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  1. Hi Guys and girls. Just after a bit of guidance about rossendales. Cutting a long story short, myself and my partner last year both lost our jobs, we fell behind with council tax and ended up with a £900 + bill. We have paid some off and this now stands at £710.38 In the last 12 months, between us we have only eraned £6300. We are under the guidance of STEPCHANGE, who have gone through our spending and advised us that we can offer them a payment plan over 11 months meaning £64.58 per month. Our outgoings exceed our incomings even after the spending review and have sent rossendales details of this, however We have had a template letter back saying that we have overspent and have surplus income and are demanding £155 a month, which we simply have no way of paying. We have 2 small children who obviously need to be fed, clothed and keep a roof over there head. We are behind on water, gas and electric bills as well as this years council tax. They are threatening allsorts, including sending a van to pick up furniture etc,this just amounts at bullying and harassment and this isnt acceptable. any advice on how hard to stand our ground? Will the promised van arrive to pick up my sideboard and my sons 7 year old computer? Do you think our local council can help us?
  2. Good Morning all, I received a letter from Rossendales for unpaid council tax, the liabilty order was for £682.00, Rossendales wanted £720.00 plus costs! A week passes and then another letter turned up, this time asking for £762.50 plus costs, in the meantime, I paid the council directly via internet banking with a receipt, but not Rossendales fees! Yesterday, another letter through the door "Notice of Distress" act now, and the "bailiff" had levied on my OH's car which was not there, he had gathered the info from his two previous visits! OH phoned immediately he got back, asked him how he can levy on a vehicle which was not there, and did he check ownership first. The bailiff - Mr S admitted he had made a note of the details before, assumed it was OH car as it was there on his previous two visits, he would not confirm that he'd checked ownership of the vehicle or not. OH informed him, the liability order had been paid in full directly to the council, and if he had been bothered to knock at the door, he could have seen the receipt. Mr S Was adamant Rossers should have been told! I though it very odd, when confronting this so called "bailiff" at my door, that he appeared a very young and fresh faced individual to be doing the pits of a job. After checking the register I could not find any trace of him, so I telephoned the CB registry, and it transpires the young fellow is not certificated! I have written a very stern letter to Rossendalles asking them to justify their fees, and to remind them of the Blaby DC case. That the so called levy they had placed on OH car was invalid as the bill had already been paid, and as Mr S is not certificated, I will not be paying the levy fees either, along with the £38.00 they have overcharged! That leaves the matter of the £42.50, does this still need to be paid? Many thanks.
  3. Hello all, I am hoping that someone might be able to help me. I recently got a letter from Rossendales regarding a council tax bill that I owe from last year. I called the company to try and arrange a payment, but they told me that I Must pay £250 a month to clear the debt otherwise, I would have Bailiffs knocking on my door, and removing my goods. I have read the responses on hear regarding bailiffs, and understand that if don't have to answer the door to these people. I do not know what to do, do I contact the council and tell them that I offered to pay a set amount each month, but the company has refused this, and told me that I must pay what they have told me, or do I ring Rossendales back up and tell them that this is all I can pay, and if someone does turn up on my door they will be refused access to the property? I am quite scared in what to do, and I have no idea where I stand with this. Hopeful that someone can give me guidance and advice on what to do. Thank you Ben
  4. Hello all, I feel like my head is going to implode under stress of whats happening to me.. hoping someone has some ideas .. I'll try to keep it brief. Oct 2011 Drove my much treasured 1960s classic car to one of those German supermarkets East Grinstead (Sussex) Branch. Left store got into car, some guy follows me to car and accuses me of stealing something from shop (didn't!) I try to ignore him and try to leave but he then KICKED my car, damaging a rear lamp etc. I got VERY angry and shouted at him and he ran off, I caught up with him and grabbed him. Really felt like beating the living you know what out of him but I somehow managed to stop myself from doing anything like that, and just grabbed his wrist, but he complained to the police that I had assaulted him, and completely denied doing anything to my car. I had to explain to the police what happened and really didn't think anything would become of it but low and behold, CPS took the case and I got charged with the assault, mainly as other members of staff backed his story and he had cctv showing me restraining him, but no cctv of other end of car park where he kicked car. Anyways, I was offered legal aid so I thought why not and took it. The firm solicitors helped me fill out the paperwork and I gave them my bank statements and house details etc. I was subsequently advised to put in a guilty plea as there would be a conditional discharge (mitigating circumstances etc) and that would be the end of it, so that's what I did. (+£70 court costs) . I was glad to have it all behind me although traumatised and I still had a damaged car and was annoyed about the police not doing anything about that whatsoever. EIGHT MONTHS LATER ( Jan 21st 2013) a bill from some people called Rossendales (on behalf of Legal Services) demands I pay £1407.50 for my legal aid. Mentions bailiffs etc.I was absolutely flabberghasted and shocked and it made me so angry, and after a day or two trying to work out what to do I was getting very depressed and in fact had to have an emergency appointment with my doctor as I was so emotionally unwell. Apparently in some (long ago discarded) paperwork there was something along the lines if 'IF FOUND GUILTY' and if you have equity over £30,000 you MIGHT be asked to pay a CONTRIBUTION towards your defence costs. I DO have more than 30K equity in my house. I am proud to say I have worked hard for 20+ years , having NEVER ONCE been in debt, and have scrimped and saved to get that house, I have never had any benefits etc. I am a self employed car mechanic, I love my job so I stick at it despite the economic situation, I only make around £6000 a year. About half of minimum wage! I make ends meet by having a very modest lifestyle, no holidays, no television, heat my place with scrap wood, buy everything 2nd hand including clothes, home grown veg, Freecycle, you get the picture. My point is: *Why didnt ANYONE tell me I wouldnt qualify for free legal aid, when it was clear to people who are in the know right from the start that I had a house therefore don't qualify. Do I have a case against the solicitors if nothing else? *Surely entering a guilty plea is not being 'found guilty' *Why did it take them EIGHT MONTHS to decide I had to make a contribution. *Why is the paperwork worded 'MIGHT' if the rules are that if you have over 30K you HAVE TO pay for the defence costs. *Why is my 'CONTRIBUTION' actually the TOTAL COST of the defence, that's the most misleading thing I've ever seen on some legal paperwork! Can this be NULLIFIED somehow due to this? I was even told by LSC yesterday that they are aware of the problem and are correcting their documentation soon. *Can my low income not somehow count as to offset that fact that I'm fortunate enough to have a house (paying for it on a low monthly mortgage) as £1400 is a lot of money to someone like me, who was told something was free, and would have managed WITHOUT A SOLICITOR had I had any idea it wasn't free. £1400 is a quarter of a years work for me! So far I have managed to speak to the manager of legal Services Commission who made sympathedic noises but said those are the rules, hands tied , all that. Managed to get him to put Rossendales on hold for their bailiffs threats etc.but thats as far as I got. If anyone has some insight on this I would absolutely love to hear some suggestions of what I can do as I feel so wronged by the entire justice system right now and its ruining my life. If there is a lawyer reading this who really knows LSC contribution cases and can definately get this retracted I wouldn't mind paying them , once i'm off it of course! Happy to donate to this site too. Thankyou!!!
  5. I am need of some urgent help. Today I received a letter from Rossendales Collect regarding a debt of £1,682.69. This is regarding my legal aid certificate that was revoked by legal aid. Approx 6 months ago I was paying legal aid £20 a month as I was self employed and not earning enough....I paid approx 5 payments and then had to go to Germany to see my sick Aunt who has since passed away. I notified the legal aid that I had to go abroad and would contact them when I returned but they have since passed my debt on to Rossendales.....and I really don't know what to do. I am a homeowner and cannot afford having any charge on my property so would appreciate any help or advice from anyone. Do I ask Rossendales to prove the debt? as I was not happy with my solicitor who was representing me in my divorce case...that is why I got part legal aid and had to pay part....but me and my wife have reconciled now and no more divorce proceedings. Should I offer to pay the £20 again as I was paying earlier as I do not want to get in to any trouble and they have given me 7 days to contact them?
  6. Hi everyone, Hope someone can help me? I had a letter put through my door for a bailiff removal of goods for unpaid council tax I have not let the bailiff in so he has no list of my goods, I telephoned the council to ask if the would take the debt back but they said they would not and I'll have to talk to the bailiff so I telephoned him and asked if I could set up a payment plan he told me no and wants the money £549.26, i have told him I am single, on income support and have a six week old baby and all he said is that I'll give you two weeks to get the money. Really don't know what to do! I am really upset about all this
  7. Just want a bit of advice on the below, if all charges are correct and still stand. I just want to make sure if it happens again in the future for unpaid council tax I know what steps to take, or tell my Mother to take so the debt itself doesn't get bigger. It's happened twice now, my Mother is adamant that she is now paying her current council tax through Standing Order / Direct Debit so there should be no reason why any further council tax will be unpaid. I currently am living back at my parents house and on Wedensday 3rd of April I had a visit from a Bailiff acting on behalf of Rossendales. However, they were asking after my Mother who owed £345. for unpaid Council Tax from and that the payments of £50 a month she was making, the most recent payment failed, apparently it was due on March 31st, as that was 28 days since her last monthly payment. Now I told him that my mother was not home (she was out) and I know nothing of the unpaid Council Tax so he went away and gave me a letter titled. He informed me that my Mother would need to call urgently. She did so, he told her that the full amount is now payable and if she wanted to set up a new payment plan she would now have to sign a walking possession order. He returned the next day, and I told her not to let him into the house by any means. I myself was at work so I was unable to be there she told me she didn't let him in and all she told me was she gave him all the money she had on her at the time and showed me a receipt from the Bailiff that she has paid £63.50p in respect of Council Tax and Costs and the balance outstanding was now £450.00. My Mother also told me that he set up a new payment plan with her for the 1st of every month for £50 until the debt is paid. I have since found some documents she had hidden from me, now I told her not to let the bailiff in but it now looks as if she has done, but I've noticed that most of the possessions are actually in my name, except for my Dad's Motorcycle which is in her name officially as she paid for it. Anyway this document that I have since found, shows an Inventory List as well as were all the new charges came from. So as I mentioned at the top of this thread, just looking for advice so I know what I can do in the future and if the charges don't look right, please let me know ways to correct this. Thanks, kingofkings
  8. Hi all I posted a thread recently regarding a bailiffs visit for three council tax liability orders (original thread Since then I have made a payment to the council as agreed and have ignored the bailiffs letters etc. The council have agreed to take the payment on the accounts they currently hold but are still insisting that I negotiate with Rossendales for the 3 liability orders that they hold. My plan was simply to ignore Rossendales and just continue to make my payments to the council and just wait for the accounts to be returned. All going great until on Saturday I received a letter on Rossendale headed paper. The letter is as follows:- PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE RE: attachment of earnings order Please find enclosed a copy of the Attachment of Earnings Order that we have served on your employer in order to recover an outstanding debt on behalf of Wakefield District council. Please read the enclosed regulations so that you fully understand your role as failure to comply with the requirements may render you liable for a fine. Yours Sincerely, Wakefield District Council I am confused. The letter is from Rossendales yet signed by the council????? It also says on the reverse on the "to your employer" part that payment is to be made to Rossendales. What should I do?
  9. Hi all, I'm hoping for some advice. I've recently got letters from these bailifs who are trying to collect CSA arrears. I don't want to go into why the arrears are there but suffice to say most of it is my fault. I had two liabilty orders granted against me in January and offered the CSA £400 per month both verbally and in writing. I then heard nothing until the letters arrived this week. On contacting the CSA they informed me that they had accepted my offer of payment in Jan and had sent out standing order forms for me to make payments, I never recieved these. What can Rossendales do? They have told me that they have to collect the debt in two years (the total is £30,000 due to various mis calculations still being disputed). I'm married but live in rented accom where most of the possessions where my wife's when we moved in together (I'm down as an authorised tenant on the lease). On speaking to the CSA again this week they told me I should be dealing with the bailiff, obviously I'll make the offer on the doorstep as he won't be getting in but surely the CSA can take the case back and accept the payments that they agreed to?
  10. I've got an unpaid council tax debt of £200, it slipped through the cracks until it ended up with Rossendales, not the best but there you go... the letter says that the amount due is £203.50 plus costs (costs underlined several times!) It also goes on to say that "if you cannot pay this amount in full, you should be aware that even at this late stage with an initial payment of £100 you can still pay by installments" but after calling the number of the letter the guy that I spoke to unhelpfully said that he wouldn't accept £100 and then the rest next month. When I read out the letter to him he said that a payment plan can only be set up if I let him into my house to make a list of my goods, or took the details of my or my wifes car as they couldn't just take it on faith that we would pay next month. There's no way that's happening and my car is on HP, the wifes car is worth a lot more than a £200 debt - we'd not be happy agreeing to that. He then said that we had no choice and that if we didn't pay they'd apply further charges to the account for visiting us to enforce collection. It doesn't seem fair that they won't accept half of the debt this month in good faith that we'd pay the rest next month (why wouldn't we if we'd already paid half?) and they'd use the threat of further charges to get us to pay up in full now even though we can't afford it. It seems we could pay £100 but then rack up an indeterminate amount of charges until we pay the next amount, or not pay and rack up charges anyway.. .. Don't know what to do - does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance Dan
  11. This morning Marston Group issued a Press announcement which states as follows: What's happened Marston’s parent company, Marston Holdings Limited, has received additional funding from the Rothschild Group, Lloyds Bank and Inflexion. It has also just acquired Rossendales Limited. Marston and Rossendales are therefore now sister companies within the same corporate family. The enlarged Group, which specialises in an integrated compliance and enforcement process, now provides services to: · Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Services · Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs · Legal Services Commission · Child Support Agency · Student Loans Company · Transport for London · 196 local authorities across England & Wales · 500 solicitor firms and private clients Broader client services capability Being part of the same Group will help each company to offer more services to each set of clients. The two companies should also bring out the best in each other, and will be able to learn from each other. Marston Holdings now receives 1.2 million cases each year through Marston and Rossendales. Over 1,000 staff and self-employed agents work for, or with, the two companies. Marston and Rossendales recovered over £150 million for the taxpayer last year, which is equivalent to the annual salaries of around 6,000 nurses. Over £50 million was recovered for private clients. The creation of the UK’s first judicial services corporate of scale, undertaking significant early stage compliance collections, tracing & investigation services and every type of court order recovery, offers significant benefits for both clients and customers. Client and customer benefits An independent Advisory Group has just been formed, for example, with a remit to oversee governance and ethics of both businesses. Appointees include: · Baroness Eaton, former Chair of the Local Government Association · Elizabeth Filkin, former Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and former Chief Executive of Citizens Advice · Vernon Everitt, Transport for London’s Managing Director of Customer Experience · Marc Gander, Consumer Action Group founder · Mark Glover, Chief Executive of Bellenden Public Affairs · Claer Lloyd-Jones, ethical audit partner This is a ground-breaking initiative that provides a high level of assurance that reputational risk is being managed effectively. Body worn videos are also being rolled out to every field agent across the two organisations, and the scope of Marston’s ongoing ethical audit is being extended to cover both businesses. Further pioneering initiatives are due for rollout by the summer. Full details are on the Marston Group's new website at: www.marstongroup.co.uk
  12. I am hoping someone can please give me a bit of legal advice ? I have 2 council tax debts with Rossendales which i have tried on numerous occasions to sort out,i have sent them numerous financial statements for them to say they have not received them(how convinient).they have now received them and ingnored my offer of payment,which is only minimal as i am struggling,i do not work and receive widowed single parent and child tax.they are saying that i have surplus income and excessive spending !!!! who the hell are they to tell me that ?? i have been honest as to what i get and i have more outgoings than incomings.Is there a limit they are allowed to take off you the same as the council have ? I have also had the bailiffs sending letters but i have not spoken to them OR LET THEM IN !! i have been told a few different stories regarding bailiffs,i know that if you have not let them in at all they are not allowed in,but i have also been told that a council tax debt is a criminal offence and they can enter when they like ? I hope someone can please help me as i live in fear of loosing all my stuff and i dont want that for my daughters sake
  13. Circumstances; I am a student studying a degree at University following a period of illness and being out of work, I do have some income but it is provided for childcare and travel and it just about covers this. I have few possessions that I own other than clothes, an xbox, a bike, and a laptop My partner is 8 months pregnant and is currently suffering from depression and OCD, she is the sole earner, the sole tenant of the property I think I have made a bit of an error, I have a liability order against me for £1700 from the CSA I am currently and have been for the last 5 years due to illness nil assessed, the CSA know I have no income and am a student, I have told the creditor that I could not pay it as I am a student and do not have an income other than the childcare and travel expenses I get, at that time they would not accept a budgeting sheet and sent the debt directly to the bailiff. At this stage I got a letter from Rossendales saying I must pay the said amount to cut a long story short I told I could not pay them as my partner was the only one with an income and she was unable to find the £75 min payment they were requesting, however, this month we completed paying off a loan and we were able to find the extra funds to pay the amount they asked for. But my partner said that if she was going to oay this debt she would not be prepared to pay the bailiffs and that I should send the payments direct to the child support agency, I made the minimum payment of £75 to the CSA then called the baliff to advise them I had made a payment direct to CSA, they then sent a letter the next day to say I must pay the full amount immediately. My partner is getting very agitated about this even though this was her decision, and I am worried that even though the bailiffs a re aware she is pregnant they visit the property whilst I am at University. What is the best thing to do? Is it worth carrying on down the route we are on? What can the bailiff do now I am paying the Debt direct to the CSA
  14. Hello all, A friend recommended I post my situation on here, basically A few months ago I received a letter out of the blue, stating I owe just shy of £1000 pound in council tax bills for somewhere I lived when I just turned 18 with 2 other friends(at the time) - the thing is they are trying to make me liable for all of the debt, something which I couldn't pay off myself, I simply don't earn enough and they know this, I send them my accounts every 3 months, at the minute working for myself I earn less than 72 pound a week and that comes in every few months or so. I have tried explaining I will pay what I am liable for I even sent the council tax two letters and a payment plan and I haven't received any correspondence back from the Council and now I have a letter from Rossendales saying see you Monday with the van pretty much, any help please? Or at least where I can proceed forward? Any help really appreciated, no matter what happens I will not be bullied by them.
  15. Hi all I am new here and looking for some advice regarding council tax debt and bailiffs. I owe quite a lot, please don't judge me. Yesterday I had a visit from Rossendales. I wasn't in so I had three "notices of attendance" pushed through my door for 3 council tax debts owing to Wakefield Metropolitan District Council. The amounts are:- £627.35 (plus costs) magistrates liability order dated 07/2010 £926.17 (plus costs) magistrates liability order dated 07/2009 £896.52 (plus costs) magistrates liability order dated 11/2008 Each letter says that at this late stage I can still pay by installments but the initial payment the bailiff is asking for is over £100 on EACH. I don't have £335 unfortunately. What should I do? I do understand a *little bit* about bailiffs i.e. that they cannot break in, can enter through open door/window etc. But should I send a means form to the council and make payments to them or should I try and negotiate with the bailiff (really don't want to ring/deal with them). If anyone can offer me some advice I would be grateful. Thanks in advance.
  16. Council Tax - Milton Keynes Council - Rossendales Bailiffs This is a current story/experience about Milton Keynes Council and Rossendales....... It was the 26th Feb 2013 when my front door received a knock, before I could get there, my son (under 10 years of age) opened the door and was handed a letter not from our local postman but a stranger. My son then literally turned around and handed me the letter as the stranger moved off quickly......important to note, not one word had been uttered by the stranger. So thinking it was a flyer, double glazing offer, I opened it and found that it was a letter with the following information..... Rossendales Notice of bailiffs Attendance Magistrates Liability Order / Warrant of Execution Unpaid Council Tax Amount Due £622.53 PLUS COSTS If you cannot pay this amount in full you should be aware that even at this late stage with an initial payment of £110 you can still pay by installments. To discuss the options open to you please contact me immediately on[EDIT] .Mr .... bailiff in charge. The other number on the letter was Tel: 0844 701 3980 contact us It was lucky that the stranger had moved off quickly after handing a letter like this to a child! The letter contained no official paperwork and backup to the claims made but related to an address that I rented for 6 months in 2009 in Milton Keynes. I have contacted Milton Keynes Council, David Bradley - Senior Revenues Advisor, to complain and make them aware that they are responsible for their bailiffs and debt collectors, the letter, handing it to my son and the fact that there is no paper work etc..... I believe that it is right to be able to give the right of reply so that any institution can rectify mistakes. All I have done is ask Mr David Bradley to answer the following points; 1. The proof of debt. 2. Clarification of Liability Order or Warrant. 3. To clarify the debt because I believe it is wrong. 4. To clarify when, where the reminder letters have been sent to. 5. To provide all trace reports of my address which is an obligation before a liability order is granted. 6. To accept a repayment directly with the council until the debt is proven, I am happy to be refunded, the worry of dealing with Rossendales bailiffs who hand notices to children is more worrying! 7. To clarify if the method and un willingness to take direct payments is due to the council year end being April 2013? (This means that they are on a big push to get cash in! and the Milton Keynes debt collectors may have cash targets to achive at all costs.) 8. The copy of the liability sheet that a magistrate signs was received yesterday....it does not just have mine with an the incorrect address, it shows 3 other persons names and addresses not linked to me at all! ( I did not ask them to apologies for the delivery method to my son, I thought it would be obvious but no apology has been given!) I have sent emails and copied in the following to aid support with this bad internal and external debt collection practice - becky.lovelock at milton-keynes.gov.uk pa to Milton Keynes Exec admin at civea.co.uk regulating body for Rossendales enquiries at oft.gsi.gov.uk office of Fair trading editorial at mkcitizen.co.uk Milton Keynes Citizen, local paper amanda.box at milton-keynes.gov.uk phil.mcCourt at milton-keynes.gov.uk Phil McCourt, Head of Milton Keynes Legal The following responses are from the Milton Keynes representing them in this matter, David Bradley,Senior Revenues Advisor, T: 01908 253692,F: 01908 253707, E: David.Bradley at Milton-Keynes.gov.uk, Milton Keynes Service Partnership LLP | Civic Offices | 1 Saxon Gate East | Central Milton Keynes | MK9 3EJ,Partnership No: OC380848 | Registered Office: Civic Offices | 1 Saxon Gate East | Milton Keynes | MK9 3EJ 27th Feb 2013 - from David Bradley ' Dear Mr ... Further to your e-mail I can advise you that the case went to court 2.9.10 and the Liability Order was issued the next day. I would also advise you that the case went to a Magistrate's court rather than a county court and no warrant has been issued so the N245 you refer to would not be appropriate. As the case has been passed to Rossendales you would need to discuss payment of arrears with them. Their contact number is: 0844-701-3981'. 28th Feb 2013 'Dear Mr ..... Further to your e-mail I have posted a copy of the Liability Order, the document signed by the Justice Of the Peace relating to all the Liability Orders issued that day and a copy of the bailiff charges. I also confirm that it was a Liability Order that was issued and not a warrant. I will speak to the Recovery manager regarding the wording on the document from the bailiff. The debt to Milton Keynes Council when the Liability Order was issued was £868.04 and is currently £580.03. Please note that any payments or payment arrangements need to be made directly with the bailiffs'. 29th Feb Dear Mr .... Further to you e-mail I would firstly point out that the reason the case was put in the hands of the bailiff is that we made a payment arrangement with you on 14th September 2010 following the issue of a summons. You did not adhere to this arrangement which led to a default letter being issued. Subsequently you vacated the property still owing a debt and without providing a forwarding address. On finding your current address we issued a bill on 10th December 2012 and a default letter 18th December 2012. Neither of these prompted a response nor a payment from you and therefore, the case was passed to the bailiff. Given the above it is clear that the case was correctly passed to the bailiff and will therefore not be recalled. It has got nothing whatever to do with year end collection figures. With regard to the wording on the document issued by the bailiff, it is a multi purpose document and can be used for Liability Orders of warrants. The bailiff should have crossed out the word "warrant" and was in error in not doing so. We do monitor the work of the bailiffs and take up issues with them when the need arises. Finally, I have advised the bailiffs of the documents I have sent you as requested. I hope that all of this data helps others who blog understand how Milton Keynes Council and Rossendales Bailiffs work. I will add further updates and let you know all further actions they take.....please let me know if you have had a similar experience.... FYI.... I should add the following these are the Charges Connected with Distress that Milton Keynes Council have sent me.... Schedule 5 Council tax (administration and enforcement) regulations 1992 (as amended) SI613 Schedule 3 Non Domestic Rating (collection and Enforcement) Local lists Regulations 1989 (as amended) (SI 1058) Statutory abortive visit fees with a view to levying where no levy is made; 1st visit £24.50 2nd visit £ 18.00 Further visits no charge can be made For one attendance with a van where goods are not removed £130 - which must include the first hour of waiting time and is per case NOT ORDER and cannot be charged more than ONCE. For the removal and storage of goods £130 - cannot be charged if already charged by bailiff. £60 per hour even if they have 1 bailiff or 100! Close Possesion fee £15 - each visit if the goods recorded are different Walking Possesion fee £12 - each visit if the good recorded are different
  17. Hi, this is my first time here and I really need some help/advice. My partner claimed legal aid on the advice of his solicitor. Neither we nor the solicitor ever received an order granting legal aid but Rossendales immediately began sending letters requesting approx £7,500 to be paid in 3 monthly instalments (gulp!!). My partner arranged with his solicitor that he would pay the solicitor privately for a reduced amount. Apparently, because the solicitor can make a claim against the legal aid fund, Rossendales will not close the file until the solicitor sends them a "letter of undertaking" stating that he will not claim against the fund. After 4 months we are at the stage where the courts have been informed that the offer of legal aid has been refused, the court, the solicitor and my partner have all informed Rossendales of this but Rossendales still refuse to accept anything other than "letter of undertaking" laid out in a prescribed format. The solicitor states he has told Rossendales that legal aid has been refused and now he will not enter into any correspondence saying that any contract between my partner and Rossendales and the LSC is nothing to do with him. Rossendales HAVE put my partners file on hold so no enforcement action at the moment, and they are writing to the solicitor. Meanwhile, my partner has dispensed with the solicitors services due to his complete lack of help on the matter and the solicitor is requesting his fees immediately. My partner feels as though he is "stuck in the middle of" Rossendales and the solicitor with both demanding money and there is nobody to intervene on his behalf. We have made a formal complaint to the solicitor who "rejects as frivolous" our complaints. The legal ombudsman is now starting an investigation but they suggest we should pay the solicitors fees now. Please don't think that we are trying to avoid paying as the solicitor has done the work but he is refusing to contact Rossendales who sooner or later will take enforcement action. I have tried to find some way of contacting the LSC direct but their website seems to be for legal practioners. I have the feeling that the solicitor will start legal proceedings soon for his fees and I am at the end of my tether. Thanks.
  18. Hello, I woke up this morning to a Final Reminder from Rossendales Limited regarding council tax bill from two years ago! This is the first time I have been made aware of this bill yet Rossendales states that no more reminders will be sent and if the payment is not cleared, they will attend my home with a van and take my possessions. I phoned Rossendales immediately and explained that this was the first I have heard about this debt. They were incredibly rude on the phone. I offered a payment plan but they wanted a full financial summary from me, something which I am not willing to hand out to some random company! When I refused they said the van would be sent and my items taken. I have phoned the council involved regarding my bill and they basically said that they tried to contact me but couldnt, then they gave the debt to rossendales, a debt collection agency. The original bill was 72.64, now it is 155.14 as Rossendales has added their own fees on top. When we moved all of our bills were paid and up to date. Having spoken to the council, it has been revealed that I may have been charged for a period of time that I was there, from me moving out, to the next tenant moving in so I intend to file a dispute to clear this up. Knowing any council, this is bound to take a while to clear up. I dont know what to do about Rossendales in the meantime. I feel absolutely sick after speaking to Rossendales and the thought of them coming to my home is just awful. I don't know what to do. I would really appreciate your help.
  19. Dear CAG people I am in fear I am about to be under siege from our friends Rossendales The bailiffs or perhaps just some other thugs in their employment. I am copying the email I am sending to the SLC asking for them to call them off in desperation as I am on my own with this. cc of email to SLC 8/2/2013 after bailiffs preliminary drive-by . To ,,,,,, Is this amount of £6569.66 the full amount to repay for my student loans or just the interest? I believe you are mistaken with your statement "Your account was also due to be repaid in full 31st March 2011" . When I took out my student loan, I agreed to pay it back once I earned in excess of 80% of the average national wage. There was no duration attached to this condition. At no time have I earned more than this amount and this can be verified with HMRC. The fact that I have at times taken too long to prove the modesty of my income does not make my income any greater than that stated. The reason I have occasionally taken too long to defer repayments is that I am a dysthymic dyslexic with ADHD. I have had problems with late payments in the past and have previously been 'visited' by your friends Rossendales Bailiffs. I am known to them as a vulnerable single parent with mental health issues. As I have stated before, I fully intend to repay this debt to the Student's Loan Company as soon as I am in a position to do so. Please cease your engagement of heavy handed debt collectors immediately. Yours sincerely D Norman
  20. Hi all, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice about rossendales. We got behind with council tax for various reason and were taken to court in October last year. My son then became very unwell and was in hospital so stupidly it got forgotten about (I accept it was an error on our part and just want it sorted). A bailiff turned up at the end of last month trying to make me let him in but I know my rights and refused him entry so he left me an expense form to fill out and post back within 5 days. I sent my incomings/outgoings to them and offered them £50 a month and paid them that amount the same day. I have just received a letter stating that they want £250 per month! I spoke to them and tried to explain that with 3 young children it was just too much for us as my husband is the only one who works and they told me to stop paying my other creditors and pay them otherwise a bailiff would come and repossess anything they can. Can they refuse an offer of payment? The bill itself is just over £700 so the payments they are demanding seem really unreasonable. Any help would be very much appreciated as the council themselves just keep telling me "it's out of their hands".
  21. Help, please...I need advice. The bailiffs have 2 council tax liabilty orders on me. The bailiff said I could still make an arrangement with them if i paid £190 immediately and they did a walking possession on goods. I did as asked and sent the forms off with an offer to pay £100 per month. I've got a reply saying that I have to pay £250 on each order per month. I am unemployed and not entitled to benefit, my wife only earns £860 per month. My rent is £340 per month which would leave us with £20 per month to live on. The first payment is due next week. I've resigned myself to losing the few things we have of any value, such as the tv.. .even though the value of all the items is probably less than 1/3 of the debt. Can anyone help me?
  22. I am wondering if anyone could help me please. I am after some information for a friend of mine who has unfortunately found himself in a difficult situation. He is an ex-soldier suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and because of the pressure being put on him from Rossendales and the council, his mental health is deteriorating. It all started about four years ago when he lived in a different city and under a different council to where he is now. When he came out of the army he managed to find himself a home to rent claiming housing and council tax benefit as he was given incapacity benefit for his illness. He was in the house a while before he felt he could no longer live there. He told his landlord he was moving out of the house, but did not give his landlord a forwarding address as he didn't know at the time where he was going to. He was living on the streets a few weeks and then found somewhere to stay in a different city with a Salvation Army hostel. The Salvation Army hostel project worker was very helpful in faxing documentation across to the housing and council tax benefit section to let them know he had moved on from the house and was therefore now staying at the Salvation Army hostel. He has since moved on from the Salvation Army hostel as it was closing down due to cutbacks. Fortunateloy for him he has now found somewhere else to rent. It came to light a couple of months ago that the benefits section had still been paying rent to his old landlord for the above mentioned house long after he moved out and becasue of this they had also been paying his council tax too. As a consequence bailiffs from Rossendales came knocking on his door saying that he was overpaid council tax benefits that he must pay back. He is very annoyed that the council have taken him to court without him being aware as he wasn't able to stand up and argue his point about them already having been informed by his project worker from the Salvation Army. He is annoyed that they were informed of him moving away from the house, and that they are at fault for overpaying any council tax or housing benefits. Does he have a leg to stand on now it has already been to court without his knowledge? He said he doesn't want to pay anything as he has done nothing wrong and should not be made to pay for the council's mistake. I would appreciate any feedback. Many thanks in advance.
  23. Have you all seen this! http://www.rossendaleshighcourtenforcement.com/index.php/news/37/51/Rossendales-Secure-Prestigious-Government-Standard Rossendales Secure Prestigious Government Standard Rossendales has now secured the prestigious Customer Service Excellence (CSE) Government Standard! When it comes to Customer Service the Government is very clear, “They want services for all that are efficient, effective, excellent, equitable and empowering – with the citizen always and everywhere at the heart of service provision.” Rossendales has won significant Central Government Contracts recently e.g. HMRC,CMEC (Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission) and The Student Loans Company . These Central Government contracts sit alongside our already, well established, Local Authority Client Base . It seemed appropriate therefore that we sought accreditation against a standard that is held in such high regard by Government. We are particularly pleased in having succeeded in our objective to be the first Bailiff Company to acquire this prestigious standard, thus reinforcing our intention to consolidate our position as market leader within the industry. We were required to evidence a range of criteria, including: consulting and involving customers setting and meeting the highest standards of service using resources to the maximum efficiency being innovative constantly looking to improve treating our staff and customers fairly. Within the assessment, applicants were allowed up to 11 ‘Partial non-conformances’ – Rossendales had none. Recipients normally reach ‘compliance’ status. Rossendales have been awarded ‘Compliance Plus’ status in recognition of our exceptional achievements in the following areas: Staff – Highly commended for their Professionalism and Attitude towards customers. Welfare – Dedicated department to help and signpost Vulnerable Customers and persons in severe financial difficulties. Innovation – In particular, the ‘Client Web’ which empowers Clients to securely view and update our case management system in real time and to track individual case progressions. Working Relationships - Providers, Partners and Communities Delivery – Body Worn Video Cameras for our field force to allow for greater visit transparency and accountability.. The CSE assessor concluded the inspection by stating: “It’s unusual for any company to achieve this award at the first assessment. This is an amazing achievement.” LL:???:
  24. Hi everyone; I'd like some advice regarding a council tax debt that is being pursued by Rossendales. I moved to England to live with my girlfriend as she was studying down there, lasted all of about 7 months. This was about February of 2012. (edit.) I moved out of our flat in February and back to Glasgow where I've been since. A month or so ago I had a letter from Rossendales hit my door step saying I have a debt to the council! I spoke to the council and Rossendales informing them I had no court summons or any information about the alleged debt. I was told that they only have to send the summons to the last known address (even though it was Lincoln city council who tracked me down over a year later!) I asked if they could track me down AFTER the court case, what stopped them doing it before? No answer, repeated themselves saying they were only obliged to send to old address (not much use to me). I'm a student, unemployed and living off of approx £50 a week (less than JSA). I was wondering if a English court order could be actioned in Scotland? What upse The total amount is a little over £160. I've asked Rossendales to allow me to set up a plan of £3 a week, they declined so I told them I wouldn't deal with them and I'd pay to the council the £3 a week via their online payment, spoke to council who wouldn't do anything because "the debt is with Rossendales now" BS. A little of something is better than a lot of nothing, right? I also live in a shared house with some family, there is a car parked on the grass of our small front garden, it's broken down. This car is owned by a family member and doesn't belong to me! It has outstanding finance on it, regards to proving beyond all reasonable doubt, does the bailiff have to call DVLA to find ownership? Oh, they've sent me a letter today saying it has been assigned to an "enforcement officer". What upsets me more is that they try to make this cowboy bailiff sound high and mighty. If we want to do that; I am known as an education enforcement officer. Anyway, any advice you have would be great. Thanks.
  25. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?378538-Rossendales-and-council-tax-not-owed
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