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  1. just made the final payment on my ge loan this month it was 10500 over ten years i now recived a letter saying your loan expired on march 2013 . your outstanding balance is4202.61 and needs to be paid in the next 14 days if the balance is not paid your account will continue to attract interest. they have rang me today demanding i must settle this outstanding balance and could do so on monthly payments i told them i would have to get some professional help on the matter before agreeing to any payments i asked what this outstanding balance came from as i made all the payments over the 10 years even though i did have some problems along the way, told me it was for late payments and interest over the loan period . just wondering where i stand on this cos if i have to pay they will keep adding on the interest, any help on this would be great regards joe
  2. Firstly apologies if I am in the wrong Forum, Earlier tonight I was issued with a letter stating that I have been served with a Statutory Demand , I have roughly browsed the web for the meaning of this and am not so sure when exactly it entails, please can someone explain and also advise the best cource of action that I should make. Thanks
  3. Hi I have just had a letter delivered to me personally by a guy at my door and its a statutory demand under s.268 of the insolvency act 1986. Debt for liquidated sum payable immediately. HELP !! what is this, are they forcing me to go bankrupt ??? it says i have 18 days to apply to court to set aside demand. This if for an old MBNA account that I CCA'd and they sent a copy application form so I have not been paying it - its a really old account ive had it since probably 1990 and its for £14,727. Im really worried that they are going to make me bankrupt so any help would be appreciated. Thanks cw
  4. first time post - I have just received a letter from BW legal on behalf of Lowell Portfollio I dont understand any of the jargon inthe letter it says I could be made bankrupt if I do not pay or make them a offer I have no equity in my house I am working CSA has a libility order on my house should I make them a offer of payment or will it be better to be made bankrupt I have about 8 other creditors chasing me for money I have very little disposable income I have a 2 yr old Can anyone give me advice If i do nothing what will happen? Has anyone else had dealings with this company
  5. Hi. I got a tax demand from Norway today, demanding payment of tax from the years 2001 to 2006, or they will make an attachment to earnings. I only worked and lived in Norway from Nov 2001 to April 2003 and tax was taken of my wages by my employer. Pre Nov 2001 I was living and working in the UK paying tax PAYE and making visits to Norway every 2 or 3 weeks. From May 2003 I live back in the UK unemployed until Sep and then started paying UK tax PAYE. My Questions are How can I prove that I paid UK tax for these years as it is over 6 years ago and tax records are only kept for 5 years 10 months, and can the Norwegian tax office chase me for tax from over 6 years ago, and do anything to get money from me in the UK? As I am not sure how I can prove to them that I don't owe them any Tax. Many Thanks, Stephen
  6. Hi Received a Statutory Demand hand delivered today, from a solicitors firm on behalf of Lowell Debt Recovery, Its for an old credit card debt of approx £4200. On the paperwork it says that the default date was August 2008. I think that it was more than 6 years since I paid anything but Im not 100% sure. I'm planning on visiting a debt outreach centre for advice on Wed next week but am worried sick in the meantime. I've heard that Lowell try to bankrupt people. I can't afford to pay it in one go but could maybe afford £40 a month but I don't want to pay anything in case the debt is statute barred. Any advice please, Thank you
  7. I have a card debt of £11,700 and just received a letter from the above saying they are considering issuing a stat demand. The card was taken out in 2000 and I previously asked for a copy of the agreement in 2007 which came back as an unenfiorceable one. It did not have the prescribed terms and was just an application form. I stopped paying around Nov 2007. Do I reply to the letter? Do I request another copy of the agreement ( assuming now I'll just get a recon) Do I ignore it? If I send anything in (S77) does this start the SOL all over again? Please help
  8. New here, hope someone can advise me, I have received a statutory demand from bw legal, it was in my mail box at the end of my lane ( gated ) it referes to a debt from a capital one card for £1,895. it has a date of Jan 15th on but was put into my post box by hand delivery one week ago. I have worried for a week over it not really reading it fully as the Bankrupcy wording freaked me out, I know buring your head in the sand is the worst thing and so have tonight read it through and spent a couple of hours here reading about how serious it is. I am a house owner and work for my self with a small busines that has been struggling for 2 years now, hence my financial predicament, mad that how the past 2 year of financial pressure has taken all of my confidence to deal with this kind of thing! and to be honest the debt is my fault so no sympathy required. So onto my questions, I see bw legal mentions the demand been served on me by their process server, is it been put in my post box by hand whilst I was out a duly served demand? there is no details who the process server was or what time he came etc. They mention their client ( Lowell ) is willing to accept a a payment plan and avoid bankrupcy, if this is correct how can I trust them that they will stop the bankrupcy? The statutory demand looks very unofficial and I guess these are printed off at BW office by the dozen, there is no ccj in place on this unsecured debt and they are not the original creditor, it does mention they purchased the rights and benefits from Capital one, do they not require a ccj or is bankrupcy their way of forcing payment, and do they normally see it through if you do nothing? So if an agreement is the way to go, do I contact bw legal, Lowell or both? do I still need to apply to have it set aside at the court? Thanks in advance to all. Garage man
  9. hi,i received a stat demand from bw legaL regarding two lowell acounts firstly can they join two accounts together to make one some part of the stat demand has been deleted which would notify me of my rights to seek legal advice, does this mean it is not valid and are they allowed to stamp the envelopes stating they are a debt collection solitor, i have missed the deadline for setting aside and have arranged to pay monthly but i regret this now and was only done because my partner was so worried ,i think it was just a scare tactic, i have now sent a cca request for both accounts to lowell and bw legal and sent a much lower full and final settlement offer to them aswell but i doubt they will accept it i also sent a letter to the oft regarding the above, am i doing the right thing or should i just pay my monthly payments,
  10. Hi Lowell have bought three of my debts. MBNA Credit Card over £1k Barclaycard credit card over £4k Bank overdraft just over £600 I received a stat demand hand delivered on 21 January from BW Legal re the MBNA debt. Sent them a request for CCA by special delivery on 23 January, they signed for it on the 24th. I applied to set the Stat Demand aside. I waited until the 17th day, so I could delay things a bit. The only defence I have is that in March 2009 I asked for a copy of my credit agreement to MBNA and they ignored my letter. There is no PPI etc. The relevant forms to have the Stat Demand set aside were received by the court 7 February as I sent them next day courier. I have not received anything from the Court. What happens next with the Court? Also, Lowell have until Sunday to reply to the CCA request as the 30 days will be up. What do I do next in respect of that? After receiving the Stat Demand I did a credit check on myself and found out that they had bought the Barclaycard and bank overdraft debts too. I have sent them a CCA requests for both. I got two letters from Lowells today. Re the bank overdraft they said they dont need to provide a credit agreement and sent the £1 cheque back, stating it would be on hold until they can provide me with bank statements. Can I do anything else here? Re the Barclaycard, they said they have requested the CCA from BCard. I have noticed posts suggesting doing a SAR. Is there any point in doing this? What can I gain from doing so? Many thanks in advance and sorry for the long post.
  11. Hi,could anyone advise me on the following problem: a friend of mine was told that he had been served a "STATUTORY DEMAND under section 268(1)(a) of the insolvency act 1986. Debt for liquidated sum payable immediately", and this being the first time he had ever known that he may have such a debt and with no prior notifications that such debt existed, my friend finds themselves in a desperate situation and does not know what to do please help thank you
  12. Hi my OH has just received a letter from FInal Demand Ltd, requesting he pay a debt outstanding, the debt in question has been in dispute with the 'client' my OH had paid the client in cash, failed to get a receipt of payments, it was for storage, when OH fell into financial difficulties he told the company and said he would remove what ever was left in storage and pay the arrears, but this was refused, he has continued to charge for a service that was not required. he has threatened action before and with other people we know, my OH is not good with paperwork, even if he had been he was never given receipts, so its his word against his. The 'client' has with other people failed to keep correct records, fortunately they had there receipts but he still harassed them for money. The letter has not been correctly addressed, and is the usual 'do not ignore this letter failure to acknowledge this letter may lead to legal action' have 7 days to respond. should I just ignore it at this point in time, or sent a CCA to the allerged client, and a letter to say to doorstep debt collectors thanks if anyone replies, I know its a difficult day for everyone at CAG
  13. Hello all During the tax years of 2010 and 2011, I claimed Working Tax Credit as I was self-employed, on a low income and worked the required amount of hours. Last year HMRC decided to review my case, and as I was not being paid an hourly rate, and being paid a lump sum per invoice, I was no longer entitled to WTC, even though I could easily show I was working the required number of hours weekly. I did not have the stomach, nor the time, to keep arguing the toss with them so allowed my WTC to stop. Just yesterday a bill from HMRC for just shy of £5,000 landed on my mat, asking for immediate payback or debt collection! Being self-employed they all my address details and this is the first bit of correspondence I've had asking for payback to something I was genuinely entitled to!! They have not given me the option to contest this on the letter, but I darn well will. I didn't steal this money - I needed it when business was waning and I have worked bloody hard to improve my business in challenging times. Hopefully, one of you lovely people can offer some advice of where to begin...
  14. Hi everyone, I had a statutory demand posted through my letterbox yesterday by Lowell/BW Legal relating to 2 credit card debts - Barclaycard and Vanquis (totalling just under £5000) and just need some advice on what my best course of action should be? I'm going to send CCA request to Lowell by recorded delivery - does the £1 fee cover both accounts? Unfortunately I'm another 'head in the sand, ignore it and it'll go away' person! - until now. I realise that I can no longer ignore these debts and I really don't want a bankruptcy petition on my head. I've been searching through my paperwork this morning and the points I have noted are that the barclaycard card number on the demand seems to differ (albeit very slightly) from my original card number - missing a digit from the middle and a couple of digits from the end. Also, from reading the forums it seems possible that barclaycard may not be able to provide a true CCA as the account was opened pre 2007. If that is the case, will this be enough to stop them being able to petiton for bankruptcy? Also I have a letter from Lucas Credit Services dated 9th Jan 2013 re: outstanding debt to Vanquis. It says 'we are disappointed that you have not made payment or contacted us to discuss repayment of you debt of £0 owed to Lowell Portfolio Ltd for your Vanquis account' On the right hand side of the letter it lists the Creditor as Lowell Portfolio and the Amount Due as £0. When I received this letter, I thought great they must have written it off as it states £0. I don't believe there is any PPI on either account but not 100% sure on that. There will be charges on the accounts but not sure what counts as excessive? I think my barclaycard credit limit was £2500 but the end figure is over £4000. I haven't got any of the old paperwork to check that out. What should I do next? Thanks in advance for any advice! Sam
  15. Hi guys , i received a stat demand from BW Legal on behalf of lowells i replied with the template CCA letter . they received the letter on the 29th November 2012 , and i am still waiting for a reply . I called BW legal to ask them what was going on , at first they denied receiving anything until i told them it was signed for and tracked , and then magically i was told oh yes we have it . they then told me i just have to wait for lowells to contact the creditors and get the details and that was it . so since it has been quite some time now , what do i do next ? thanks
  16. Hi I would really appreciate any help. Worried sick & really stressed. I've been served a Statutory demand from BW Legal instructed by Lowell Portfolio original creditor Egg, balance due £7,200. The letter is dated 15/01 but hand posted on the 7/02. I acknowledged the debt in Dec 08 & made x4 payments last payment April 10. I buried my head in the sand & due to losing my job back then just stopped the payments, the letters stopped until now. Recently a joint home owner & finally getting my life together then this comes back to bite me. I don't know what to do next. Please help.
  17. Hi I am new to this site although to date my friend who is a member has beenhelping me. Due to circumstances, my friend is no longer able to help so I amnow going alone. I have an outstanding debt with Barclaycard and i stopped paying lastAugust. I wrote asking for a copy of my agreement in September and received aletter from Barclaycard saying they would answer me shortly. However to date I have not had a reply, only letters from Mercers and manyphone calls from Barclaycard which i have ignored. Today, I received a Formal Demand for Payment letter giving me until friday8/2 to pay the dept in full or reach an agreement with them, or else they maypass my account on to a specialist collections company and a localrepresentative may call on me. I moved in with my mum 2 years ago when my dad died and i really do not wantanyone coming to the house. Please can you suggest what action I can now take. I have read that I could request a full history of my account for £10 buti'm not sure if it's too late to stop Barclaycard taking the action threatened. thank you for reading this and i look forward to any replies B
  18. Hi, I have received a Statutory Demand letter through my parents letterbox over the weekend dated xx January 2013. It relates to a debt bought by Lowell Portfolio on behalf of O2 and Lloyds TSB. I don't live at my parents house and haven't done so for 3 years although it is officially my address for my bank account. If i'm honest i have put these debts to the back of my mind in the hope they would go away rather than tackle them head on but obviously I am now very worried about this. As I said, the letter was merely hand delivered through the letterbox rather than given to a person but I am wondering what to do next. It says in the letter that "should you fail to pay this MAY result in us presenting a bankruptcy petition against you." It also says that "the purpose of this letter is to assure you that it is still possible for you to avoid bankruptcy. Our client would be willing to accept a realistic settlement offer from you, be it a monthly payment plan or an offer for full and final settlement." The debt stands at £xxxxx and I am wondering, will they follow up this demand and can it be enforced even though I don't reside there and it wasn't given to someone in person, or would it be best to make them an offer to clear the debt and what would be a realistic offer for full settlement or a monthly figure. PLEASE HELP ASAP as I am very worried now !!
  19. Can any one offer any advice RE statutory demand which has been put through my letter box, it is for a credit card debt 3500 , i last made a payment on this card in december 2006. i failed to make payments after that date, i do not know what to do now . any advice would be greatly apreciated.
  20. Hello, I have been hassled by the inland revenue for the last 3 years and they have recently hit me with 6,500 pounds fine. First this money is for the late returns they said I made, yet, if i am correct, I should not have been doing self assessments when I have worked for the same company and been PAYE for the last 22 years, merely changing my home address. I di mention this to them on several occasions, yet they are still charging me with late fines dating back to 2010. I have all my necessary pay slip taxation data. Can someone please inform me as to my standing in being able to contest these charges. Thank you
  21. i have received a letter through the door indicating i am about to be issued with a stat demand on behalf of a company called P&A receivables plc. it reads 'i have been directed to serve you with a statutory demand issued under the insolvency act 1986 on behalf of the creditor. unfortunately on the letter it does not give any further details. all they say is they will be returning on a date and a time to either issue the demand or post it through the letter box!!! what should i do???
  22. Hi I am in need of some advice please I have just been handed a statutory demand from a man at my door, from bwlegal for lowells for a capital one card for the amount of £1243. There is several dates on here. says default date 9 feb 2008 but on appropriate court for setting aside demand form says date of assignment 12 feb 2009. Also letter has date of 17th jan 2013 and man knocked and handed to me on 27th jan and says i have 18 days is this from date on letter or date handed. Firstly i cannot remember how long ago since i had a capital one card so well over 6 years, so as i am not sure on this i paid to get experian report which has this listed. as follows company : LOWELLl PORTFOLIO I LTD Account updated: 25/09/2011 account type : credit card / store card Started: 22/12/2004 Default Date: 09/02/2008 Current balance £1,243 I am confused as to where the date 09/02/2008 comes from , as certainly haven't had any dealings with credit card since before 2007 possibly alot longer, i know i moved to my new address in 2007 and haven't paid any capital one here, and in feb 2008 my son was diagnosed with a brain tumour so i was in hospital for months with him on that date, so wouldn't of spoken to anyone. I also printed my credit report out and it had my old address and there was no mention of capital one debt on there, so as far as i am aware this debt had disappeared as older than 6 years. only above information of debt on report when put in new address.(had a capital one card at old address) I wouldn't have a clue if i owed them any sum of money and what that amount would of been, so how do i find this out, how do i know this information is correct. And who puts the default date. as this would of been before 2008, can they just put what they want. I would really appreciated some advise on what to do. I have read your forums and there is some really good advice, but just wondering with my details as what to do. The point it says statutory demand a bankruptcy scares me if someoone could give best course of action would be much appreciated. Have tried to ring NDL but waiting on call as busy. Thanks x
  23. I owe Littlewoods the amount of £7442,82 which is the result of years of buy now pay later and hideous amounts of interest being added, they and other debt firms have written and called consistently but after losing a close member of my family just over a year ago, I kind of lost the plot and ignored all contact. My husband was handed a letter 24/1 from a man who called and asked for me, the letter states that on the 28/1 he will be calling back and I will be served with a Statutory Demand issued under the insolvency Act 1986, I have a mortgage so too say I am terrified is an understatement, please help and advise what action I should take? Thank you, Mazza1969
  24. Hi, just a quick question.. I had a SD a while back that I managed to get set aside with the help of all the posts on here, does this action reset the clock on the statute barred limit or not? thanks
  25. hi i was served with the stat demand on 4/1/2013 by way of a hand written envelope pushed thru letterbox (no postmark) i have sent cca letter by recorded delivery this is a littlewoods account i havent paid or acknowledged since 2008 the amount claimed is 6,225 quid (balance no where near this amount) i have been advised to apply to the court to get it set aside i have already typed up an sar letter to send to shop direct any other suggestions as to what i can do. if it sounds as tho i know wot im doing all the help and info i have already has been advice from this site thanks to everyone
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