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Found 15 results

  1. Bells to ring out and 10,000 to march past the Cenotaph as the nation says 'thank you' READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bells-to-ring-out-and-10000-to-march-past-the-cenotaph-as-the-nation-says-thank-you
  2. Hello, I did not post a query on the forum but just wanted to thank you for providing such a valuable resource. I foolishly attempted to use someone else's annual travelcard and was stopped at the entry barrier. I provided my details to the inspector and bought a ticket and went on my way. I received a letter from the rail company a few weeks later informing me that they intended to prosecute, and asking for my version of events. I wrote back a brief contrite reply, outlining the facts, apologising and asking if it would be possible to cover their costs to avoid further action. I then received a letter asking me to contact them. After speaking to them on the phone, they have been happy to settle the matter if I pay their admin costs. The outcome has been a huge relief to me, after weeks of worry and several sleepless nights. This forum provided incredibly useful guidance as to how to respond to the letter and it was helpful to read that others have been through similar issues and managed to avoid court action. Thank you all for the time you take to help people, provide useful templates and advice. I have made a donation.
  3. In August, I was looking at switching banks because I was having issues regarding Natwest and accessibility. In short, I'm partially sighted and was having problems using their pin pad. I then went into Natwest to ask if there was a way around this. I was told no and was told to come into branch each time I wanted something doing. For many reasons, this isn't practical. I later found out that they do the larger pin pads. Anyway, had to go into Nationwide to pay some money into a friends account and was given a leaflet on their current accounts. I then asked about internet banking and accessibility. (internet banking being the main way I bank) I was told they too use the pin pad. But I can request a large print pin pad. I booked an appointment to switch. The lady who I had my appointment with, said she was new and wasn't aware of the accessibility that Nationwide offer and that she'd put some notes on my application. I then got my debit card, PIN and pin pad in the post. All in my preferred format. I then received a letter about my ISA, which wasn't. It was explained to me that because ISA switch wasn't done at the same time as current account switch and I forgot to say something, they weren't aware that I needed letters in large print. A quick call to head office and this has been sorted. On Monday I went in to ask about credit cards. The lady I spoke to them said she'll email me the information they provide.
  4. Thank you to all at bridgehouse mansfield who today helped with the passing of a loved one got us in without an appointment had someone with him constantly put him on oxygen to help him breathe Thank you for how kind all your staff were simba/aslan ???? - adopted 2005 - feb 2016
  5. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/man-writes-letter-john-lewis-152212297.html Well done John Lewis
  6. A few days ago, I checked my credit file with Experian.co.uk and found out a CCJ filed against me by a company called Davinci Virtual UK Ltd (for £184). I used to live at a different address from 1st April 2010 to 3rd August 2011. From 4th August 2011 to now I have moved. I have not received any communication from Davinci Virtual UK Ltd or aware I had used their services. The CCJ relates to services used to May 2011 I was told. I wish to apply to set aside the judgement as I believe the company did not exist. I have checked with the Companies House records; there was no company named Davinci Virtual UK Ltd (address: 1 Lyric Square London WD6 0NB). I believe it is a [problem], a fraudulent way to extract money from the unaware public. The information from Google gave the impression that Davinci Virtual UK Ltd is affiliated with Davincivirtual.com. I checked with the latter and they deny they had any dealing with the UK company. I was told I have to pay the court fee of £255 to set aside the judgement. Is there another way round it without paying the £255? If I can find the company I would just pay the £184; but it does not appear to exist anymore. I just want to get rid of the CCJ on my credit file in the shortest possible time. It is affecting my credit worthiness.
  7. Hi First of all, I apologies in advance with regards hash and tag and other advanced features like this because I am not sure. I would appreciate straightforward advice as I thought all this was behind me. Five years ago, I had severe money problems and defaulted on 7 credit cards. Two banks took me to court. Both messed up proceedings and I think I surprised the court by admitting I owe it I will pay it, even though the failure to implement correct procedures could have possibly gone in my favour. Both had Charging orders made against my house should I not pay. I had no problem with this. The Court also put on the Order that I pay one £75 pm and another £44. These were nothing to do with each other by the way. The bigger one, I pay by online banking religiously every month. no DD no SO Card Payment nothing. I pay it as a bill. I have never once defaulted. The other five, I have arrangements with and I have done this all myself. No problems. I have made full payments every month to my mortgage although I have arrears but they cannot take extra because of my monthly outgoings, again , there is no pressure from them because I keep them informed and I pay full every month. Now the other jokers, the £44 per month. They are a firm of "Solicitors" featured here on a very regular basis. My agreement with them was to take £44 pm, by continuous card payment, which they have done. Several times over the years they have left me answer phone messages or sent me Statement of Means forms to disclose my financial situation. I have largely ignored them as the Court Order said £44 per month, so as far as I was concerned that was it. Last week, I had a letter out of the blue from Court stating I have failed to pay as ordered, and I have to fill in the Attachment of Earnings Order I was horrified. It turns out, no payments have been taken since December 2014. I really must emphasise I had absolutely no idea they had stopped taking money. I know you hear this constantly but I did not. I have 22 DDs SOs and the only physical payment I have to do is the one I religiously pay £75 for. In January, I spoke to someone at the Solicitors who was trying to pressure me into completing the Statement of Means form with the promise of looking to reduce my 44. i told her i did NOT want to as the Court Order set that amount. She kept on and on until to get her off the phone, I agreed to her sending me the form. When I got it weeks later, i changed my mind and left it as the Court had stated. It appears no payment was taken from then onwards. They said they left me an answer phone message end of Jan and admitted no other contact attempts had been made. This is totally their doing and I am extremely upset. One of their agents told me the other day, to not return the court papers until i had spoken to someone else who would phone me back. Nobody did, i eventually contacted someone else, asked what to do re court papers and she said she didn't know what I was talking about!!! I am devastated, being threatened with employers being contacted, or Bailiffs being sent round when I have left everything in their hands. I have told them I want a copy of my file and especially the phone call in Jan and they said they couldn't. I informed them I could and so have sent the admin fee to them for this.. I also paid the £44 immediately. What do I do,? It comes across as if I have deliberately disobeyed a Court Order, they have piled their admin fee on. Is this their ploy of getting their Statement Of Means/Income/ Expenditure? I WILL send the papers to the Court but I am determined they will not get away with this.. so can I request a hearing. ? I will very gladly pay the Court fee because they are nasty extortioners and now I for myself and any others, am prepared to do battle with this. I am so sorry about the length of this and thank you very much for your time x
  8. I would like to wish everybody on this forum a merry xmas and a huge thank you! The help you have provided over the years has been amazing and totally invaluable. Thanks to your help my Xmas will be a much happier one than it would have been. As a thank you I have signed up to a monthly payment to do my best to repay you in a small way. THANKS!!
  9. fkofilee

    Thank You CAG

    Guys Its with a great pleasure that I want to say thank you for the help in the last 3 and a bit years helping me with all my financial issues and getting to the bottom of a very stressful time! As some may know , a while ago i posted a thread on Natwest (Their Service), The Fraud issues from 2012 for Security Clearance and how my credit history had been destroyed, stopping any chance of me even getting a bank account with a contactless card etc Well Id like to formally announce that I approached Nationwide last week because of the poor service Natwest were giving me after being with them for over a year paying in over £1500 a month in salary and not going overdrawn once. I went for a Flexaccount, was declined but appealed it. I explained the history and also the DF with Voidafone for £12k and how its being dealt with, and they said that they were happy with this and would open an account for me. I received my Contactless card today from them. Its a massive weight of my mind to beable to get one of my goals in 2015 sorted. Thank you very much. Your advice has been a life saver!
  10. Today Received a form from Northampton Court/Restons Solicitors claiming £8635.55, apparently relating to an M&S card, contract dated 'on or about 17/7/1989 and assigned to the claimant on 20/02/13. It was sent to an old address and it is is in my old married name. I had an M&S card but don't think I owe anything to them. I haven't had any credit cards since I sold my house in 2010. My husband died jn 2006 and he had several credit cards, one of them an M&S card, it may be his debt? Can you tell me how to respond to this, there is no evidence that the debt is mine, they say I owe £8345.55 plus court fees of £190 and solicitors costs of £100 making the total £8635.55. Any information you can give me as to how to respond would be greatly appreciated,I no longer live at the address the Claim Form has been issued to and the name it has been issued in is incorrect. Many thanks
  11. Bankfodder & the CAG community, You have not helped me personally, in fact I registered just to send you this message, but I wanted to thank you for your continued hard work and efforts in helping others. Sometimes the consumer is it's own worse enemy but you have maintained this website for many years and I am sure it has helped numerous people. I know it isn't much but sometimes it is nice to hear a "thank you" every now and again. I hope you keep up the great work for many more years to come.
  12. Hi, This is a thank you to those who helped us with our situation back in September. We had never been in this situation before and so it is easy to get pulled along with what authorities and bailiffs tell you. We followed the advice given to us, and whilst it was a really stressful week or so, the council took back our case and we now pay them weekly the amount we originally offered and can afford, NOT the unreasonable amount the baillif demanded which included their fees of a couple of hundred extra. If its your first time on here, I'll be honest, you do wonder when under that amout of stress whether or not what anyone is saying is accurate. Take the advice from here, call CAB and National Debt Helpline who will also back it up, then make your own decision. But to everyone who commented or gave advice, thank you
  13. i dont know where to put this so ill put it here,,, i would like to say a big big thank u to caro and rest of other site team for giving there time up in answering all my questions on my case ,, again thank u very much win or lose it as helped me alot
  14. Hi All, I just wanted to write a quick thank you. I popped in for advice back at the end of June after I allowed myself to get into the stupid circumstance of having bought a short fare. I explained that I had no intent to argue with staff members doing their job and intended to (upon receipt of my letter) write a letter of apology, explain everything that happened completely honestly and ask for the opportunity of a second chance. I received very helpful responses from the members here but unfortunately we had trouble editing my thread to remove some personal details (thanks for your many, many efforts to get it to work though H_B!) and in the end staff removed it. I did eventually receive my letter of notice for prosecution! As I had thought of nothing else since the day I'd made such a stupid mistake I had my letter ready to send off straight away. I sent it by special delivery and about two weeks ago heard back that I could pay a penalty to discharge any liability to conviction. So I got this paid straight away. Obviously this was a big relief, I wanted to wait until it was concluded before coming here to let you all know. I'm very grateful that the company considered my letter and decided to offer me a second chance, it is not one I have taken lightly and I'll be thankful to them for many years to come. I will never allow myself to make such a mistake again and I hope no one in my life will either having heard about nothing but railway regulations and byelaws for the last couple of months. I hope that this can serve as hope to others in the future, don't tell lies, don't try to excuse your own mistake because even if it is a mistake it is YOURS not that of the company. If you are honest with them I would hope you'll have an outcome that makes you as happy as my own has made me. Remember it isn't some heartless machine you're writing to, its a person and no doubt a person who has made a mistake or done something stupid themselves previously. They will probably consider what you say and if you are sorry for it then I hope you'll be provided the opportunity I have. I wanted to return to provide the outcome but more importantly to say thank you. The members of this forum were a huge help to myself when I initially posted and I appreciated the words of comfort and luck more than I can probably explain now. I have read numerous threads posted by others in the meantime as well as older posts and to each wayward soul you offer kind words and help to people I know from experience are in a dark and worrying place. You all deserve to be commended for it. It probably gets repetitive, you'll have definitely 'heard it all before' and several of you hear it every day at work too. And yet here you are, helping. So here's to members of this forum. You made a tough couple of months easier and provided comfort and stress relief where little was to be found. And I hope I can say this not just on behalf of myself but from us all, from those who return to tell you the outcomes and those who never return but no doubt many of whom received a good outcome thanks to your help and advice: Thank you all. It can't be said enough.
  15. Just a quick thank you to everyone here. After reading the advice re dealing with DCA's we sent Arrow Global a CCA request letter as they were trying to collect on a debt for a credit card from MBNA. I have today received the letter saying they cannot obtain a copy of the CCA from the originating creditor. This site has helped so much and removed a lot of stress and worry. Thank you again. Link to Arrow Global letter http://tiny.cc/le3xfw
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