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Everything posted by ihateyes

  1. i put the money aside each month, and when i had the balance, i called and paid.... they advised charges, i laughed, and told them they can either sing for their charges, or take me to court...... The agreed account was closed
  2. this needs reported all round, as these websites dont seem to have a consumer credit licence.
  3. energy companies usually review the ddeb every 6mths..... they give you 'free' boiler cover, but this isnt free, its actually built into the tariff prices... i would make an an official complaint.... as it seems you have been missold
  4. I got mine sorted by contacted the registrant... see http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?307525-Pesky-unwanted-payday-approval-text-messages... but i just found the info you found as well i think.... http://www.webtrafficagents.com/Whois/whois-record.aspx?s=ezpaydayonline.co.uk send an email from my first link to adam brogan and to mobile media, asking if they send messages on behalf of this guy... if they say yes, tell them to stop. Report them to Infomation Commisioner....... the site and the email address is similar to that used by gbconsume finance, either that or this is a fraudster looking for details...... this guy has a US website as well.... www.ezcashadvances4u.com
  5. i wouldnt pay them a penny...... until they agree to stop charges... i would however keep the money aside so the money is available at a later date
  6. they charged me £36... i would offer them a 12 month plan of £34.25 pm
  7. Boiler agreements from EON tie you in every single year.... British Gas only tie you in for the first 12months, after that its a rolling momthly contract.... A lot of energy tariffs now come with a cancellation charge..... I noticed EON also have a £100 emergency call out charge as well......that they will charge if you exagerate an emergency!! cheeky buggers Pumptums: did the engr adv you should get a new boiler??? if so use that as your defense as you have only followed the engrs advise!!
  8. Not sue about missold a tariff..... but definitely the wrong ddeb set up... when did you become a SP customer? is this the platinum you are tied into?? They have done right in changing your ddebs, but it may be you had accumulated the debt prior to moving tariff... if you had no debt prior to changing tariff then i would be thinking MISSOLD, yes..... This is the exact reason i am on monthly billing and i give a monthly read, so i neve get into either giving them too much, or as in your case too little...... this pactice of being enticed over on a low ddeb from anothe energy supplier is misselling, but its all too common.....
  9. call WDA only once, explain your circumstances.... if they ask for an I+E send 1, only show the amount you earn, and the aount you pay out, dont lit individual creditors!! PAYDAY express - no one seems to match their criteria. They are part of the Money Shop.
  10. your wasting ink and a stamp, and not many people would advise that.... too time consuming as well.
  11. tbh.... Ring both companies....only once. Lendingstream agreed on first phone call. dont bother rnging PDUK until 1day after you default. any agreement you make over the phone needs to be backed up by an email confirming payment plan. both companies were prompt in doing this.... I think emailling them is daft as most particulary lstream wont reply..
  12. yo need to cancel your debit card, and get a new bank account, otherwise they will dip as and when they please..... bunch of thieves
  13. cancel card, then start dealing with this.... never give them new card or bank details. Also report to OFT, as these companies arent allowed to withdraw amounts both of you have agreed to... Thieving is a crime, and these companies have all committed a crime imo.
  14. paydayuk will advise you have to default+1day before they will arrange anything. lendingstream are generally ok. Personally, i would make 1 call advising of situation and offering a payment plan. This worked for me with L/stream. AFter that only make contact via email. (most of these companies ignore emails). Pay by standing order. dont give any details whatsoever of your new bank account.
  15. Email freds and advise you are willing to set up a payment plan.... but you dispute the amount of charges... Offer £300, and 1mths interest. Advise Freds you would contest the additional charges as unfair and unreasonable... and that textloan would have to justify these if it went to court. Pay and offer what you can.... they cant have what you dont have and if they took you to court, they would probably get a lot less, thus taking longer to pay off. Also report that email to OFT, as Freds cant levy an extra £117.50, thus textloan is causing you more anxiety with false claims.
  16. @MariaR I would expect to pay the cost of the fire, but i would hold back on the labour charge for installing that. Sorry if my post didnt make that clear. If im paying the fire on credit then thats entirely different... if you are buying outright then i would expect to pay the cost of the fire in advance....
  17. But martin..... if the energy company has standing charges, no the tenants have moved the property is owner is now responsible..... The landlord may be looing to rent out again quickly....
  18. Poundstilpayday wont accept..... they will send it to a dca called Clarity who will agree a payment plan... Remember cancel your bank cacrd and set u a new bank account if you havent already
  19. seems strange, imho unless im buying on credit i would expect to pay in advance.... sorry....
  20. OK so you all know i have had too many text messages from GB Consumer Finance/pingtree/mason chase. And their MD came on here, and we spoke att length.. Well the messages stopped. TIME TO FIGHT BACK FOR THE REST OF U GUYS OUT THERE.... If you keep recieving these after you reply stop... call him: Mark Kennedy 07973440243 mark@pingtree.co.uk The company that send the texts can be contacted : adam.brogden@btinternet.com or jason.joy@mobilemediaproduction.com Contact details for mark kennedy can be found here: http://www.webtrafficagents.com/Whois/purplepayday.com If your not sure who sent the text message, go to the web address in text message and go to terms and conditions.... it will tell you here. Thanks....
  21. you will need to call them and arrange a ddeb.... when you get new tenants, you will then give a final meter read and close the account Some energy companies have standing charges, therefore even they you may not use any energy, they still charge you.
  22. a ddeb s essentially a bacs transfer. it cn only be done wihin 3 days.... once the money enters the other bank account, the bank has no legal right for that money.... in the 3 days when it comes out of your account it is in limbo- this is when it can only be recalled.
  23. Whe i worked in a large garage years ago.... we were under rules as well. ie engine running, doors open.... no petrol. For these cases we would call them in to prepay, before they got their fuel.
  24. Shocking behaviour by landlord... i would now call the letting agents and ask the to produce a CP12 certificate ( this certifys all gas apps in house, incl fire and hob and in good working order). If they cant produce one, tell them you want this done with utmost urgency.
  25. Do you own your house??? Reason i ask, with a debt of £25k to a credit card it would not surprise me if the company went to court and got a charge order against your house: in Simple terms if thats granted when your house is sold, the comkpany get their money back. I think its unfair, as the card is unsecured, so how can they now secure it against your house!!
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