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Everything posted by ihateyes

  1. Totally agree..... good for breakdowns.... As im sure you know, some boilers work with no trouble, some boilers remiind me of Darren Anderton - sicknote... Also some people who dont earn loads can budet better paying monthly than keeping the money aside for emergencys.... im one of them!! if i got it, i spend it!
  2. Getting 3 quotes for a simple breakdown isnt feasible, specially in the winter, when its freezing
  3. Hope all gets sorted out.... and your happy with the outcome...... I can never stress enough why its important to read T&C's.... tbf to the advisors, they cant sit there und go through all the t&c's for us customers.... but under FSA thay have to give a balanced view ie the pro's and cons... How many people, especially firt time buyers sit down and read their mortgage terms and conditions, their most important t&c's they will ever have in their life... ANS: next to none, cos all we care about is getting the keys....
  4. Aye bt the local man is just as likely to rip you off... u ee watchdog the other night??? the gas valve that cost £108 they guy wanted to charge £280?? £500 for the repair including labour>>> thats what u would pay for heat exchanger (which is the most expensive single part to get repaired)... he then comes back saying part was obsolete!! my my.... the part was readily available.. he then tried his hand at getting the punter to ay £2850 for a new boiler!! So wheather its a contract or your local, yor just as likely to get done in.... Infact if your local does a bad job, and you sue him, they just wind the company up, and start trading a new one, to avoid paying judgements..... again wathing consumer programmes show this happens ALOT.
  5. Money Shop >>>>>> Arent you Payday Express in Disguise??? If so, such a helpful bunch...... How much help will you lot give???? Id report the cheques as lost.....
  6. is your credit shot to pieces??? If so, let them pass it.... as they will then close the credit card account, and no further charges/interest will be applied. You will then just being reducing your balance as opposed to paying x and having x interest added.... Never heard off that DCA so cant advise.....
  7. yes tell them your ot paying them!!! When i had my battle with them, they tried to add charges.... needless to say i gave as good as i got on the phone, and told them that they went getting charges off me, and all i paid was balancce + 1mths interest, and if they wanted t they an take me to court, and explain the charges, whenever i made reasonable attepts to pay off over 3 mths..... i was unable to pay each mth, but called when when i had the balance and paid in one lump sum....
  8. Get a quote from somewhere else.... have you ever wondered why Aviva arent on comparison websites??????? cos they are too dear, and they rely on someone ccalling them and taking a quote without contacting another company.... I called and got a quote from them for £2k..... funny all the other comanpies quoted between £400-£700... TOO EXPENSIVE.... save ur pennies
  9. Im sure the address for quickquid will be nothing more than a mailing address..... PDE just dont listen...
  10. Clarity will accept a plan... PDE ure useless..... keep sending your emails, and keep copies... if they did take you to court.. you can show the court you made all reasonable attempts to arrange a plan, but PDE only wanted to add charges, also keep the monthly payment to the side. means if they took you to court, you can say to the judge that you have kept the monthly payments to the side... looks good on your part... PDE need SHUT DOWN....
  11. Theres a surprise.... they get paid so little, targets and bonus high, lmost forces they guys into doing it. One called at my dorr recently and i hae a homecare400 agreement and gas/elec with british gas. in the conversation i mentioned i had homecare he asked me how much i ay i said £30a month, he was like we can do it for £16.90... without even asking me what i was covered for. checking online he was offerin just the boiler and rads!! another example. Never sign at the door, as there isnt much of a get out clause.... and never trust door to door sellers... just think commision commission commission!!!
  12. im afraid your gonna have to take this one on the chin.... While i and all the ther forum users appreciate your circumstances unfortunately, ayday loan companies dont.... In hindsight now, when you set up a repayment plan, your original ard gets cancelled, new account opened, and the payments made by standing order..... because loan companie will still dip for the full amount.... If you have emails stating they agreed a repayment plan, at most you can compain to OFT, Trading standards. End of the day their arguement is YOU owe the money, and they wont give it back.... Im sorry, but thats the experience on here.
  13. little update people: I done a bit of research on Mark Kennedy, and i came up with contact details.... I duly made contact, and Mark called me back, which i have to thank him, as there is many that wouldn't bother. His post is on the back of a lender notifying him about this thread... so thank you lender, whoever you are, as i feel this may be finally resolved. I put my concerns to him, and he is going to look into this. I asked why when i send stop, do i continue to recieve messages, and why so many texts a day. He is unhappy as its a cost to him to send a message.... He advised at most they do 2 text runs a day, so i shouldnt have recieved more than 2 in one day. I also asked why im recieving 100% approval texts when he aint a lender. He advised depending on the data he has on me, based on that information and the criteria of one of the lenders he passes the details on, i would get a loan, though a bank statement may be required. People whose information differs would not receieve the same text. I also noted to him that th email addresses on his websites dont work, again he is going to look into this, as i also Advised him the ASA are having trouble making contact. Hopefully Mark will act on this, and my situation will be resolved. Everyone deserves that chance, and Im giving Mark that chance to rectify my situation. Again Mark Thanks for making the call to me...
  14. I posted 3 mail addresses about 4 posts above this. email to all 3, trust me they reply quickly..
  15. Do you pay by ddeb or standing order, if standing order, id be inclined to continue paying the amount i have been paying, and refuse to pay anymore..... end of day i dont see what action thy ccan take as you ARE PAYING... thats me, i can be as tuff as them on the phones, not everyone can.
  16. Hi Mark in order for you to communicate by a private message, you need to make 5 posts... do 4 more posts and put just a letter in each message, then send me a private message....
  17. Email these 3 addresses... [email protected] - [email protected], [email protected] They will normally email back quickly asking you to call collections.... when you call they may advise you, you need to default, you then need to explain you emailled your details requesting a plan, and are calling back on the back of en email from wonga... they will the freeze interest and charges and agree a plan.... get bank details of them to pay by standin order
  18. im afraid you have learnt a very hard hard lesson. when you set up a plan, cancel card and pay by standing order. You will not see that money back.... they will claim its not fraudulent as it is overdue.... Report them to OFT, FSA.... If they agree to plan they should stick to it, unless you break it. Im sorry for the bad news.
  19. now ring nationwide and ask, when they do their updates... ie rbs is at 2am!! abbey is closer to 5am, and halifax is around 3.30am
  20. Faster payments are pretty much instant... but most banks send it normal the first time, thats why i advise you to call nationwide, and do one now, so come friday the money will be sent instantly to your new account.
  21. All banks do their updates during the night at different times.... From what i gather they know what time they banks do their updates, and the will strike accordingly.. Please do not worry. ring nationwide now and do a fast payment for a cpl of quid... to your new account (generally they will send your first request normal speed). this means on friday yoo can call and ask the to do a faster payment to your new account, which means the money will hit your new account straight away.... Ring the nationwide again and ask them if they can tell you what time PDE attempted to take money on your partners account on payday... they should be able to tell you aand this will give you an idea.... But please dont worry....
  22. I dont bank with Nationwide.... but you should be okay, jsut never dilvuge any card info.. When a plan is set up, pay by standing order... ask for their details, never give athem anything.... Dont Worry... seriously I would email them and and call them, to advise the bank account is no longer in your partners name, therefore if they attempt to or take money is fraud, and they would be reported to OFT... After my problems and paying my loan off the proceding to being able to get £40 from my account... after speaking to agents and getting no where i lost the plot. When i called back, i was passed to a Sally Smith who sorted out the problem, and had the £40 back in my account within an hour. You could try emailling her.... [email protected] The agents are useless.
  23. Im glad you got a new account sorted..... There has to be exceptional circumstances for them to agree repayment plan.. I had 9 loans 8 agreed plans, PDE wouldnt. Im now down to 5, with one finishing this month and the other 4 clear in July! ( im looking forward to my august wage!) If they pass to a Debt Collection agency, this can be good, as its easier to reset payment plans. PayDay loans companies rarely go to court (some chance their arm though)as they then have to explain their ridiculous charges... If they call and start becoming agressive on the phone, LAUGH AT THEM... it annoys them!! THough mostly they will text and email, saying you have failed to contact them!!
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