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Everything posted by marcus6

  1. Hi cleaver, Im not sure where i stand as i have put in for a appeal but im not sure if i should go a head with it, as im still haveing tests done on something else as well as RA, see i have an Enlarged Thymus, and im waiting to see if it is cancer! of the Thymus, the hole thing is just geting me down and im going to wait...i got DLA to send me the form out i have it here, would i have to phone them if i dont want to appeal it now! going to wait until i know whats up with my Thymus, before i dive into a appeal...
  2. Today i got some more letters from BH, NODS ie the £4.50 late fees but still no paper work from HQ about me SAR i sent them? How long do they have to get me all the info! is it 40 days? Thanks
  3. Hi dx so what they sent are not default notices, did not think they was... yea i will not be talking to them on the phone from now on.... all i will say if they phone next is if you wish to talk to me then please do so by letter. yea im still waiting for them to get back to me about the SAR and then im going to start reclaiming the DLC/OSC Thanks
  4. I got letters today! from BH NOTICE OF SUMS IN ARREARS. for each item i have! ( is this there Default notice?) and if so? should it say so! as it dont. They then phone'ed me to ask when i will be in to pay! and she said if i could come up with a weeks money she would see if i could have a RW, I said to her that i dont know when that will be as im still waiting for my sick pay! she then said about giveing some of the items back! ( to put on hold untill i can pay) why take them to hold! if i can do that, if they did take them and put the items on hold they can not sell the items so i see no point in doing that. i said no i can not do that as 3 of the items are Xmas gifts and i only have 10 months to pay on them, she then said that they would be out this week to take back the items if i could not tell her when i would be in to pay? or RW, she did not like it when i told her i know my rights.
  5. Hi dx, I hear what you are saying, but how sure are you that they will not CCJ me! next time they phone me should i just say im in talks with head office? I dont have house CT-ins can i still get the DLC back that i have paid? Thanks
  6. I got a call today from BH asking me when ill be in to pay! i think its 6 weeks now, i said i would like to do a re-write and they said the RW,s have been stop'ed now! so i would have to pay 6 weeks money.... any one know if this is Ture? ( where do i stand if i do Re-write) Should i write a letter to head office, and make an offer to pay so much a week! I'm still waiting for them to get back to me about SAR i sent,
  7. Just had BH on the phone, asked me when will i be in to pay the 4 weeks i have missed! + she went on to say that she has been phoneing me 6 time a day! I said to her I DONT THINK SO! as i have been at home every day for the past 2 weeks, and then she said i can not re write now! as head office have stoped all re-writes from today, Then she went on to say the guys that came out to me today will be back friday to pick the items up! I then said to her i know my rights! and i then said if they come out to me you do know they will be Trespassing.....she then said thats ok they will come with the police!! i said thats ok then as that saves me calling them when the guys get here..... she was not sure what to say when i said i know my rights!
  8. may be its just me then as i have RA! and i can see what is set out in the Act to Ref to RA but like you say i still have to need most of the needs that DLA set-out to get it. so on one hand they saying you have a disability! but and its a big BUT!! you still have to need this help and so on to qualify for DLA! yea i see what you both are saying, like rock and hard place!!
  9. OMG! I think you need to Read over the Act from the start to the end! as it all says they understand its not all about help from another person or can't walk!! . yea i understand where you are comeing from as in there eyes it helps if they think you can not walk and you need help all the time, but its not just about that also
  10. you are not sure what Equalities Act is relevant!! its what they should be going by!! relating to the definition of disability!! it has alot to with it. Part 2: Guidance on matters to be taken into account in determining questions relating to the definition of disability yea i understand what you are saying!!, as for RA comes under more than 1 rule!! ie it has ‘long-term effects" and this is a big part of working out if RA is classed as a "disability" In this part of the Act.... Recurring or fluctuating effects C5. The Act states that, if an impairment has had a substantial adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities but that effect ceases, the substantial effect is treated as continuing if it is likely to recur. (In deciding whether a person has had a disability in the past, the question is whether a substantial adverse effect has in fact recurred.) Conditions with effects which recur only sporadically or for short periods can still qualify as impairments for the purposes of the Act, in respect of the meaning of ‘long-term’ (Sch1, Para 2(2)). See also C3 (meaning of likely). C6. For example, a person with rheumatoid arthritis may experience substantial adverse effects for a few weeks after the first occurrence and then have a period of remission. See also example at B10. If the substantial adverse effects are likely to recur, they are to be treated as if they were continuing. If the effects are likely to recur beyond 12 months after the first occurrence, they are to be treated as longterm. O I told them about everything, and how hard it is to live with RA and how much help i need each day,
  11. This is of there Web-site..........under Publications!! What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)? RA is a chronic inflammatory disease. Although it principally affects joints, it may also adversely affect many other bodily systems. In RA, many joints are usually affected simultaneously (RA is a Polyarthritis). Small joints are typically affected first, with onward progression to involve larger joints. Joints tend to be affected in a symmetrical manner (i.e. both hands, both feet). The basic abnormality is an inflammation of the joint lining (the synovium). The inflamed lining multiplies and grows out over the surface of the joint, destroying cartilage and underlying bone. This damage can be identified on X-ray and is known as ‘erosions’. Eventually this process leads to joint destruction. Affected joints become painful, stiff, swollen and can become deformed. RA affects the entire body, not just the joints. The disease is able to involve a multitude of bodily systems or target organs (Figure 1 below). Fatigue is a common feature and there may also be fever and weight loss, especially during periods of active inflammation (flare-ups). "me" when i do have flare ups i telll you now the pain is that bad!! i would not wish it on anyone.... In addition to the inflammatory effects of RA, due to pain and disuse of joints, there may be muscle wasting and dramatic changes in lifestyle. Due to joint destruction, secondary Osteo-arthritis (OA) often develops in joints affected by RA. Figure 2 below lists the principal differences between RA and OA. The effects of disability in severe RA are generally worse than those experienced in OA. There is no cure for RA, but with modern treatment the effects of the disease have been reduced with fewer joint deformities and disability. After 10 years from diagnosis, 10% will have severe disability, whilst 25% will have minimal if any symptoms at all. The remainder will fall between these two extremes. They put all this on there web-site but they still dont give you DLA.....you have to appeal it!
  12. Hi Nystagmite, I sent in paper work from my consultant and i had a letter from my GP saying i needed help with most things day to day liveing, yea i got letter to say why they dont think i need it! but its just like the last letter i got of them, and that makes me think they turn down most and just send out the letters.....i said this to her when i phoned she did not say anything hhhmmm i then said to her how can they turn me down as i have had to stop work as im in to much pain.....and she was abit taken back by that! just makes me mad when you need help and its so hard to get it! and then i go on the DWP web-site and there is a big write up about RA that they have put on there! and not only that, there is also a big write up in the "Equality Act 2010 Guidance" Act A6 • impairments with fluctuating or recurring effects such as rheumatoid arthritis, and this, A woman has had rheumatoid arthritis for the last three years and has difficulty carrying out day-to-day activities such as walking, undertaking household tasks, and getting washed and dressed. The effects are particularly bad during autumn and winter months when the weather is cold and damp. Symptoms are mild during the summer months. The effect on ability to carry out normal day-today activities fluctuates according to the weather conditions, but because the effect of the impairment is likely to recur, this person meets the definition of disability requirement on the meaning of ‘long-term’ (Sch1, Para 2(2)). thats out of the Act as well, just seems to me they turn most down in the hope you don't appeal it! it seems you have to take it to appeal to get anywhere!
  13. Hi all, I had tests done last year to see what was up with me as i was in so much pain and it turns out i have" Rheumatoid arthritis" The RA is that bad i had to stop work, as i would work for 2 days and then the pain from the RA would be that bad! i would be lucky to get out of bed the next day, and it would take me 4 to 5 days to get back on my feet! so only working for 2 days then in pain for 4/5 day if not longer! is not good! and only being 43, life is not the same as it was....and with a long road ahead! so i stop'ed work and went on ESA, i 1st put in for D.L.A about 3 months ago and got turned down, so i left it until now! i got letter back last week and they have turned me down for a 2nd time, i phoned them! to ask why! and they said they did not have anything on the file to say why, i then went on to say its a joke, i then said to her what about the big write up on the D.W.P site about RA, & Equality Act 2010 Guidance, and what it says in there about RA, at the end i said i want to appeal it!, and she said don't you want us to look over a 2nd time before you appeal it! i ask how long that would take and she said 10 to 11 weeks i said to her how longs the appeal take and she said the same 10 to 11 weeks, i said no i'll appeal right away thanks.....
  14. well i have just had 2 big guys at my door! i was on my way out, and they said they would be back later today.... Time to let them know how much rights they have! as im sure BH would not have told them...... What should i be doing next? im still waiting for the SAR! from CF-LTD....
  15. yea it do seem that way, as i have just been turn down for DLA, so im going to appeal it! i got letter saying im not geting it! but then 2 days later i get letter saying they will let me know if im geting it? would they have sent both letters out at the same time?? and they have just crossed in the post.... im gong to phone then today and see whats going on..
  16. i sorry you miss my point! im not frustrated with my own situation!! as i know things take time!! i will tell you what frustrates me is someone " come out and says i need an op as i can not RUN FOR THE BUS, are you sure!! if he is in "Pain all the time" its more reason for intervention" but the only place that can help him is his GP My post was just trying to make him understand! the op he wants is not at the top of the list, as there are alot more life threatening! ops that come before they will think about doing his. Thanks
  17. ""My question is this, do I have grounds for compensation of any sort or at very least an apology. All replies greatly appreciated"" its the "surgeons" call, you could well have turned up and the" surgeon" could well have been called away, and you sent home.... like Blonde said " important thing is that you are getting the op at last" Good luck P.S still waiting for my op
  18. HI there, im not sure if im going to be of any help! you may well get it done in the end, but you will have to wait a long time, if its not "life threatening" Please dont tell you are trying to say you need this op! as you can not go running any more, can you walk do you work can you stand can you sit if its yes to all them! then you will have to wait, as "life threatening" will all ways be at the top! of the list as for the" implants" if they leak they then become "life threatening" Please dont use the word you being able to run V dying of cancer you are here for help, so please dont point out why some are geting ops and you are not! it all comes down! if what you have is "life threatening" Me! i have been in/out of hospitl for 11 months now! test for this test for that! i have had full X-rays done, i have had CT,s done MRI,s, CT-Biopsy, CT-PET sacn, then more MRI, and they still dont know whats up with me, all i have been told i have "enlarged Thymus" if you dont know what "thymus" is look it up then you come back and tell me if you need your op more so then i do. all im doing here is trying to make you understand! so please dont tell me you should be geting a op ASAP justl so you can run! im not saying you dont need one! but you will have to wait like the rest that need op,s that are not life threatening like some else said keep on to your GP about it he/she is the only one that can get the ball rolling.......
  19. OK! SAR is of 1st-thing i will let you know how i get on.... But if anyone else has any good info please post it here for all to see! Thanks
  20. Hi guys, sorry to jump on this post! Clemma could you give me the ins and out of how you got your OSC back? as i'm going down that road now and my 1st item with BH was in 2007, i have had 5 items from then till now! would be nice to see how you went about this, i to was told i had to take the OSC with my 1st item or i could not get it! and from that day to this Xmas just gone i have had OSC on all my items, its only when i came on here before xmas, i then went into my BH and got them to take it of But NOW! i want it back for all my items! as at the time i was TOLD i had to have it!! Thanks
  21. Hi dx I have been on here allday looking into this, and reading posts! i will be going down the road i was miss-sold it! as at the time of takeing out my 1st item with BH i was told i had to have the OSC or i could not get the item! just 5 mins ago i had BH nocking at my door, wants me to do a RW i dont think so.... Thanks
  22. Hi mate, is there any news on this?? i'm about to do the same SAR for all info! but by looking at yours i think i will word it in away that i get info of what i have paid for each item, and how much i have paid OSC on that item each week, and see what they come up with, as my OSC is comeing out just under 3K its alot to pay when its OSC and when i took out my very 1st item i was told i had to have it!!!! Please let us all know how you are geting on..... Thanks P.S it was only at Xmas just gone that i had seen on CAG things about BH and i went in my BH and asked them to stop the OSC at Xmas,
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