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Found 12 results

  1. Long story short I was struggling financially up to 2013, then in 2014 I broke both my legs... I'm now job hunting Just. I know. (On unemployment benefit). -- My finances look like a 17K disaster. Credit cards... £3040 Hillesden Securities Default since Dec 2011 £2850 AMEX Default since Nov 2011 £1402 Natwest CC Default since Feb 2011 £2,650 Barcleycard default since April 2012 (One was MBNA) Loans Arrow Global £538 Default since June 2011 Natwest Loan £6295 Default since 31 Jan 2012. Once I get a job, how should I start to tackle the problem ??? Please note I have pain nothing at all since I defaulted ANY help at all is gratefully appreciated !!! Thanx
  2. I have been lurking and reading the forums for sometime , I thought it was finally time to sign up and say Hi ! and thank you !!!
  3. Hi guys been lurking around on the forums for a couple of days using the search function, not sure if this is correct place to make this post so the debts going off my credit report now are (drum roll....) Lowell Telecommunications supplier £1000+ account started 2006 Defaulted 2011 Default every month since 2015 Rang them once or twice going to submit a SAR request under the DPA ------------ Idem Unsecured Loan £3000+ account started 2008 Defaulted 2011 Defaults shows 2 defaults 2016 Rang once or twice going to send a CCA request ------------- Lowell (think it has been moved to another company) Credit Card account start date end of 2007 Defaulted 2011 Defaults every month since 2015 Going to send a CCA request -------- So i was looking at my credit score and there is some old debts on there, i read about defaults being removed after a certain amount of time but if they are defaulting every month it will never end? I have no problem going to court if need's be These are really old debts, i haven't seen a letter from or heard from any DCA's (that i can remember) I can't see how i have a phone bill of £1000+ (they said it was £800+ airtime call charges!) I am willing to fight my corner at all cost's (whats the worst that can happen a CCJ? i get defaults every month i can't even upgrade my bank account from a child account) After a hard time in my life i was homeless (registered with local council etc years ago) Plus i can't remember having these debts! I don't know if this helps me in anyway Has any one got any advice? My main objective here is to get rid of the default's
  4. Hello. Please can someone advise how to get out of this mess? My partner left me in September. We paid half for everything I work full time but have got in a mess We have a car on finance. Due to my mental health state, i have bipolar, i have got behind on rent, council tax and the car payments. I have a thread here for help with my car. I asked for help with the CAB, a pound a month letter was arranged for 2 of the debts I have a child tax credit overpayment of 1500 And stupidly, i took out 3 payday loans. I have had car repairs, vet bills and had to pay those . I have had a meeting with my landlord and i have to pay on time from next month or i get evicted. Please an someone tell me how to take control and get straight I want to act like an adult and stop worrying about how i'm going to afford electric and food Thank you for any help
  5. Hi there I'm looking for HELP on defending a claim I received before Christmas SO NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE CLAIM DETAILS issued on 14th December 2015 the account was started on 07/2001 Claimant - Hoist Portfoilio2? Cohen solicitors At Northampton CC Particulars: the claim in respect of £2,XXX.XX in respect of monies owing pursuant to an overdraft facility under bank account number XXXXXXXXXXXX The debt was legally assigned by MKDP LLP (Ex LLOYDS BANKING GROUP) to the claimant and notice has been served. the defendant has failed to repay overdrawn sums owing under the term and conditions of the bank account. the Claimant claims: 1. the sum of XXXXXX 2 the interest pursuant to s69 of the County Court Act 1984 at a rate of 8.00percent from the 13/05/11 to the date hereof 1671 is the sum is the sum of XXXX 3 future interest accruing at a rate of £ .XX 4 Costs I have been on MCOL and acknowledged the claim and said I wish to defend now I cannot get back on MCOL as my sign in and passwords do not match. I have rang them and the lady I spoke to said I can email a defence, only I don't know which defence to use as this is all such an untidy mess. BACKGROUND In 2008 I had no debts owned a business and lived in Staffordshire, by 2009 because of my husbands infidelity we had moved to Wales where my family was, he was out of work, me too and debts were spiralling, I was using overdrafts to pay rent. In Dec 2009 there was a bad split with hubby the police were called so I remember the year quite well. I had been overdrawn since June/July and did not service the account with any funds at all I did however ring Lloyds and speak to them explain my situation. The account remained in arrears, got passed from them to their debt department. Spoke to them, I was in a dire situation barely covering my rent. they kept paying out DD out the account and causing me more debt as the DD were all returned at £25 a pop then the account went over the arranged overdraft letters started, etc. however in all this time I never paid into the account. Eventually in late 2010 they issued a default, the debt was bantered between solicitors then sold to MKDP in May/June 2014 depending on what credit agency report you look at I cannot remember receiving this. I have also read they are supposed to service you with ongoing statements, had one or two of them over the time period to date but not regularly. I have now received a CC claim from Hoist, but never heard of them, had no letters or anything. I have checked my credit file on both Noodle and Experian Lloyds TSB debt is showing as SETTLED - on 30/06/2014 The debt to MKDP LLP as showing active for the amount claimed minus interest being claimed and is in default to date and not showing as being sold to anyone. the only thing they all seem to agree on is the default date. Furthermore I have the original agreement on opening the account with Lloyds TSB (I'm a hoarder) but have mislaid all my bank statements from Lloyds in the last move ( have sent a SAR to Lloyds 9 days ago) awaiting a reply and have also sent a CPR 13 request to both named on the Claim form on the original LLOYDS TSB terms and conditions agreement it clearly states: 10.2 if you do use your card to create an overdraft we have not agreed or to exceed an agreed overdraft you would have broken the term of the account and you must pay the agreed amount immediately so either this is SB, they have not followed the rules ( whatever they are) or they have closed the debt Please help need some information fast as need to email defence tomorrow or day after Many thanks in advance PS........ pulled all the info off the site and read a lot of threads, it been a great help so far
  6. Hi, Apologies if this is in the wrong forum but wasn't sure where to post. Recently I attended Minevention - an event advertised as a convention for Minecraft lovers. Unfortunately we left after 15 mins due to there literally being nothing in the arena. It was a big event with about 4000 people showing up and there were some "popular" youtubers there. This was the only thing there really, plus a merchandise stall (which had counterfeit goods) and a sponsor stall and about 20 computers to play minecraft on. I think really it was missold - many people said if they had stated it was a 'meet and greet', they would have never have went. It turns out though, that many companies who said they would be at the event, bailed last minute, leaving a very empty arena. Lots of people have complained about the event and wanted refunds - quite a few people got them without question on the day, but many more (including myself) complained once we were home. Unfortunately the Organiser has since deleted all the negative feedback off their facebook page. They have finally responded to refund requests with offering tickets to their next convention, which most people are unhappy with - due to how poor the event was/travelling the distance to be let down again etc/feeling very ripped off. I personally wouldn't go to another one again. I am not too concerned about the money for myself - it was a lot of money to spend 15 minutes in an arena, then to walk out with a disappointed child, but I think I am more concerned with HOW MANY people were upset about the event. Some people travelled a long way for the event (fortunately we lived close by), even booking hotels, taking children for their birthday's - only to go to an arena with semi-popular youtubers, a few computers and queues and queues for food. I feel like something needs to be done for them (rather than myself). Some people have complained to BBC Watchdog but I am just wondering what could be done? As a collective could anything be done? Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I appreciate any suggestions/feedback.
  7. Hi all. have come back on here after a few years as I got SO MUCH hep in my time of need:smile: Story is I had account with TSB since I left school (now 45:|) Both hubby and I had accounts (in sole names) and loans/CC etc with no probs so much so we had great credit Long story short we needed a 2nd car as I was pregnant in 2004 and wanted to clear credit card and buy new car applied for loan in my name for 10K. Both of us had good jobs and covered for sick pay. Loan taken out in branch and PPI discussed. I asked if it covered maternity leave/pay as i was just pregnant at time and told NO it didn't I said that no point. Bank rep checked and told me it was condition of loan that PPI was taken out (he even got me to sign a doc that said that) Baby born and husband does one. This is 2005 and I carry on paying loan but also had credit cards x 2 10k and 5 k both with ppi on them. 2007 i am struggling as TSB automatically taking out over 700 per month to cover loan/credit cards. At this point my credit was still good changed bank and arranged for DD for loan to TSB to be taken out of new account . They refused and have letter from new bank to confirm this!! OS loan was 4k and as advised on here I made claim for O/D and late payment fees etc which TSB upheld and paid off o/s loan I have a statement from them confirming this. I have now got my life back in order and am going to put a claim in for PPI but not sure if the credit cards (no default but sold and got random letters until about 8 months ago. which never responded to) Did sar in 2008 for loans and credit cards. Should I just consider myself "debt free" or go for them.
  8. Hello, I'm trying to get as much advice as possible about the best way to tackle my debt. I can't afford the minimum payments and mentally I can't handle it anymore. I currently owe: Barclaycard £5000 Vanquis £3000 Capital One £3200 Wonga £660(ish) Natwest £1250 (overdraft) Halifax £1200 (overdraft) Very £1000 The Hfax overdraft is my current account. I've requested an application pack for a basic bank account with Co-Op, and will be switching everything across. I've sent letters to all of them except Hfax saying I'm in financial difficulty, and have made token payments by cheque. I cancelled the CPA to Wonga and emailed them to tell them, but got no reply. Both my son and I are disabled and my husband is a carer for us. All of our income is benefits. My husband doesn't know the full extent of the debt - it's all in my name. Someone suggested that if I used a DMP to get my debts below £15,000, I could get a DRO. Is that an option? I don't care about my credit rating, it's shot to hell anyway. How long can I make token payments for? I'm worried they're going to take all of my money away. Please help.
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2195853/New-household-bills-squeeze-EDF-Energy-pulls-cheapest-fixed-price-deal.html
  10. Hi, Thank you for this forum. I've read some interesting stuff here but I haven't managed to find quite what I'm after, so here is my situation and a couple of questions. I moved into a property to rent with a couple of my friends, the landlord wants to sell this property and is asking that we let him or the estate agent show some potential buyers around. I'm ok with this in principle and will move out when the tenancy expires (this isn't a situation where he has surprised us with this and wants us out early). There is a term in our contract that he must give us 24 hours notice to show people around, but doesn't say that we can ever refuse. The problem is that I would rather be in the house to keep an eye on things when people are over. It would be fine if it was just the landlord, but bringing potential buyers is bringing strangers and people that I do not know into the house. There is nearly half a year left on our contract and already people are starting to come round and look at it (it takes a long time to sell a house I gather). So far I have been able to arrange for myself or one of my housemates to be in when people are visiting. Soon it will not be possible for someone to be in, like when we all have work and suchlike. It makes me extremely uncomfortable to have strangers coming round to the house, the landlord has promised to keep an eye on them but there is only one of him and sometimes multiple people visit at the same time (like as a family (sometimes with kids), or as two different parties coming to view at the same time). I fear that people might take something or look at my personal stuff. I believe that I am within my right to tell the landlord that I do not want people to come round if I am not in, despite the term in my contract that he can show interested applicants with 24 hours notice. Is that correct? To be honest, I didn't think I would have to endure six months of this. When I signed the contract I assumed, perhaps naively, that it would just be in the last month. Had I known it would be as much as this I probably wouldn't have signed or I would have tried to negotiate some other terms. Regardless of if I can tell the landlord that I don't want the people in my house when I am not here, I don't really want to do that. I don't want to upset him, he's a nice enough guy and is just trying to sell the house, it must be pretty tricky for him to do that while there are still people living there. Besides, we are still here for another six months, I don't want to start a war. So, with that in mind, am I allowed to install CCTV in the house? I wasn't thinking of anything drastic, just a web-cam or two trained on our valuables. It makes me ill to think about having lots of people coming round to the house and being nosy or risk them taking things. I've lots of valuable items, camera gear, computer accessories, spare mobiles, models, etc, etc that would be very easy to steal or accidentally break and having some coverage would make me feel better if I could watch it at work. Also, if something did happen and I caught it on camera, I wouldn't feel so bad about telling the landlord I want him to stop future visits. My housemates think I'm paranoid :/ What do you think? Thank you for your time
  11. hi il try and keep it short and quick, basically we have lived in a property for over 3 years going through a LA, we found out 2 years ago we were eligible towards help with the rent via housing benefit, (husband works full time) as we have 5 children, anyway this was fine with LA and they suggested "top ups" every month to cover shortfall in rent. as housing benefit was paid every 4 weeks and i paid a top up every month suggested that they would get an extra payment each month, however, a couple of times last year i was unable tomake the full top up, by a certain date as i have an ill son in and out of hospital. LA had emailed me, i didnt pick it up due to not sitting on comp all day, on 3 occassions LA has sent an employee round knocking on the door asking when i will be paying top up. no phonecalls no letters nothing. 1 time my daughter answered and told them i got had gone to the shop LA had drove to the shop and saw my car and waited for me outside the shop to discuss this! May i point out that on every occassion i was actually in credit on my rent account due to the housing benefits being payed 4 weekly, at one point when they sent someone round they had £1200 sitting in there rent account. about 2 1/2 months ago we had an inspection all was fine untill i pointed out toilet handle had broke at the weekend and a tile had come off the shower, also i reminded them that we had been without a working cooker for two months. inspection was in good order. then 4 weeks and no work still done, we decided to have some neighbours and friends round for a social gethering for a bbq, dignified affair spent mostly indoors as it was freezing anyhow as we have a large family we always have excess bin bags due to the bins being emptied fortnightly, so we put these round the side of the house to keep away from bbq and fire pit to stop spitting and fire hazard. a couple of says later i had gone to pick my kids up from school by foot passed my daughter on the way home who was going home after college, she rings me two mins later to say 2 people from LA were on the drive asking to go around the back she said they were going anyway she felt intimidated, so theyve seen the bags and then decided to serve section 21. neighbours have apparantly complained over noise and rubbish and this is where we stand today, we do not get on with neighbours, in fact they are possible suspects in a hate mail campaign we have ongoing, is this harrasment?
  12. Hi maybe just unlucky but I have a Zafira b 1.6 the clutch judders, the air con dosent work, the heater is only luke warm at best and the spanner light comes on with code p1113. Would you fix the faults? or try to get a refund from the dealer and buy another? I purchased the car on the 1st May and have driven 800 miles over the last 4 weeks. Bazza
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