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  1. Hello All Tried to make a payment directly to the courts today to find they have handed it over to marstons for £48.60 rang marstons just now to be told they have added a further £85 on top of this, IS there any way around this or do i have to pay this up ? P/s worst people i have ever had the displeasure of dealing with there are people in a funeral home with more emotion Dale.
  2. i had a motring offence last year in crawley after appearing in crawley magistrates court i contacted the fines office there and asked for the fines to be amalgamated with other fines i have with somerset court i also notified by phone somerset court and informed them. none of the above seems to have happened as i got home today i have received a letter hand delivered from marston group they inform its there second letter this is now a REMOVAL NOTICE with his name and mobile number at the bottom. i phoned him to ask if i could request it be amalgamted obviousley he said no its too late and hes coming back to remove goods. unfortunatley my partner also had a letter from him but she has applied to the court for a stat declaration so shes all good they said they would call bailiff off for her. But whilst talking to the bailiff to try and sort them both out (b4 we realised about stat dec) he backtracked and said the only way to stop this is to pay one off today. i said id call him back but since then have sorted stat dec for partner but in limbo myself.. ideally would like the fines i had in sussex transfered to somerset so i have one payment instead of two. hope all makes sense thanks also im not on the electrol roll at the address he visited so theoretically i dont live there??
  3. next door just came round. marstons had visited while she was out. her son had used the car last year and had a parking ticket and failed to tell he. she thinks he hid all the letters. total bill is £495. it is a council parking ticket we called marstons and an aggressive bailiff said its not his problem and he just wants the total amount paid. asked if she could go into a payment plan he said no. because he will just take the car. asked for a break down of his costs. he said the warrant is £161. and three visits totalling £166. asked how it adds upto £495. he said the rest is going to be for the tow truck when he comes to remove the car. she told him she sold the car last week at which point he threatened her with contempt of court. i said how can it be contempt if the levy notice is today and she sold it last week. at which point he become more aggressive. saying i,ll sort this out today. tell her i am coming round i,ve advised her to not open the doors. call me i will video him. and go and get this set aside on the grounds she never received the original PCN any other advice
  4. Hi, I know there are loads of the same threads but I could do with some advice quickly (pretty please, as they want the money by 5pm) Had marstons at my door this morning, blocking my car in, demanding I pay £300, or they will take the car (not even mine, but is still registered as my address as its the ex's) for one parking ticket, now I can get the money they want, but after some reading up, it seems a bit excessive, originally liability was £90. By best friend went through all this a few years ago so I do know more than most, I didn't let them in, I said I wanted a full breakdown of charges, and he said he could tell me them, they only bit which i was unsure of was £126 for van fees, like I said I have done some reading and am struggling to find out how much they can charge for a van? If anyone can help that would be great and as tempted as I am to try and get the debt back to the council I dont want to live in fear for the next few weeks until that happens.
  5. Hi everyone i had a parking fine from manchester city council(my car was a touch over the white line when i parked). I am a blue badge holder in recepit of dla and esa which totals £120 pw. I contacted manchester city council who were unhelpful from the start and told me it was not there problem and to contact northampton cc. Northampton cc told me the same and passed me back to Manchester cc. Now i have 5 days left to find £93...marstons told me in no uncertain terms they will take my car,i live with my mother and have no valuable goods of my own(all have been long sold since my illness). I asked could any amount be taken out of my benefit weekly and i was told "yes,the full amount of £93 and given to our balliff). Is there any other alternative to the one solution i have left which is to borrow off a door step lender which obviously i do not want to do as we all know how that could end up. Thank you for taking the time to read my message.
  6. Hi, i'm new to this site but ive followed on twitter for a while, sorry if this is a bit long but i want to get all the details out. I had a visit from 2 Marstons enforcement oficers yesterday (18/2/13). I was at work when they turned up & the vehicle passenger knocked on my front door, after a minute the passenger knocked again, during this period they noticed i had a camera mounted on the front of my house & took a lot of interest as to what area it covered, they obviously did'nt realise that i have another hidden one covering the front door. A neighbour across the road was watching them & witnessed what the driver did, he looked around to see if he was being watched, (not very good observation skills) then he tried opening my front door by pushing down on the handle. Luckily for him it was locked as i was at work, but i have a dog & he does'nt take kindly to strangers on my property, they would have clearly heard him barking. They then posted a letter through my door & drove around the back of my house, the passenger came in through closed back gates & looked through my kitchen window & i cant see if he tried my back door but he did notice the cameras i have covering the back of the house, on his way out. My neighbour rang me & later that day i came home & found one of their letters through my door, it was for my ex-girlfriend who no longer lives with me but the dog had ripped the envelope so i got their details from the letter. I rang the EO's mobile phone & left a voicemail for them to come back & see me as i had something to discuss with them. Needless to say they did'nt. I also rang Marstons but the woman was oh so unhelpful, siting Data Protection. I rang the EO again this morning & managed to speak to him, he was the one i have on CCTV attempting to gain entry to my property, i asked him to come back today to try my front door handle again as i was in this time but he waffled on that they did'nt need to come back as they had established that the person named on the letter did'nt live here, when i questioned him as to why he tried opening my door, he said he was allowed to force entry to the property as he was executing a Court Warrant !!!!! If that's the case, why did'nt they force entry when i was'nt there & have the run of my house. I have got the contact details of the HMCTS enforcement officer for my area (thanks to other peoples threads for that info) I rang Marstons today for this EO's SIA badge number as i have his surname but need his badge number to complain to the SIA, they hung up on me HAHA. I have just now got off the phone to the EO that attempted to break into my home, i was very civil & told him i was recording the call & had a witness listening, i asked him for his SIA badge number, which under SIA guidelines, he can't refuse to give me, i know this as ive been a doorman for 7 years, he told me 2 things, 1 - he does'nt give me permission to use the recording & 2 - he does'nt have a SIA licence, even though i pointed out i could see it on the CCTV hanging around his neck by a thin blue lanyard. Where do i go from here, thaks in advance
  7. I have today had a visit from Marstons regarding a debt in the name of a previous occupant of my address. I work from home and was on the telephone so I didn't answer the door. My son called the Bailiff when he got in from work and was told that the Bailiff wants to make an appointment to come into the property to 'ensure' that this person no longer lives here. The letter from them has the reference HMCTS so I assume that it is a Magistrate's order. The Bailiff said no more than that it was for a TV licence fine. He also stated that he will attend with the police if necessary. Do they have this right? And also how can I prove a negative? I can prove that I live here and provide a utility bill but other than that am I supposed to let them rifle through my drawers and personal papers? Thanks D
  8. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so sick at the moment and really do feel like everything is getting on top of me and can no longer cope So, the past 18 months have been pure hell. I lost my job twice, have spent the past year earning next to nothing and my wife only works part time. We have a CT debt which I'm dealing with on another post, countless Payday loans which we are working through, and now this has just come through my door. I've been totally irresponsible and stuck my head in the sand and everything is just spiralling out of control but just when I think we're starting to get on top of things something else jumps up and knocks me down again. I came home from work yesterday to find that Marstons had visited us in relation to unpaid Water Bills. They have posted a letter through with the following: Debt £787.42 Costs £ 147 Execution Costs £111.75 Officers Fees £362.38 Total Levy £1358.55 It then follows with the wording regarding non payment in full, siezing of goods etc I've been reading about Stays etc but just don't know where to start let alone get this sorted before they come back again. I just feel like a complete let down to my family at the moment
  9. well yesterday at 8.30 am had a thug at my door for unpaid tv licence demanding £575 in ten minutes i dont have this money i have nothing .he was booting my door shouting abuse etc .i rang marstons got swore at have recorded this asked well begged for a payment plan said i can pay £25 a week but was told no .rang the court think it was wirral court they said they cant do anything unless marstons return the debt .cab just advised to lock doors and windows .this is the first time ive heard of them no previous letters etc just this thug at my door stopping my 5 year old going to school i was about to leave when he popped up at the window . feel like im getting no where fast no one can help rang about 50 different people yesterday and all told me to ring different numbers none could help .what can i do as it stands hes told me not to ring him unless i have full payment and he will be back with locksmiths and the boys his words not mine please some one help im so worried xx
  10. Hi, Need some advice on a matter involving marstons bailiffs please. I received a letter around 6 weeks ago out of the blue from marstons bailiffs demanding that i owe £425.00, i had no idea what this amount was for and it states on the letter its a warrant on behalf on hmcs. I went down to my local court who looked it up for me and told me it was for an unpaid bus ticket fine from 3 years ago, i didn't have sufficient amount on my oyster card on a bendy bus and got caught by the ticket inspectors who then issued a fine. I never received this fine as i moved home but they found out my new adress and by this time it had been passed down the courts who i set up a payment plan with, i payed £20.00 on the spot that day, i then had to fill out an expenditure form which they sent me a letter back stating they'd take £5.00 per week from job seekers allowance i was on, they started taking the money so i thought it was the end of it. However 6 weeks ago i received this from marstons, according to the courts they managed to take 4 payments from my job seekers allowance but suddenly they stopped taking the re payments as i was not on benefits anymore, this is not true, i have been on benefits from since the time they was taking the repayments up until present, so i don't understand why they did not take the payments when they could of. Also, I received no letters from the courts to say the repayments have been stopped please find another way to pay etc, nothing, that's why i was very surprised to receive the letter from marstons and hear this from the court. The court advised me to contact the London compliance and collection center and complain that it is not my fault and could they take it back to court so i could start the repayments up again, i rang them they said to send in a letter so they have it in writing, i sent a letter recorded delivery and also one to marstons to explain the situation, i never heard anything back so 2 weeks ago i sent another later just re stating the facts and asking what their response is. Still have not heard anything back and a few days ago a marston baillif turned up at my door, put a removal notice through the letter box and thats that. I haven't been listened to by anybody, i rang marstons who wont accept a payment plan they want the total amount of now £565.00 (they added on more because they made a home visit). I speak to the London compliance and collection center who keep telling me to send letters, which i have, i do not have £565.00 to pay marstons and the court keeps referring me to the London compliance and collection center, i feel like im going round in circles. I want this matter solved, but im not happy that it has been referred to marstons after i didnt even know they had stopped taking re payments from myself, i havent heard nothing for 3 years, and im not happy about all these charges they keep adding on to which was origionally a £150.00 fine. Any advise what my next steps should be? I want to get these charges off by marstons and just pay back the original amount weekly how i was doing so before, but i don't know how to do this. I was speaking to someone who has been through similar but for different reasons, and they did an n245 form to suspend the bailiffs warrant but don't know if i can do this in my case? Any help greatly appreciated
  11. Hello Everyone I am in so much distress that I am shaking whilst writing this. A bailiff from Marston caught me outside my car today as I was about to head off to town, he said I needed to pay him £500 right on the spot, otherwise if he comes back some other time, the charge will go up to £600 ! In shock I handed him my card, and he took the details, but I explained to him that I have no money on the card at the moment, he said it was OK, he will try to get payment from the card this coming Friday (12 Jan 13). He said if payment was not made, he will tow my car away ! Background: In June 2012 I went down to London from West Yorkshire (where I live) to attend a party, as I approached the parking ticket machine, the traffic man (guy who checks cars to make sure all have tickets .. etc) pointed at a sign and said don't worry about it, you don't need a ticket. I can not recall the exact wording on the sign, but I know it had the two words "ticket" and "suspended". So I listened to the traffic man, and went into the party. After the park there was no ticket on my car, but at least two cars of people that attended did have tickets on them ! In November 12 I take my car to the mechanic, he opens up the bonnet and see a parking fine, he showed it to me, but I ignored it That is it as far as the background is concerned, I have had no letters, nothing from anyone regarding this matter. Yet today, I get the intimidating bailiff at my door. In an ideal world , I think it would be fair that I do not pay anything, since I was told by the traffic man not to get a ticket, but I realise that they won't buy that story, since I have no video footage of the conversation, nor do I have the name / ID of the traffic man. So I am willing to pay the original £80, but I do not want to pay £500, and honestly don't have such money at this point of time, I am really struggling with house bills Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
  12. hi am new to this site and not sure where to post my concerns, i am hoping somebody can help. I basically had a fine for using a car with no insurance to the value of £500 i paid the fine by instalments and then for one reason and another i didnt pay the remaining 150 as i was having financial difficulties. i was visited by a warrant officer who agreed to let me pay £10 per week and would send me a card in the post this never arrived and i kept meaning to chase it up but never got around to it, with that i had a baliff knock on my door, he said he wanted to come in and discuss my fine which was now £450?? i was actually 8 and a half months pregnant and in the process of moving house, i told him this and his repose was ok, i will leave it with you and contact you in the future?? I went on to have the baby 10 weeks on, I also moved address. I received a letter in the post some 2-3 weeks ago stating that Marstons would be visiting my property in 7 days to collect payment, as the man i had dealt with had been understanding to my situatiuon previously i rung the number on the letter to keep getting an answerphone. I decided to wait for his visit, i was then pottering around the house today and noticed a letter on the mat, NOONE had knocked on the doore i have 5 children ranging from 13 to 10 weeks one of them would have opened it, It was a final warning stating I had 24 hours to pay the fine? I rung the warrant officer who basically would not let me speak or arrange any kind of payment term telling me I had til 7pm to pay or he is coming woth a removal team? Shocked and not knowing what to do I made some enquiries to the courts who basically said he can not enter my property and to keep doors and windows locked. Then at 5pm he returned and put a card through my door stating I was intentionally avoiding him and he was returning woth a locksmith to obtain entry to my property. I rang him as he was outside my house and he said the removal team are in the way!? I stated I do not have 450 pounds 2 days after xmas, who does? and that I could pay 100 today and make an arrangement for the rest? HE POINT BLANK SAID NO and i have till 11am tomorrow he had contaced the removal team and managed to stop them until then. Please may i note he has never set foot all entered into my new property neither have i even opened the door to him, infact the first i had spoke to him is today. I am confused that obviusly as i was in a vunerable position before being heavily pregnant he backed off but nowhe willnot even discuss the matter with me? Where do i stand can he return with a locksmith do I have to let him in. I am annoyed that there are 300 pounds costs and have thought about paying the court costs direct to the court as it was 150 which i could scrape together. Please help ?!!!!
  13. Hi, My partner put this on the banana forum as well but assuming not everyone goes on there I wanted to post it on here as well. This morning at around 6.30am 2 Bailiffs from Marstons knocked on my door. One of them had knocked the other night as well and told where to go - I had already rang them on their first letter telling them I was going to court to sign a stat dec as I didnt know about the summons. They're collecting on a distress warrant for Non payment for TV licence at my old address. At 6.30am this morning 2 Bailiffs from Marston Group Limited called at my address and starting banging the door. There were intermittent flaps of the letterbox proceeding with more banging. They were claiming for a distress warrant for using a TV set without a Licence. The Claimed offence occurred on the 18th December 2011 at my previous address. At 6.45am I went to my front door and informed the bailiff that I had removed their implied right of access to my property and that they must leave. They didn't and carried on banging on the door. At approximately half past 8 in the morning the police arrived after being called by the bailiffs. I reminded the officers of their duty to keep the peace and that is all that is required of them and invited them into my home leaving the bailiffs outside. The police officers explained to me what they're understanding was in regards to a Distress warrant and that they had a similar situation last week and that the bailiff did have the right to forced entry. I explained that this was incorrect and that I had removed their right of implied access to my property and I do not have to let them in as they can only go through an open door or window etc but not by force. I explained that they would need a signed warrant of execution to enter the premises and that a distress warrant not even signed by a Judge is not valid. I showed proof on my calendar that I was due to go to Hastings Magistrates court on the 28th December to sign a Statutory Declaration along with proof that I did not live at the address the summons was sent to on the 25th May 2012. Remaining impartial the police officer recommend that I go and explain this again to the bailiff and that they would not let her enter my property. I obliged asking one of the police officers to stand in front of the bailiff so she can't force her way in. The other police officer stood behind me in the house. The bailiff accused me of lying and that she was coming in. I repeated that I had removed her implied right of access to my property and that she was currently trespassing and that I had an appointment booked for the 28th December for the Statutory Declaration. She said she doesn't care and she is coming in. At this point she lunged towards me and attempted to push her way in leg first to which I responded and stood my ground by removing her leg.from my Porch. She then attempted to push her body weight into me but I'm a bit bigger than she was and was unsuccessful. The Police officer behind me held onto my arm attempting to remove it from holding onto my door frame hence allowing the bailiff to enter to which I asked him politely to remove his hand from my arm of which he obliged. The Police behind me kept on telling me that the bailiff have the right to enter and I am breaching the peace. The Policeman in front of me told me that if I didn't let them in I would be arrested. I put my hands behind my back and said Ok. They cuffed me and walked me to my bedroom and allowed the bailiffs to enter the property. My Partner followed the bailiff around whilst they took down a few serial numbers of her property in the bungalow. The bailiffs were informed that all the Furnishings fixtures of the property are hers. Whilst in the bedroom with the police officer I asked him if I was actually under arrest as I hadn't been read my rights and he said no. I asked him to them take the cuffs off me. At this point it transpired that they didn't actually have a key with them for the cuffs as they were the older style cuffs that everyone still wants and from hearing his colleague on his radio they were talking to someone on the in the next town over was bringing the keys over. I had to sit and wait cuffed for no reason while the bailiff was free to wander around my home. At 9.15 approximately the bailiff received word from the court that they had a record of my phone call for the appointment on the 28th December and told me they would give me 7 more days. I informed them that 7 days from now is 1 day before I'm due in court to which they replied and... The Bailiff then left followed by the police officers shortly afterwards.
  14. Hi, this is my first post here so please bear with me - looking for some advice! I moved into my rented property in August, my boyfriend stays periodically, got busted by the police for driving with no MOT, he's a bit bury your head in the sand kind of thing, letters came through the door from the Court, final steps notice etc, still didn't deal with it though. A month ago, Marstons came knocking, well, I say knocking - they just left the letter through the door, a removal notice - I phoned the fella straight away to say that he didn't live at my address, but I wanted to try and help sort things out, he was discussing all about the case with me and what could be done, said he would give it til 21st to sort something out because the Court shuts over Christmas but might possibly be able to give longer. I sent them a letter the same day the bailiff called proving that the house is in my name, providing tenancy agreement and council tax bills, got an email back off them saying they've passed correspondence to the bailiff but I am fully expecting that he is just going to turn up tomorrow anyway - how can I stop them from attending? The fine is clearly nothing to do with me so surely they have no right to come? an someone please help, I have had to send my daughter to my mums because I am frightened that they will come in and try to take all of my and my daughter's things!
  15. Dont know if this is the right place but im in desperate need of some advice on the next step dealing with Martsons bailiffs after being extorted by £860 yesterday a removal notice was put through the door last week addressed to my partner xxxxx, bearing in mind we moved into his propety only 1 month ago. I called the number and told them she wasnt here and to go and check their information. That was was it then very early yesterday morning>>>>>>>> Bailiffs called our house phone & asked for xxxxx xxxxxx@ 07:30 am 18/12/12 xxxxx answered, said they were bailiffs and that they hadclamped the car an were about to tow it away. 7:32 I called them back, the bailiff Mr Gxxxxxx said he hada warrant to seize my vehicle and that it had been clamped on our privatedriveway. I then got dressed, exited & locked the house andapproached the van where the 2 bailiffs were in at the end of our driveway. The older 1 then stayed he was going to take my car &then come into the house via a locksmith to take my goods. I asked him why& on what grounds & he wouldn’t tell me and said the papers wre in thevan, his colleague meanwhile was frantically writing paperwork in the van onthe dashboard doctoring the warrant & fee documents. He then got very close in an intimidating manner and statedthat I was “beginning to f**k him off” I then called 999 as I was in fear formy safety and that of my partner & 2 young children I still at this point did not know the reason and on whatauthority they were treating us like this. I was then advised by the police on my phone to go inside& await an officer. They also advised me that the bailiffs had also calledthe police. I waited in the kitchen and still had no idea as to why mycar had been clamped and why this was all going on. The police then arrived to me after first speaking with thebailiffs and informed me that I had been acting in a threatening manner &intimidating the bailiff. I then gave told them from my point of view what hadhappened and in no way were they helpful and quite on the contrary weren’t reallyinterested in my version of events just in reinforcing the position &authority of the bailiffs. The police woman then went away to speak to the bailiffs toestablish why they were here. She then re appeared a few minutes later with afew documents which I was not allowed to touch or read initially. I was then advised that my car had been levied on because ofa parking penalty (which ive never had any notification of) for a vehicle that i sold 6 months ago and that they also had a warrant to enter myhome to take goods due to an unpaid fine relating to a criminal offence for mypartner Ms X. This is the first either me or xxxxx had known about theparking penalty, and xxxxx has never commited any criminal offences nor has acriminal record. I advised the police woman of this and was told by her thatthey had the court authority to carry out the actions the bailiff had stated.The Amount she told me I had to pay (as I wasn’t allowed a copy or to even readmyself at this point) was £429.82 or that the bailiff would seize my vehiclewhich would incur more costs. She then presented a court document and a Martsoncase details document with the detailing an printed outstanding balance £125.44although this had been crossed out by the bailiffs in biro pen to show £429.82!. This is the first time I have been contacted or dealt with by Marstons overthis incident and they have managed to clamp my car firstly then verbally &physically threaten me. The policewoman then hesitantly allowed me to read the documentsrelating to myself, I objected to her about the fact they had plainly justdoctored the document and she wasn’t interested & again re-iterated thefact that it was a court issued document and that it must be paid or they wouldbe taking my car. I then entered my house through the kitchen door from outsidethe rear of our property & informed her that I wanted to copy the documenton my scanner, the policewoman then put her foot in my back door and forcedherself in to take the document back. She stated that I may attempt to defaceor destroy the document, I again stated i just wanted to make a copy for myreference. - She then also mentioned they had a court warrant to enter ourhome to take goods for the debt relating to xxxxx xxxxxx and that too was £430exactly, although I wasn’t shown or allowed to see any documents relating tothis nor were me or xxxxx allowed to copy them. They were simply waived infront of me by the police woman as she again told me the bailiffs were acting onauthority of the court. After awhile it was established through the police andbailiffs phone calls to their office that it was not relating to a criminaloffence and that it was something to do with council tax although no further informationwas given as to the source of this debt nor do we still know any more about it. The bailiff then stated being re-enforced by the police thatif I did not pay the £430 for xxxxx theywould get a locksmith to gain entry to my property (as i would not invite themin, and the house was secure) to take mygoods using some domestic violence legislation. The bailiff then thrusted intomy face & then pulled back some sort of Marstons branded card stating thisand The police then reiterated they were acting lawfully & that they could& would do this if I didn’t pay the amount being extorted. I had no option than to pay both the amounts in full on thespot using family Christmas money and was given 2 cash receipts. The car clamp was then removed and I noticed they scratchedboth the passenger side sill + wing & also scratched & chipped thepassenger side alloy wheel. This seems like extortion by the appointed bailiffs with thefull backing of the Lancashire Police Constabulary. This has left myself &my partner plus our 2 young children traumatised & feeling completelyunsafe within the confines of our own home. We still do not know where the Debt for xxxxx hasoriginated. And the Marstons & court documents relating to the parkingpenalty notice for myself are all that I know about that matter. We moved house to our current property on 16/11/12 thebailiffs mentioned they had been trying to contact us over these matters at ourprevious address, although we received no correspondence or visits relating tothese. surely this isnt legal???
  16. Hi to my old friends back here again to try and help some more. The story goes: a young man who works for me told me this morning that he had been visited by Marsdens with a warrant following him being late with a payment for a court fine balance £311 now gone upto £611 Young mans parents stressed and no money in the family to pay for anything YM asks sister to take on a wonga loan to help out , sister does but will cost £80 per month for £300 loan I told sister I would help and asked her to repay loan and I would loan to YM interest free I ring the bailiff posing as concerned dad asking for time to pay -No help there from bailiff (what a surprise) fees are set by the courts says he Pay up or else!!! I ring the court asking about the fees - nothing to do with us say court speak to the bailiffs I dont accept this and am given a 0845 number to ring costing £ loads per minute and told to speak to the court collection/payments section is there an alternative number I can call from my mobile-no is the reply I look up an alternative number and call free from my mobile!!! After 10 minutes hanging on to my free telephone number that woukd have cost £5 I speak to a lady who goes on to read YMs account and tells us he is upto date although he missed 1 payment this was made up the following month with a double payment! !! She goes on to say the warrant should not have been issued! ! RESULT!!!! Warrant cancelled! ! £400 saved by a family with little or no resources 10 days before Xmas stress gone fine paid in full as loan from me to YM I ring the bailiff to tell him. " not my fault only doing my job " says he After a few minutes of me winding him up I hang up on him High 5 with YM an afternoon of whistling and jovialty ensues Moral of the story 1/never believe anything a bailiff says or does 2/ challenge everything 3/ always ask for help on this site 4/ dont lose heart and never give in to them Onlymeagain
  17. Hello I've come home today and received a letter from Marstons demanding £175, £90 for the fine and £85 in fees. I was late paying the original fine and it went to £90 so i sent a letter asking if i could pay in 3 monthly instalments to which i have received no reply. They are now demanding the full amount within seven days the bailiffs will turn up to remove goods. Is there anything i can do as they say they are in possession of a magistrates court order? Thanks so much for any help
  18. Please please help, I woke up this morning to find a notice of seizure from Marstons group posted through my door and my car has been clamped!!! This is with reference to PCN's which were issued on the same day, one at 11:28 18/10/2009 and the other at 12:50 18/10/2009 by city of london, both of which now relating to a car I no longer own. I contacted Northampton county Court/TEC earlier today to find out the details of the warrants. Apparently City Of London registered for enforcement on 09/03/2010 and issued the warrant on 29/08/12. According to the TEC the warrant is perfectly legal even though over 2 years has passed since the warrant was registered and enforced. The TEC advised that I could fill in a TE7 & TE9 out of time declaration. Before filling this form in I would like some advice as to how this form works and what declarations I need to tick as on further inspection I believe that there was no grounds to issue the tickets in the first place. Please let me elaborate, On visiting (pcn.cityoflondon.gov.uk/legacy-3sc-user/ticketdetails.asp) which gives more details of the original PCN. I have discovered that the first ticket issued at 11:28 on 18/10/2009 was issued on a completely different vehicle.. There are 4 pictures in the evidence section. 2 are of a red fiat punto (I have never driven nor owned a red fiat punt). 1 is just of a brick wall with a "smith fields, goods vehicles loading only" sign on it and the final picture is of the rear of MY car (a silver car). The 2nd ticket which was issued at 12:50 has 3 pictures of evidence attached. 1st of the rear of my car (in exactly the same spot it was pictured in the 4th picture against ticket issued at 11:28, I had not moved my car) showing no illegel parking, no yellow lines, no goods vehicle only signs. The 2nd pic a close up of a ticket on a silver car and the 3rd picture a close up of a goods vehicle only sign on a brick wall.... this could be any brick wall anywhere.. I would like the opportunity to appeal as I believe I was not originally in the wrong for parking where I did and I believe that there is a massive level of incompetence on the wardens/councils behalf as they not only issued me two tickets within an hour and a half of each other but there own photographic evidence for the first ticket is predominantly for that of another vehicle. How can I stop Martsons from removing my car??
  19. Hi All i need some help, the bailiffs visited my house with a distress warrant for my ex boyfriend. He no longer lives at my property which i informed them, and they told me unless he pays in full they will enter my property with a locksmith and I would have to go to the auctioneers with proof at a later date that the goods are mine. They said they have my address as his address so will be breaking in as this is a distress warrant and apparently with this type they have the right to. I have emailed Marstons with a copy of my water bill to show only my name is on it and to tell them he does not live with me. Is there anything more i can do to keep them away as I have a feeling they will be back this week thanks in advance for any help Lindsey
  20. Had a knock on the door from a Marstons bailiff yesterday, totally out of the blue in relation to a parking ticket fine from about 15 months ago. I asked to see the warrant which he refused to show me. I asked for his details and that of the fine so I could take them to the CAB for help and advice to which he stated they would not be able to help me in this situation. He was very rude on the doorstep and told me that I needed to pay £396 or he would come in a seize goods. I told him I was not going to let him in but that if he left me with the information I had asked for I would take it to the CAB for advice. At this he points to my car which is parked across the road and states that he will seize that instead. I told him I needed the car in order to get to work as public transport to work is not an option due to the location of my employment. He asked me if there was anyone who would pay the amount for me, there genuinely isnt. Im a single parent of two kids the youngest of which is just about recovering from a serious mental health problem, this visit has really unsettled him. after calling him a few choice words (think the stress of the past few months got the better of me) I jumped in my car and drove it away. When I came home about an hour later he had left a letter with the title "Notice of seizure of goods and inventory" with my car listed on it! The list of charges are as follows. Penalty charge/court costs £140.44 Bailiffs attendance costs £46.44 Attendance to remove £210 Total £396.88!! I feel sick with worry, im already struggling financially as it is, being off work the past two months to care for my son hasnt helped either. I also need the car to get my son to and from appointments with the child and adolescent mental health team. My car is currently parked up at a friends house. Can I sign the car over to a family member for now to stop them taking it? I've not signed anything.
  21. To be very quick. I had 2 court fines. I came home from work one day and found a letter for both, one £330 the other £530. I rang the bailiff and paid the £330 and told him I can pay the £530 on the 16th. Last week my car broke down and I had to buy a new one. This obviously ate up my money. Today I received a text from the bailiff confirming that the payment is due today. I said that I don’t have the money to pay it, can you email me the court letter and I have spoken to citizens advice and shall pay it online His reply “Not a problem, I’ll let the removal team know they need to attend to remove goods from the house. Broken payment arrangement. This warrant has a power of entry from the court and I will be enforcing it” Seriously what can I do? Any help greatly appreciated
  22. Just need some advice please...My partner suffered a brain heamorrhage and stroke in Feb this year and is classed as disabled because he now has a form of autism, also he is waiting for an op to replace some skull that was removed in Feb and I am his full time carer. in April a Marstons Bailff came round due to non payment of court TV fine..i amanged to deal with it and get the fine returned to court where i as paying £10 a week..now after all that I went and stupidly lost my court payment card..I phoned the court but time had passed and i was late with payment and i was told it had gone back to Marstons, I was in tears and felt so silly not to have racted sooner but my days are extremely busy with caring for my partner and its only I 24/7 and i was shocked that i had missed the payment. Now the court said nothing they can do I have to deal with Marstons. Marstons have not contacted me yet ( dreading it) so please can anyone tell me what i can do , will Marstons accept payments..grrr I am so frustrated and worried. Thank you so much if you can advise me.
  23. Hi all. This is going to be a lengthy one but please read on. In January this year i had an issue with a temporary car insurance plan i had for transporting a car which left me uninsured without my knowledge. Long story short i ended up with a £200 fine, 6 points and no car. I could not afford to pay as i was out of work so this was increased to £300. I had then gained employment and passed the court my details for an attachment of earnings which was ok with me. I have never had anything like this before so didnt know how it worked. I moved home about 6 weeks later and presumed the money was being taken in bits from my wages as planned as i had received a letter saying that the payments would be taken from my salary. Last week i had received a letter from Marstons saying i had not paid and owed £600 and if i did not make full payment in the next week they would be round to take goods. I called today and spoke to a lady ( i say lady very loosely ) she said i needed to pay £180 today to extend it by 4 weeks to pay the rest and she would not do any more. I asked to speak to a manager and she refused. They would not make any arrangements for me to pay instalments and said that the debt is in its final stage as they have been writing to my old address and i have not responded. After reading about people having there cars seized i am really concerned and don't want this to spiral out of control with fees. What can i do?
  24. Hi Backstory; Jan 2010- December 2011 Council tax bill My ex partner and I did not keep up with payments, towards august 2011 the council tax apparently took us to court. We tried repaying but failed several times. We split up, the council tax is in my name and i have the full debt to pay. I keep failing repayments. In the past 10 months i've repaid £600 but the amount i owe just keeps getting higher as they are adding £114 attendance fees and other fees constantly. They sent another letter recently after i failed to repay again and stated i need to contact them as this is the final warning and they will remove goods. I live with my mother. I called the Marston office and was told that they require full payment and will not accept the £200 i offered them to get back on a payment plan. They said that the agent who was dealing with my account has now left the company and no agent is attached to the account so unless i pay in full now i will simply have to wait for an agent to pickup the account. I asked if they could give me a call and they said the agent cant call you and i will need to wait for them to attend the house again. I know this will only incur more fees. I can't cope with the fees they keep adding and all i want now is a payment plan which i can stick to but they refuse. I asked Marstons to place a note on my account to ask the agent to call me first to arrange, but ive had no call as of yet. What should i do? They just keep adding fees constantly. I've failed the payment plan so many times now that im scared they will simply remove goods even when im offering them some money.
  25. Hi, newbie here. In February I had a letter from Marstons about my SE Water debt, around £1800, come to take your stuff and all that, rung the bailiff and eventually came to an agreement to pay back £200 a month which I am now down to less than £100. Got my bill from SE Water in April for about £36. Rung water people and asked how to pay it and they said it will be passed on to Marstons and I will pay through them. Ok I thought. Got another bill through this week and now asking for £900. Rung them up to find out why it was so high and I find out that out of the £200 I have been paying to Marstons they are keeping £50 for themselves and the Water people are only getting £150 so all the money I have been paying to clear this debt is only getting part cleared and now I am having to pay twice. Oh yea and they won't talk to me about it properly until I am payed up with Marstons. Is there anyone that can help me because I feel I am getting screwed by the big boys. Thanks in advance.
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