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  1. Hi folks, Wondering if anyone can help... I've just received an NTO from Croydon Council in respect of a PCN issued on 16/11 at 20:27 re "01-Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Band A". This is the first I have heard about it, the PCN was not served and as such I am going to challenge the fine. However, the reason for posting here is confusion relating to the controlled zone sign. The road in question is Heathfield Road in Croydon. When I parked up, I checked the sign which said Mon-Sat 8am-8pm. On receiving the NTO this morning, I did a google map search and it seems the reverse of the sign has a different restriction on it, being Mon-Sun 8am-Midnight. I crossed the oncoming lane to park and at no time did I see the varied restriction on the back. Perhaps foolishly, I took the sign at face value and didn't think to double check when I got out of my car either. I've had a look at The Traffic Signs Regulations and can't seem to pick anything out about this. Does anyone know if these kind of signs are permitted to have different restrictions printed on each side? It seems to be incredibly misleading. I have attached photos of both sides for reference, apologies for the quality, screen grabs from googlemaps is all I could manage. Finally, I don't have access to a scanner at the mo so am unable to post a copy of the NTO but will do so as soon as I can. Many thanks, Laura [ATTACH=CONFIG]40170[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]40171[/ATTACH]
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