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  1. Hi, I received a letter this morning saying that I am now in the Work Related Activity Group. For the psst 10 years I've been claiming Incapacity Benefit, and then it changed to ESA. My case came up for review and I had to complete a form about my illness etc again. I suffer with Pelvic Pain, Depression, Thyroid Problems and Arthritis. I am also taking morphine for my pain along with about 11 other kinds of medication, and this morning my letter said that they've made a decision and I am now in the Work Related Activity Group. I have never had to appeal before, but does anyone think I have a good enough claim to do so, I would appreciate some advice please.
  2. I have just been stunned by a request by a shopkeeper to leave because I was male was this correct? My partner has been using a local beauty salon, to get her eyebrows threaded, and facial massages she recently went there to ask for a facial she was there with my daughter, I had just walked into the shop after posting some items at the post office, I was shocked to be asked to leave the shop because I was male, I was shocked even worse my partner was told she could not be served or receive any treatments because I was there, I pointed out there was never a problem with the previous owners, the reason we were given was because most of the customers were muslim, the shop at the time was empty there are rooms at the back and at the side with doors that closed for personal treatments, I was only wanting to sit in the seats to wait for my partner and daughter but was told "No i had to leave" There were no signs on the door saying only female customers this saloon was in Walthamstow east london United kingdom, this is a shock to me because i have never been asked to leave a saloon giving basic treatments, I feel the fact that a majority of customers were or are muslim not relevant, to me this seems to be a religious problem or belief and this should not be applicable in UK saloons. Am I correct in my thinking this? The previous owners were chinese I never had a problem waiting for my partner then..... Is this a case of muslim beliefs being pushed onto everyday society and is this correct and lawful?
  3. I have multiple credit accounts dating back 12 years that I'm constantly getting into trouble with. I've just been issued a CCJ from MBNA and am currently filling in a form to request a low monthly playback. My question is should I as to see my original signed documents, some of these accounts have been passed from one debt collector to another if I do ask would I ask, the current company who's chasing the debt? If the can't find the documents what would happen? I'm in a situation where I feel I'll be paying these debts forever. Also I have been issued the CCJ but it hasn't yet showed up on my credit file. How long does this usually take? Many Thanks. Tom
  4. :?:can anyone give me any advice about a loan we took out 10 years ago with alliance & leicester. my husband was self employed when he took the loan out we told this to the advisor but we were advised that without ppi we would not get the loan. we wrote to allaiance & leicester(santander)ten weeks ago and have heard nothing from them .tried to ring but once you get through all the different menus it just rings and rings. any advice about what to do next please.
  5. A mate has foolishly not protected the deposit for his tenants. AST started april 2012 Tenant is 8 weeks behind in rent, has trashed the house and so LL served what appears to be legal section 21 in july 2012 for quit end of oct 2012. I reckon seeing as he hasn't protected dep his section 21 is invalid? I think this is what he should do but I'm not sure if I am correct: 1) Protect deposit and do prescribed info. 2) Re issue valid notice. 3) Take the 3x deposit hit when tenant takes LL to court over lack of protection, but still be able to evict under section 21? Is this the best way to go about it? Can anyone advise how can he get himself back on the straight and narrow, and what the financial legal implications are for him now? Thanks toys
  6. 17/09/2012 I traveled on the train from Ipswich to Loughborough via Ely. I had both tickets and my young persons railcard with me. On the Ipswich to Ely leg of the journey I couldn't find my railcard straight away. Explaining that I had no money or cards with money on them the ticket inspector confiscated my tickets and made me sign a penalty fare (from Ipswich to Ely only) for not having a railcard. Cost £11.80 Had he gave me more time I would have located my railcard. (which I found on the 2nd leg of my journey) From Ely to Loughborough the ticket inspectors saw my penalty fare and didn't ask any questions. However when I got to the Loughborough train station they wouldn't let me out. They took my penalty fare notice off me without my consent and photocopied it. I wasn't issued a second penalty fare. When I got home I appealed against the penalty fare, however I was denied. I also received another letter from the IRCAS saying I owed them £40.80 presumably for not having any tickets in Loughborough. I don't think they can charge me for the 2nd leg as I never officially got a penalty fare. And I don't think they can charge me for the 1st leg as I had a valid ticket and a railcard (despite not being able to find it at the time). Should I refuse to pay? What are my chances in court, if it goes that far? Thanks
  7. I have received this ticket recently and council state that the land up to the building can be described as highway! is this correct. Bollards mark the private area and i have parked here numerous times over 3 years and never received a ticket. The area is behind a shopping area and its not a walkway for pedestrians. thanks In response to your challenge received by this office on 27 September 2012 to the above Penalty Charge Notice and, after careful consideration of the circumstances, the Council has decided not to accept your challenge. The PCN was correctly issued. Your vehicle was parked in an area clearly marked as a restricted parking area by double yellow lines “No waiting at any time”. Double yellow lines are enforceable from the centre of the highway to the building property line. The pavement area you were parked on is part of the highway, not private land. See photograph attached. Your reasons are therefore not accepted as grounds for cancellation of the PCN. At the Council’s discretion a payment at the discounted sum of £35, will be accepted, if received within 14 days of the date of this letter.
  8. I sent off a CCA request to a DCA with a £1 postal order payab;e to the DCA. They have returned it asking I make it payable to the Creditor. They have also asked me to cinfirm if I have ever opened an accoun t with their client and the balance. They finally state if I am disputing the balance or feel it may be subject of fraud I should supply full details. What is the best way forward do I send a payment payable to their client, and what is their role in this matter
  9. Hi I put a thread on here and despite 37 views not one comment? Am I doing something wrong? I haven't used this site in a while!
  10. Due to me moving moving and trying for a credit card , loan or overdraft I have discovered that my credit rating is bad. According to creditreportsmatter my score is 539. .dont know if thats good or bad but its worth 1 star out of 5 hmmm... Apparently it's from an unpaid overdraft through the HSBC account type Aktiv Kapita ??l £406 18/12/2006 from a previous address. I did contact them 20/02/2007 and attempted to sort something out but due to personal factors i.e. no money and them wanting £639 I ignored it. I have moved a few times since and every time I have a letter or a phone call I inform them that the guy they are looking for is not here and that I have no idea who he is. Seems to work, I guess they send the debt on to another agency and I do the same thing. Currently the debt is running at £848 I am skint, looking to rent a nice cheap place and I am looking to furnish it. I need every penny I can get. I am aware of the 6 year limitation which is around the corner but I can't get credit or a loan. Any idea if the bad credit will affect me for the rest of my life, any advice concerning how to tackle it now or in the future and is it worth making contact and getting it sorted out as its been doing my head in for years now. Hope I posted this in the correct section. Cheers
  11. Its been in the news all day-he did not know what Magna Carta actually means. He has obviously never had any letters from RLP............
  12. This is a general question for most people paying a DCA. How come most of the experts on here ask why we are paying a DCA? My OC says "refer to the DCA" so I can't pay them (account closed). My DCA implies they will sue my sorry arse off if I don't pay them what they want (no matter if I can afford it). The advice from here is that DCAs have no legal rights. And that we should not be paying them. So what is the crack? How can we avoid paying Metropolitan for an HSBC debt (for example) without having our sorry arses sued off? Thanks.
  13. The question is - When attempting to negotiate with a Bank/DCA/Solicitor/Court etc regarding amount you an afford to pay off a debt, should any benefits you are in receipt of be included in your Income figures ? The reason for seeking clarification is that whilst it is illegal for benefits to by taken at 'source' by virtue of having them directed straight to a Creditor, is it then also illegal for them to be taken into consideration as valid Income to pay a debt when included in an I/E Statement ? Logic would say that if the benefit/s are not allowed to be re-directed (because they are the entitlement of the recipient) then should they still be allowed to be redirected after they have been paid into your Bank account , by virtue of the fact any surplus shown on an I/E statement might be entirely made up of the Benefits paid in. ?
  14. Yip folks. a lot of people have been ripped off and scammed by Dialarod..... where she is not finished yet..... the director is Charlotte Edney.. she resigned from Dial A rod in april 2012, and has set up boilercover.tv in april. they have now started to call dial a rod customers telling them dial a rod is no more but that they can sign up to them. BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE
  15. Hello, I recently took out a home loan (silly, I know!) with Provident. Within the 14 day period, I thought better of it, withdrew my application and returned all monies to them. I have just had a look at my Credit report to see that it is now on there. As I did not go ahead with the loan, should it appear on there at all? Thank you Claire
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