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  1. DLA have written to me asking for my birth certificate so that they can check my date of birth. I don't have a problem with that and will send it off signed for on Monday. I'm just curious to know if this is just some sort of random check and have others had the same request. I've been in receipt of DLA for about 10 months.
  2. Hi all hoping to get some advise, hope I am in right place. I had applied for DLA in 2011 because my mental health condition was getting worse and I was struggling to be mobile around the house. I also now suffer from agoraphobia. I had an appeal in February this year and failed it the woman was a right cow and gave the impression that I was lying to her, because I contradicted my walking distance, I can't remember what I did this morning never mind over a year ago. Anyway I requested a statement of reasons, I am glad I did because there in black and white was a number of matters that would have come under the 3rd tier on a matter of law. I wrote to the tribunal place to request that it went further on a matter of law. They wrote back with further matters of law but instead of going to the upper tier a new appeal would be heard as soon as possible. I had a letter last week giving me a date, 1st July, quickest one I have ever had. I need advise on how to manage this appeal, if they know I requested upper tier and they know the 'legal' woman would this be held against me. My condition is getting worse and will never get better and according to my psychiatrist it is getting worse faster than he expected. Sorry for drawing this out but I need help (CAB and welfare rights are taking no new appeals on)
  3. Hello, I am so glad that I have found this site. It's the little questions that I ask myself that I can never find the answers to. Maybe someone can help with this one. I have DLA - Middle Care & High Mobility which was re-awarded again indefinitely about 12 months ago. Age wise I will be one of the first to be selected in late 2015 to apply for PIP age 64 in April 2013. Now from what I have read, and I've done a lot of reading, this new benefit is supposed to be for those under working age (although that definition no longer applies) In October 2015 I will be 67 and obviously age is now playing a more dominant factor in the deterioration of my health. Given the fact that under normal rules anybody who is 65 or older cannot claim PIP for obvious reasons. Now when I go for my assessment at age 67, how are they going to determine what my level of disability is? Will it be based on my age at the time (67) or will it be based on the level of disability up to age 65? Assessing someone over 65 was only previously allowed if they had the award prior to their 65th birthday. As PIP is a new and totally unconnected benefit to DLA, I don't see that they can look at the disabilities that someone has at 67 when clearly Attendance Allowance is there for that purpose. The government seem to be linking DLA with PIP - if you had DLA pre 65 then you can be re-assessed under a new benefit - PIP - reserved only for those under 65??? Completely illogical. In my opinion as they have decided to 'junk' DLA as from the 8th April 2013 for those who were 16 - 64, those that become 65 after that date should be offered Attendace Allowance instead - DLA is 'dead' to them no matter what award they had. I have gathered the evidence together which will show what my level of disability is at 64/65 and will submit it whenever I am called no matter what my age is at the time.
  4. well after going through tribunal for esa and getting it now have home visit from atos today for dla any tips guys xx
  5. I'm just looking to see if anyone has been to a DLA tribunal and if they could let me know what to expect - I have a date next week on behalf of my 5 year old son and have no idea what I am likely to face. The DWP made a catalogue of errors in deciding my sons case - am I correct in thinking that will all be disregarded and it's just basically a "my say vs their say" on my sons medical probelms? Any help would be greatfully received.
  6. Posting for someone else.... Martin age 54 has been on dla for about 13 years after a road accident he has a degenerative illness and cant walk. Severeal times he has had an atos 'medical' at his own house. This time he is told that he must attend one at a centre. He only rarely goes to his doctor for painkillers as he doesnt leave the house, more recently he found it easier to get them from the interenet rather than journey of £18.50 each way to doctor in a taxi with a friend to help. So how can he secure a home visit because I don't think the doctors input will be considered enough.? Previously he was granted a home visit without the doctors input though.? How come suddenly he is expected to travel using 4 changes of bus which he absolutely cannot do.? So to reiterate, how can he get a home visit, should he ring the atos number on the letter to arrange one? What if they refuse? would that be a breach of his human rights even?
  7. My husbands DLA is due for renewal on the 26th September 2013. We received the forms a few weeks ago which he completed and returned. A few days ago we received a letter just informing him that his forms had been received on the 6th June and it could take 8 weeks to process and they may need to send him for a medical or pay him a visit. Today we received a letter saying that his DLA has been awarded until September 2014. The letter also says they have used the information on the form and his recent ATOS medical from the 1st March. I was expecting the usual battle but this has been processed quickly without the usual hassle. Is this usual or has the process changed recently?
  8. hi can anyone tell me were I send supporting letters to,cab filled in my dla form last week and I have just received supporting letters today,but I don't know were to send them to,i live in Glasgow.thanks
  9. hI Just had the decision regarding DLA for my missus, 2012 was the first claim and sent forms off again just before xmas, she was awarded HRM and LRC first time round, yet now has had the HRM stopped completely. The decision was based on, claim form, GP, Current Treatment, Medication, Test Results and Symptoms. So according to that she has now improved from last year so much she can now walk 200 yards in a reasonable manner using suitable aids although walking is limited (their statement). So they say her walking is limited yet don't say what it is limited to. So now after having a read through previous posts I assume that I need to inform them that I will be appealling, but can anyone give me a couple of answers to help me out please. Will her GP supply copies of any/all the info that they supplied to the DWP if she requested it ? Will the DWP supply them without having to go through the whole SAR procedure ? She never gets letters sent regarding test results from the hospital, so she is completely in the dark as to what these are, and the other problem is that after sending the form off to DWP she had a hospital appointment in which she was told that she will definately require surgery on her legs but pending further tests will depend on the type of procedure required so I hadn't filled the question in about waiting for surgery They just seem to have totally ignored everything that I put in the Mobility section, and I have a copy of last years form so I know what I put, and bear in mind when I filled in last years form the GP/Nurse/Hospital hadn't even began diagnosing her Mobility problem. Would I be better phoning and mentioning the forthcoming tests and impending surgery and then ask for a GL24 Form to be sent to me firstly and take it from there ? Any advice greatly received. Pete.
  10. Hope this is the right place to post. I wonder if anyone can give me any advice to help put my elderly neighbour's mind at rest? Our neighbour (we live in Scotland) has had DLA including High Rate mobility (he has a car) for more than 20 years after a serious accident at work caused severe back problems. He's had a long running dispute with another neighbour (trees) and this man has been telling people he has taken pictures of him carrying a heavy bag of pet food into the pet shop -he visits it often- and has passed the pictures on to the authorities to make sure he loses his benefits. Our disabled friend walks with a stick, has had his front garden tarmacced so he doesn't have to walk far to his car.As well as the back injury has diabetes and is having treatment for malignent melanoma. He takes a cocktail of drugs, is often in horrendous pain and has been prescribed morphine. It does seem unlikely that after a lifetime award the renewal form was coincidence and he's convinced it's not, he would have carried the bag-he always wants to help out and was probably in bed for days after, but surely people with a disability have good and bad days? I wouldn't have thought if he was being investigated they could use photos taken by a member of the public but he beleives they can in Scotland? Any help would be much appreciated he's making himself ill with worry. Many thanks, Carol
  11. Hi, Not sure if anyone can help me with this. My husband applied for reconsideration of his DLA award last October (was getting low rate care only). This was denied following a fictitous report by an Atosh 'Dr' (for example, stated my husband had no problems with stairs whilst sitting 8 feet from the stairlift just installed by the council). He is now appealing but this will apparently not be heard until at least March next year. Now the problem, hubby is 65 in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if we should be applying for DLA again before that time in case his appeal fails on a technicality. My concern is that although he needs the care as stated on the form, his most recent illness was within three months of the application for reconsideration so I am worried he will be turned down on this basis and will not be able to claim again as he is too old. If anyone can advise whether he should apply again before he is 65 and whether this will affect his appeal I would be really grateful. Many thanks
  12. Sparks_


    Looking for advice please, I had to reapply for DLA after receiving it for a year, I was on medium care and high mobility rate, now they have only awarded me medium care and no mobility at all, even though I need someone with me when I go out to carry anything I might need and I can only walk for a short while at a slow pace before i experience a lot of pain and tiredness. There was nothing in the letter to say I could appeal the decision nor any contact number for information, I wondered how do I go about appealing this decision?
  13. Can anyone advise me on completing the DLA form pack, As I find it a minefield of trick questions for the layman. I have heard there are some good free web sites that help.
  14. This probably gets asked a lot but I wondered if anyone could tell me how long we are likely too be waiting. I phoned them this morning and was told that they had already received the tribunal decision and that a decision maker needed to look at it and they would send out a form. I dont understand what the point is going through the stress of a tribunal is for if they are going to look at it again ? How long is it likely to take ? With 4 children and christmas just over 6 weeks away I really could do with the money right now.
  15. Hi there, I was wondering if anyone can help. From the age of about 7, my mother claimed Disability Living Allowance for me as I was diagnosed with ADHD, Aspergers/Autism and Dyspraxia. My Mother used the money to take me out on trips to the sea side, the zoo and to buy me things to help me through school/college. When I turned 18, we applied together and I moved away to go to college out of my local area and to have a shot at going alone. The money I received was used partly to put fuel in her car to come and help me shop and get me through day to day life as required (Such as learning tools, computer repairs etc - My handwriting was never the best so being rather methodical and meticulous about things, I always prefer to type letters and so on). However, this expired when I turned 20/21 and almost as soon as it did, I entered employment in Security. My ways and means of doing things with precision and care took me higher in the security industry and now I'm living in Cambridge earning a relatively good wage, but I don't go out shopping and so on, on my own and rely on friends taking me or coming with me. I drive and work independantly, but I still "use" my mother to shop for me and take care of laundry and so on as I find it really difficult to actually do this alone. Most of the fear regarding this, is that in doing my own laundry and shopping, I either forget to get things, get duped into sales tactics at the front of stores and I genuinely have issues with caring for myself in relation to work clothes, which have to be perfect due to the nature of my site. Hence, I ask the question. Can I claim the Disability Living Allowance as I did before and use the money to cover my mothers expenses in performing these tasks with me as it's a 60 mile journey for her to come up to me and she does 3-4 loads of washing every time I get time off work. I'm not a rinser of benefits and I don't want to come across as being lazy, as I genuinely get really anxious when in public on my own. Mum's got all the forms and so on, but I don't want to be investigated for fraud and so on seeing as I seemingly live a normal life to outsiders. Regards, Yukiko.
  16. Hi all just to let you know that I phoned DLA this morning to be told over the phone that we have got high rate DLA and care until 2014. So happy, can look at cars now, thanks for all your help.
  17. Hi folks, My mother has been signed off work since Feb. Something is wrong with her ankle and the docs cannot determine the cause. Has had tests and physiotherapy who are now stopped treating her as they feel they may be causing more damage than good. And now waiting on a MRI scan. Has to keep foot elevated at all times, can no longer drive, uses a stick to walk about indoors and to get to car and back, cannot walk for more then 10 meters or it becomes unbearable. Cannot stand in on place etc. Also she has been hospitalized twice in the last 3 months due to her COPD as could not keep her oxygen levels up - found her passed out twice but very lucky did not do any physical harm so now we make sure someone is around as much as possible. Applied for DLA - refused and applied for them to look at her claim again as COPD became worse. They are up holding their original decision. I just don't understand how she cannot qualify for it, I can get the letter and the reasons for it if needed. Should we appeal?
  18. I hope that those who are struggling to get DLA will forgive me this thread. But I just wanted to share my good news with those of you who have been so kind and understanding of my plight over the past few years. My DLA award letter came through today. HRM and MRC indefinately. Levels that I just didn't even dare dream of. The best part of four years trying to get by on the assessment rate of ESA has not been easy. And I know I've still got to sort that out, so some bridges still to cross. But this award means a lot to me. I'll now admit that this coming winter frightened me as I didn't know how I was going to pay for heating. That fear has now subsided. I appreciate 'indefinate' is not as long as it used to be. But, hey, that's inflation for you. It'll see me through this winter and that's as far as I will look. And please don't mention PIP - no urinating on my bonfire! Someone, somewhere, smiled on me today and I feel blessed with good fortune. I hope that that smile will broaden to encompass all the others who need this help. Again, good folk of CAG, thank-you for helping me with your words of comfort over the many months of struggle. They have meant far more then you could ever appreciate ...
  19. Hi, I am having a visit on Monday 13/8/12 from a Doctor about my DLA claim I suffer from Fybromyalgia and depression. I have been unable to get out of the house for about 3 months now as I am unable to walk without being in severe pain and if I travel on a bus I am in agony and then the day after I can not move. My Fybromyalgia causes me to be tried continuously and in severe pain from head to foot. I need my hubby to help me make meals and everyday task. I forget where I am going and I have once or twice stopped in the middle of the road (full of traffic) because I have forgot which way I am going. Some days I do not even want to get dressed and my hubby has to convince me to get washed and dressed. My life has become like being in prison I am absolutely petrified about this doctor coming on Monday as I feel that it will be a total waste of time. Do they actually care that I am unable to get out and that I am unable to do things I used to do and I am becoming a burden on my family . Does anyone have any helpful hints for me or am I wasting my time xxx
  20. Please could somebody give me some advice? I have recently made an application for housing benefit. This is my first claim,due to a change in my circumstances. In this claim I advised them that my son had received DLA but due to the DWPnot sending the renewals pack out in time I am currently not receiving paymentwhile they process the claim. He had previously received DLA at higher ratecare and lower rate mobility for six years and his conditions had not decreasedin fact they had got worse, so I am confident (and so is his consultant) thathe will continue to get it again at the same level. My LC have now calculated my award for Housing benefit and refused toacknowledge that my son as a disability and will not make an award to includethe extra premium for having a child with a disability. Without this premium,the Housing Benefit claim is minimal and I can no way pay my rent. My wageseach month are about £900 and my rent £830. They are offering me £23.39 pwtowards my rent. If they were to include the premium for my son we wouldreceive around £100 pw. What can I do? I really can't afford to pay my rent. Last time I made an application for DLA for my son it took 9 months to sortas I took it to tribunal. Thanks N
  21. Hi, I had my DLA renewal decision dated 21st August and have lrm and my care was reduced from middle to lrc. I have more night needs due to anxiety and have thought I would like them to reconsider but I am scared they will take the rest of my award. If I have time now, I have left many messages for my support worker but he doesn't return my calls so I am running out of time. What else can I send them and how do I do that? I mean do I write or call and tell them I want to send a supporting letter from someone who knows what I go through? Would that be enough? What is likely to happen? What chance do I stand? I really don't think I can face appealing, the paperwork fine though exhausting but I am socially phobic have anthrophobia and just panic at the thought of being in a room with strangers. I don't think I'm being clear here but I was wondering :- Is there time What else to send them If I request reconsideration do I have to take it to appeal if they refuse? (They removed a layer last renewal and on reconsideration it stayed the same but I didn't know what I was doing and just called to ask them, I didn't know about other stuff.) Hope that makes some sort of sense. My appreciation for your time.
  22. Good Afternoon, I have to fill in my dla form and cannot find any information ie descriptors for mental health and bowel incontinence. Basically I have depression, anxiety attacks which cause me to lose control of bowel. Hope someone can point me in the right direction, Thanks.
  23. i was wondering if someone could help me. Im writting on behalf of my sister. She is 35 and a single mother to one. She worked for 10 years cleaning, but lost her job two years ago, due to her depression and taking to many days off. she has always had depression and is on very strong tablets, sleeping tablets ect. She was ESA last year, and tried to claim for DLA, as she can not leave the house, and has extreme panic attacks. if she goes out i have to go with her. She only goes out to my dads in a taxi twice a week. My neice helps alot. Anyway she put in a claim and was only awarded 6points, and wasnt allowed anything. She had a tribunal, but they was going on what happened the year before even though her depression is 10x worse now. She is now on JSA. But even just looking for a job she has panic attacks. She has attacks in crowds and if there alot of people. She is struggling to live. Im really worried about her. She has hardly enough money to make ends meet, let alone by her daughter new clothes when needed ect. So i help her out with that. She applied for jobs but because of her depression she doesnt get them, although both myself and the doctor doesnt believe shes in the right mind for a job atm and it would do her more harm then good. What could she do? could she apply for DLA again? We both know that if she can feed and wash herself she isnt really entitled to it. Help please xx
  24. Hi all, My wife who has suffered 15 years of ME and Fibromyalga, finaly started to feel a little better early this year. We were so happy, she decided to try and get a little part time job with the help of the job centres disability adviser. She got 16 hours part time in a store, it was the max hours she could cope with. It enabled us to claim working tax credits, the Adviser told us to wait before we inform the DLA to see if my wife could cope with the job. (ps: im still her carer, picking her up and dropping her of, and still looking after her at home) Well its been about 9 weeks now and my wifes loves the job and is coping very well. Its now time to let the DLA now about this. (we will write to them rather than phone them.) Could some kind souls please advise us what to say or not to say in the letter. We are worried they will stop the DLA altogether now shes coping. She is still disabled and still needs her medication and care (though she is coping alot better) . Will she be kicked off DLA, have we left it to long to inform DLA of our change in circumstanes etc ? Any advise would be appreciated.
  25. So glad to see my favourite forum has a special needs section!!! My middle son was diagnosed with Aspergers a few weeks ago, we have made a claim for DLA on Friday and I recieved a phonecall from a lady on Monday morning!! She asked a couple of questions on mobility and night times. She said we would get a decision in 1 - 2 weeks. Im guessing that means she wont be contacting any other agencies?! Does it sound like bad news to you?? :???:
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