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  1. Hi I'm new here looking for help. I dont even know where to begin. Going back possibly as much as 15 years if not longer, my Mother took out a loan in my Dad's name for a loan with what was then Midland bank I think ? my Dad was aware of it at the time, must have signed paperwork etc, but then my Mum got into arrears and over a long period of time it eventually ended up at Wescot, which she has been paying £5 a month for years now. The total debt is still about £2400. My Dad has no knowledge of this debt. Cutting through a long saga ...... my Mum had a massive stroke end of March and has now been moved to a Nursing home, she has no movement on left side and completely incapable of independent living, and also only has limited capacity. My Dad was already very poorly and infirm and has now moved into the Nursing home with her. The house is unoccupied and is up for sale. I wrote to Wescot explaining the circumstances - oh before that - before we knew what was happening with Mum I kept up the payments and because I wasnt sure if she'd made the Feb payment, I actually made 2 in March so paid £10, then in April paid £20, in theory they have had 6 months payments in 2 months !! - so I wrote to them explaining the circumstances - WITHOUT giving them the new address !! but using Dad's home address of course and saying I wanted to pay off this debt and clear his name etc, I offered them a sum of £500 in full and final settlement fully expecting them to write back and perhaps negotiate and I would have gone up a bit. It was the bank who told me to offer a low amount, that they would probably accept it ? as we are changing bank accounts and had to declare the debt on my Dad as we were opening a joint account, and funnily enough it didnt stop him being allowed to open a bank account ?? I have not heard a thing !!! They have not replied to me at all. I havent as yet telephoned because I just dont think they will speak to me. I dont have power of attorney for my Dad yet, it's all going through the Office of Public Guardian but doesnt become final until July. What should I do ?? Write again - or ring to offer the money - OR ignore them but I cant just ignore them because once the house is sold the new people will get debt collectors or letters and I dont want anything sent on to me at MY address or the Nursing home they are in now. Should I write another letter as if it's Dad ? saying his daughter had already written etc ? I have signed letters from him authorising people to talk to me about all his affairs so I could send that as well ? I just want it paid off, but not the full amount as when sorting out the paperwork I found several offer letters to reduce the payments which my Mother ignored because she didnt want to pay them !! but it cant just be ignored forever because once the house is sold if we stop paying debt letters will continue to come ! I explained in the letter that now he only has income of £22 a week and if they went down a financial statement route on that they may get less than he is paying now and that I wanted to sort this out for him before he passed away so he wasnt in debt, that I actually wanted to pay them !! so why have they ignored me ? I dont know what to do ? So any suggestions ??
  2. Hi All, my ex partner received a letter at the ex marital home (they still live there) in my name from Arrow Global Guernsey advising me that Cyclone Asset Management has assigned a debt effective 23rd December 2011 to Arrow. It goes on to state that payments made on this account after December 2010 will be passed to Arrow and will be deducted from the current balance. It then states that all future payments and correspondance shoud be directed to Wescot Credit Services, gives a phone number and ref no and states that I should contact Wescot as a matter of urgency to organise payment, it also states I should contact them if I believe this is in error, again as a matter of urgency. The original debt is stated as originally owed to Shop Direct Group with no amount or date mentioned but it does give an account number. Here's the issue: I have never used mail order or anything likely to have caused a debt with Shop Direct Group, I have no debts, I don't have a credit card, I have not lived at the marital address since 2008, I have nothing at the address. My ex partner is going crazy saying I must contact them and sort it but my instinct is just ignore as it sounds like a phishing trip/[problem]. Advice please peeps?
  3. Hello all, I have received a letter today from LloydsTSB / Wescot Credit Services, with regards to my unpaid £6k UK credit card debt. Usually they threaten this and that, but this letter I'm not really sure what they're saying. So any advice would be greatly appreciated. My mailing address is New Zealand and has been for several years. "If you do not pay off the full amount outstanding, we will allocate your payment to the outstanding balance in a specific order, which is set out below. The way in which payments are allocated can make a significant difference to the amount of interest you will pay until the balance is cleared completely. ALLOCATION OF PAYMENTS Since no interest or or charges are being applied to your account, your payment will be used to pay of the outstanding balance. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If you have a problem with your agreement, please try and settle it with us in the first instance. If you are not happy with the way in which we have handled your complaint or the result, you may be able to complain to the Ombudsman. We will provide details of how to contact the Ombudsman." After all the threatening letters, then offers of 25% off, now this. What's going on does anyone know what they're up to ? I know that they will have difficulties in taking any court action as It's a UK agreement and I live in New Zealand and they have not taken any action in the UK prior to me leaving some 3 years ago. Is Wescot Credit Services a DCA or is it part of Lloyds TSB? Regards, Steveab1
  4. Hello all, I am struggling to work out through Google who the current managing director is of the most beloved CCA – Wescot Credit Services Ltd. (WCS). I left HBOS with an o/d of £600 but after they charged me multiple times for going overdrawn when I didn't and then refused to correspond with me about it (either in person at the bank or in writing) I just gave up and things spiralled out of control with the account until HBOS closed it and passed the debt to WCS. The debt reached about £1200 when it was passed to WCS and after many arguments about not owing that much to HBOS and a few years ( I was explaining on the phone about accepting £600 as was my original o/d that was never cleared but if they didn't take me to court soon over the rest that I would start proceedings myself against HBOS/WCS. The bloke on the phone said they would probably accept a reduced figure that would be close to the £600£700 range and I said I would look at it when it came through in writing in order to give me a few days grace to work out if I could afford it - the deal being that I would have to pay the agreed sum within 3 months of me accepting it, the debt would be marked as 'satisfied' (though not paid in full) and this mark would remain for 6 years. The letter came through very soon (19/04/12, dated the 17th) and it is from their solicitors – Nelson Guest & Partners Solicitors (NG&PS), Kent – I believe this to be a firm of solicitors owned or run by Wescot. The amount on the letter states £1257.68 as the total owed and a 50% agreement of £628.84 being acceptable if I call Wescot. This I tried to do on the 20th but their phone operator kept cutting off, I find this happens a lot on Friday afternoon with companies like this. I spoke to a colleague of that operator and was told no agreement had been set up which was to my advantage as I called back on the 23rd and set up the agreement and got the standing order details set up through my bank. About a week later I called back and asked for the agreement to be confirmed to me in writing and the operator at that time quoted £700 as the amount agreed which I disputed immediately and we both agreed the original £628.84 agreement. The letter finally came through, this time from WCS, not their solicitors (dated 10th May but received 15th) and the numbers do not match up to any previous letter. The full amount owed has gone down from £1257.68 to 1209.28 but the agreed repayment amount has gone up to £700 in their letter and they know that I can not achieve this nor was this the agreement. Furthermore the letter does not state a commencing date of the agreement or an end date by which I have to pay it by. I am now writing to WCS and am copying in the Solicitor’s as well as it was their letter that quoted £628.84 and I would like to also copy in their Head of Compliance, Charlotte Allen as surely this is not compliant to any code of conduct or law but I would like to address the main letter to the managing director(s). Is Mr Jonathan Andrew Graham or Mr Paul Jenkins the current MD, or is it someone else? Would the MD be the MD for the whole company or would Hull and Scotland use different MD’s. I am planning on writing to Hull as it is this office that wrote to me but I am also planning on CC’ing Saltcoats, Ayrshire as this is their registered address according to both their letter and their website. All-in-all I am planning on sending the letter to: 1.) WCS Hull: correspondence address; 2.) WCS Hull: Head of Compliance; 3.) WCS Ayrshire: Registered address; 4.) NG&PS: their solicitors. Please can you let me know if this is too much and also help with the names of the MD’s as after reading much about WCS on the net I am worried that no matter what I pay them and how quickly, they are going to try to sting me for the full £1257.68. Sorry to have given so much detail but I do not want to leave you without info you may need ANY help will be appreciated, thank you.
  5. hi guys just now ive just received a letter from wescot.Reguarding an 2 year old BT phone bill. I refused to pay my bt phone bill and broadband with them has the phoneline and broadband wasnt working properly.people could ring me and the phone wouldnt ring at my end.broadband was cutting out all the time upto 8 times aday.I phone Bt reguarding the matter loads of times.and there just reported the fault and said it will be fixed in 72 hours by sending some kind of signals down through my phone line. but no change the fault just kept contueing so i didnt pay the bill and let them disconnect me from bt. Anywhere last year in march 2010 my neighbour pulled me up and said to me are you mr ------- and i said yes.my neigbour said a company keeps ring for you on my house phone called wescot and asking for you and asking if i am still living at my fixed address.She told me that she told them i still live there and that wescot are sending me a letter reguarding the matter so said ok thanks to my neighbour. The next day I got a letter from wescot credit services reguarding the debt for the phone bill £330.54p.so i offered them a £1 a month and there expected it.At th time i thought just pat this £1 a month to them and it will get them off my back. Anyway to put things short i got bored of paying this £1 a month to them so i stopped paying it 6 months ago .and today i receive a letter from them 1st time since stop paying them saying Our records show that you have failed to maintain the agreed repayment plan .the last payment received on your account was £1 on the 17/08/2010 and as a result the repayment plan is £5.00 in arrears. you have already acknowledged liability for this debt by agreeing this repayment plan,therefore you must take immediate action to clear these arrears. please do not ignore this letter to do so could result you in either us or our client taking action to recover the debt,which may include: 1 legal action against you through the courts. 2 referring your debt to a door step collections agency to carry out collections at your home. do you think i should just start paying wescot again? any advice would be great or help on this matter would be great...
  6. Wondering if anyone can help or advise me about claiming PPI back?? I took out loans in 2002/2003 not sure how many as its now with the credit agency Wescot, Could anyone advise me on how i go about or even if i can claim PPI on these??
  7. Hi all Have received a county court claim form in the post for a debt (Littlewoods cataloge) which im 100% sure is over 6 years old. I have checked through my bank statements and the last time i made a payment or acknowledged the account was the 1st april 2005. However the lovely people at wescott are claiming on the form 24/10/2006? The claim form is dated the 5th Aug and i received it on the 10th Aug. I haven't replied to the court yet or got in contact with wescott im not too sure what my first steps are and any help would be VERY much appreciated.
  8. Hi All, Apologies for posting a new thread i am sure the information is somewhere on here, i am just feeling really stressed and upset. I recieved a postcard through my door, which i now know i should never have replied to. It related to a debt from 2004 i think, but i cant be sure. They say i owe £3000 and made a payment in 2006 again i have no recollection of this. I have had debts in the past but i was sure i had paid everything off. I believe that as i have confirmed my address and date of birth that i have now accepted the debt? Is this true? I never admitted to the debt over the phone. I am terrified that they will try to get money off me now. I really need advice on what to do. I have asked for a breakdown of the account as i have no recollection of it. Is there anything else i should do at this stage. I am really down and stressed out about this, my debts caused me to loose everything a few years ago, i thought i had got my life back now this. Not sure what to do. any help would be great. Thanks.
  9. Hi, Having sent CCA and SAR request, RBS responded in a timely manner sending all statements from 2004 (guess it's the 6 year rule) plus the attached CCA which is a one-sided document without any T&Cs or PPI policy details. Is this right? The rest of the documentation includes just statements, my recent letters to them and a balance transfer slip from 2004, no trace of anything else (such as T&Cs, or PPI Policy). Have uploaded document here http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af306/flowepower2010/RBS_Agreement.jpg For some reason the header area is totally illegible on the photocopy sent by them, yet everything else is quite clear. Any blurred areas below the header were blurred by me. Signature and exact date were also distorted in Photoshop just in case... Some things have changed since then -I'm no longer a homeowner and currently unemployed. :? Is this an enforceable agreement? I have no idea... Many thanks in advance...
  10. Hello all, i hope i get some help because im going nuts!!! So two years ago, on the previous flat i was renting i had british gas & Electricity. When i moved out i missed "Apparently" few payments. since Last year i been receiving calls from Wescot Credit services to pay the debt. I chose to ignore them because i remember not having any debt. Then i received a letter from a solicitors office sayin that wescot is willing to consider realistic options for repayment based on my personal circumstances. I emailed them, asking for the bill that states my name, my flat the bill is for and the amount i owe, as well as the dates for this amount. That was a month a go (10/03/11). I told them that i only will to contact them through emails. I received no reply whatsoever Today (7/04/11) I received a letter from ScotCall Debt collecting services with a Doorstep Collection Notice, saying that if i dont pay the debt immediately my account will be passed to their Field representatives to arrange a doorstep call. What can i do?? Shoul i email the ScotCall Debt collectors and say the same stuff i told the solicitors? (send me a bill with the amount owned etc) Please Help. Regards, Charlee
  11. Hi All, I am back for some help again! The full story to now can be read on the below thread; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?153836-Brian-Carter-Solicitors-Advice-Please Total amount £3,223.58 With your advice, I managed to put Bryan Carter and his friends in their place and after they were unable to provide me with a CCA for this debt, I have heard nothing from anyone since September 2008. Within the last few days however I have received 3 letters which were sent to my parents house. 1/ From RBS stating that they had assigned this debt to Arrow Global Guernsey Ltd 2/ From Arrow Global stating that they had been assigned this debt by RBS 3/ A debt collection letter from Wescot demanding that I contact them immediately or face further action. I find this strange having not heard anything for 2 and a half years, however I am concerned that as I was contacted directly by RBS that this collection is legitimate. Can somebody please assist me with some advise on the next step? Many Thanks Laura
  12. Hi All, I have 3 Statute Barred (1992 - 1996) accounts with SLC. I have been paying 1 of them off - [before I found CAG alas] - through a direct debit with Wescot Credit. I have now recieved CCA's for all 3 accounts, but I am concerned that Wecsot or SLC have extended my repayment period without my knowledge, to start repaying one or both of the other accounts, that I have not acknowledged. If this has happened, is it allowed? SAR request sent to SLC - awaiting reply. Any help or advice would be gratefully received cyclist
  13. Hi First time poster, so apologies if I've put this in the wrong place. A few months ago I received a letter from Wescot stating I had an old BT debt for £211.73, with all the usual threats of court action etc. At that time I was contemplating bankruptcy so decided to offer a minimal monthly payment as part of a debt management plan which would hopefully keep them at bay until I did my bankruptcy. Now circumstances have changed somewhat and I need to put off bankruptcy for at least 3 more years, however I now need to challenge this debt as I do not now think I am liable for it. I had made one payment of around £5.00 to Wescot, then subsequently challenged the authenticity of the original debt. I sent Wescot the standard request for original credit agreement enclosing a £1.00 postal order. Today I received a letter from Wescot stating; "Following your recent request for a copy of the signed agreement we can confirm that this account falls under the following legislation, Consumer Credit (Exempt Agreements) Order 1989, Article 3 (1) and is therefore enforceable" Has anyone any advice on what my next step should be? Are Wescot correct in quoting the agreement excempt status? Should I now send a letter saying this account is now in dispute to Wescot, or should I approach BT first? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ian
  14. Hi, I received an 'Address Verification' letter from said DCA this morning saying they were attempting to contact me (though they've misspelt my name) and wanting me to confirm I'm residing at the address. There's no mention of what I 'owe' or on whose behalf they're acting. The letter says I am to contact Wescot by phone or mail by the 9th of this month or they will assume the info they have is correct and, I assume, proceed with harassing me by mail. Now, naturally, I'm not very keen to let them know their information is correct, so how should I go about fending them off? Write to them claiming their information is incorrect and give them a fake name? Or would that be futile? Any advice would be welcomed! Thanks.
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