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Found 9 results

  1. I have received a CC claim from Civil Enforcement Limited, following a series of demands after parking in an off-road car park in Croydon. I wrote rejecting the initial claim when I received the PCN, I did not get a response so I did not respond further. I have read the thread CEL ANPR PCN Claimform - Croydon Poplar Walk car park. and I intend to reject the claim and responding as per CPR 31.14 Request to use on receipt of a PPC ( Private Land Parking Court Claim) Wanted to clarify a couple of points and confirm if I should change any of the standard responses proposed to alladin78 My case differs slightly in that I paid using the convuluted phone in system, however 20 minutes after I left the parking area (I was only there for less than 15 min most of that reading the sign on how to pay!) I received a text To confirm your parking session and for security purposes URGENTLY reply with your vehicle registration only 1min later another text was received stating As you haven’t confirmed your vehicle registration your parking session has not been booked. Please call the number on the signage As I was driving for 1-hour I naturally did not see these messages and frankly it would be unreasonable to expect a response within 1 minute to confirm booking. A cynical person might suggest that this convoluted payment system is deliberately designed to frustrate payment in order to issue PCN. Claimant is Civil Enforcement Limited The Claim Form was signed by Civil Enforcement Limited (Claiments Legal Representative) Claim reads Claim for monies relating to a parking charge for parking in a private car park managed by the claiment in breach of the terms + conditions (T+Cs). Drivers are allowed to park in accordance with T+Cs of use. ANPR cameras and/or manual patrols are used to monitor vehicles entering + exiting the site. Debt + damages claimed the sum of 182.00 then follows the violation date time of entry and exit Thanks in advance for your advice/assistance
  2. Hello guys, some advice needed. Just been to the cinema at valley park leisure park in Croydon and have received a parking charge for parking not in a box. The car park was full with no spaces available and a few other cars had parked on the end of rows, so we did this too. It wasn't blocking anybody in and not blocking any way in or out. As we came out we had a parking charge notice on our windscreen. This happened just earlier tonight so as yet no action has been taken. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi All, I am a new poster on this forum. So therefore I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong place. the sheriff office in croydon. I had received a letter from the county court stating that I owe a ppi company a certain amount of money, which is true. However, I can not deal with company direct anymore and they have now handed it over to the sheriff office who are dealing with it all. They have sent bailiffs to my premises twice now and literally the payments have been increased from 658 pounds which is what the court issued to, 1300 and now 2700, which is ridiculous I must say. There were, no stamps on these letters they dropped through my letter box £1300 and £2700. I cannot afford to even pay these amounts at all. After their first visit, I gave them a call and I had said that I would like to set up a payment plan, I was told to put this in writing and send it to them by post. I had given them a letter and attached a cheque which has cleared and now gone through. I stated in this letter that we will stick to what the court said I should pay and never heard anything back, the payment had cleared, however to my surprise I have now received a 2700 fine which I cannot pay and they threaten to seize my goods which have no value despite them taking the cheque which insists that they have agreed to what I put in the letter. Any advice or help will be grateful
  4. Good Evening You Wonderful People... Right... Lets see here. I recently had a good run with you guys in helping one of my work colleagues in dealing with a Private Parking Firm. They are grateful , but its time to turn it up a notch. Another colleague of mine received a Penalty Charge Notice from Croydon Council. She has received it because she entered a yellow box (as shown on page 6 in the PDF) as her lane was clear, however the car on their left pulled out in front of them so they stopped to let it through and then carry on. If they hadnt of stopped there would have been an accident. Now Its been appealed by my colleague directly to the council, however on Page 3 & 4 it dictates their reasons for not agreeing. etc Right, my questions are; - Should they appeal based on what we currently have along with the photos? - Is there anything important they need to be aware off? - How often do these succeed in getting overturned? - Any advice you can offer? Apologies about the quality, it went from Scanned PDF to Photoshop to Word to PDF again... And as per usual... Cheers Muchly FKO...
  5. Hi folks, Hoping someone can help me out with some advice. Got a PCN for parking in a loading bay on a red route just south of Purley. I appealed against it and they have rejected that appeal. I was driving into London with a friend who suddenly developed serious cramp in his legs. He was in a lot of pain, so I pulled over the first chance I got, into a loading bay on a red route. He got out and he stretched his legs and I went with him to make sure he was alright. We were stationary for less than 3 minutes. A week later I got a PCN and a £130 fine. I appealed and pointed at that I was in a loading bay and we were there for less than the 20 minutes allowed. There reply states that no loading was seen by the camera operator, and this itself constitutes a contravention. They then go on to say: "Legislation does not set out a universal definition of loading... The general interpretation... is that the it should be in the nature of a collection/delivery... Loading is the operation of transferring goods which require a vehicle to transport them." As I live in Worcester, where there are no red routes, I guess I never understood that stopping for two minutes in a loading zone on a red route would constitute an offence, or that I would be watched doing it! I was just wondering if there is anyway I have any defence on emergency grounds, i.e. by having a passenger who was shouting out in pain was distracting me and therefore causing a hazard to other road users. Any thoughts? TIA for any advice. Cheers, Steve
  6. The purpose of exposing the truth about this story will contribute to finding the truth so that justice can finally achieved for us and for other people in the similar situations. I do not have a big group of leaseholders behind me and hence I am completely isolated and silenced. My home has been flooded for 10 years. I was deprived of any dignity in my own home. I experienced that silence to which I was constrained after a decade-long attack on my dignity as a human being before I was removed from my home with my evidence being ignored. The only objective of any exposure is the search for truth. There is no place for the “politically correct.” in a system that privileges parasitic opportunists at the expenses of families and people that cannot defend themselves on equal grounds. Anyone should be given the right to expose their side of the story according to the evidence available. I hope that consumeractiongroup will concede me this opportunity always with respect for the law and, of course, to relevant enquiries. I am looking for urgent expertise and help by consumers who are knowledgeable about planning issues and conveyancing. Some details of my story are available here: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/conversion_in_eight_flats_at_34 if anyone bothers to follow the link and read up to the bottom I will then ask few urgent questions, Thanks a lot, Homeless Gullyver An isolated and silenced leaseholder.
  7. bought car from g fleming and sons croydon 2 days later went faulty they wont pay for repair stay clear of them:-x its a honda civic 2002 car the lambada sensor went faulty they wont pay for repair they said they would but cant get money from them
  8. Hi, I'm after some advice if you could help me please. I recently receive a PCN for parking part on and part off the pavement in Croydon. I have since learnt that this is not allowed in 'London'. Whereas where I live it is encouraged as the council removed the grass verges along the road (Google street view PO7 7RU, will show). My question is do I have any grounds to appeal due to the fact that along the stretch of road which I was parked, had a continuous dropped kerb. Some of the dropped kerb area is used by a business (Gaybank Construction) to access their parking area, but some of the dropped kerb area would take you to a brick wall. This is the area I was parked. (Google street view CR2 6QB) I could have parked anywhere along this road, there are no yellow lines or parking restrictions and I truly believed I was doing the right thing by parking half off and half on. thanks for any help/advise you could offer regards Darren
  9. Hi folks, Wondering if anyone can help... I've just received an NTO from Croydon Council in respect of a PCN issued on 16/11 at 20:27 re "01-Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Band A". This is the first I have heard about it, the PCN was not served and as such I am going to challenge the fine. However, the reason for posting here is confusion relating to the controlled zone sign. The road in question is Heathfield Road in Croydon. When I parked up, I checked the sign which said Mon-Sat 8am-8pm. On receiving the NTO this morning, I did a google map search and it seems the reverse of the sign has a different restriction on it, being Mon-Sun 8am-Midnight. I crossed the oncoming lane to park and at no time did I see the varied restriction on the back. Perhaps foolishly, I took the sign at face value and didn't think to double check when I got out of my car either. I've had a look at The Traffic Signs Regulations and can't seem to pick anything out about this. Does anyone know if these kind of signs are permitted to have different restrictions printed on each side? It seems to be incredibly misleading. I have attached photos of both sides for reference, apologies for the quality, screen grabs from googlemaps is all I could manage. Finally, I don't have access to a scanner at the mo so am unable to post a copy of the NTO but will do so as soon as I can. Many thanks, Laura [ATTACH=CONFIG]40170[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]40171[/ATTACH]
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