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  1. Hello, I've started chasing BH over a couple of car finance agreements I've had with them over the years, one was with Chartered Trust it goes back a while. I've written the standard letter to them giving as much information as I could (vehicle reg, previous addresses) they have come back and said that as the agreements have been closed more than three years they can't find anything on their system and so they can't do anything unless I have an agreement number, which I don't. Sounds to me like they are just trying to bat me off. Surely a financial institution has to keep records for more than 3 years? Can anyone advise on how I should proceed?
  2. I am new here but I have been reading about Idem. They have written to my husband only regarding our joint loan being transferred to them. They have given us a new account number and some basic info regarding paying. They have not confirmed what we should pay, or given any in depth info about the balance. What should we do? Is our loan still secured even though we have not agreed for Idem to have this? Is this even legal as I thought the homeowner has to agree security or the company has to get a court order? I am really confused and need some help as from what I have been reading about Idem they are really nasty and add alsorts of defaults to the account.
  3. Hi All I would be very grateful if anybody can advice me what to do next with my PPI claim. I received a letter from Black Horse some weeks ago saying I could be owed PPI from a loan for a car. I filled the form out and noticed that the term of the loan was incorrect. I checked my own records, which as this was from 2003 was not much, and found a copy of a credit report from 2010 which showed a loan starting in oct 2003 running until apr 2006 and then been replaced with a loan running from apr 2006 running until Nov 2011. I informed Black Horse of this on the claim form. They have recently sent a reply saying I am entitled to a refund on the second loan but not on the first. When I contacted their helpline about this they explained that the initial loan had been paid off and replaced with the second, as they termed it Refinanced. This was nothing to do with myself Black Horse just did this. In fact I cannot remember this happening. My question is did they refinace it to include PPI or did both loans include PPI but as the other is older they don't have any paperwork so they know they don't have to pay out? I have both policy numbers but no paperwork. Thanks in advance for any advice. Rob
  4. Just beginning the process. Realised, very late on in this whole PPI saga that I need to get myself in gear and get SARs sent off. two x SARs sent off today. 1. Blackhorse Finance. Car Loan taken out October 2002 - last payment March 2008 (no missed payments). Be interesting to see how much the single premium and interest was on a £17,000 loan. I wasn't even offered the option as the sales person, at CarCraft Newport on a Sunday said they were due to close and to just sign the agreement if I wanted the loan. 2. Nat West - this one will be harder. The loan was from 1993-1997 and was eventually 'transferred' to First Direct when I changed banks in 1997 - PPI all the way through. In 2000 I was offered a First Direct Gold Card (PPI added again) and when I missed one payment on the third reconsolidated loan with First Direct in Jan 2008, First Direct rolled the credit card balance into the loan and then served a default notice on the total and called it a loan. So I expect a long battle on this one but will update regularly as I (hopefully) make progress.
  5. hi received letter of assignment last year from mortimer clarke re an old black horse loan. i sent them a sar request with £10. they have just returned my £10 and have confirmed the following 'we are not holding copy credit agreement, statement of account or any other documents relating to the credit agreement. we confirm we have requested these documents from our client, but that we have not yet received them. they also go on to suggest that in future i direct and further sar's direct to their client which is now marlin II ltd. should i simply sar them or wait for mortimer clarke to respond. if the debt has been assigned to marlin have they purchased the debt? cheers
  6. Hi Guys, I have been reading these forums for some time, however cannot find a thread with a similar problem a nd was wondering if someone could offer some advice. I took out a loan with Black Horse, but had a medical condition, which while wasn't bad at the time, it could get worse over the course of the agreement. The agent on the phone advised me to take out PPI, and assured me that because I had told him about the exsisting condition it would be covered. Well, the worst happened, I became ill and couldn't work and Black Horse said they didn't cover pre-exsisting conditions! I've been arguing with Black Horse for coming up on 6 years now regarding this, and I just want it to go away. They have offered to refund the PPI plus 8% statutory interest, but I'm not happy with this, as the outstanding balance is around £4700 (even with the refund), however I have calculated that if all interest and charges were refunded, I'd owe them around £850. I have no issue paying this, and have told them I can do that immediately if they accept it. I know I have had the use of their money, and want to do the right thing by paying it back, but their agent bare faced lied when I took out the loan, so I don't see why they should be able to do whatever they want and hold me to my end of the agreement, when they aren't sticking to theirs! I have advised them that I believe the agent misrepresented the loan, and I just want both parties (myself and Black Horse) to be in the position we would have been in had the loan not been taken out. All they do, is write back telling me that if I want an up to date balance, I should write to Hillesden Securities, which is another issue. Black Horse KNOW that this account has been in dispute, so I am completely perplexed as to why it's been passed to a DCA! Do you think I've got a leg to stand on here, or should I just cave in and pay the £4700 (I don't have it to hand, I'd need to set up a payment plan, I could however pay them the £850 I believe I owe.) Just for other information, the loan was taken out in 2004, so none of the regulators are interested in helping, as apparently Black Horse weren't a member back then. Any advice anyone? Many thanks.
  7. I am looking for advice regarding, removal of black horse finance from my credit file. It's in relation to a car I bought in 2003, payed regularly every months for a couple of years, I then had problems making the payments. Roughly about a year or two later the car was handed back. The rest of the debt remaining from the car was included as part of a protected trust deed in 2008, which was successfully discharged in 2011. It is still showing on my credit file but only defaulted in 2012.
  8. Hello I had a loan with Black Horse in 2005 and lost my job in 2007 and had to stop paying. They kept chasing me and I started making reduced payments to them, until late 2008 when I just couldn't do it any more. Click on the icons for more detail as required. My credit file reads 6 from 2007 until 2013 when they defaulted the account. I called them and asked when the account was defaulted I was told the account defaulted 14 days after April 2007 When I said it was done again 2013 they just said yes. How can they do this?
  9. Car on HP with BH. Some way in to the agreement finances crashed and couldn't pay. Defaulted and taken to court. But BH didn't get a court order for repossession, and I avoided a CCJ. (Mostly luck, and a sympathetic judge.) Instead BH & I agreed a Tomlin order with minimum repayments, which I kept to. Final payment made recently. The Tomlin order explicitly said 'There is no order made in respect of costs.' BH have still added solicitor fees, court costs, and other legal costs adding up to a few hundred to the balance. Do these fees count as unreasonable costs? Can I reclaim them? I'm already planning to reclaim the usual BH late/returned payment fees and it would be useful to know if I can include these fees too. All help appreciated!
  10. Hi All, I am looking for some advice I have recently just got my full statement fromBlack Horse on a finance loan I took out in 2006. After examining the statementI have come across quite a few fees that have been added e.g Collection Activity Fee, Late Payment Interest, Charges Adjustment. The Collection Fees Total - £421.56 Late Payment Interest Total - £42.56 Charges Adjustment Total - £1235.26 The original Loan Amount was for 8949.24 with the payments I have made takenaway the above I have paid £8979.86 so have paid £30 more that I should have. In 2007 I lost my job and was paying PPI but after trying to claim on thepolicy I was rejected. I contacted BH regarding my job situation and asked forreduced payments witch they have help me with but at no point in time have ibeen informed of the charges they have applied. The charges Adjustment was appliedin 2010. Just wondering if the above charges can be claimed back Any help would be appreciated John
  11. Hello I'm new to this site so hopefully I'm doing this correctly! I have a car on finance through Black Horse and I want to complete a VT. I have sent them a letter stating my intentions and asked them to confirm receipt of this letter by telephone call. The letter was sent via recorded delivery just over 2 weeks ago and as yet they haven't got in touch. Am i just being impatient or should I have heard from them by now? If I should does anyone know which number I should call? I could really do with the car going asap! I would also like some information on returning the vehicle too if possible. The finance agreement is in my now ex-stepfather's as is the logbook (he signed the vt letter). He actually lives in the midlands and I live down south, which is where the car was purchased. Where are they likely to ask the car to be returned to? Thank you in advance, any advice would be gratefully received Shelley
  12. Hi Guys I was wondering if someone could give me any help/ideas/info.... I will try and keep it as short as I can with as much info as I can remember.... I have had a couple of BlackHorse loans in the past which for one reason or another got topped up or rewritten. I think these had PPI on but were a long time ago 10-12 years maybe. The last time I consolidated was perhaps 7 years ago I removed any PPI on the loan but they did request that it be a secured loan which they did. I think it was between 12000/150000. I paid for a few years then I lost some income and stopped. They sent me letter for a while and kept adding interest which ended up being more than my original payment. I couldnt afford to keep living in the house so moved out and rented it out and into a flat. The rent covers the mortgage but nothing else really. I have heard nothing for 18 months now. no calls letters nothing and while I had it in the back of my mind I just (foolishly) did nothing about it. I have received a statement last week dated July 2013 off them saying the balance was now 270000! the last activity on the account from this statement is from August 2011 at which point they were adding almost 500 a month in interest which looks like it stopped in August 2011. There doesn't look like there are any other movement on the account since then? but says the balance is as of July 2013. Im not sure what has happened between 2011 and now? Today I received a letter of assignment to Marlin Europe asking to contact their solicitor. It says they have the title interest benefits and security (i.e the charge on my house?) Im not sure what to do now? My income currently is over 80% less than I used to earn and I take home maybe 600 per month now total so there is no chance I can afford really to offer very much at all. Certainly not for the next 12 months or so. Can/Will Marlin now start adding interest? My house has no equity it in my mortgage was a 95% interest only and my house price dropped because of the market soon after I bought it so there is absolutely no equity in it which would be easy to demonstrate. But how likely and hard are Marlin likely to push me now? What are my options? what can I do? As I hadnt had any contact I never pushed any PPI but there would be some from older agreements but im guessing its from too long ago to do now? and as the agreements rolled from one to another I wouldnt have any idea if/how to do anything? If they went for a possession order would they get one even tho there isnt any equity and in fact serious negative equity? Will my Tenants find out anything? Sorry for all the questions just really scared me. My own foolish fault I know. Any advice of what to do would be really appreciated. Thanks.
  13. I have successfully claimed back 3 lots of ppi from black horse already, and now we are on with the final one, we still have an outstanding balance with this particular loan (not sure how much all arrears though) and after they took us to court we got them to cancel the ppi but they never refunded it . then earlier on this year they sent us a ppi misselling questionnaire so we filled it out and sent it back and yesterday got the response and it makes no sense to me at all . this is what it says there offer is £171.17 this is the calculations refund of premiums £655.08 excess balance and interest £99.27 less previously accepted claim -£0.00 less partial refund of PPI already applied -£164.90 less arrears on loan -£4083.80 SUB TOTAL £0.00 interest at 8%, calculated up until 15 july 2013 £238.62 less tax at 20% from 8% interest -£47.72 TOTAL £190.90 then it says "Please note that as you received a redress of £89.37 for agreement ******* on 14/07/211, this amount will be taken off the total above and your total redress payment will be £171.17 could someone please explain what all that means because I cant see where they get £171.17 from and I don't understand the calculations at all I have trie to work it all out but failed miserably
  14. Hi, just joined as i have received a letter from Lowells regarding a Black Horse alleged debt. It was a £6K loan from 2006. I got into financial difficulty in 2007 and stopped paying. I sent a SAR to Black Horse in March and received some printouts with transactions and copies of letters detailing late payment charges and default letters. Last payment was back end of 2007, there is PPI on this loan as well. I CCA'd Lowells in March but never received anything back, so I sent them an account in dispute letter, which also was not replied to. What is the best thing to do next?
  15. Hi all, I have made a claim for missold PPI from BHF, it has been upheld. This was a joint loan with my ex husband being the first borrower as it were. We have asked them to split the money equally, we have received a letter today to say they are raising a cq to the first borrower for the full amount. Can we actually ask for it to be split, when I ang last week they asked me to put in note asking for this request, yet it has been ignored, Any advice much appreciated, Thank you x x x x
  16. Hi Guys and Gals, Heres my tale of woe Got a loan with BH (approx £16K) that started in late 2005, due to the joys of self employment over the years have had missed payments and late payments complete with the usual excess charges !!! In late 2009 i had a visit from a collection agent acting on their behalf and arranged to make monthly cash payments to him of £400 to bring down the arrears, I made 4 payments starting in December 2009 through til March 2010 when due to lack of work had to stop making the payments and advised him i would get in touch when i was able to resume the arrangement. Due to vast amounts of spare time i actually looked at a statement that BH sent me later in 2010 and found over £1300 in late collection and collection activity fees , 82 late payment interest fees (4 a month in some cases !!!) and 1 of my cash payments (January's) wasnt showing on my statement. After having a look around this site i sent an account in dispute letter to BH pointing out the late payment charges and also Januarys missed payment of £400 and asking for the charges to be removed and the payment credited. In December 2010 managed to get 9 months work down in London and being honest totally forgot about it as I never heard anything more from BH. BH have now sold the debt on to Hilly's Securities who have recently sent me a statement of account, a copy of a default notice and agreement (No Notice of Assignment) and are threating legal action through Aplins. After looking at the statement of account which is dated July 2012 and is just BH's print out, all of the late/collection fees and late payment interest fees i queried are still showing and January's missed payment is still missing. Am after a bit of advice on the best way to proceed with this :- do i send an account in dispute to Hilly's/Aplins with a breakdown of the charges i want removing (using the calculator i found on the site) and If so can i add interest onto the late payment charges ? Can i claim the Late Payment Interest charges back as well and if so can i claim interest on them? If i can get these charges removed i would then be able to make an offer to clear this account. Sorry for the lenghty post and as usual any help is greatly received Gazbo
  17. I took out a loan about 3 years ago, when all was good in our financial world. Unfortunately, since then my hubby lost his job. The original payments were £202.35 a month. BH reduced them to £40 a month, which then increased to £45 and are now at £50 pcm. They are still charging interest on the loan, and the arrears are now about £6000 L. I have been on payment arrangements for 3 months at a time. They just rolled over the £50 for the next 3 months. However, this morning, I received a letter asking me to call them. I did, and they said that the arrangement has come to an end and that they recommend I contact someone like Payplan to assist and to see about getting the interest stopped etc. I have had a look on here, and am very dubious about getting involved with Payplan after reading some of the posts. Can I not just deal with this on my own, send them an income/outgoing sheet etc and ask them to stop the interest and charges? Do they NEED a response from a debt collection company or are they just being awkward? Any advice appreciated J
  18. Hi, this thread is to deal with the Black Horse part of my bigger debt problem found here, it explains how I got in this position and the overall debt mountain involved: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387784-Big-Debt-Problem...HELP! I have not paid them since December and that was only part payment as part of a DMP. I sent them a CCA request and received this: This one was signed in 2007 as it was for a car. They have never asked about the car which has been at a friends garage for nearly 2 years broken. I have paid over 75% so I believe they cannot do anything anyway regarding the vehicle. There must be a fair few charges on this account. Any thoughts on where to go next?
  19. I sent an acknowledgement to say that I am happy with the offer, but they say they have not received my letter. I just wondered if they are saying that to delay payment. Has anyone else had any problems with them?
  20. Hi I have just received a letter from Mortimer clark regarding a secured loan I had with Black Horse. It says they are working for Marlin and have submitted a order of possession with the court but they also give me 21 days to complete a budget form and make an offer of payment...confused, can they go through with the possession order as I read on another site that only the loan gets transferred and they cannot enforce anything? The other site also mentions a novate agreement can someone explain what this is?? thanks
  21. My husband current has a car loan with Black Horse. It has been on going since 2008. He now has 2000 left to pay and they have decided to take him to court regarding this matter. (Due to his own fault of not paying on time etc etc) There is however a number of charges on the account that they have added. He got behind on the payments due to other bills and finances etc etc. Is there anything i can do about this?
  22. Hi not been on this for a while and I apologise that my first post on my return is for advice.. My wife and I have just received a letter from the courts with a time to pay application for a debt we have with black horse. One of the reasons we are in a mess with this (as well as burying our heads in the sand) is that my wife took unwell due to depression and was off work for an extended period (she ended up having to leave her job because of this) we tried to claim the PPI we had taken out, thinking all would be fine but were advised that the protection did not cover depression/mental health issues. I dont deny the money we owe to Black Horse, but do not agree with the amount as we were, as far as I am concerned missold PPI Just wondering if we make a claim against them for the PPI what this would do with the impeding court action. I realise if i send the time to pay directive I am admitting to the full amount. Any advice would be welcome.. Thanks (and I hope you all are having a lovely easter )
  23. I am hoping someone can give me some advice on where I stand with a Black Horse PPi claim. I received notifications on the amount they owe after they have upheld my complaints. Cue much joy and skipping round the room until I read the acceptance forms they want me to sign. One of these loans was originally with Cedar Holdings a very long time ago, and when it was taken out due to my bad credit rating it was secured on the house I then owed with my ex partner. The loan would have been granted to me, whether cheque in my name or into my bank account and I know all repayments would have been from my sole account and not a joint account. Black Horse require all parties to sign the acceptance, and given I split up with my then boyfriend around 8 years ago and have no idea where he now lives, this is impossible to do. Where do I stand on this, can they refuse to pay out as he hasn't signed, refuse to pay the amount to me only even though all payments would be from my account and a direct debit would have been active on my sole bank account?
  24. Hi, Can somebody please help as I can't for the life of me get my head round the figures we have been given by Black Horse for our ppi offer. We had two loans, both with ppi added on top. First loan was consolidated into second loan 9mths after taking it out. The second loan ran for 4 years with ppi and we did make a claim for one month on it, but this is listed separately in the calcs. The one part which has confused us is this... "Less Payments Due if Pro-Rata Basis" Black Horse have knocked a hefty £750 off the balance under this heading and we've no idea why? Can anyone shed any light on what it means so we can decide whether their figures tally up correctly? Thanks, Dawn
  25. Hi My partner took out a loan with black horse a few years ago, fell into arrears and they gave her a secured loan to pay off the unsecured etc etc... She fell behind with the secured loan, because she was part time at work and lost her job....when she took the secured loan her income was part time and benefits for her children and maintenance. After losing her job the credits stopped for one of her children who turned 18. She applied to get the PPI back on the unsecured and the FOS awarded in her favour. However when black horse sent the cheques, they had taken some of the PPI for the arrears on the secured loan. Leaving her with just the compensation of £200 and interest. Can they do this ? Any help be great
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