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Found 12 results

  1. Hello all. Due to ill-health and being self-employed, I had to resort to getting a Sunny loan to make ends meet for a couple of months. All fine, but am back working so wanted to clear it in full, so called up yesterday asking for an Early Settlement Fee and was told I had to pay the full outstanding amount for the period of the loan. I thought that was odd, but paid it in full nonetheless. After a bit of research yesterday, I came across the Consumer Credit Act (Early Settlement) 2004, which in my feeble brain seems to purport that I shouldn't have been charged full whack to clear the loan and have had the future interest taken off. Or something... Would anybody be able to shed some light on that please? Many thanks in advance, as always!
  2. I'm sure this has been answered somewhere on here so forgive me if anyone has to repeat themselves.! I have a remaining debt to Sunny of £500. Last year I started to try and pay back £25 back a month. I couldn't pay it back at the time due to other debts. I remember I did I&E over the phone at the time with a very nice lady and the £25 was accepted. They now keep phoning me. I did answer the call in the end and got some man at the other end who wanted me to do the I&E over the phone again. This time I said no, I wouldn't do this over the phone I had already been accepted for £25 so could I continue with this. He said he would send me a form and ignored the fact that I had an original offer, which I assumed was voided due to my not paying. This was over month ago now and he has not done so. They also keep phoning me but I have been told not to speak to them on the phone. What can I do now. They do say that emailing or writing to them does no good as they do not pick up email or letters which seems a bit odd to me. Any advice would be appreciated.
  3. Hi I am in need of a little advice. I currently have 3 loans with Lending Stream and 3 loans with Sunny and unfortunately am unable to make the full payments. I have contacted them with regards a repayment plan. I want to know if I will get into trouble as I unfortunately lied on my applications. I stated that I was self employed earning £1900 per month when in fact I am unemployed. I know I should not have done this but I am/ was an alcoholic and gambling addict. I have now stopped my gambling and am still working on the alcoholism. I am just worried they could take legal action if they find out. I also read on here that it is irresponsible lending to give me 3 loans at the same time. I have also been constantly paying off and taking out new loans with both of them due to gambling (winning/losing). Should I be looking into this or should I just keep quiet and accept a repayment plan so that they don't realise that I lied on the application. Sunny have asked me to fill in an income and expenditure form and have froze my account for 30 days (this was 2 weeks ago) and Lending Stream have also sent me an income and expenditure form but they are also asking for Proof of JSA/ Termination of Emplyment which is what worries me. Lending Stream are still adding interest at this time. Thanks in advance for your help.
  4. Hi all, yet again i need your help. I have acted foolish, earlier this year i applied for and was suprised to be offered a loan of £950 by Sunny.co.uk, so i took the loan, then 4 days later paid it back, now according to their website you have a 5 day cooling off period where no interest is charged, although can only use this once every 12 months, i paid back and was charged £40+ extra in charges as i recall..... a few days after this i decided hmmm £950, that would come in handy for this and that, maybe my credit is getting a little better, applied again, was offered £950 again, took it, again....... i know, shame on me. Now the problem starts, i thought i would be paying back monthly over 10 months, but it turns out then wanted weekly, i went on the defensive and pulled the plug, running with the £950 essentially, fast forward 6 months, the total amount owing is £1450 odd from a initial £950 borrowed, on CR it is being marked as late payment NOT as a default, not yet anyway. I figure i want to enter in to negotiations to pay this back before it hits as default on CR, can i do this, are they likely to listen. I could maybe afford £50 per month for the next 6 months then maybe £80 per month. I know this will take forever for it to clear but better than getting a default... .. or not. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, hopefully im in the right place im after a little advice without anybody judging me as finding it hard enough already Age -22 (now) Ive had a problem gambling addiction and have manged to cause myself around 10k+ of debt Without the Loans and the credit cards ive been in a vicious circe with payday loans Such as MyJar-2 Loans wonga-11 Loans Piggybank-8 Loans Sunny- 9 Loans Basicly taking one loan out to pay the other ect been going on for around 2 years now and wouldnt like to know how many loans ive received off the above 3. now ive heard stories unsure if there correct people are recieving refunds due to irrisponsible lending (does this class as that or not) Im not clued up with any of it so as much help as possible please. Many thanks
  6. Hi, despite having a ccj for £1500, sunny lent me £400 ! the first repayment was due today, but as i am still waiting for an ebay refund to clear , yesterday i contacted the bank to cancel the cpa. no joy! santander say they cannot do it as sunny have not taken payments before. contacted sunny . explained situation . sunny agree new payment schedule starting 5/1/2015. wake up to an email from sunny saying the bank had refused payment ! checked online sunny statement and no changes to my schedule had been made! will they try to take again tonight ? will i be charged for non payment ?
  7. Hi all, Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel... I'm going through all my correspondence from a particularly dark time of life, with the intention of sticking it to various lenders, one of which - Sunny - has assigned the debt to MMF. I am no longer able to access my account information via Sunny's website so need to submit a SAR. should the SAR go to the original creditor, or the DCA? (I'm thinking either will lead me a merry dance, but if I can state my legal position with confidence I won't let them waste my time fobbing me off...) Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi I'm looking for some help regarding a sunny loan that my wife took out two weeks ago. My wife applied and was accepted for two hundred pounds online but she made a mistake with her account number, one of the buttons stuck and duplicated a number, so the money never made it into her account. She phoned sunny who told her that she would have to check with her bank to find out if the account number they sent the money to actually existed and if it didn't that the bank would transfer the money back within five days. We went to the bank at first they didn't want to confirm that the bank account where the money was sent existed or not we managed to speak to someone who told us that it didn't but that sunny would have to claim the money back as they would not send it automatically. We again spoke to sunny who refused to claim the money back and told us it was our responsibility to get the bank to return the money not theirs, back to the bank we went who again said as it was sunny who made the transfer they would have to claim it back.. Now we are in the situation that we're going to have to pay the loan back next week even through we've never actually received any money from them... Has anyone got any advice on how we can handle this or any legislation we can use to get them to just claim the money back? Thanks for any advice given
  9. Hi I have some relatives who own property in Cyprus, who now wish to dispose of it. They are not resident on the island anymore, and as I understand it property prices there are still depressed, but they are very eager to sell to assist with cashflow issues. Are there any reputable agencies dealing with selling real estate in Cyprus, which are competent at also marketing it to the British (and potentially, Russian) markets?
  10. i have taken out numerous loans from sunny over the past 2 years. in total borrowed £2700 in lots of seperate loans and paid back £3800 all together . They are now still chasing me for £600 . Over the last couple of months i had a £25 payment plan set up with them and paid them last month they said i hadnt paid when i had and i had to send them bank statements etc to prove i had . i then missed a payment waitng for them to sort it out and they then sent me a default notice served under section 87(1) of the consumer credit act 1974 for £600 to be paid in full by 8/4/15. Any help on what to do would be appreciated, I am also having big problems with mr lender. I borrowed 750 back in october but ran into financial hardship . I offered £25 a month and an in depth i/e form . They refused . in December they sent me a text saying i owe £1700 .My online account balance was a lower amount. in january the 2nd the said was to be sold to mmf . Then on 11th january offerd me a settlement figure of £750 .But when i log in they say the debt is with mmf . As of today i have not heard a thing from either mr lender or mmf but want to get this sorted before it escaltes . Thanks for your advice on therse matters in advance.
  11. Hi everyone, I've been trying to contact Sunny to arrange a repayment plan for the past 3 months. Each attempt to contact them has been ignored and on occasion my emails have been deleted without being read (I get 'read' confirmations automatically, which also tell me if the email is deleted without being opened). Yesterday I received an email telling me that my account had been passed to MMF, which is a shock when you consider that I have been making repayment offers for the past three months. So today I have sent them a further email raising a formal complaint regarding their conduct during this period of time and requesting a response to my complaint so that I can escalate it to the FOS and forward all info to the FCA and guess what? That email was deleted without being read too! the only email address that I can find for them is help (at) sunny (dot) co (dot) uk, where I'm having no luck at all. Does anyone know of any alternative email addresses that I can send my email to? Thanks in advance, any help gratefully received. Cheers, MB78.
  12. Good evening, My auntie used to own a timeshare with Sunny Coast Malta and died over 4 years ago. Since then her sister (my auntie) and my dad have been receiving debt collection letters for the annual maintenance fees for the timeshare. They were not aware that the timeshare would become their responsibility in the event of her death and have not signed anything in respect to the ongoing fees or use of the timeshare. Since her death they have been ignoring the charges. Just recently they have now started to receive letters from Network Credit Services threatening further debt collection. Please could anyone advise what steps they should now be taking? Should they just continue to ignore? Any advice would be fantastic as it is getting to a point where my auntie is starting to feel ill with it all. Many thanks in anticipation
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