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  1. Hello, we have only just discovered letters from both britannia and Debt recovery plus about a parking charge. the date of the charge states: 20/01/2018 Date of this notice: 18/05/2018 The creditor: Britannia parking Location: Swindon Lydiards field, swindon, SN5 8UY Reason for issue: Parking longer than the maximum time permitted We're pretty sure we were in costa at the time and had an issue with our daughter who had terrible stomach problems at the time and so we couldn't exactly run out of the building to move the car. We have been into costa and it states in several places within the building that they are not liable for any parking charges. In the letter they are suggesting that they are offering a "Final settlement offer of £136 to avoid court action" to be paid at a date no later than 01/06/2018. Which is a ludicrously large amount for a parking charge. We have been doing some research on parking charges and have seen varied thoughts on the matter. Many leaning towards ignoring the companies or corresponding with them to not accept the charge but have also seen a couple of cases with people having to pay court fees of £24,000 which is frankly terrifying. The letter also states that "a court judgement could affect your creditworthiness" I realise that it is the job of DRP to scare people but nonetheless we are extremely anxious and panicking about this situation and really could use some advice as to what action to take here as we seem to be running out of time. We would be incredibly grateful if you could please help us with some advice as we are debating whether to pay, but obviously we don't want to. Thankyou in advance!
  2. 1 Date of the infringement - 06 Sept 17 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 25th Sept 17 3 Date received 28th Sept 17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes (picture of my car but can't see timestamps) 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Britannia Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Swindon - Lydiards FieldHi, I have today received a parking charge notice (details above). 1) I did not see any signage - however, I found another thread where someone has posted the signs https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?476866-Britannia-parking-ANPR-PCN-Lydiard-Fields-Swindon&p=5065611#post5065611 I'm from out of the area and was looking for somewhere to grab a coffee and do a bit of work - saw a Costa so parked there. 2) according to the sign in the other thread its a 1 hour limit and I was there for 2hrs 19 mins - which is possible as I was in Costa and had my laptop and did a bit of work. 3) I notice the notice was 25th Sept and the offence on the 6th Sept - so 19 days (outside of the 14 days). Does this mean its unenforceable? I'm really just after some advice - yes I didn't notice the sign at the entrance and am a bit stupid I was navigating somewhere new and checking where I was going. I didn't see a sign where I parked. It's £60 if I pay in the next 14 days and £100 otherwise. Thanks in advance.
  3. I have received a Parking Charge Notice from Britannia Parking for overstaying the maximum parking time. The car park in question is located next to a Costa, where I was in a meeting for 3 hours. The question is if I should pay the discounted charge, appeal the charge (if so, on what grounds?), or just ignore as it is a notice to keeper? The details of the notice are as follows: 1 Date of the infringement - 10/07/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 17/07/2017 3 Date received - 22/07/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? - N 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes ANPR with date and time signature of car (cannot see driver) 6 Have you appealed? - N 7 Who is the parking company? - Britannia Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Lydiard Field (Costa), Swindon IMG_4145.pdf
  4. My father in law has received a final reminder from Britannia Parking its dated 8th of May he has his parking ticket from that day, nothing was fixed to the car and this is the first thing he has received from them despite the notice stating they have written in the past. Can anyone pls suggest the best way to proceed? Many Thanks
  5. I am the RK of the vehicle and received a letter with a parking charge. I have had two previous PCN's from a long time ago when the advice was always to ignore, which I did and subsequently heard nothing off a host of 'solicitors' that sent out begging letters. I think I'm right in assuming after reading many threads the situation has changed because of POPLA and the POFA?? situation in 2012 says I now as the RK have to disclose who was driving as said I am the registered keeper. My partner was the driver. She stopped in the above carpark, tells me she paid for a ticket after entering the reg number in the machine and displayed the ticket on the dashboard. She has used this carpark a few times. we're suprised to get the speculative invoice and hoped for some advice on how to play it Many thanks 1 Date of the infringement....10/4/17 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date]...14/04/17 3 Date received...20/4/17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] YES 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] NOT YET Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N/A 7 Who is the parking company? PARKING EYE 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] BRITANNIA ADLPHI, LIVERPOOL sorry I should also have added that on ther back of the letter it says... On April 10th the vehicle entered the car park at 9:58 and left at 11:03 (!hr 05mins) This is 'backed up' by photographic evidence on the front of the letter. I asked the better half if she'd maybe just paid for the hour, because judging by other threads you are allowed a 10 minute overstay as per BPA, but she says she paid for 2 hours
  6. I have received a 'Parking charge notice' from Britannia for staying over the 1 hour time. This is the first time I have ever been charged in 3 YEARS as Costa themselves said before that the parking restrictions were not acted on. The car park is based at J16 of the M4 and is shared with Subway, Greggs, Londis and Costa (+drive through). There is no option to pay for extra time or at all.
  7. My wife recently received a PCN from a day I had her car for the day. I went into Costa at Lydiard Fields Swindon and the car was photographed on the entry and exit. The PCN states I exceded the allowed parking period. I set my alarm to allow me time to get back to the car before the 1 hour maximum, but was asked by my PA as I was leaving to bring her a coffee back. I turned round and joined the drive through queue and that took over the 1 hour although the car was not parked but in the take away queue. Any plan of action to fight this PCN?
  8. THE CO-OPERATIVE BANK PLC ran an "Identification: Generic Check" on Experian. Do they do this for all transferred Britannia accounts or should I be concerned? I have not applied for any products from them. The only Co-op product I have is an old Britannia Building Society savings account with a very small balance that was transferred to them during the merger and I haven't even updated the passbook for a couple of years as it's only a few pence interest.
  9. IF you are an ex-GMAC RFC customer who had your "mortgage" sold and you REALLY want to get your own back on the Cooperative Bank and MAS No.5, here's a way how! Check your GMAC "terms and Conditions", specifically Clause 5 which states; Oh, who give a !!!! what it says, it's NOT LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE! Goto http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Ch/2014/2117.html then go to section 86. Section 1 of the Power of Attorney act affirms that in order for PoA to be enforceable it MUST be executed as a separate Deed. GMAC didn't care whether their paperwork was in order or not. They SUPPOSED that as long as they got the charge on your property, then they would win. That was THEN, this is NOW and we know now about how they misled people. Now, you need to write to the Land Registry at; Land Registry, Rosebrae Court, Woodside Ferry Approach, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH41 6DU Use form K9 and DEMAND a "RECTIFICATION" of the register to remove the illegal charge from YOUR property or you WILL hold them liable for them having allowed the (ILLEGAL) application of the charge and state that you intend to seek a damages claim against the LR for ALL losses incurred as a result thereof (the LR already know and admit that they have done a lot of this in the past, but they NEED people to write in and have the records put right as they don't know which are genuine charges, very few I'll wager, and which are bogus. Bear in mind you must provide proof such as the claim of purported PoA in your mortgage "Terms and Conditions". Remember, a "lender" can ONLY bring a claim against you for "dispossession" (theft of your property) if the charge is still on the property BUT it is YOUR responsibility, as the property OWNER, to have the incorrect charge removed. Why incorrect? Because GMAC NEVER had LEGAL PoA therefore they NEVER had the legal right to put a charge on your property, this failure oflegal PoA means YOU should have done this, regardless as to whether they had a claim or otherwise. Again the BOS v. Waugh affirms this. Thus when they "sold" your now DEFECTIVE mortgage it went through at least one other company (which was never disclosed or declared its "ownership" of your mortgage) thus GMAC also LIED to you when they told you it was sold to MAS No.5 or whoever. They would have sent you a "Notice of Assignment" this SHOULD, in reality, have come from the intermediary but most likely came from GMAC (who assumed you would never find out the TRUTH) thus the transfer of equitable rights was NEVER perfected, NOR was it legally executed correctly thus MAS No.5 or whoever, NEVER had the rights to demand any funds from you. This means that the "assets" which MAS are claiming, in their submitted accounts, are worth far less than it's liabilities (which are based a load of mortgages with NO ENFORCEABLE SECURITY behind them) but ONLY if YOU act and have the charge rectified (removed). What else does this mean? It means that MAS No.5 are trading in bankruptcy (which is illegal) as they should now be in receivership (Let's see how THEY like it). Why should YOU be held liable for THEIR activities? They should have checked the documentation PRIOR to purchasing these mortgages. It's NOT your fault, but they thought they could make a fast buck and no one would EVER find out and thus they could hold you to a VOID contract!! You CAN argue that you will continue to pay but ONLY if what you have paid them to date is taken off the capital amount (Don't forget the 8% statutory Interest) OR you could just tell them to go paddle a canoe over Niagara Falls and see what happens. If you have already had your house taken by MAS No.5 then you need to seek out a good solicitor and show them this, as you NOW have a claim for damages based on the above (A solicitor should be able to make a case from the above and WILL win if he's any good) this may enable you to get your house back and at the same time, push MAS (Group) and it's parent the Cooperative into a much need collapse. Apparently, according to Law Debenture, who handled the sales of these "mortgages", out of the seven blocks in the tranche Britannia bought, FIVE are now insolvent this means that the insurance has paid out due to less than 80% of the mortgages remaining active (NOT in DEFAULT). Now you can also bet your life that despite having been PAID IN FULL for the remaining active percentage, that the holder of these "paid off mortgages" is STILL demanding payments from the "borrowers". In case your solicitor tells you that the Waugh case is non definitive, tell him that the PUBLISHED version is NOT a true account of the results and that, allegedly, Behrens tried to cover his tracks for making previous void judgements so he suppressed the true outcome to try to hide his mistakes. You should seek out the parties involved (make a donation) to get a truer view of the results. Show these people no mercy. Report ALL such cases to Action Fraud AND file charges against those involved with your local Police for THEFT and demanding money with menaces (threats to steal your house) and MAKE SURE YOU CHASE IT REGULARLY FOR PROGRESS. Above all remember this; FRAUD VITIATES ANY CONTRACT AB INITIO (from the start)!!! GOOD RIDDANCE I say!
  10. Britannia interest only mortgage (long story, I'll tell it if anyone's interested). 25 years with 5 to go. In good standing. They wrote offering to extend the mortgage period for a fee of £50 (up to age 65 without evidence of ability to repay). I phoned to confirm details (and also to check there were no penalties for paying it off early). I filled in the forms, extending the mortgage period by four years or so, to when I reach 65 and sent off payment. My question is this: is Britannia bound by the new agreement and what would happen if they tried to instigate repossession at the end of the original 25 year term? Because they are trying to bully me, saying that unless I provide evidence of how I'm going to pay off the mortgage I cannot have the term extension which was agreed and paid for! They've sent me some quite heavy letters, including copies of my original mortgage agreement NB I have their acknowledgement of the new agreement (though they're saying it was an error). Also, please don't lecture me about the need to actually have investments in place. I'm aware of that. But due to the disingenuous way the original mortgage was sold to me and the way my complaint was resolved at the time (that's the long story) I will not be providing the company with any information whatsoever. Thanks in advance for any comments. Neil
  11. Does anyone know anything about this company?. They have bought up the loan books from the likes of MBNA and Egg. SARL indicates they are a foreign registered company who appear to transact their business through Arrow Global who in turn parcel out 'packets' of accounts to DCA's to follow up on. I presume they transact their business through Arrow as they would not have a Credit Licence to operate in the UK. I have tried an extensive search to find out detail of Britannia, nothing doing so far. This operation lacks transparency in my opinion, who exactly is the end user?, where are they located?, who are you dealing with?, remember the DCA's and Arrow are purely intermediaries in this process. Where is the data for customers held?, in the UK?, in a foreign jurisdiction?. Laughably Arrow Global is majority owned RBS Special Opportunities Fund which is a subsidurary of RBS!, the bank we have been forced to own. Any information or views gratefully received
  12. Hi wondered if anyone could help. Had a mortgage with Britannia in 1996, and had PPI, it was a tick box (done by the sales not us) and not signed for seperately just at the end for the whole mortage. We have no recollection of this, although it went out seperate by DD (although we also had Building Insurance from them, and assumed it was this) at the time my other half worked for BP and got 2 months pay for each year worked ( had been ther 7 years then so over a year in pay) He also had £35k in a share scheme (which they have noted on the form) and a substantial bonus on top of income (which they noted on form) . I too was working (teacher) we had no dependents. The policy was only on him and I don't know why, maybe as he was first applicant. The policy states that he must have been getting unemployment benefit to claim on the policy, but as I understand it Unemployment benefit was means tested (pre Job seekers allowance) , and with a substantial redundancy payment and the shares (which would have all been released on redundnancy) i doubt we would have got it. I am totally sure we were unaware of the policy as 2 months later we took out a life and critical illness cover. Britannia are wriggling saying that it would have been additional to any payment he got through work, but I am not sure this would have been the case. I have a copy of the policy, (not the schedule) and the mortgage application. There is no other seperate paperwork relating to the PPI. Any help please.
  13. Hello all, Quick question relates back to 2004 (lol, I know procrastination set in and now it's time to redress) I was overpaid from where I worked at the time. The following day this overpayment was automatically withdrawn from my account without my permission or knowledge. Just wondering if that was legally possible?
  14. Hi Guys, I would appreciate some guidance if anyone would care to comment. I'm helping a friend who has received court papers via Northampton for an agreement originally with MBNA the POCs read; 1. Credit Card agreement made between MBNA and D 2. D accrued balance £xxx 3. D defaulted on payments 4. C issued formal demand requesting payment 5. Amount now due from D £xxx Now, besides the fact that the agreement is unenforceable anyway (not in prescribed format, no prescribed terms etc) and no mention of default or termination notices, they are not even claiming that the account has been assigned - thus no standing. I've read several very interesting posts re disclosure and also regarding poor POCs and I'm wondering if this could this not be dismissed as abuse of process or at the very least get them to replead before we defend? I'd appreciate any input from any of you knowledgeable people out there please ? Thanks in advance
  15. Hi All, I have had a response to my SAR request from BBS and I am looking to reclaim various fees. Looking through what I have is dificult (copies of microfiche files, two mortgages, 1 savings account, various correspondance, etc.) Mortgage was taken out in 1986 and re-paid in 2005 From looking around in the forums I gather that the following can be reclaimed: Late payment fees Returned DD/CHQ fees Deeds dispatch fees Penalty interest Is there anything else that can be reclaimed, e.g. cost incurred for passing mortgage to solicitors prior to taking action, etc. Also I re-paid the morgage early by re-mortgaging with another supplier, are early redemption fees exempt? Thanks for all and any response G
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