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  1. hi, i just wanted to know if anyone has a good email address to use for payday uk to start a repayment plan? and if anyone has dealt with them before what are they like to deal with??
  2. Hi All, I've gotten myself into a right mess with WONGA, Quick Quid,Tooth Fairy & PayDay UK. I started with one and then it spiralled out of control and now I'm in a position where I'm struggling to make ends meet and I''m literally borrowing to pay for rent and utilities. In total I owe just over £2,000. I've decided that I've had enough of all of this so I came on here looking for advice & thanks to all of you I put together the following letter to all of the above companies as my repayment date is next week: WONGA: Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in reference to the loan I took out from you. Unfortunately after accessing your website I am unable to find neither a customer reference number or a loan reference number. Since entering into the agreement my financial circumstances have changed and I now find myself in a position where I am unable to meet the full repayment on the deadline. I am proposing a repayment plan of £100.00 per calendar month, beginning on 15/05/2012 and continuing on the 15th of each month for a period of 7 months, with the final payment being on 15/11/2012 the remaining balance. Please advise of the total amount of this loan being the initial amount borrowed and one months interest, to enable me to calculate the final payment. I also request that you provide details of the bank account which I can make my payments into. I cannot make repayments by any other method. As in line with published guidelines by many regulatory authorities, you are only to contact me regarding this matter via email to this address. I will be able to reply to any emails very rapidly and prefer this as a means of communication. I also revoke any authority, implied or otherwise for you to send a 'doorstep collector' to my residence. May I remind you that any breaches of the OFT Guidelines on debt collecting will be met with an immediate report to that organisation. I regret that I cannot make the full repayment of this loan but am doing my best to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. I await your reply, loveliness I got the following response from them: Dear loveliness, The reference number for your current loan, which is XXXXXXX. Thanks for contacting us to ask about setting up a repayment plan. We appreciate you alerting us a potential problem and understand that unexpected things happen in life, but we are unable to agree a repayment plan and treat your account as if it's in arrears before your agreed repayment date. The reason is that we want to give you every opportunity to stick to the terms of the original agreement without forcing you into an arrears situation. If you can pay some of the outstanding balance you may be eligible to extend your loan for up to 30 days. You can do this within a week of the current repayment date, but not on the day that repayment is actually due. As a responsible lender, we do require a part-payment of the balance. This means that the outstanding balance is decreased and that you only pay interest on the remaining balance. There is a £10 fee. If this may suit your needs then you can apply for a new repayment date by logging in here - - and choosing the 'Extend my loan' option. It's all online and you can also add and select alternative payment cards if need be. If you can't make any payment however or you don't want to extend your loan for some reason, then please make sure you call our friendly team on the morning of your due date and discuss the situation with an advisor. At that point we may be able to agree to a repayment plan, after discussing the options. We do want to help you get things sorted so please contact us on 0844 842 9109, between 9am and 10pm, Monday to Friday. If your due date falls over a weekend or bank holiday, please call us the day before. Thanks for keeping us posted and getting in touch. Kind regards, Collections Department 0844 842 9109 I heard that WONGA don't allow you to set up a payment plan without you defaulting on the promise date which allows them to charge you so after some digging around on here I sent them this email : Dear Sir/Madam, I have expressly stated in my previous email that I am experiencing financial difficulties which means that I am unable to make the full payment in our original agreement on the 15/05/12. This is the reason why I have presented you with a repayment plan. I also request that you provide details of the bank account which I can make my payments into. I cannot make repayments by any other method. I hearby revoke your authority to collect any transactions from my bank account under Regulation 55 of The Payment Services Regulations 2009. Any transactions taken from my account will be deemed as unauthorised and will result in a complaint being made regarding your organisation with the OFT. As previously requested I am proposing a repayment plan of £100.00 per calendar month, beginning on 15/05/2012 and continuing on the 15th of each month for a period of 13 months, with the final payment being on 15/06/2013 the remaining balance. Please advise of the total breakdown amount of this loan being the initial amount borrowed and one months interest, to enable me to calculate the final payment. Could you also confirm that all other interest is frozen on the account to enable me to be able to clear the balance? As stated in my previous email - in line with published guidelines by many regulatory authorities, you are only to contact me regarding this matter via email to this address. I will be able to reply to any emails very rapidly and prefer this as a means of communication. I also revoke any authority, implied or otherwise for you to send a 'doorstep collector' to my residence. I await your reply lovliness After sending this I got the following response: Dear loveliness Our aim is always to help you settle your loan as quickly as possible. Acknowledging difficulty in repaying is actually half the battle, so we really appreciate you getting in touch and discussing a repayment plan. Whilst we appreciate your current difficulties, in order to help, we need to get a much better understanding of your current financial situation. To do this we need you to fill in the attached income and expenditure form and return it to us as soon as it is complete. Please note: Incomplete income and expenditure forms will be returned to you for further information, and interest, charges and attempts at payment will not be suspended during this time. The reference number for your current loan, which is XXXXXX As soon as we acknowledge receipt of your complete income and expenditure form, we will suspend interest and charges and all attempts at payment. When we have assessed your income and expenditure form we will reply to you, via email, with our decision. Collections Team PO Box 66147 London NW1W 8PF Our office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm so please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Kind Regards, Collections Team Wonga.com I filled in their spreadsheet with my income & outgoings and I'm waiting to see what they say. I got a similar response from PDUK saying funds will still be taken so I sent the above email to them also & I am yet to hear from QQ or Tooth Fairy so wont hold my breath. I know I only have myself to blame so I have opened a new cash card account with another bank today & requested for my salary to be paid into the new account so that the PDL companies can't raid my account. Will be calling my bank HSBC tomorrow to see what can be done. What a mess. any advice is welcome will keep you posted.
  3. hi, many thanks in advance, i have found this website and was hoping everyone here will be able to help me get out of this terrible trap of payday lenders. i have currently got 7 payday loans with the following companies. payday uk £250 payday express £320 1 month loan £377 safe loans £300 wage day advance £425 mr lender £230 lending streem £312 payday uk i didnt make any payment last month. total debt with pay day lenders is 2214 as well as these debts i have a capital one credit card more 650 balance 150 over my credit limit. and another one that is within my credit limit. totalling debt over 3000. the main reason i have come on here is to hopefully get day to day guidance on the communication I need to have with the lenders that i am involved with. letter templates ect. i am currently trying to move up the ranks at work and looking at a really good job in the future and dont want this getting in the way. do they call your work? can i stop it? interest payments? please guys help me to get out of this. income is 1000 every 4 weeks, expenditure i can push to 400 pound as per that 4 week pay period. i will be very grateful to whomever can assist. payday is today btw 05/08/11.
  4. Hey, I’m new to this forum so please bare with me! I’ve been reading the forums for about a week now and have gathered a lot of useful information, but thought that it was about time I bit the bullet and posted about my own problems. I, like many others on the site have fallen into the payday trap. Looking around the forum it’s good to know that I’m not the only one out there that’s gotten into this mess and that alone has made me feel a little better and spurred me to take control of my finances. I first used a payday loan company last year to pay some unexpected bills, and paid it back with no problem. I then took out another loan in December with the same company, as I found myself short of cash for Christmas. Then I had my gas/electric bill through in January, which lead to me taking another loan with a different company. After paying these back I had no money to live off, so took out a third loan… Long story short I now have four payday loans, all of which are due on 31st of this month. I cannot afford to keep rolling over all of these anymore. I know my situation may not seem as bad as some others, but it’s very quickly spiralled out of control, and it’s really starting to upset, panic and frustrate me. The loans/amounts are : WONGA : Original loan of £600, £819 after 1 months interest QUICK QUID: Original loan of £250, £312 after 1 months interest PAY DAY EXPRESS: £250 PAYDAY UK: £188 I’m just not sure where to begin. I know I need to cancel my debit card and I can do that no problem. I currently bank with Lloyds TSB, but I do have an old account with HSBC. My wages fall on odd days, it’s not a set day, but the loans are always due on the last working day of the month. For example, I’ve been paid today, and next month I get paid on 27th. Is it enough to cancel my Lloyds card and request a new one, and transfer my wages to my HSBC account, transferring it back for rent etc, or do I need to close the Lloyds account completely? I’ve seen sample letters on the site so have a rough idea of what to write when I first contact the companies for a repayment plan. I’m not sure what to offer each of them when I approach them. Wonga is the real issue as that alone after interest is more than I earn! I can afford to pay them about £100 a month- is this a reasonable offer, too much, not enough? From reading the forums I know that Quick Quid tend to only offer 3 month payment plans, and I can afford that if they accept as that again works out around £100 a month. As for the other two, I could just about afford to pay off PDUK in full this month, along with the £200 (£100 each) I’d be sending to Wonga and QQ if they accept my offer, or should I just contact PDUK for a repayment plan too? And what should I do regarding PayDay Express? I’ve read that they’re pretty tough to deal with I just need some help on where to begin, and what to follow up with when they respond, as it’s all a bit overwhelming. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated
  5. I am so far doing okay on sorting out these paydays but still having a couple of problems: Txtloan and PUK - they have agreed to my repayment of £50 mthly QuickQuid - have agreed to pay it off in 4 installments which isnt ideal but cant be arsed with the hassle so i am paying Wonga - are not budging on my repayment offer and have sent me letters from Barker & Lowe threatening legal action Payday Express - have still not agreed but now asking for income/expenditure Lending Stream - ive paid them £50 allready but still have not confirmed repayment Can someone tell me how to deal with P Express, L Stream and Wonga. Also, QQ have agreed 4 month repayment and still have my card details - can i trust them to take this repayment only and no more (they have confirmed via email)? I appreciate the help - its been long and hard but i feel i am making progress
  6. First of all, Hello and thanks for such a great site. Have visited a few times in the past while researching my problem, felt I should register to see if anyone may help a little more in-depth. Background story : Mid-December, had Jobseekers disallowed for a month, thanks to unforeseen circumstances and with no savings, turned to Payday loans in desperation. Strange how my mind works under unbearable loads. The plan was simple, borrow £100 till the forseen date i'd be paid then work off the debt 10-20% per 2 week period. While searching came across a company willing to loan me the money and was happy in the thought of situation averted. Little to my knowledge I'd also stumbled upon some Companies wanting to find me a loan(happy to give names if needed). Who lay in wait for my money that was to be paid into bank account. Well payday came.. the Loanfinding companies came and took a 'Registering Fee', and thus ruined any chance of paying back the payday loan. I've since accepted that the companies are malevolent Entities.. to which I have no hope of reclaiming Monies from. Thankfully I've cancelled my membership(Probably the only sensible thing i've done since December) and averted them taking more. Only problem now is that the payday loan companies are taking exorbitant amount of money out of my bank account(some £70 of my Fortnightly Benifits of £135). Having gone to the bank to request my Debit card be replaced, they asked why, I explained about the payments to the Payday Companies. Their reply was simply to contact the companies involved. So I've sent an Email to the company and i'm waiting on their Reply. Any advise would be very much apprieciated. Also, sorry for the very long-winded post.
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