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Found 11 results

  1. On the 13th of Jan 2018, changes came into effect to stop companies adding on fees for people using a card to pay with. I was under the impression that this was now illegal. The other day I went into a Premier Stores franchise and bought a few items, came to less than £7... But when I went to pay, the price had jumped to £7.17... I queried my it had gone up and was told there was a 50p charge for using a card. I pointed out that this was now illegal, but they were adamant they were allowed to do it. I told them under no circumstances was I accepting it and that they'd lost my business... and left. I then left feedback/reviews online to warn others. But what 'exactly' is and isn't allowed now? I read that one of those takeaway delivery apps that used to charge extra for card payments as now simply extended the charge to 'ALL' types of payments, and that's supposedly legal as they're branding it a delivery charge rather than a 'card fee'. If the shop is acting illegally, where do I report it?
  2. Hi there, Can anyone kindly advise - Parking Charge of £100 received for not displaying BB in Disabled Space, at night in a large Retail Park from UKPC. I don't have a BB and I'm not disabled. I didn't see any signs for UKPC in that area and it was very dark - I only saw them afterward driving home once I had received the ticket. I took a photo to demonstrate that there were no signs in front of the car. Should I just ignore this. Or should I contact UKPC to say that I wish to contest this. I parked there because it was late at night and the car park was extremely busy and as I didn't see any enforcement I didn't think it would be a problem. I was rushing to meet a friend and didn't want to be late for the cinema. The vehicle is not owned by me - it's a leased vehicle via my brother's firm.
  3. I am currently registered as a single person living at my address and I get the single person discount. My girlfriend moved in January 1st and I need to update my council tax. I want to check if I would get into trouble for not updating this sooner, can they back date it?
  4. Really need some advice as to what to do first,, do I call Lowell ? How do I respond to the forms I know there is a deadline we have to meet. My boyfriend has received a claim form from a Vodafone contract he had no choice but to cancel due to the recession, he had no work and got himself in a bit of a mess which he is still in the process of sorting out. At the time he did visit the citizens advice who helped him, they advised he offer to pay Vodafone £1 per month which they declined. I have copies of most of his bills from 2005 onwards, sadly the copies he gave the CAB are missing which are the crutial ones, however I have bank statements showing his regualr payments to cover the missing vodafone bills. He had been a customer with them since 2005, they had one dispute in 2008 when his bill suddenly jumped for one month to over £200 which was rectified/reduced as it was an "error", apart from that he was a loyal Vodafone customer until 2010. He disputed the last two bills they sent him, he received one for £205 and called them to dispute it, he was told they were looking into it, he decided not to use the phone during the last month to see what would happen, he purchased a PAYG phone from Tesco, Vodafone still sent him a bill for £211 which the bank rejected as he had no funds to cover it. Prior to this all his bills were between £80-90 per month, he never followed up on the dispute he raised as in his eyes they had taken £205 the previous month which he had not incurred, plus at this point he was not in a great place in terms of his mental health due to being out of work and unable to live/survive financially. Ironically if you look at the call records of his phone he barely used it ! Vodafone wrote him two letters 4/1/11 saying he owed £326.97 then 14/2/11 stating £575.24 was owed. He heard nothing then until now when he received the claim form from Lowell saying he now owes £751.26. What should we do? I have read lots of other threads but feel this one is slightly different. Please help
  5. The Festival of Winter Walks was set up by Britain's walking charity, Ramblers. Their aim is to make walking paths safer and encourage people to do more walking. And this year, they want you to go out walking over the Christmas period! There will be hundreds of free woodland walks taking place all over the country between 19 December 2015 and 3 January 2016. It's a great way to burn off that Christmas dinner and have fun doing it together with your loved ones. Depending on how much you feel like doing, there will be short, easy trails you can enjoy with family and more challenging walks for the experienced hiker! http://www.ramblers.org.uk/winterwalks
  6. please can someone tell me its gonna be alright, we are £6200 in arrears with our mortgage plus an additional £3000 for interest & costs incurred with a suspended repo order by ge money, we were both self employed for 4 years & got into serious debt & folded the business, however we are now both in full time paid employment since nov 13 & are now in a good position to clear our debts & manage our mortgage better, we have offered ge £4000 to stop the eviction with ongoing proposals of extra £1000 end of feb , extra £1000 by end of april & extra £100 jan, feb, to clear arrears, but they have refused demanding full clearance inc interst ,total £9200 before eviction date to stop action. will the judge side with me because we previously broke terms of our suspended order
  7. Hi all, im trying to get some advice re esa tribunal for a friend who is in pieces at the short hearing date - only had 15 days to prepare. A big pack has arrived which contains all the paperwork from both atos and him and well its a minefiled. I cant understand some of the paperwork as their is a lot of legal jargon. Problem he faces - everyone including dr and hospital consultants are away over xmas and new year so he is unable to get any supporting documents in time. 2 questions really....... 1. Can we request a later hearing date 2. If the hearign still goes ahead how should we approach it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  8. If you are one of the many people who have had their phone stolen by this crowd then you are a creditor of the company. If you have a judgment against them then you are a preferred creditor. Please spread the word on this meeting to Facebook, Twitter - and of course - other victims. The short url for this thread is - cag.tw/tf7 http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/60744/notices/1969420/recent=10;category=corp-insolvency-winding-up-creditors;subcategory=meetings-creditors
  9. I have one default on y credit file from 5th January 2009 so i know by 5th Jan 2014 it will come to an end but what happens to it, does it just go away, or drop off...or does it go to settled, or satisfied, or do i have to get it removed?
  10. :|OK so I was put into WRAG / Contribution ...had letter today to say that my ESA ends in Jan 2013. August had another ESA50 form to send in ... did this but have heard nothing until today to say that 365days up in Jan 2013 no more money end of ! My conditions have degenerated to the point that after 5 years of being seizure free on meds have started again ...other health issues have also degenerated ...GP sent letter to state all this . Now my question is ..."why was I sent out another form in aug. ? What is the time limit on applying again ...my conditions are worse and mental heath have sent letter in also what happens next ...cos i`m not convinced they have looked at my recent form .
  11. Hello all, Totally new to your wonderful forums, what a wonderful find. I am not very good at computers or the web so speak slowly like your talking to a child I won't mind LOL. I really am a Dizzy person
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