for half and I dont even have a £1 at the moment. I got a train fine last may but then moved address, and didnt hear anything since. I then have been sent this letter saying they are going to come to my address. The flat is not owned by me and I only just rent a room here, the landlord will go mad if anyone comes to this address, and If i even tell the landlord it will no doubt end in me being homeless. As a lost my job back in october, I have been on benefits since. I really dont know what to do, please can somebody help me.
  23. My first post here as in desperate need of advice. I am at this point £750 in rent arrears which have mounted up over 4 years. I had a suspended possession order in court when arrears were £875 in October. Up to 2 weeks ago I kept to the £56 weekly rent but have slipped with a gambling addiction problem and not paid in last 2 weeks. I get paid weekly of £175 each Saturday and will definitely make a payment 1st thing Saturday. I can't pay £168 this Saturday in one go (2 weeks missed rent plus current payment). I need help urgently as can't face life on the streets. I also owe 2 years council tax which hasnt been paid and various other debts which haven't been paid in years. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  24. Hello there I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has some experience in this field who would kindly offer me some words of advice and guidance on my current sticky situation. Me and my wife work full time and part time respectively and juggle the cost of child care, bills, mortgage payments and food bills in accordance with our income, as I'm sure you will appreciate this is not always an easy task. In March of 2012 (after many sleepless nights) I entered into an agreement with my credit card companies to have the balance frozen and pay what I could ,This worked for some .......... My Barclaycard account was Assigned to I D R finance, who appointed Link financial outsourcing to manage the account on there behalf. I D R agreed to honour the informal agreement with Barclaycard at a rate of £1.00 per month and review in 6 months time . However after 3 payments they refused to send payment slips and the account was frozen as I had no way of paying. I have had no contact with anyone regarding this account (No I did not move house) until the first week of January 2014 when I received a claim form from Northampton County court with the claimant being IDR finance UK limited claiming roughly £4,500. Disagreeing with the amount owed I have done the Acknowledgement of service online so am trying to prepare some kind of defence. I have obtained my credit report and to my amazement there is now two active accounts on it registered in default ? One with Barclaycard (the original lender) owing an amount of roughly £4,200 and one with link financial owing an amount of roughly £3,800. (but it's IDR taking me to court) What's even stranger to me is that none of those two account numbers match the account reference on the particulars of the claim I'm really confused and in desperate need of your guidance. I have until the end of this month (being January) to submit a defence. Please Help
  25. help me please this is not my fault today i got a letter from tax credits office belfast saying my daughter s award is subject to a random check and they want proof of her college or school before 1 march or i l have to repay all the money and face a penalty! the thing is she is no at school! i wrote 2 letters in june telling them she was finishing and going to uni i never heard a word back so i thought that was the end of it as i never got any money i didnt understand so i rang my bank and found out they have still been paying me into an account i no longer have i use a current account and there was nothing on there to show payments from them at all the account number they supposedly have be paying it into does not exist! how can i prove i have not received this money! apparantly they have been paying me 132 pound a week from sept as they assumed she s still in full time eduaction she is 19 in 2 weeks im very worried ive done no wrong but with so much tax credits fraud around how can i make them believe i have not got any monies? i have several accounts some i dont use nd some i closed now they will think im a fraud what should i do? thanks diana
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