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  1. Hi, I wonder if someone can help on this matter. October 2017 - I received a Capital COntribution Order (CCO) for £52968.06 to repay to Legal Aid Agency (LAA) following a legal proceeding. In this case Rossendales claimed £362.50 as enforcement costs and other fees for a Charging Order thay they put on my property. December 2017 - I lodged a Judicial Review as litigant in person against Legal Aid Agency. The argument was that the CCO was miscalculated. Jannuary 2018 - The High Court ordered LAA to recalculate the CCO within 3 months. May 2018 - LAA admitted the miscalculation and issued a variation of the CCO for £39567. This time Rossendales raised the enforcement costs and other fees to £442.50. 21 August 2018 - I contacted Rossedales in order to arrange a payment plan. 29 August - The High Court ordered LAA to pay my costs for the persuance of Judical Review. 31 August 2018 - Out of the blue, Rossendales sent me another variation of the CCO for £41003.63. This time Rossendales raised the enforcement costs to £1878.50. Basically, the amount of the CCO did not changed (£39567). Rosseldales just added more fees. I understand the initial enforcement costs of £362.50 for the application of the Charging Order. But after they secured their credit there was not action anymore in terms of enforcement. I lodged my Judicial Review and succeded in that.They sent me a new CCO and applied fees for £442.50. After contacting them on 21 august to arrange a payment plan they raised again the enforcement fees to £1878.50. Which enforcement fees they are talking about if the only enforcement action took place on October 2017( 11 months ago) for the Charging Order? There was no enforcement action from Oct 2017 up to date especially when I succeded with my Judicial Review. I intend to make some objections to this fees but I need some advice or opinions on the best way to proceed. I really hope that someone can help me. Thank you very much
  2. I need some help. I was very foolish back in November buying an item off Ebay. The item was a supposedly haunted piece of jewellery from a magickal seller. The item cost me £160. Needless to say I am not happy with the purchase and want to return the item, but because its gone over 90 days I cannot open a dispute with Ebay. The seller is refusing to respond to my messages I have sent. Can anyone please advise what I can do to reclaim my money back over an item which is clearly not as described.
  3. Hi all was wondering if any one could help? I recently stumbled across a letter written to me from the CEO of the company telling me I was due to have a £1000 raise as part of our company being taken over by a larger company. Having had a look at the letter it was dated on the 21st of December 2015 and my wage was supposed to go up on the 1st of January 2016. This of course is not the case and the reason why I am writing. It was by sheer luck that I managed to find the letter as it was in the managers back office near the bin area, I found the letter in a sealed envelope whilst i was cleaning the office.There were a few more envelopes just like it, however all the employees they were addressed to were no longer part of the company. As it was addressed to me I thought it might be important information that possibly just got misplaced. I politely sent my manager an email wishing to discuss the potential raise, and even sent him a copy of the letter, however it seems to have fallen on deaf ears as he has straight out ignored the email. As part of our procedure to file an inquiry to HR everything must be in written form and you must see if the problem could be resolved onsite first, the only reason I haven't directly spoken to my manager about the incident is because if he was to say something to me it would be a literal case of his word against mine. I would love a raise that I believe i am entitled to as I have it in writing. Whether or not I was supposed to see the letter is a completely different matter but it does seem the company or manager has withheld information from me and possibly other employees. The letter I found addressed to me would have been binned otherwise. What should my next step be? my only concern being is that i found the envelope and was not handed the envelope. Thank you for your time.
  4. My unenforceable journey is coming to the end! At last I have been to County Court to fight ccjs and high Court to fight HCE Bailiffs and only lost once on an un- regulated loan I have been checking through all of my creditors and dca accounts Most are now statute barred or coming up to being statute barred in the next couple of months Most of the dca do not know my current address. I am considering writing to each one in turn once I consider that it is SB notifying my current address so that they can't sneak in and get a ccj at my old address and informing them that the account is statute barred What does the team think about me doing this? Only me again
  5. This is a good FOI reply I found on Whatdotheyknow site; https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/sanctions_comprehensive_monitori#comment-57627 The FOI 108 DMA Checklist.xls file (click on 'View HTML' to see it) is particularly interesting as it contains a list of all the checks the adviser has to do if they want to raise a valid sanction doubt - there's LOTS of little things that we can catch them out on if they fail to do it Well worth printing out and keeping. Should your adviser ever try to raise a doubt you can produce it and at least make sure they go through every step while you argue it with them.
  6. The minimum wage would rise to £8 an hour over the course of the next parliament if Labour wins the general election, the party has pledged. Leader Ed Miliband said it was "not good enough" that one in five people in the UK were on low pay. But the Conservatives said they had already delivered an above-inflation increase as, from October, the minimum wage will rise from £6.31 to £6.50. The minimum wage for adult workers was £5.80 at the time of the last election. Chancellor George Osborne suggested, in an interview with BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson in January, that the minimum wage would rise to £7 an hour in 2015 to return the level it was at before the economic downturn. 'Wealth creators' The rate is recommended by the Low Pay Commission, which is overseen by Liberal Democrat Business Secretary Vince Cable. "By crashing the economy, Labour made everyone poorer and they haven't learnt their lesson” Sajid Javid Conservative minister Government sources have suggested that the rate would probably rise to £8 by the end of the next Parliament if it continued on current trends. The TUC has called for the minimum wage to increase to £10 an hour. Mr Miliband announced the policy in interviews with the Sunday Mirror and Observer newspapers as Labour's annual conference got under way in Manchester. The party says the £1.50 per hour increase would be worth £60 a week, or £3,000 a year, for the lowest paid. "Too often people think that politics doesn't care about them," the Labour leader told the Sunday Mirror. "They are the wealth creators just as much as the top entrepreneurs and the top business people. And we've got to reward them." Tory cabinet minister Sajid Javid: "Ed Miliband would make people worse off." He said the party would show "how we can become a country that rewards hard work once again". In the Observer interview he added: "It is not good enough for us that one in five people in our country go out to work, make their contribution and are in low pay." But Conservative Culture Secretary Sajid Javid said people would not take "lectures" from Labour on helping people on low pay. "By crashing the economy, Labour made everyone poorer and they haven't learnt their lesson," he said. "Ed Miliband would make people worse off with the same failed policies that got us into a mess in the first place - more wasteful spending, more borrowing and higher taxes." 'Dangerous' The Liberal Democrats said the best way to help the low paid was to cut their taxes. "Labour has refused to back tax cuts for working people," a spokesperson added. Meanwhile, Mark Littlewood from free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs said the move would be "dangerous" for the economy. The national minimum wage is the lowest hourly rate at which workers must legally be paid, although there are lower levels for workers aged 18-20, those under 18 and those working on an apprentice scheme. It was introduced by Labour in 1997 and the level is reassessed annually by the Low Pay Commission, which then makes a recommendation to ministers. October's above-inflation increase of 19p (3%) - announced in March - will be the first time in six years that the rise is higher than inflation. The rate for 18 to 20-year-olds will go up by 10p to £5.13 an hour, a 2% increase. The rate for those aged 16 and 17 will rise by 7p to £3.79, also a 2% rise. Apprentices will earn an extra 5p an hour, taking their wages to at least £2.73. In August the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation was 1.5%. BBC So we could see people taking home less because they will move into the income tax bracket or less because employers will reduce hours or even less still as they will be made redundant because some employers won't be able to afford the rise.
  7. Hi all I'm looking for some impartial advice as I'm currently really emotional about the situation. I work in the public sector and I'm a union rep but I deal with union learning so not really familiar with personal cases and such. I've worked in my current role for almost 3 years and for 18 months ot was fine, cue staff loses and increased workloads and I started making silly mistakes, at which point my new manager decided to make things difficult for me. I ended up off sick for over 3 months with work related stress due to bullying, however my management have always maintained that it's been due to my union work. I can 100% say that it's my union work that kept me sane and gave me abreak from tthe pressure of the office. Since I returned to work ive made no mistakes at all, however the new senior management has taken issue with my union duties. They have never taken into account my facility time when giving out work so I've always done the same amount as my colleagues despite the fact I'm out of the office at times or have other pieces of work to do do sometimes I have to play catch up. They took issue with how my union time was being recorded and were asking me to use special leave and click out of flexi for any emails or phone calls I took that were union related. This was against the union agreement with hr. Hr became involved and an email set out exactly what I should be doing and specifically stated I should not use special leave. I got a job in anothrr department and I'm due to move there in 4 weeks. However since I got the job things have gotten much worse. I've been forced to used special leave for attending our agm. They question any update I put into flexi for union time. On Friday things came to a head when I had emailed giving advanced notice that I had union work to do and would be out of the office for two hours in the afternoon to get it done. This was agreed. On Friday morning my manager phoned the branch chair to find out what worl I had to do and stated she was going to ask that I do it another time as she had given other staff time to do things and would be short staffed if I went. This was the final straw so I approached our full time rep and was extremely upset at this point an didn't tell anyone where's I was going. The rep told hr where I was and that as I was upset and uncomfortable with the situation I wouldn't be going back until it was sorted. Later I went to pick up my bags, got taken into the office and had strips torn off me and reduced to tears for not telling anyone where I was by my senior management. I explained hr knew where I was but that made no difference. Senior management are obviously backing my manager as I expected. I've now spent the whole weekend in tears and taking panic attacks when I think about having to go into work tomorrow.The rrelationship has broken down so much between management and myself that's it's not repairable and I genuinely think working with them over the next 4 weeks is going to be detrimental to my health. I've thought about raising a grievance but is there any point when I'm due to move on in 4.weeks and if I do will they just make life hell for me until I go? Any advice would be welcome
  8. So Christmas is nearly upon us once again...... A time for giving, sharing, fun, laughter and good food. But it also makes us remember people we love who are no longer here to celebrate. I turn 41 on Sunday, and it has always been a tradition in my family that the decorations go up on my birthday. When I had my own family, the tradition continued, however my loving Mum and Dad are no longer here to join in, and putting up the decs whilst celebrating my birthday brings both joy and pain because it brings back so many memories. (My Dad loved Christmas so much he had us playing Christmas carols as a kid on my sisters birthday........... 15th Nov lol) So I want to remember my Mum and Dad (and the other family members and friends whom I have loved and lost) by raising a CAG drink to them. Please join in by raising a glass of your loved ones favourite tipple and feel free to add a story as to why you raise that glass. Merry Christmas every one xx Up2 Dad (02/1997) I raise a glass of port to you because you made me believe Santa preferred this to milk. I love and miss you, God bless Mum, (09/2007) I raise a glass of Baileys to you because that's all you drank. lol, I love and miss you, God bless I raise a glass of Rose wine (my tipple) to the rest of my family and friends no longer with us. I love and miss you, God bless
  9. Hi all, As the title says, I was given a promotion to "Supervisor" approx. one month ago at my part time job, accompanied by a raise for which I negotiated with the Assistant Manager. Promotion and raise were given at meeting between Assistant Manager, Head Bartender, Floor Supervisor, and myself, during which I was given new responsibilities including mentoring newer staff, I was asked to come into work earlier, etc. I took the minutes for this meeting. After meeting, Assistant Manager met with each of us individually to negotiate raise with us. He made me an offer, I made a counter-offer, he accepted, we shook hands. I go into work that week as supervisor, everything is right as rain. Fast forward to this week. I need to open the till as I've forgotten to give a customer his change. To do this, I need to make a sale, even though I had been told that supervisors' till keys allowed supervisors to open tills without making a new sale. So I go into the office. General Manager is there and I ask if he can register my key with supervisor privileges. He asked me why I needed them. To open tills, as the previous supervisor was able to, I said. Then he told me I wasn't a supervisor. I said Assistant Manager had promoted me and given me a raise a full month ago. General Manager said he had heard nothing about this and asked me to leave so he could talk to Assistant Manager. Five minutes later Assistant Manager pulls me off the bar and asks for a chat. Says he never had authority to promote staff or give them raises. Effectively, I've just worked for a month on minimum wage thinking I had been promoted and given a raise. I told Assistant Manager and General Manager in clear terms I was upset and did not understand how something like this was allowed to happen - I had explicitly told Assistant Manager during meeting a month ago that I needed a raise to make the hours worth it as I am also a full time Masters student. Surely this situation is illegal. Worse, this is just the latest in a slew of managerial missteps, including failure until November to distribute pay slips, and almost consistent failure to pay correct amount for hours worked - for me and all other staff. All in all, I am a little worried about the shadiness of this place, and, given the behaviour of management, unsure about how productive discussions with them about this would be. What do I do?
  10. Can any one tell me 1/ what happens to the proceeds of an insurance policy owned by a debtor upon his/her demise or bankruptcy then death 2/ can a debtors policy be assigned to a spouse prior to death or bankruptcy then death to avoid any potential problems please dont worry I am not poorly!!! onlyme
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