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Found 13 results

  1. I've noticed threads which we do not hear back from. It's a shame as help continues on here. I hope those who have started threads in this forum have managed to get the outcome they wanted.
  2. Never had this previously but now just about every second post comes up with a Google ad which is quite annoying. Is this something new on CAG. No objection to ads on side and above, but not in threads as annoying!
  3. Wheres my Murdock sky takeover thread gone? Murdock controls this site does he? Explains the policies and practices here.
  4. When I look at the "Debt Subforums" the top listed thread indicates that the last post on that thread was 13th September at 12.25 debtors chasing my BF]. if I then click on that thread there are 5 threads that came after that one. All of the 5 listed do not state the number of views or replies and the dates of the last post on all of them is at least 1 day earlier than the actual ones. This can cause problems both for the original posters,possible posters and the team who may not realise that extra unrecorded posts have been added. I appreciate that there are so many posts each day thus making the control of each subforum accurate.
  5. I have not long join this forum, I think it is brilliant, and very informative. Could I just request that the space for putting threads is very narrow, and it does make it rather difficult if a contributor wishes to write a lengthy article. Thanks sorry to be a pain in the neck.
  6. Every day on this site, we see new posts added, asking for advice on behalf of a friend, a colleague, a neighbour etc. They often only have some of the facts and can't answer questions raised. Answers are given based on the limited information available, with some frustrated replies and most of the time the threads are never continued. I have recently heard in a discussion regarding Citizens Advice, that some of the staff are going into online forums to make posts, to try to find out information to help people. I can't remember where i heard this, but it may have been a radio phone in programme, where someone mentioned this in relation to CAB cuts and staff there not having the knowledge to help. If this is true, i wonder whether this presents an issue or not. Perhaps the answer is to suggest to the people making these posts, is to get the person with the problem to register with CAG and to start a thread with full details.
  7. Attachment of Earnings http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?414203-Can-someone-please-advise-me-on-C-Tax-attachment-of-earnings-orders.%281-Viewing%29-nbsp Notices sent out very quickly http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?414157-Council-Tax-Final-Notice. Arrested for CT Arrears at airport - can it happen http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?414163-Can-I-be-arrested-at-the-airport-for-council-tax-arrears%283-Viewing%29-nbsp
  8. There have been a number of blatant spoof threads on here recently so that got me thinking . How many other threads, in which the individual details some extremely bad and unacceptable practices from a Bailiff, are actually genuine? And how many in which are genuine actually tell the whole truth of the situation? There are threads where CAG members provide advice based on what they are being informed (can't do anymore!), but then the thread just slowly slips further and further down as the creator does not come back with an update and outcome. Do you perceive from that, that the individual was not being honest or the thread was spoof? Or actually do a number of individuals resort to Private Message - but then that surely doesn't benefit others who have a similar issue? Intrigued!
  9. Newbie here with lots of questions for my problems and also with questions on behalf of my mother. Looking forward to hopefully getting some advice, information, guidance and support from the forum members as I'm new to all this reclaiming stuff and also I don't know if I'm too late for some of it. Going to start searching to see where to post 1st question. Is there a forum guide that I can save or download?
  10. I posted a few times now but still cannot find the right forum for my posts ,do i post in general forums or a specific forum for my problem ? can someone please put my post in the correct forum because i don't know where to put it? the church i attend does its own accounts at the end of the year and gets members to sign them without first looking through the accounts, a couple of years now there has been short falls in the accounts and one year no account sheet was given at all at the agm excuse given the treasurer hadn't had time to do them, the church is also not registered with the charity commission as they think they don't have to, a member noticed the short falls and asked another none member to help her understand them, he notified the church of the short falls and about the charity commission not being registered, words have been exchanged and now that person has been banned from the church ,my question is this, does the church have to be registered if they are taking money from people , and should they be doing their own books, and who do you go to if you think the accounts are wrong but those in charge refuse to accept this or fob you off , and i should point out none of the people doing the books are qualified and most are just asked if they want the job, even though the church takes money off people it is running at a loss and this is why they think they don't have to register, can anyone help in this matter please, sorry for putting it on here but i don't know where to go with it, thanks so much for your time.
  11. Hi I have subscribed to various threads but I no longer get email notifications anymore. Has it been turned off? Thanks
  12. Hi, maybe I'm a bit thick (wife nodding in agreement), but I've tried searching for IND and drawn a blank. I know there are several threads about them (even contributed in a couple). So, any reason why these threads have gone? Is it that I am doing something wrong or have they been removed for a reason?
  13. I've got several threads that I've started but when I go to my profile/find all threads started some are missing. any suggestions on how to locate them?
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