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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. anybody know why they would 'voluntarily notified the FCA that it had engaged in unfair practices' and why the FCA didn't know? or were there loads of complaints that the FCA was not, or at least had not yet actioned? Update Jesus Wept : Interest charged at a higher rate than what was stated in customer contracts, which was equal to 30% of the outstanding balance per month,
  2. MrHat, Would you care to expand on that to clarify your reasoning. I wouldn't agree that the NHS is fundamentally flawed in fact, quite the opposite, but I do think that there are issues impacting the NHS, not least of which * General health of the populace * Targets set - some of which mean targets are chased at the cost of effective service (missing some very valid targets is defining that it is in crisis) * A number of things related to lifestyle like cosmetic surgery being performed on the NHS ... and a number of related such like issues but I see these as political and social issues which are being imposed on the NHS, not fundamental flaws in the NHS
  3. Is this not the best outcome for your partner? Given the situation (redundancies) there was no real possibility of working past retirement, and with retirement being so close, the redundancy payment should be considered a nice little bonus - they could have just waited the sort period until retirement age and let him retire. or am I missing something?
  4. Americans still need a just cause for their less than just cause Turkey's leadership needs to prevent the Kurds being the Scots of the region (becoming politically influential and demanding an Independent Kurdish state on Turkeys borders but not under Turkey's control (shades of Israel's situation) and all that on top of ISIS and terrorist mini-dictatorships trying to rule a piece of the chaos. I think it might seem that Gaddafi maybe wasn't so bad to many people. Certainly by far the lessor of two evils it seems to me.
  5. Yes, I listened to it this morning. Lots of horstrading going on with the Americans I think. One of Turkey's major requirements will be the buffer zone, which the Americans are already signed up to now, but still no clues on who will live/police there? I don't doubt Turkey would prefer it was barren and uninhabited with their planes policing that. I don't think the Americans have much choice now, but looks to me like another major hit-storm brewing to add to the others. Beggars belief that PKK would provoke Turkey in a situation like this.... http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/two-turkish-police-officers-killed-attack-close-syrian-border-151186913 and a slightly different version of the issues http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/07/turkish-soldiers-killed-car-bomb-attack-150726042632365.html (it really is pointless watching/listening to UK news services on these issues - I would suggest France24, euronews or even AlJazeera for info - then judge for yourself)
  6. all points good there Ford, including that £300,000 (100,000 votes) would define the next Labour leader, quite possibly half that could - how cheap is that?
  7. dave94, Are you working under prince2 ? Sounds like 2 major issues they might be alluding to there: Firstly and possibly most important Submission of code to QA without sufficient testing – and dismissal of QA concerns about errors during test Interaction with development team – communication of issues/problems" Are you aware of what they might be referring to? I would suggest you 'up your game' on your own testing, and you take any issues raised by the testing team seriously and give them proper and documented attention. If you are changing anything significant, then ensure you inform the team lead. In fact keep him/her fully apprised of state of play. Be aware who has responsibility to authorise changes - it probably isn't you. There is little worse than deadlines missed due to errors which should have been trapped and dealt with, unless its implementations with them. Secondly: Interaction in meetings – constructive criticism is welcome, but have concerns around negative attitude They do need to be made aware of possible issues, but the way they are presented is everything. Go with possible issues and potential solutions/traps to catch them so they are documented in minutes - and then know when to shut up DON'T keep your head down (below the parapet) do up your game with what they have identified.
  8. All I can say is WOW - thank you. Interesting that CAB only TV's are mentioned as exempt if they dont receive a broadcast as it is aired, they dont state any of the other devices are. So even CAB's summary leaves questions unanswered. The Gov one seems clearer to me in that regard always referring to a 'television receiver' whereas the CAB one says TV sets set-top boxes DVD recorders video recorders computers and laptops mobile phones or other battery-operated devices games consoles. First time I've really looked at it in detail, and its very understandable why people are confused.
  9. Walk? I do despite being fortunate and having a car. 4 birds with one stone: Exercise, fresh air, cost saving and get the shopping done all at the same time. (That is for small 'essentials' shops of course) I dont see anyone doing that 1. The cheap mince would still better and cheaper than the ready meals 2. No they aren't - the cost of one very budget pinger meal would buy 3 tins of baked beans and a loaf of wholemeal bread with change. and the beans on toast would be a better meal. (just a simple example) 3. Convenience over health and budget is exactly the issue.
  10. A good job Thatcher was Et Tu Brute'd when she was else we'd probably have had Tony Blair in for even longer eh?
  11. It seems to me that no bus services, and shops full of junk is more driven by the people choosing to not use buses and to buy crap rather than the reverse, and it is undoubtedly true that a 'downward' accelerating spiral is 'easier' than creating and maintaining an upward moving one where buses are used (hence funded) and healthy food is bought (hence sold). Making the right personal choices is seldom simple or easy, but that they should be made is essential.
  12. I read quite a few of the posts regarding these issues, and some seem to struggle to get practice advice. That staff and some members are very knowledgeable is clear, but sometimes the total (and understandable) lack of background knowledge on the issues seems to leave some requesters of help struggling to understand what may be for the best it seems to me. Perhaps a few stickies heading this forum from the knowledgeable would be of benefit? Basic rights of people and TVL What to expect on a visit or after receiving something more than their standard 'veiled threat/insite fear in the innocent' letters Options for pro-active action and any pitfalls eg removal of implied right of access or notifying TVL of charges for processing standard letters received or visits from 'enforcers'. I know I am far from clear on the issues despite reading a number of threads.
  13. I believe that monitoring should only be with a court 'order' where reasonable cause has been evidenced. Otherwise it is secret, unregulated, whim of some faceless, nameless whoever for whatever purpose they want.
  14. There are private hospitals to cater for that. Its my view that the NHS should not do that - else it is little more than a publicly subsidised service for the wealthy.
  15. Common mechanism appears to be that a company just effectively re-presents the DD effectively reinstating it. Been happening for years. One cheeky bar-steward at 3 told me they would after I told them I was cancelling the DD when they repeatedly failed to cancel my contract with them after the first year - which originally alerted me to it. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2006/may/16/consumernews.consumeraffairs Beware, some banks apparently claim they don't/can't do this and imply its all your fault for giving out your details. ALWAYS recharge through the DD mandate if it occurs and complain in writing.
  16. I also cold turkey'd the habit a long time ago with cost being a major driver and any health issues being decidedly an 'also ran'.
  17. In many regards government health warning simply can't do enough - take smoking. I believe parental example is lacking - or should that be that BAD parental example is rife?
  18. I'd be very interested to hear folks experiences of using Hypnosis to stop smoking
  19. Simply cancelling DD's do not prevent companies from taking money from your account. You can instruct the bank to block companies from your account which should prevent it, but as well as preventing any money being DD'd from you account by them for any reasons (so beware if you have a legitimate DD with them as well) also prevents them refunding into your account. I've done this with 3 and npower.
  20. Interesting that the care industry is now throwing 'care will become unaffordable and we won't be able to employ as many people if we pay the carers the living wage' into the hat.
  21. Thats why he wants the UK/EU referendum earlier rather than later to get it all behind them ready for a few sweeteners in the pre-election budget to convince the gullible that the Tories should be voted back in just in case Labour do manage to manage to sort themselves out enough to be electable. He'll have enough on his plate dealing with my brethren looking for another once in a lifetime (once very Parliament until resoundingly rejected by the Scottish people) Scot independence vote.
  22. Thats a good point. So many (myself included) write Corbyn off as they believe the far left CANNOT be elected probably mainly due to believing that benefits costs would spiral out of control and similar, also that there woiuld be so much opposition to those sort of policies (without clear understanding of how it was funded) that there would be a completely tied up and unworkable government (now theres a thought) Maybe, just maybe, Corbyn could re-vitalise the political scene and enough peoples interest and FAITH in it.
  23. YPG (US government backed Kurds fighting ISIL) report they have again been shelled by Turks in addition to Turkey bombing the PKK Kurds (who are considered a terrorist group by the US). Update The yanks 'officially' aka publicly request that the Turks do not target/attack the YPG Kurds. The Turks claim they haven't and are only 'targeting' terrorist organisations (eg ISIS and PPK Kurds) and are 'investigating' reports that they have shelled the YPG Kurds. Additionally, the Yanks are now publicly supporting the 'buffer zone' that the Turkish have been pressing for for years.
  24. I think Chernobyl should convince otherwise even if nothing else does. I see and can find absolutely NO facts whatsoever supporting the position presented in that video. There is lots of innuendo and obtuse illogic. That there are now better ways to build reactors than there were 20 years ago, and that politics and economics have always defined how, when and whether nuclear reactors are built is pretty much unquestionable, yet even that isn't presented in any way realistically. It's conspiracy nut stuff which actually clouds not clears the realities of the situation. That is my honest opinion which to me it is supported by all real-world facts, knowledge and events. Let me end with a question: Given 3 mile island and Chernobyl, would you want a garden shed nuclear reactor, hacked together from a nuclear artillery shell and the remains of a still at the bottom of your garden, or even in the same county as you and your family? ... Even if it could give out enough energy to do more than boil a kettle as a reactor, despite the shell being able to destroy a reasonably sized Town?
  25. They are airing what the watching public want. Sadly more a comment on the state of the nation than the TV stations that are catering for what that nations wants to watch.
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