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Everything posted by king12345

  1. First of all, section 75 means that you get all of your money back, not only what you paid by cc. Secondly, they try to confuse matters by claiming abusive behaviour, reports not received, etc. Keep it clean, smooth, to the point and factual. i.e. As already stated: 1. Your allegation of abusive behaviour will not be entertained. Should you have a complaint I suggest you report the matter to your local police station. 2. I have no part in your dealings with Wiltons of Shanklin ltd. They have been employed by you and I am not your agent, so you need to deal with them directly. I have only taken the car to them on your request. 3. £3794 does not suffice. I renew my request of refund of £xxxx 4. I don't work for the courts, so i cannot book a hearing after December 2019 for you. The judge will do it should he/she decide that you have enough good reasons to avoid attending court My deadline remains unchanged. They need to understand that you mean business. Did you say that they made the contract under a ltd company? This might be important for future potential enforcement. Also, i don't think anyone commented on my thought of naming the cc company as co-defendant should they decline the section 75. Is that possible/wise?
  2. That's why i said to avoid the Ombudsman. By accepting court mediation you will be fulfilling the requirements to use adr. Note that it is called alternative dispute resolution, not Ombudsman, and being court mediation an adp, you don't need the Ombudsman.
  3. You can rent it out short term and if in a good location even AirB&B. My experience is that it's best to rent short term to builders working in the area. They pay and move out without a fight.
  4. More stuff that you could post on social media if they don't play ball
  5. Whatever you do, don't go to any Ombudsman. They're all useless and give the dealer enough time to wind up the company and shift all assets if there are any. The dealer is trying to force you to go to their friend the Ombudsman because they know the likely outcome. Tell the garage that your deadline remains unchanged and you reject their adr suggestion, however you will be more than willing to use the Court Mediation service which is totally impartial. There you have your adr service adhered to. Anyhow, yours is a clear cut, so section 75 should be the way. However, if cc company does not accept section 75, you could possibly make them co-defendant, please expert caggers confirm. In any case, i would tell garage that deadline is unchanged and and at the same time pursue section 75. Give cc company a reasonable deadline as well (14 days) Day 15 submit court claim. Happy to be corrected.
  6. Couple of questions for you: Does your sale receipt says "limited" or "ltd" anywhere, referring to the limited company? How did you pay for this car? Word of advice, if you haven't done it already, keep things in writing or, if inevitable to speak to anyone, record the call.
  7. Check how much you'd get back in taxes. It won't be a small amount. Admin fee cannot be higher than £50 in my experience. By all means, start dealing with the airline directly, they will probably be more understanding. Write to ceo office and see what they say. If they refuse to bulge, go on social media and FACTUALLY say to the world what happened. They usually pay attention after being named and shamed.
  8. Or your friend could report them to the police next time he's abusive and tell him to leave her house. She's the owner and he's not paying rent and even if he was the police would accompany him out. This is one of the rare occasions the police do not use the line "civil matter" in case the abusive behaviour turns into murder.
  9. No contract, no change of fees. They'll have a copy, but don't tell them you lost yours. It's not unusual for anyone nowadays to request documents from other party even though they already have their own copy. This is to fish for either maladministration or worse, tampering. Companies know this (or should know) so they are not surprised of such requests.
  10. I would avoid telling them that you didn't know. Do you really think they would accept that you, a non disabled person, believed that you were entitled to park in a disabled spot just because you have a blue badge? Considering that you know that the blue badge holder is your son, makes the all story very non believable. I suggest you go there, apologise profusely and hope they have mercy.
  11. It all depends from the t&c of the contract. I take that you are in a share of freehold as you said you can change the management company. Get the t&c, study them and see if there's anything about charging whatever they want for admin. (I seriously doubt it) Once you have strict proof that they can't up the fees, sack them.
  12. Did you lie or did you avoid telling them about the eviction because they didn't ask? There's a difference. You don't have to volunteer any information. If they ask you respond truthfully, if they don't ask it means it's not relevant.
  13. I stopped almost a month ago after years of nicotine addiction. The biggest incentive was that someone told me that I didn't choose to be a smoker, but smart people made smoking attractive so they could make a profit. OnceI was hooked on nicotine, they were quids in and i was a slave. So lets fight the system and quit!
  14. As far as i know, once you paid for the worktops, they became your property and they were just storing them for you. So now they need to give you your worktops or enough money to buy the same ones, whatever they cost. Remember, they were YOUR worktops because the purchase had already been concluded.
  15. Nice one! If you want to annoy them, after they pay up start asking for the £20 odd they shortchanged you. If you don't mind sending many emails and post on Facebook/twitter , i'm sure they'll eventually give you the score. That if you feel like annoying them
  16. Absolutely. I just wanted to make clear that anyone stealing cannot simply walk away without risk of being detained. What silverfox wrote could be misinterpreted and someone could try to steal and walk away thinking "they can't touch me".
  17. Hi silverfox, i don't think you're right in saying that they can't physically stop a shoplifter. Under the pace "any person arrest" any member of the public can detain a suspected offender for any criminal or triable either way offence, as far as i remember. Using reasonable force is also there. So if someone has stolen make up and walk out of the store, anyone can prevent the shoplifter from leaving using reasonable force, until police arrives. Key points: one must have reasonable suspicion of stealing, one must use no force at first and only reasonable force if the suspect "walks away".
  18. In my days i realised that there are some people that you can never please. Considering that they want £200 and the fact that bad reviews nowadays can ruin a business, i would give the MF his pennies back and let him keep the free floor. I bet he would never have it finished, he's only after free screed.
  19. Should've sealed the concrete floor first. Anyhow, too late now, the only option is to use a resin finish but i would personally give the money back and forget about it. Sounds like this customer will never be happy. Pinholes in garage floor... who the hell is gonna look at that???
  20. Give them pressure and you'll get your money back. This mileage discrepancy is not best advertisement for mercedes and if found that the car has been clocked it's downright fraudulent. In any case, they sold you a non resellable car because of the dodgy mileage. Anyone with a bit of sense would stay well clear from this car, so you are at a substantial loss. Get down to business, demand a full refund and get the ceo involved. Threaten them to contact mercedes in Germany, trading standards, consumer direct, the army, the pope and anyone who has ever accessed the internet. They'll give you the money back. Much more easily, if you paid by credit card you can do a simple section 75 and get all of your money back, even if only part payment was made by cc
  21. You should focus on the blue badge being used inappropriately rather than the motability. If this woman is the carer of the disabled then she's most likely entitled to it and can use the car whenever and wherever she wants. The blue badge misuse could be your weapon to get her as it's clear that's what you want.
  22. And i just found this in my inbox: "I don't understand why you think answering my question with your situation is relevant Please don't muddy the waters with irrelevance. I have posted a question and your particular circumstances - though quite fascinating I am sure - are of no interest to me in this particular instance whatsoever." This is an open forum where people discuss things so many can benefit. If you want an answer that you like, pay someone and make them giving you the answers you want. For the time being we keep contributing with opinions, links and personal experience which all help understand how to address many problems. In your case, as you want i straight answer, it's a matter of revenge that you want against a woman you don't like or has done something to upset you. Most likely she's entitled to the motability but you want to cause her trouble. So the answer is another question: what has this woman done to you?
  23. Not every trip needs to be for the disabled benefit. As said, i used to care for a friend and visited him every other day. I was using the motability car mainly for myself and it is allowed. They even let me keep the car for a few months after my friend passed away despite me notifying them immediately. Op, complain to the government and see if you can convince them to make the scheme for sole and exclusive use of disabled/vulnerable. Good luck.
  24. It's not fraud. I used to have a motability car because i was a carer for an older friend. I used the car for 2 years until he passed away and he only came in the car twice. The motability scheme is for the wider benefit of a disabled or vulnerable person. I was sceptic at first but the council officials insisted on me filling the application because i was doing his shopping, helping with some cooking and cleaning and keeping him company. To do this i needed a car and because it was partly for his benefit, i was entitled to it. So, anyone seeing me with a motability car (no particular marking, so don't know how anyone would know) would think i was sc@mming the system. Same could be said for the woman you want to grass out.
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