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Found 14 results

  1. • Name of the Claimant: Premier Parking Solutions Limited • Claimants Solicitors: BW Legal • Date of issue: 14/9/18 • Date to submit defence - 16/10/18 • What is the claim for – : 1.“The Claimant's Claim is for the sum of £100.00 being monies due from the Defendant to the Claimant in respect of a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) issued on 22/09/2015 (Issue Date) at 09:04:07 at Mount Dinham Exeter 2.The PCN relates to [MY CAR]. The terms of the PCN allowed the Defendant 28 days from the Issue Date to pay the PCN but the Defendant failed to do so. Despite demand having been made the Defendant has failed to settle their outstanding liability. 3.The Claim also includes Statutory interest pursuant to section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum a daily rate of 0.02 from 22/09/2015 to 13/09/2018 being an amount of £21.76. 4.The Claimant also claims £60.00 contractual costs pursuant to PCN Terms and Conditions.” • What is the value of the claim: Amount claimed: 181.76 Court fee: 25.00 Legal representative’s costs: 50.00 Total amount: 256.76 • Has the claim been issued by the Private parking Company or was the PCN assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim: The Private Parking Company • Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment: N/A as far as I’m aware • Have you sent BW a cpr3114 yet: I haven’t seen anything with this reference. I didn’t know that I needed to send BW anything. Via moneyclaim.gov.uk I’ve submitted the required acknowledgment of service and declared my intention to dispute the whole claim which, from what I’ve seen, I can also do online. Do I also need to send BW anything – the court documents don’t indicate as such , unless I’m paying the claimant. The only communication I’ve had with BW is to let them know I had a permit to park at that location at that time – which as expected they considered irrelevant. I’m putting my defence together and would be grateful for any help you can offer. Along the road from my child’s school in Dinham Road, Exeter, is a small residential area, which starts with a church which has on road parking. This area has parking signage from PPS. The church has links with this CofE school but is a separate entity. With the agreement of the church, the school issues parents with a permit, allowing parking in this area for a short period at drop-off and pick-up times. The “infringement” occurred in September 2015 and the claimant alleges that my car was parked in this area while not displaying a permit. The photographs that their legal team have provided do not appear to show a pass on display. I do have a permit and the car was parked within the agreed times. Their legal team has been emailed a copy of the permit but unsurprisingly couldn’t care less – they want my money. Their response failed to directly address the permit I sent and have stated that my responsibility was to abide by the T&Cs and that “As the vehicle involved in the contravention was not displaying a valid Ticket or Permit these Terms and Conditions were broken.” A history of the correspondence I’ve had so far, some of which I’ve uploaded, is below. Hopefully I’ve appropriately redacted what’s necessary but please let me know if not. Thanks all for taking time to help. History so far: 1. 20150922 PPS PCN (uploaded) 2. 20151105 PPS letter (uploaded) 3. 20151208 PPS letter – as before but with £30 admin fees = £130 4. 20151224 PPS letter – as before = £130 5. 20160201 Now with Debt Recovery Plus (DRP). Extra £30 with no explanation = £160 (uploaded) 6. 20160216 DRP – as before = £160 7. 20160302 DRP – as before = £160 8. 20160324 DRP – reduced payment offer of = £160!!! 9. 20170411 DRP – letter before referral for legal action – as before = £160 10. 20180702 BW Legal – letter of claim – now £190 (uploaded) 11. 20180818 My email to BW Legal with permit (uploaded) 12. 20180821 Email from BW Legal requesting my name and address (which was provided in my original email) 13. 20180821 Email to BW Legal advising them that my name and address is in the original email 14. 20180823 Email from BW Legal advising of their right to claim and including pictures – (uploaded) 15. 20180914 County Court letter (uploaded) 16. 20180914 BW Legal letter advising of court claim (uploaded) • attachment.pdf
  2. in a rush for a meeting today i parked in what i thought was a bay but on returning to the vehicle a parking charge notice had been attached to my vehicle stating "Not Parked in Allocated Bay" 1 The date of infringement 22/3/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? N have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) Not yet 5 Who is the parking company? Premier Parking Solutions 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Premier Inn, Southernhay Exeter
  3. Hi Petroholic, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?466036-PPM-PCN-claim-form-from-Gladstones-Solicitors-received&p=5014823#post5014823 Hope you are well. I just wondered if you had your court appearance yet and if so, how did it go against gladstones. I have received similar letter from gladstones few days ago. As with your case, there was no NTK and no PCN on the car, only letters from Debt recovery plus last August asking for the fine to be paid, which i ignored as other forums indicated that was best call of action.
  4. Hi All, I am a company car driver and I think I've made the fatal mistake of giving PPS my name and address. Long story short: Parked at the Crossways Shopping centre in Paignton and as I had been ill with a stomach bug through the night when I arrived, I was physically ill again (and took a few minutes to gather myself) before I purchased a ticket. They have a photo showing I arrived at 11.24:39 and I have a ticket, valid until 13.43, purchased at 11.43, therefore a period of 19 minutes elapsed between me arriving and buying a ticket. They have stated that they have a 10 minute "grace" period and that I contravened this by 9 minutes, therefore I am liable to a £100 or reduced fee of £60! After my employer received the initial notice, as I assumed I'd done nothing wrong because I had a valid ticket that I assumed they had obviously overlooked, I disclosed my name, address and emailed them accordingly. I've just received a further email telling me my claim has been rejected due to the 9 minutes over that I took to buy the ticket which I find absolutely unbelievable - especially as I left the car park at 12.58 with 45 minutes still remaining on the ticket! what should I do now? many thanks in advance Ian
  5. Hi there after several advice please I parked to do a job in Plymouth on 10/03/2016 purchased ticket and placed on my dash shut door off I went came back to find ticket on my window and realised my ticket had fallen on the floor. The gentleman who issued ticket was still in car park do asked if he could cancel it told me I would have to appeal and this and they would cancel it no doubt as mistakes happen. I contacted them sent photos of my ticket and explained what happened. But they said I have to pay £70 by 18/04/2016 or £100 by 2/05/2016 Do I have to pay this i have a family to look after and I can't afford this sort of fine Any help much appreciated Ashley
  6. Help!. Received a £60 fine from pps on 1/5/16 for not buying a parking ticket for a stay at Keaton Rd pay & display, Ivybridge, Plymouth. I had bought a ticket for the correct fee / time etc & left on dashboard but I typed a letter M instead of a W so the camera did not register the ticket with vehicle. I sent a letter of appeal explaining and just received a request (from pps) confirming I was the driver at the time, now ive found this site & thinking I should ignore? Appreciate advice.
  7. First time post and would be grateful for some advice... In September of this year I was issued a PCN for not displaying the correct signage under PPS rules. The car park in question is part of a business park with several tenants, of which ours is one. We have an agreement for 20 or so parking spaces and they are covered with permits, and I have a permit to park one registered car. The signage around the parking areas denoting the T's & C's is clear and unambiguous. I was using my partner's car, not the one which is registered to park here so I was covering the parking with a visitor pass, which is allowed under the rules. However, on the day in question the sign had slipped off the dashboard and under the seat and I did not notice, hence the PCN. The use of my partner's car had been ongoing for some 3 weeks previously and at least 2 weeks since the PCN and I had displayed the visitor pass on every day except when I was issued the PCN. Therefore in my view this is purely a technicality of displaying signage, not that I was not allowed to park here and appealed. On appeal to PPS they unsurprisingly rejected this reasoning saying the rules are the rules, they cannot take mitigating circumstances into account and so on, so I appealed to PoPLA. However, to my surprise they upheld the decision of PPS reiterating the "mitigating circumstances" part and I must pay the £100 in 14 days. It was almost a mirror decision to PPS's. What are PoPLA for if they don't take other circumstances into account? Seems like a rubber stamping process for the parking enforcement companies to me. The 14 day window is fast approaching, so what are my options? I am keen to fight it but am a bit concerned about it going belly up and I end up even more out of pocket.
  8. Hi, I have received a PCN from PPS for parking in Didcot station car park, and I am hoping I can get some help from the forum. I have previously used the advice here to avoid penalty fees, but things seem to have changed with the introduction of POPLA and I'm now not sure of the best approach. Here's the situation: I parked, as I often have done, in Didcot station car park on 3rd July and paid using the RingGo app as usual. Or at least, it appeared to have successfully my booking. However, apparently it didn't work on this occasion and I received a PCN on my car. When I saw this, I immediately made a payment (again) using RingGo, so that the car park operator was not out of pocket and wrote to them within four days to explain the situation. I heard nothing back until two weeks ago, when I received an invoice for the increased amount (£100). I wrote back to challenge this on four points: 1. The fault was with the RingGo app, and I thought I had paid the fee on time in good faith, as I had done many times previously. 2. I immediately re-made the payment, meaning that the parking operator was not out of pocket. 3. They waited too long (two months) to follow up on this matter. 4. I wrote to them within 14 days and so, according to PPS, the penalty would be £50, not £100. (Although, as I mention above, no penalty is due, nor allowed in contract law). Yesterday, they emailed back with a pdf copy of a letter dated 23rd July rejecting my initial letter and offering the POPLA mediation service. However, this letter did not arrive at my house - I don't know whether they sent it at all, or whether there was a problem in delivery. Otherwise, I would have responded to it. Now it seems that I am too late to use POPLA, as it has been more than 28 days. My questions to the forum are now: 1. Should I use the POPLA process to progress my arguments on the points above? Or should I simply write back to repeat my rejection of their claim and call an end to the matter? 2. Is it even possible to use POPLA, as the 28 days has expired since their non-arriving letter? Does it make a difference that I didn't receive their letter? 3. Is there some other approach I should take? And do I have a good chance of winning this? Many thanks in advance for any help, Richard
  9. Hi. My husband bought a parking ticket for a PPS car park but sadly was rushed to A&E and couldn't pick up the car. We have been charged £100 so I appealed on his behalf as he is too ill. They say we must pay and I'm not sure if we are really liable for that much. Any advice would be great.
  10. Hi, I'm new to this site and have found the previous threads very helpful. However, having received now two parking charges from PPS my confidence in ignoring them is dwindling! Any help with these would be gratefully received. 1st fine received 3 weeks ago - I parked in Northernhay Street CP and paid for 1hr returning within the hour. However on returning to my car I realised that I had parked in an unmarked bay (marked only by old white lines sprayed on the wall - see pic) which was reserved for WPD permit holders only, apparently. Also on the wall were very old yellow SWEB notices (again please see pic). Having read previous threads about PPS, I decided not to the pay the fine or even acknowledge it. 2nd fine received today, same car park. On arrival the machine was not accepting money. Another car had stuck a note on the machine saying that it had swallowed his money and not issued a ticket. I placed a note in my windscreen stating the time I'd arrived and that the machine was out of order and that I would try again on my return. On returning I had been issued with a parking charge for 'no valid ticket' As I had stated in my note, I went to pay, the machine now accepting my money. I duly paid up. [ATTACH=CONFIG]44624[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]44625[/ATTACH] Please can someone let me know if I am right standing my ground or if I am in the wrong and should have paid up? Many thanks
  11. Hi After receiving several PCNs for one of my work vehicles at the car park at my work. The car park is run by Premier Parking Solutions. After reading the advice on this forum all letters were ignored and thrown away, but today i have now received a letter from Kitsons Solicitors stating that they have been instructed to collect the debt of £600.00. It states that if not paid within 14 days they will advise the client to take further legal action. I have not found any other cases on the forum like this, so some help and advice would be greatly appreciated!
  12. I moved in to a new flat on the 16/10/12 which has underground parking for residents with permits that are issued by the buildings manager but supplied by PPS, when i signed my rental agreement and handed my permit i was told that i was to park in the yellow bays as my flat is operated by yellow key fobs anyway to my surprise on the Wednesday morning i come down to find a PCN for £100 for un-authorised parking. I spoke with the buildings manager who has informed me i am to park in the blue bays, now my questions are, am i best trying to appeal based on the fact that it was my first time and miss informed or pay up? i find it odd that even though i have a permit to park in the building they have still issued a ticket. any advice greatly appreciated.
  13. hi i got a parking ticket from PPS recently - i was gone for 10 minutes to come back and find it - and i haven't really done much about it as i assumed PPS (Premier parking solutions) can't really enforce anything..please could you confirm that i can ignore this request for money from the debt collection agency they passed it onto ..CCS Collect. or if not...could you suggest the best letter i could send them - thanks for any help you can offer? (click thumbnail for larger version)
  14. I'm in the process of appealing a clamping charge levied by the infamous Premier Parking Solutions [PPS]. I've read all the stickies and spent a lot of time getting my head around the BPA's Code of Conduct and Approved Operator Scheme and, as far as I'm concerned, PPS fall a long way short of the standards demanded. I'm well aware they will, almost certainly, turn down my appeal at which point I will, happily, initiate proceedings against them in the small claims court. In the meantime, I was hoping some of my fellow CAGgers might share their thoughts on the signage pictured in the above photo; as you might imagine, I have my own thoughts but I'd like to know what you guys think. Thanks in anticipation of your help and co-operation Fred_Funk
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