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Everything posted by renegadeimp

  1. Did natwest actually get a CCJ themselves, or was it another company shoesmiths were working for?
  2. Shows how bad they were not the government is clamping down on them
  3. Have a quick google of them as well. Lets just say their other business dealings make you stay clear of them
  4. Well as i say, be very aware that it will be expensive for you, win or lose, and thats IF you can find a maltese based lawyer willing to take on your case. Very VERY few do.
  5. Good luck. Its almost impossible due to jurisdiction issues as well as various laws. We also cant advise on solicitors you can use. If y ou do choose to find a malta based lawyer and sue over there, be advised that it can get very expensive, especially if you lose. What are their reasons for non payment?
  6. Dont contest it. Go back up the thread and fill in that link. I fyou appeal it, youll lose your pofa protection if not done right. They cant do a single thing anyway.
  7. It sounds like the doctor is genuinely concerned and wants to investigate. Have you written to the hospital trust
  8. So nearly 5 years and they haven't chased You? Have you paid anything yet
  9. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?419198-You-have-received-a-Claim-What-you-need-to-do-**UPDATED-2018**(1-Viewing)-nbsp Please read and complete
  10. Did you have any notice or letter from them saying they were going to take you to court? is this a business to business claim?
  11. Infact., looking at google street view it is CLEARLY not a 60mph road. Its a built up area with bus stops, houses on the side and residential areas. If people honestley think its a 60mph limit... perhaps the fines etc need to be raised. Theres even a sign just before the speed camera signs that show a warning that a school is ahead.
  12. It doesnt need to be. Theres clear signage and road markings that denote the speed limit. You simply were too distracted to notice them. It happens. You admitted guilt, so its time to chalk it to to a mistake, and move on. And you say so many people make the mistake.. simple. They dont concentrate. It has nothing to do with signage or road markings. They just tunnel vision and block out signage, when they need to realise, when theyre driving, you need to have full concentration around you and the vehicle.
  13. DOnt try using those excuses in court. Highway code says that street lamps at a certain distance apart in built up areas denotes a set speed limit. And how is it unfair? You admitted speeding because you were distracted. Take it on the chin this time and try not to do it again. And it may be the highest earning camera because people keep ignoring CLEARLY posted signs and limits. If people didnt speed and people looked at the signs and followed them... it wouldnt make a penny.
  14. You can ask. Do you know whose sending the mail? Because the best way to solve it is to inform them that youre no longer resident at that address.
  15. perhaps contact the UK post office and ask them to block any mail to that address from here. Especially if you know the sender.
  16. This is a UK based site, so can the post office over there give any ideas? Perhaps speak to the people who send the mail and inform them of your new address.
  17. with Credit cards its the last date of payment or express written acknowledgement that the debt is yours. Give the credit card supplier a ring, find out the last payment that YOU made and send the SB defence.
  18. All im doing is offering my opinion. In my view you have no way to mitigate this unless you lie, and thats never a good thing in court. If you missed road signs, then you admit you werent concentrating or being careful, and in the courts eyes, you could have blatantley ignored it as it was a clear straight road and youre looking to make an excuse.. The court would say what if a child or pedestrian stepped out, or a cyclist etc? They wouldnt stand a chance. Remember, they have heard every single excuse you can think of. And more. If you plead guilty, its much better to be very apologetic and dont make excuses. You know you were speeding, so the choice to make is now yours. As an aside, if there was a way to mitigate this, we would definitley advise you of it. However in this instance, i cant see any due to what youve already said here. Youre very likely to get 6 points guaranteed and a fine based on yoru income. Unless youre unlucky enough to get a zero tolerance judge . ( Be glad you dont live in north wales, the police here love to throw the book at drivers)
  19. was that an adjudicator or did you escalate to the ombudsman? As the charges arent appropriate or enforceable or even levied fairly. Thats why so many people are successful at reclaiming all of it.
  20. They dont have to be readable. Just the first one to identify the vehicle. For instance you could have been going so fast that the camera would only be able to take a pic once with your vehicle in, and the second flash would capture empty road. This would simply mean you were going too fast for the camera to capture the second one ( and yes, they would know what speeds the camera can detect). As i already said, you have already admitted here you were distracted and speeding. Its best to own up now while you can. Think about it. Youve admitted being distracted while driving. An offence that on its own carries penalties. In my view its best to own up asap so you avoid much harsher penalties. Especially as you were going more than the limit. You have no way around this, as youve already admitted speeding here and being distracted.
  21. Restriction K is just a general charge. Meaning they only have to be informed of the sale. Not paid. Thats what lowell usually go for
  22. i would say to own up to it and accept the points and fine. If you try using that excuse in court or a defence, its gonna fall flat, and youll fall harder.
  23. cause of action on a credit card is the date of last payment or written acknowledgement the debt is yours. If you are 100% sure of the date of last payment, send the SB defence and its up to them to prove otherwise. They are well known fleecers for lying and hoping to get a judgement . Regarding your other CCJ's with them, are you sure they werent just restriction K's with the charges?
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