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Everything posted by speedfreek

  1. Yay good old DWP riding ruff shot over all comers inc the Court of Appeal. Stolen absolutely shamelessly from Rightsnet (lovely bunch of lads n lasses they will not mind)!
  2. If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man You win some, lose some, it's - all - the same to me The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say I don't share your greed, the only card I need is The Ace Of Spades The Ace Of Spades Bit early for you Sir? I'm completely trollied and as playful as a kitten with a ball of string tbf
  3. You talking 'vim' or 'vimto' here By heavenly all thats fine n dandy I'm utterly and completely squiffed as a banjaxed leaky wench embalmed in a mint julep
  4. Same area = 1 PCT and 1 request to the PALS team for form and send off to the DATA Controller! Have a look at the PDF I got off my local PCT it asks for dates and hospitals etc. Letters and guides in that sticky tbf
  5. I'm educating everybody I come in contact with my personal experience and the fact May 2014 when I lose DLA is when I'll be camped outside their door going please Sir.... if they don't wake up and take notice. You also need to start understanding how and why we have shifted and which DWP program and major Insurance company i.e. UNUM is driving/leading the revolution. So SSAC 1994 to present 2 UNUM members out of 5 http://www.meassociation.org.uk/?p=9217 Bio social psychological model - UNUM via Cardiff University The DWPs' Health Work Wellbeing drive http://www.dwp.gov.uk/health-work-and-well-being/resources/other-websites-tools/ http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/health-and-wellbeing.pdf A bit of googling in the right places brings up some quite fascinating papers of the Vision of "One Nation under Work!" and the fact it has been changed to "One Nation sold out to UNUM through a bunch of tin pot underfunded programs to privatise the NHS and destroy the Social Security System lead by Laud Fraud and GOD themselves or IDS as he likes to be referred as. I'm off to fiddle some Joan Baez whist the UK burns!
  6. Read the sticky http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?370178-NHS-SAR-template-and-info Contact all the NHS PALS services for which ever areas you were treated by and ask them for advice. Mine just emailed me over a pdf form to fill out and return. Once returned they should instruct you of cost. Max whack is £50 for each request but with multiple NHS trusts you might be better off requesting a free viewing of them or even try a more targeted approach. Requesting a free viewing of your GP records at your local GP practice 1st then make specific request for things you want more on or for things you think are missing. Usually takes a follow up request to get everything (well as much as possible) and you might find there absolutely nothing where you assume there would be complete records. Just filled out/printed out my new/latest SAR request form to put a rocket up IAPTs' arse and will be posting recorded signed for tomorrow.
  7. The addiction thing is already written into the rules no engagement in therapy no dole. You all really need to read up on this Health Work Wellbeing program the DWP have been running for 10 years. Plus the new GP fit note rules are a bit of a laugh http://www.dwp.gov.uk/fitnote/ IAPT (Improved access to psychological therapies) were incepted by the DWP as part of this and micromanaged to perfection. I think the reason for IAPT is to act as a blocker to all Secondry services then they can sell off all the specialist mental health units/hospitals as absolutely noone will get near one. This is a nice critique of IAPT and well worth a read. http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/archives/16350 Back on thread anyway it's a shame there's no comments on that piece as it would be a race to add
  8. Well that would make Prime Ministers Question Times a bit more Marcel Marceau Pictoinary anybody?
  9. Couldn't agree more! This failure is also against their rules as in order for the referral onto the WP to work you have to have had fully your rights and responsibilities explained to you and for you to fully understand them. It's in the regs! The bloke you got knew this and thanks to that explained your rights correctly so you got a very good outcome. Which you probably were not expecting? Although we bitch n moan there's still some good ones out there; it's the ones who don't know but can't be reasoned with who are the major problem. I've been on ESA for 3 years now (almost a year spent actually in the WRAG soon) and except for a single WFI that almost killed me in May 2010 am being left alone. 2nd round started in with a WCA in Jan 2012 nil points phone call from clerk of court 4 hours before I was supposed to attend Sept or Nov (not sure as I was a little off it). My WFI was with Ingus and what got me to switch to ESA was a WP (or whatever it was in 2010) appointment with Ingus whilst on JSA. Still got my sanction letters which I uploaded I think to one of the early anti workfare sites which got eventually closed down. Feck a full transcript of my 1st ATOS WCA face to face in 2010 is on here somewhere prob posted around July/Aug 2012 when I completely lost the plot for a bit. I'm approaching this whole thing now from regs and cross referencing them to the Health n Safety Act 1974, Disability Discrimination Act 1995(?) and the Equality Act 2010. The theory I post on here over a year ago about once past the benefits decision you now have to look at it as a Employment issue is also how the site we can not name is advising. Still a long way from being proved but it's worth a shot as DWP FOI requests state that when you are placed with anybody by them you take on the status of Employee with the aforementioned rights and governed by the acts I've mentioned. It's a whole new ball game of deniability and passing the buck! But it's not too hard if you look at it in the right way. Sillygirl1 is the person who's posts you might like to have a gander at as she is quite adapt in using the regs to her advantage. What's good for goose is good for the gander as they say but it's only through the use of bare faced logic that you'll get a result.
  10. You are quite correct now explain that in terms of the interviews etc and you get my post which attempts to explain that is how it happens in real life. We're on the same page just I'm trying to explain it terms of see Spot see the shiny ball see Sport run whilst DWP regs as quoted is more like an extensional philosopher explaining how the square block really does fit into the round hole using the math n physics of Steven Hawking on acid. The only thing I disagree on and I hope can be proved wrong on is that I thought once you agreed then that was it no turning back? As if I can try it (i.e. give it a go) then withdraw then that would be fantastic! The only thing I can see is ask for a reduction in your participation which may or may not be granted at their discretion. I'm genuinely interested in this as I'm planing atm for WP and wrag and how I can actually make it work for me when it happens. This is all irreverent as thanks to the nice man you were never at the point this argument was needed. See down'n'out above although mandated to the access point you never passed the threshold! I agree that being mandated to attend this does cause confusion which is why we've been trying to explain the above rules for sometime.
  11. sometimes but not often it all depends on how well you talked to the person from the DWP who called and if you supply any more evidence. It's a bit of a lottery at this stage but some get lucky although it's not too much of a disaster as the majority of us win at tribunal in the end. Yes the appeal rate is the same and that starts being payed again from when your appeal is accepted. It's back dated too so you get paid the full amount from the time it stopped. You haven't said if you've asked for a reconsideration or if you have formally appealed? Since you have a partner do they live with you or form any part of your claim for HB/CT/ESA? Your council sound like right muppets too as a nil income declaration is all that is needed to get their payments going again. They do not in any way shape or form need confirmation from the DWP. That too will be back dated to the time it stopped so although late their will be no lost payments. Have a quick read on the shelter website http://www.shelter.org.uk/ then cross reference that with your local councils one as there's 3 of us here saying that they are talking carp! A shelter advisor on the free telephone help line will often go out of their way to help so if you get stuck give them a bell. I've been through ESA and nil points twice now; 2 appeals etc so...... Try and split up things so 1, council HB/CT 2, DWP ESA 3, Complaint Keep them all separate as each is easy to deal with when looked at as a separate issue which they are.
  12. Now where have I seen this before? The interview to discuss participation with a WPP is/can be issued by JCP/DWP as mandatory for all participant groups. You are not on the WP yet! Only after this meeting (it's actually the next appointment) when WP participation starts. At the end of this interview mandatory participants stay mandatory for WP. Whilst voluntary groups only become mandatory participants on the work program if they volunteer during the mandatory interview. Luckily you had a chap who knew the rules. .
  13. It's called The Minimum Income Floor (MIF) http://www.nationalenterprisenetwork.org/blog/2012/07/overview-on-recent-universal-credit-workshop-on-self-employment/ http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/3849/ Not sure where I got the HMRC are already doing this I read it sometime ago but that as you point out may have been speculation. I have seen posts on other forums of them already cracking down on so called hobby businesses. As with everything DWP/HMRC atm until the regs are actually laid down in entirety we'll probably see something of this ilk but what... I don't know.
  14. I 3rd it Go to Council fill in a change of Circumstance form (get a few spares their might be one online if you look) print off 3 months of bank statements and write a simple declaration of no income. Mine usually goes I will be appealing this decision until that time I will be living of my savings etc. When ESA rate re-instated fill in new form telling Council ESA now back in payment. When/IF you win appeal fill in new form telling the Council of this. Although the DWP might tell you it's done automatically, you fill in form for the Council which at the end states (and you have signed this) I will tell the Council of any changes! They are two separate and distinctly different entities with their own rules. Sign the form you bide by the rules you've agreed too.
  15. Well that sort of attitude would never have won us the war v's Gerry now would it? Read up on things and ask if you have questions! It's as simple as that. Whilst we do not know the face of support as it's currently being reorganised, there's plenty who have come to this (and other) forum and been helped successfully to win appeals etc. Having a rep at a tribunal is only needed if you haven't prepared your case properly! If you ask the questions and read up on the advice given and submit a clear and valid argument as to why you should be awarded benefit (as long as your case is good) all a tribunal will do is ask you a few clarifying questions if they even need to do that. I've won 2 ESA appeals and 1 DLA. I've never been to a tribunal! Granted being telephoned by the Clark of the court 4 hours before it was due to be heard to be told you've been awarded ESA was not the best (only a years wait from filling in my 2nd ESA50). It saved me the taxi fare :whoo:t Oh and it's not B&W it's the site we can not name TNK and I haven't posted that line either right?
  16. HMRC have cracked down on all this and will/are now taxing all self employed as if earning NMW even if they are not after the 1st year. That and the new insane reporting rules (monthly) which have also thrown away the traditional accounting rules being brought in for UC I'd think very long and hard about this now.
  17. I wouldn't be too sure of that my Dear. It looks as if certain parts of the follow on programs have hit major problems; a lot were simply defunded in 2010 and left to die for cheaper things (or more profitable to DWP business partners e.g A4E etc) like CAP. CAP is still on the cards it's just hit a few teething troubles; like it's a step too far in it's current form with the Workfare backlash. Given that almost everything else has been shelved they'll need a new way to fiddle the jobless figures and a revolving WP 2 year cycle one might conclude would be political suicide and the admittance that the whole thing is a shambles. All this is part of the DWP's "Health Work and Well-being" program that's been running for around 10 years. Worth having a gander at is this thing to see what was envisaged which was amazing to when the axe fell and what we have now. p.s. Who loves ya Flumpsy?
  18. Unsure on this as unlike a Greek play I think I'm more a kin to the Bee Gees song of the same ilk tragedy!
  19. 10 points to Worried and for you bonus questions for 30 if the 'free' press can't tell the difference nor tell you that whilst someone a forum can..;.. Fact of the day Motorhead played the Ace of Spades as guest band on the University Challenge episode of the Young ones
  20. Find out the difference between a Social Security System and Welfare and post back!
  21. Whilst I applaud the outing of the WP I am also very concerned at the same time! Too much of a coincidence that parking of "those hardest to place" and the increased sanction on those on ESA! Slight inflection now (well they were overt and brazen last time) to the disabled on ESA being permanently parked. Remember a lot of ill/disabled are only surviving this farce by being parked and left alone. A new harsher regime of sanctioning the ****e out of those unable to defend themselves by calling them "hardest to" I wouldn't put it past em tbf! So might I politely request those more active than myself to not only slate this show of mucus but also point out that many disabled and too ill to cope are being force to partake? We all know there's no help for them being offered by the WP only destitution for not complying for the opinions of WWP after the £26000 bounty (remember Europena Social Fund milking doubles their worth)! Remember also there's no such thing as targets only statical variance
  22. This might be better off being moved to the housing section as this is more of a tenancy issue. There's a little triangle under posts to report if no answers are forth coming report your thread and ask it to be moved here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?65-Residential-and-Commercial-lettings-Freehold-issues It's well worth your while search on there to for the eviction process etc. As it not when you are evicted but 28 days before notice of eviction the Council have to take action. Not sure on exact timing but you have quite bit of breathing space before that happens and those folks can tell you exactly what's what. From memory as I last looked into this in May Your Council will have a specialist team for housing issues and finding a new property that accepts housing benefit. Getting access to that well erm that's the tricky part it took me 8 attempts at my local Council before I got somebody who new somebody at a charity they worked with. They then sorted everything out with the council and were even prepared to travel with me to viewings. I couldn't handle the telephone calls from the enthusiastic council folks 5-6 times a day so... that stopped Your CMHT should also have a housing officer or be able to refer you to a Council 1 but you'll really have to hassle them for this as they are so over stretched. GP's too can refer you onto Council waiting lists and council support. It help here if you can explain who where n why you need referring here as some know some don't! You usually have to have a reason for staying in a specific area like moving out of the treatment catchment area if your are receiving it, family/friends/support networks etc. Shelter has good guides on this (well had) also your Council website if searched hard enough will give you their rules and the names/numbers of the teams they have. The Council if you think it's savable may be able to negotiate with your current landlord if you think it's worth a shot. Basically have a read around and have a word with your Council.
  23. Post 7 is what you'll be looking at in that rightsnet thread and is also the reason why I'm trying to expand the debate into Conditionality under UC! Whilst this strict enforcement of the rules in existence is very nasty to those on Conts ESA call me paranoid (it's not to far from the truth) something as heated as this tends to be chucked in as a diversion to hide something far far nastier going on.
  24. I give up on this subject now! This change is to those on CONTRIBUTION based ESA After UC is introduced. Income based ESA ceases to exist under UC! The issue is not just payment! The issue is as well; what will be the UC Conditionality rules for those claiming what would have been Income based ESA under reconsideration. If those on Conts can claim UC on the same terms then whilst it's a bit **** it's not that bad in theory. I know whine whine whine in practice yeah yeah yeah. Actually payment is a misnomer and you're being dazzled by the headlights. The issues is the arbitrary removal of entitlement to a contribution based benefit or the complete break of the link between paying contributions and receiving payment when needed for them. Now these people claiming Conts ESA if they can not afford to live will have to claim something since there is no income ESA the bigger question I want to know which nobody knows nor is asking is Conditionality for those people under UC and the people already claiming UC for illness/disability. Anybody know? Does anybody care?
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