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Everything posted by marcus6

  1. I have been waiting 36 weeks now! its going to take time, as there is a big back log. i'm about to phone them i'll let you know how i get on.
  2. If he is still in school doing "A levels" then yes you should get child tax credits! all the time he is there, my son stayed on and i got it....
  3. Hi guys, I sent an email to the Lead Adjudicator! that i'm dealing with to ask for an update, ....not sure what to make of this, i know that BH come under the FCA now, but when i was with BH they came under FOS, This is the email i got back >>> Dear Mr ****** Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, we are not yet in a position to confirm whether your case is one which we can look into. I know your case has been with us for a number of months now and I am sorry for the delay but we are still looking into the issues involved. If a case does not fall within our jurisdiction then we have no power to look at the merits of the matter, or to make any recommendations to the business concerned. We are currently reviewing the agreement you hold, in light of the rules which set out our powers (The Financial Conduct Authority’s DISP rules, which can be found online . We appreciate your patience while we are looking into the matter and we will be in touch with you again as soon as we have an update. Yours sincerely, ******** Lead Adjudicator
  4. Next time! you take the call, tell them you know your rights! and that you are sending a letter to HQ, and also tell them unless they stop, you will also send a letter to FCA.
  5. For a reclaim you have to give them 8 week! you your self can not just put i give x,y,z time? it has to be 8 weeks It will come on the 11th hour just like mine did! ie, day before the 8 weeks is up.
  6. HI guys, i got this email back on the 14th of last month! anyone know how long i still have to wait, as i feel they are not moving as fast as i would like or even if they going to move on this or not, i was thinking of escalating this! and start court proceedings? This is the email i got! >>> Dear Mr xxxxxxxx, I am writing further to your email to my colleague, xxxxxxxxxx The Financial Ombudsman Service isn’t free to look at every complaint we receive. The Financial Conduct Authority, which regulates the financial services industry, sets the rules about what products we can consider. The agreements you hold may fall outside these rules - because they may not be the type of product which is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Before we can consider the issues you have complained about we have to decide if this is the case. This will take some time because the rules are particularly complex − and we might need further information from you or the business involved. But we feel it is important to spend time now to clarify the position which will mean we avoid any confusion at a later stage. We will contact you again as soon as we have an update. Yours sincerely, xxxxxxxxxx Lead Adjudicator
  7. I know what you are saying ashmk! but thats what they do to the ones they refund! why do you think there have been so many put in for a refund, and they never come back on here to give an update, as BH put a Gagging order on them. why you think BH never go to court Reg Refunds for OSC & DLC, cos if they lost the case and i'm 99.99% sure they would , it would open the flood gates! for over 200,000 that are on there books, and something like that could put them under!
  8. There have been case's where a refund has been given! for OSC & DLC but they put something like gagging order on them! to stop them coming on here and telling everyone! so get your SAR sent of, and then get reclaiming once you get it back.
  9. [40 days! then why did i not get mine in that time? i had to get on to ICO as you took over 7 months before i got anything!
  10. Hi mate, yea it says it could take up to 12 weeks, Thats fine if FOS side with BH but i can not see how they can! as when i got all the items from BH my wife was with me, so i have a witness! ( That i was told i had to have OSC or i could not get the item and DLC was just added) i will take it to FCA and then court! or i may just bypass FCA and take it to court. There are a number of cases been refunded on here! + BH have new Agreements now? why is that? Thats the Big? all this works for me and my case! at the end of the day i will have my day in court if i have to.....
  11. Hi guys, Got letter today from FOS, adjudicators are now investigating the case, They have asked Caversham Finance LTD (trading as BrightHouse) to send them information regarding my complaint so they can look into what has happened! I will update as and when i get any news!! Thanks
  12. @maggieomx, look stop worrying about it as that will do you no good! if you have not been working then you have nothing to worry about, all will be ok you will see.
  13. O yes i can not wait for the out come!! as for me i'm waiting for FOS to see what they say about my case!
  14. I updated my OP with what i have! Thanks
  15. I put in for PIP back in Oct, so i gave them a call, now i know i'm back in the support group.. and the guy said it takes around 21 weeks before they book you in to have assessment! i told him well its been almost 26 weeks, so he looked to see if they could fit me in! he said sorry there are no spaces yet, he said as soon as there is you will be booked in, Well thats better than a letter just saying no your not getting it. like i did last time i put in for DLA. keeping my fingers crossed that i have the assessment done at the same place by the same women! she was very good and very understanding! just wish they was all like that, but most of them just don't understand....
  16. Would help if i put what i have, I have chronic rheumatoid arthritis! I would not wish this on anyone! as it has turned my life upside down, in pain 95% of the time, on about 12 dif-meds a day along with taking pain killers 24/7, i have around 3 to 4 flare-ups a month, it gets that bad some times i just wish i could be put down!! not nice having something that you know you going to have for the rest of your life, and knowing all that can be done is try and keep it under control! and nothing seems to be working yet, and i can not see any light at the end of the tunnel. No one seems to understand how you feel, and when you tell someone that you have rheumatoid arthritis! you can see the look on there face ( as if to say well its only arthritis thats not that bad!) but unless you have it you will never know or understand what its like, Its like having the flu 24/7 and the pain that comes with it is bad but when you have flare-ups! you get 10x the pain it is out of this world thats only way i can put it! I have been on ESA 2 years now! Just Added^^^^ What can i say, 2 weeks ago i had to go Job-center as i had been put in the work group! and i told the guy when i was there that i dont understand as i have WCA in 2 weeks time, so why am i here? he just told me this is how they do things. any way they book me in to go on a back to work thing! i go along to it! was not to bad they was very understanding, and then 3 days later i have my WCA, and the women that seen me was very good i have to say she was very understanding and asked me lots about how i feel and how long i had been on ESA, and went on to ask me how bad my RA gets and so on. this was on the monday and by the end of the week i give DWP a call, and i aksed what group i was in and the guy on the phone said hold on i will look and then he went to say something and then went hold on a min there is a note here! and he said you just been moved back to the support group, HAPPY DAYS!
  17. Hi Willie30, Please take the time to read over some of the posts in here! as you will find out alot about BH and how they act, like it has been said before if you are on JSA they get £1 a month thats it, They will say anything to you to get you to pay! if they come out to your home do not let them in as they have no right being there! all they are is shop staff not bailliffs, come out tell them to go away, But please do read some of the posts on BH and you will see that you are in safe hands here the site team will help you! Thanks
  18. Hi all, I had a letter from the FOS last week, asking me about the dates that i had put down, and also asking when did i receive the advice about reclaiming the OSC & DLC, so i called them like they asked me to, and give them the info, i then sent them an Email (as i wanted to let them know what i had to do to get my Paper work from BH) Telling them about the Time it took for my SAR and that i had to get the ICO onto BH to get my paper work that they should have sent once they got my SAR, FOS have sent me an Email saying they will add the email to my case and thanking me for sending it. I also pointed out in my email that BH now use new Agreements and that the New ones dont have the OSC or DLC as its all rolled into one now as they come under FCA.....
  19. Hi mate, 9.3 We also object to terms which require consumers to accept that they are bound by the terms of other linked contracts (for example, insurance contracts) or rules or regulations unless they are given an appropriate chance to read them. This is a very good point! I number of guys have got this back, and its always on the 11th hour, just before the court day!
  20. Funny you should say this as i just got a letter from ATOS to carry out an assessment in relation to my benefit claim, as i have been on ESA for 2 years now!
  21. These protections are in the form of statutory implied terms. This means that the Sale of Goods Act will put these terms into all contracts for the sale of goods no matter what the parties themselves have agreed in the terms and conditions of sale. A contract is for the sale of goods provided it is a contract to transfer ownership of goods and the goods are exchanged for money. This excludes contracts of barter unless money is also given. (s.15). Where the goods are supplied along with a service then the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 applies. as then BH can say they supplied goods along with ""service"", As the transfer of ownership will still take place! at the end of the hire, so there for the sale of goods act is still in place! if it was that easy all the shops would start selling item on ( hire agreements only) if they could think they could got out of fixing or replacing an item, at the end of the day you are still selling an item!
  22. Hi all, I got letter back from the FOS, just to say thank you for contacting them and they will get back to me ASAP with in 6 weeks. Thanks
  23. Complaint has been sent today to the FOS, i have also been to court to get the paper work! i need to take this to court if i have to! Thanks
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