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Everything posted by ihateyes

  1. PDUK - for me they give i wanted a 6mth plan, we divided the amount by 6, they reviewed, and i only have 2 payments left.... Wonga - [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] - send the same email to these 3.... they will respond very quickly. Lendingstream/ cash genie - ssorry i have no experience of them WDA - will set up payment plan.... but charge you £37 or so quid for it. Email all companies, do all by email as it creates a paper trail. advise in your email you will onl be paying by bank transfer and you need the sort codes/account numbers/and the reference number for the payment.
  2. Hi Welcome... we have all been there with these companies, and its good now your taking control. Can you list the companies you have the loans with? Your new account should be safe.... jut dont apply for any loans on th new account as they are known to share card details!`
  3. Do the Direct Imdemnity NOW.... you can do this over the telephone. The DD Indemnity is only effective for (in most cases) 3 days from when the funds are requested... Have you applied for a payday loan from another company using your new bank details??? Some of these companies will share information like this....
  4. and wtf has post 4 got to do with OP situation??????
  5. Ok so we are talking homeserve.... what does BG have to do with HOMESERVE?? BG state if they recommend a powerflush, they wont cover water based parts..... Homeserve wont touch the boiler full stop even though there are plenty of parts in a boiler which arent in contact with water. Any engr should take a water sample, nonetheless. I second above poster, id call them and tell them you are cancelling as they wont cover you at all.... If a powerflush is req, no boiler agreement will do the flush for you
  6. Thieving twats..... Unfortunately the chances of you getting the money bak is Zilch. You need to report this to the OFT as payday lenders have been waned they must inform customers what and when they are taking payments. Just because they have card details doesnt give them the freedom of your bank account. Unfortunately what you shouldve done was cancelled your bank card and pay them standing order.....
  7. He doesnt have time learning the highway code (which we all shudve done)... i dont think he will have time for a group hug!! (sorry cudnt resist) IMO - OP is fighting a losing battle. Up where I used to stay the council employeed traffic wardens, and there was a spot everyone used to park, the council then contracted the enforcement out to NCP... who came and started ticketing.... fact was, council wardens couldve ticketed but never did... NCP well another kettle of fish there!
  8. I love these so called smart people.... thick a pig dung.... no parking bays for a reason on the hump..... also do those bollards drop between the 2 buildings???? perhaps another reason why no parking there...... Your PHD should afford the funds to pay the fine...
  9. I imagine BG dont need to prove the meter change was their fault, but that YOU need to prove, which could be long and drawn out..... I would look at a warranty or even your home insurance to ge it fixed imho
  10. hi and welcome. i had 9loans, and now oly owe to 4.... Here goes.... Wonga - send the same email to [email protected] - [email protected], [email protected] they will respond quite quick. stop and freeze interest. do this right away. they may ask you to call. anyay if your looking for a 6mth plan adv this, and ask for sort code/bank acc and reference number as you will now make payments via bank transfer, PDUK are generally ok for plans, but expect you to default first.... QQ cant be annoying.. If possible id pay the PDE as they are the most awkward ***** in this business.
  11. to be fair.... they seems to have bucked up their ideas recently..... But still th will those who loathe them, and those who hate them...
  12. i believe Petguard is run by Thistle Insurance services Ltd........
  13. I can NEVER STRESS enough.... that servicing contracts CAN WORK FOR PEOPLE..... some boilers turn out to be problematic, and paying a local guy each and every time, can turn out to be evry expensive. local guys will ALWAYS be the cheaper option for SERVICE ONLY. but not always for parts. They buy part, mark it up, when they fit it for you.... Imagine a new pump plus labour..... expect to pay upwards of £150 Heat exchanger plus labour £350+ oh not to foget the dodgy fitters who tried to charge BBC Watchdog for a new gas Valve which cost him £107 + vat for £280, include the labour he wanted £500. Totally a rip off. People who have paid lots to locals will normally then go for a plan.... as it will turn out cheaper..... but you need to shop about each year as prices will vary from year 1 to year 2 on a contract with same supplier. Also try to stay away from companies that sub contract the vast majority of work out..
  14. Charging orders are wrong... i seen instances wherby loved ones only found out during the sales of their parents/loved ones houses that there was a charging order. Also credit cards are UNSECURED debt.... so the card debt shouldnt be placed against the house.
  15. Halifax/BoS have 3 inhouse collections... at least when i worked there: Albion Castle Blair Oliver Scot - ie Bank of Scotland. All not worth a conversation, just letters...... Remember if your credit is in pieces, and your paying interest/overlimit charges, and you havent paid for months... Credcit card companies generally cease all charges after 180 consecutive days of non payment. However if you own a house, they may seek a charging order from the courts.... ie when your house is sold, they then get their money + stat interest
  16. Go to a small claims, and win this one...... His dog attcked your dog end of.... wheather your dog was of the lead or not, the fact remains his dog was also off the lead, and attacked your dog. Most dogs will bark behind a gate or door, simply them protecting their territory. My dog will always bark behind the door/gate, but once inside, lick you to death rather tham devour. This guy needs to have his bank balance reduced.
  17. their will always be gripes with companies like this, but i strongly believe people should stay away from companies who always sub contract work. If this subbie does work for a number of heating firms, then each heating forms t&c's will differ.... if you google homeserve it seems they rarely change heat exchangers, instead they seem to cancel agreement and give £250 to the customer.... which is actually cheaper for them, as a new heat exchanger and labour is in the region of £350-£500. plus homeserves t&c's suck...... Just go to their website, and boiler/central heating is roughly £15, in the table the rads have a tick....... BUT BEWARE cos if you then click more info, and click whats not covered.... guess what?? REPAIR TO RADS AND REPLACEMENT. Yes, all they will do is drain and isolate the radiator.... no more. Very misleading imo.
  18. Anyone else watch this?? The other day they featured a clamper... who was skillfully breaking into cars removing the tickets then clamping them!! he got a couple of years! Or what about the company that ran car parks.... they offered all day parking for £3, but tampered with the machine, so it would recoginse a £2coin as £1, and yes, after 4 hrs (50p an hour) your car got towed, and to get it back cost over £300... Hats of to Birmingham Trading Standards who put the people responsible behind bars......
  19. Good luck, These insurance companies look for technicalities.... I remember one guy got refused a payout for critical illness cover, because he didnt note on the application form that he had a big toe nail removed, due it ingrowing Absolutely absurd.
  20. Keep everything documented. Report them to the OFT for their somewhat empty threats. THEY CANNOT CONTACT YOUR EMPLOYER..... To have the money deducted from your wages, they have to apply for an attatchment of wages which is only GRANTED BY THE COURTS..... Keep all texts/letter/emails and counter sue for harrassment.
  21. a lot of the companies do this.. Payday UK/lendingtream also operate under more than one name
  22. i went onto their website.. and laughed.... oi mister you dont scare me!!! even if your chest was to bulge! Who does he think he is anyway? is that Bryan???
  23. i rang eon yesterday.... just for a bit of a snoop.... The guy started the pressure selling, i told him i didnt have my actual tariffs on me, so i didnt feel we could do fare comparison... but magically he knew what i was on, and he could reduce both my ddeb's!!! Aye right pal... 6mths down the line il get stung by a nasty surprise....
  24. i used to ork for Halifax Credit Cards.... interest and charges will stop.
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