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Found 2 results

  1. I've noticed threads which we do not hear back from. It's a shame as help continues on here. I hope those who have started threads in this forum have managed to get the outcome they wanted.
  2. We have today been getting silent calls from 02036349938 We have tracked down the Range Holder Nexbridge CommunicationsSilent calls are generated by companies using power or predictive dialling equipment when making outbound calls. If a dialer makes a call but there is no call centre agent to deal with the call you may receive an abandoned call, you may also receive a silent call if the technology used by call centre to detect an answer machine mistakes you answering for an answering machine, and ends the call without playing an information message or you hearing anything. if anyone else is getting calls from 02036349938 please report it immediate to Ofcom Consumer Contact Team on 03001233333. Nexbridge Communications are avoiding their responsibility, i can only assume due to the services they provide to the type of customers they are targeting "Call Centres" and the fact they provide predictive dialing services to their customers and profit from this. Ofcom stated they will investigate and if found Nexbridge Communications are avoiding their responsibilities Ofcom can impose restrictions on the number allocations and further number block requests. Let this be a lesson to Communications Providers allowing their customers to call TPS Registered numbers. If what Heather said is correct then they are leaving them self's wide open to abuse. I'm sure in the contract between Nexbridge Communications and their customers it would be part of the agreement to not call TPS registered numbers. the thing that had really annoyed me the most is Nexbridge Communications providing the services allowing their customers to make these calls and then allows the customer to choose if they want to screen against the TPS Database. Thats like saying We will provide you with a car, the legal speed limit in the UK is 70, we will give you the ability to turn on / off a restriction to prevent the car from doing faster then 70. unlike the car example Nexbridge Communications are responsible for calls passing its network.
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