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Everything posted by king12345

  1. "if you did take independent legal advice, you would lose the right to union representation. It's the union, or another lawyer. Not both." Where did you read this??? Anyone can take legal advice any time without losing the right to union representation. In fact, good union reps will take legal advice themselves for complex cases in order to explore all avenues. The op could ask any independent solicitor for advice to check if anything more can be done. It's the same as asking advice here, it's only advice, not legal representation. On a different note, if the unions only fought cases with legal background and disregard injustice, we would not have workers rights we have today, all gained fighting injustice as the laws needed to be changed. See health and safety, working hours and holidays for example. They didn't have any legal bases when they were discussed, but unions fought for it. Op, whether you have a winning case or not is to be assessed, but be wary of advice of not fighting your corner. The alternative is to lose your job, so even if you had no case whatsoever, it would be worth a punt to fight and the union should assist you in this, not telling you that you have no hope and abandon you.
  2. Op, get a good union rep, one ready for a fight if needs to be. Be aware that many union reps are in the employer's pocket for their own gain. Some others are planted by the employer to gain an advantage on every case, big and small. You recognise the wrong signs when they say there's no hope. There's always , always hope and room for negotiation, always. Did I say always?
  3. "You have the right to refuse to see OH (although I wouldn't recommend anyone do so), but you do not have any rights over the information they use our their opinions." This is wrong, it's your data, disclosable under the gdpr. "the Equality Act, and disability, does not guarantee any rights to reasonable adjustments, and everysituation is judged independently" This is half right, there's no guarantee, however employers, especially big firms have policies protecting disable employees. Most common policy is to allow medical appointments during working hours if no alternative is available. "it is going to be a difficult position to argue that after significant levels of sick leave " As far as we know the sickness was initially triggered by an incident at work, so that's not a difficult position to argue for a good union rep. Op, did you contact the union as advised in earlier posts?
  4. One question, did you think about reporting the individual/s who handled your parcel to the police? I know a friend who took someone's parcel and kept it as he didn't sign. He was convicted of theft and something called "interfering with postal services " (or something similar. Maybe a potential criminal charge might wake them up. Also, have you contacted the concierge company? I can see what they will try in court: "we are the wrong defendant, we don't run the concierge " And a judge might accept that.
  5. I wonder why they don't exclude items of more than £xxx so to avoid having to pay out thousands for a £2 delivery. Imagine a diamond, small and expensive, can be posted for a couple of quid. Why none of the couriers thought of a max value allowance is beyond me. Even considering the stupid extra cover.
  6. Call your local rep and tell them it's urgent. If they don't start dealing with it within a reasonable time, call union head office and tell them (Don't ask, tell them) that you need to speak to the functional/area rep. You pay the union to get a service when needed, not to pay their pints down Wetherspoons.
  7. I'll rephrase it. Of course you will be allowed to cancel the policy. Why would you keep paying for a car that is not in your possession anymore? Then, with insurance companies everything is possible
  8. All the policy amendments are usually subjected to an admin fee, but I can't see the insurance company refusing to terminate the policy of a stolen vehicle whether you claim or not. If you claim you will have to declare a claim when renewing. If you don't claim you have to declare a loss. One way or another, the quote's questions are designed to squeeze as much money as possible out of you. You'll never win against insurance, so get what you can.
  9. Well, they were faster than me and allegedly they will send me a cheque by the end of the week. Let's see...
  10. I'll try, but I know what is gonna happened. Being passed from post to post until they put the phone down, then start again. Done it before.
  11. No name, no reference number. They like hiding behind the corporate veil as per my other thread from 2017. Their director said to the Ombudsman that the lies I received from many staff was the fault of the company. Yes, you read it right: a limited company, not a human being made up lies.
  12. I sent them an email refusing the credit and I got their automated response confirming that they received it.
  13. Can't ring them because nobody signs anything so I don't know who's de a sling with this. The only number they have is customer services which goes to a call centre. They won't know what to say. I have sent them an email on friday asking for a cheque and refusing the credit. Should they not come back by Tuesday, should I start the claim or wait? I want to be as reasonable as possible in case it ends up in court.
  14. I want it refunded now. Am I right in carrying on with the claim if they don't respond by Tuesday which is day 14 from lba? Or should I give them an extra couple of days considering that they're usually slow at replying?
  15. It's a medical exemption, nothing to do with equality or discrimination. This sort of scenario usually ends up with the strong camel carrying all the weight, breaking it's back with one last straw. Is there a union? Best case scenario would be to have an extra pair of hands, but we all know that this is the era of cuts and skeleton staffing levels. Difficult situation...
  16. Ok, a bit of a development. They admitted they failed to provide documents within legal timeframe. They offered to credit the full amount to next year bill. Considering that they just tried to take more than double of what was due, I have reason to not trust their accounting system. I gave them until Tuesday (day 14 from lba) to send a cheque. Is it reasonable to carry on with starting a court claim if they don't respond? Or should I give them a couple extra days considering how incompetent they are?
  17. Most importantly, on your sale receipt, can you see the limited company named? If not, it could be better news because you can sue the individual. Ltd companies can be shut very easily so to avoid any payment of ccj.
  18. Bankfodder, what I meant is that Audi might find the oil consumption within their margins, so not considering that a defect at all.
  19. Wow, his prices are well over the top. He might be retiring soon to his private island if he carries on charging that sort of rate.
  20. Weird one. Usually they don't have a problem with you seeing the report first, this makes things transparent. Unless the nurse has been told what to write in the report regardless of what was said and done on the day and despite your own report. You can sar them to see the report. One thing I always point out is that OH doctors and nurses are still subjected to the gmc rules and are registered with them. Giving a report that is the opposite of a private consultant puts them in a dodgy situation as they're paid by the employer. For example, someone has a broken knee and an orthopaedic consultant reports that rest must be observed for 4 weeks after knee replacement op. OH doctor sees patient at week 2 and says that they're fit to resume. In such scenario as soon as you ask for their gmc number they will magically revise the report. You don't have to tell them why you want the number and they can't ask you, they must give it to you immediately upon request.
  21. Ok, thanks. To me it's clear cut, although I understand that there is always a chance of losing in court even with best cases. Not much more details really: I asked to see documents related to expenditures under the landlord and tenants act. The act gives them 21 days. They sent receipts and other documents justifying some charges. They also confirmed that the documentation was complete. I requested a refund of all undocumented charges and overcharged (receipt for £10 and they charged £15). They ignored my request.
  22. Well known problem and plenty of discussions about it on Audi forums. Unfortunately no solution either, just top up when required. I used to have an Alfa 156 and accordingly to factory spec it would eat half kilo of oil every 2000 miles. In any other car I owed I only ever topped up once a year in between services by 100/200ml at most. I don't think Audi would even recognise this as a defect.
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