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    • UK citizens will be subject to the same rules as other Third Country Nationals. Keir Starmer to warn of 'major disruption' risk ahead of new UK-EU border checks | ITV News WWW.ITV.COM Ministers will announce measures to try to blunt the impact of the changes, writes ITV News Deputy Political Editor Anushka Asthana. | ITV National...  
    • Oh I see! thats confusing, for some reason the terms and conditions that Evri posted in that threads witness statement are slightly different than the t&cs on packlinks website. Their one says enter into a contract with the transport agency, but the website one says enter into a contract with paclink. via website: (c) Each User will enter into a contract with Packlink for the delivery of its Goods through the chosen Transport Agency. via evri witness statement in that thread: (c) Each User shall then enter into its own contract with the chosen Transport Agency. Packlink does not have any control over, and disclaims all liability that may arise in contracts between a User and a Transport Agency I read your post at #251, so I should use the second one (and changing the screenshot in the court bundle), since I am saying I have a contract with Evri? Is that correct EDIT: Oh I understand the rest of your conversation. you're saying if I was to do this i would have to fully adjust my ws to use the consumer rights act instead of rights of third parties. In that case should I just edit the terms and stick with the third parties plan?. And potentially if needed just bring up the CRA in the hearing, as you guys did in that thread  
    • First, those are the wrong terms,  read posts 240-250 of the thread ive linked to Second donough v stevenson should be more expanded. You should make refernece to the three fold duty of care test as well. Use below as guidance: The Defendant failed its duty of care to the Claimant. As found in Donoghue v Stevenson negligence is distinct and separate to any breach of contract. Furthermore, as held in the same case there need not be a contract between the Claimant and the Defendant for a duty to be established, which in the case of the Claimant on this occasion is the Defendant’s duty of care to the Claimant’s parcel whilst it is in their possession. By losing the Claimant’s parcel the Defendant has acted negligently and breached this duty of care. As such the Claimant avers that even if it is found that the Defendant not be liable in other ways, by means of breach of contract, should the court find there is no contract between Claimant and Defendant, the Claimant would still have rise to a claim on the grounds of the Defendant’s negligence and breach of duty of care to his parcel whilst it was in the Defendant’s possession, as there need not be a contract to give rise to a claim for breach of duty of care.  The court’s attention is further drawn to Caparo Industries plc v Dickman (1990), 2 AC 605 in which a three fold test was used to determine if a duty of care existed. The test required that: (i) Harm must be a reasonably foreseeable result of the defendant’s conduct; (ii) A relationship of proximity must exist and (iii) It must be fair, just and reasonable to impose liability.  
    • Thank you. here's the changes I made 1) removed indexed statement of truth 2) added donough v Stevenson in paragraph 40, just under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 paragraph about reasonable care and skill. i'm assuming this is a good place for it? 3) reworded paragraph 16 (now paragraph 12), and moved the t&cs paragraphs below it then. unless I understood you wrong it seems to fit well. or did you want me to remove the t&cs paragraphs entirely? attached is the updated draft, and thanks again for the help. WS and court bundle-1 fourth draft redacted.pdf
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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
      • 162 replies
    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Why take any dispute to the Ombudsman , is it worth the trouble?


For the 3 time of trying to post this reply but worth reading:-


Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954,

The Gas Safety (Rights of Entry) Regulations 1996


In a genuine dispute there are no rights of entry(i.e magistrates warrant issued),

however I would also caution health and safety matters if its a gas leak.


if electricity meter dispute

The Electricity Act 1989,

The Utilities Act 2000


Note schedule 7 of 1989 act and schedule 5 of 2000 Act,

an electric meter cannot be removed until a dispute is resolved.


I did provide links to laws but the post is not going through.


Hope this helps you and others.







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As for despicable tricks,

I have yet to find any energy company who written contracts comply with UK law.


This might be a classic case of fraud (Fraud Act 2006) as misrepresentations where made to induce your mother ( old age) into a contract or equally to mis lead British Gas.


Fraud and illegal T & C's are rife amongst the big 6 as well.


The problem lies with Ofgem failure to regulate and take enforcement action.



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As for despicable tricks,

I have yet to find any energy company who written contracts comply with UK law.


This might be a classic case of fraud (Fraud Act 2006) as misrepresentations where made to induce your mother ( old age) into a contract or equally to mis lead British Gas.


Fraud and illegal T & C's are rife amongst the big 6 as well.


The problem lies with Ofgem failure to regulate and take enforcement action.




Perhaps not, but what they're doing is purely tricking people. Sadly people need to be more vigilant because almost everyone I speak to tells me they had no ID or don't inform who they are when cold calling.

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I note form the attached the Ofgem ( them not fit for purpose) have made this law on or after 1 April 2016. The dispute seems to have occurred some years before, therefore may still be applicable to a defence. But I think your point is well made. But in addition and with respect to electric meters,

I see no specific reference to the electric supply licence SLC 21B.4 under yearly meter readings which states:-





21B.4 The licensee must take all reasonable steps to obtain a meter reading (including any meter reading transmitted electronically from a meter to the licensee or provided by the Customer and accepted by the licensee) for each of its Customers at least once every year.

This paragraph does not apply in relation to any Customer with a Prepayment Meter.



This clause always clashed with SLC 12.14 to 12.16 for 2 yearly meter readings. I suspect strongly Ofgem have



1. dropped a clanger here and not for the first time.

2. Are attempting to muddy the water and are not protecting the consumers rights here at all.

3. Are forgetting about the legal obligations set out in The Electricity Act 1989 and or as amended by the Utilities act 2000.

4. Known that for years the utility companies have been failing to maintain, check or read meters in accordance with such legal obligations, whilst [causing problems] standing charges of customers.

5. Fly's in the face of County court orders to check(inspection ) for the proper functioning of meters.



Does anyone have a link to current ( 1 April 2016 onwards) Gas and Electric supply licence conditions?




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Misrepresentations and financial gain come to mind.



Fraud Act 2006 reads:-









(1)A person is guilty of fraud if he is in breach of any of the sections listed in subsection (2) (which provide for different ways of committing the offence).

(2)The sections are—

(a)section 2 (fraud by false representation),

(b)section 3 (fraud by failing to disclose information), and

©section 4 (fraud by abuse of position).

(3)A person who is guilty of fraud is liable—

(a)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum (or to both);

(b)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or to a fine (or to both).

(4)Subsection (3)(a) applies in relation to Northern Ireland as if the reference to 12 months were a reference to 6 months.

2Fraud by false representation


(1)A person is in breach of this section if he—

(a)dishonestly makes a false representation, and

(b)intends, by making the representation—

(i)to make a gain for himself or another, or

(ii)to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.

(2)A representation is false if—

(a)it is untrue or misleading, and

(b)the person making it knows that it is, or might be, untrue or misleading.

(3)“Representation” means any representation as to fact or law, including a representation as to the state of mind of—

(a)the person making the representation, or

(b)any other person.

(4)A representation may be express or implied.

(5)For the purposes of this section a representation may be regarded as made if it (or anything implying it) is submitted in any form to any system or device designed to receive, convey or respond to communications (with or without human intervention).

3Fraud by failing to disclose information


A person is in breach of this section if he—

(a)dishonestly fails to disclose to another person information which he is under a legal duty to disclose, and

(b)intends, by failing to disclose the information—

(i)to make a gain for himself or another, or

(ii)to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.

4Fraud by abuse of position


(1)A person is in breach of this section if he—

(a)occupies a position in which he is expected to safeguard, or not to act against, the financial interests of another person,

(b)dishonestly abuses that position, and

©intends, by means of the abuse of that position—

(i)to make a gain for himself or another, or

(ii)to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.

(2)A person may be regarded as having abused his position even though his conduct consisted of an omission rather than an act.

5“Gain” and “loss”


(1)The references to gain and loss in sections 2 to 4 are to be read in accordance with this section.

(2)“Gain” and “loss”—

(a)extend only to gain or loss in money or other property;

(b)include any such gain or loss whether temporary or permanent;

and “property” means any property whether real or personal (including things in action and other intangible property).

(3)“Gain” includes a gain by keeping what one has, as well as a gain by getting what one does not have.

(4)“Loss” includes a loss by not getting what one might get, as well as a loss by parting with what one has.

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Hi All,


It was a bit quiet for a bit and now I got a letter from SSE to call and pay today .


Called them and said I would not pay.


SSE will start a debt recovery procedure and should place a default on my credit file...


this is the thir d time of having my legal links blocked shame on the mods.


Harassment See lisa ferguson v British Gas trading lts 2009 bailii link


See gas Act 1986


see the gas safety ( Rights of entry regs ) 1996.


get from Ofgem the standard supply licence conditions for gas. Note as of the 1 April 2016 this change on a meter inspection was dropped. Note this is right in the middle of your dispute.


So also get the previous years standard licence conditions note section 12. 8 on wards


do not let SSE muddy the water here.

prepare a schedule of counter claim.

Claim for harassment sight the British gas case above.


get from Ofgem web site the times since 2010 SSE have been fined by Ofgem for breaches of standard licence conditions. add this to your defence. Why as this site not got a link to this basic legal defence for every big 6 company?


I have a similar case with EON on the go . I am afraid they are a ****** of a company will know for their repeated law breaking including an overdue final invoice now 33 months overdue, when the law require this in 6 weeks.


Trust this helps. Come back of you cannot find the documents.


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hope this additional information on changes to standard licence condition ion or after 1 April 2016 helps but might get blocked by mods.


To: All holders of a gas supply licence who are relevant licence holders for the purposes of section 23(10) of the Gas Act 1986.

GAS ACT 1986

SECTION 23(1)(b)




1. Each of the companies to whom this Notice is addressed has a gas supply licence which has been granted or treated as granted under section 7A(1) of the Gas Act 1986 ("the Act").

2. In accordance with section 23(2) of the Act the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (‘the Authority’)1 gave Notice on 16 November 2015 (‘the Notice’)2 that we proposed to modify the standard conditions of the gas supply licence by:

(i) Removing standard conditions 12.8 to 12.16 ("Inspection of Gas Meters");

(ii) Modifying standard condition 17.12 ("Information to Relevant Gas Shipper or Gas Transporter about premises").

3. The Notice required that any representations with respect to the proposed modifications be made on or before 15 December 2015.

4. A copy of the Notice was sent to the Secretary of State in accordance with section 23(4)(b) of the Act, and we have not received a direction that these modifications should should not be made.

5. We received 14 responses to the Notice, which we carefully considered. We have placed all non-confidential responses on our website. A copy of the non-confidential representations received by Ofgem are available free of charge from the Ofgem Knowledge Management Team, 9 Millbank, London, SW1P 3GE.

6. The Authority has carefully considered the representations made and, subject to the minor changes set out in Schedule 1 to this Notice, has decided to proceed with all the modifications proposed in the Notice.

7. Minor changes were made to the licence drafting consulted on to reflect that the numbering of the condition 12 will remain the same despite conditions 12.8 to 12.16 no longer being in use. These changes have been made to ensure clarity for those subject to the conditions of the licence.

8. In accordance with section 38A of the Act, the reasons for making the licence modifications is to implement the policy stated in the following documents:

(a) Reforming suppliers’ meter inspection obligations – final proposals




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Soory , this mod think of blocking link is prevent justice, so I hope this now works



see link to harassment case http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2009/46.html

see link to harassment lawhttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1997/40/contents



see link to gas regs http://legislation.data.gov.uk/uksi/1996/2535/made/data.htm?wrap=true







See 1 April 2016 changes to standard supply licences on gas inspections






To: All holders of a gas supply licence who are relevant licence holders for the purposes of section 23(10) of the Gas Act 1986.

GAS ACT 1986

SECTION 23(1)(b)




1. Each of the companies to whom this Notice is addressed has a gas supply licence which has been granted or treated as granted under section 7A(1) of the Gas Act 1986 ("the Act").

2. In accordance with section 23(2) of the Act the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (‘the Authority’)1 gave Notice on 16 November 2015 (‘the Notice’)2 that we proposed to modify the standard conditions of the gas supply licence by:

(i) Removing standard conditions 12.8 to 12.16 ("Inspection of Gas Meters");

(ii) Modifying standard condition 17.12 ("Information to Relevant Gas Shipper or Gas Transporter about premises").

3. The Notice required that any representations with respect to the proposed modifications be made on or before 15 December 2015.

4. A copy of the Notice was sent to the Secretary of State in accordance with section 23(4)(b) of the Act, and we have not received a direction that these modifications should should not be made.

5. We received 14 responses to the Notice, which we carefully considered. We have placed all non-confidential responses on our website. A copy of the non-confidential representations received by Ofgem are available free of charge from the Ofgem Knowledge Management Team, 9 Millbank, London, SW1P 3GE.

6. The Authority has carefully considered the representations made and, subject to the minor changes set out in Schedule 1 to this Notice, has decided to proceed with all the modifications proposed in the Notice.

7. Minor changes were made to the licence drafting consulted on to reflect that the numbering of the condition 12 will remain the same despite conditions 12.8 to 12.16 no longer being in use. These changes have been made to ensure clarity for those subject to the conditions of the licence.

8. In accordance with section 38A of the Act, the reasons for making the licence modifications is to implement the policy stated in the following documents:

(a) Reforming suppliers’ meter inspection obligations – final proposals






see link to Gas act 1986 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/44





Hope this goes through this time




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I have listed a complaint on Theresa May facebook page a new complaint about the "Not for purpose" Energy Ombudsman . Why not add your own comments and story via a complaint to her link is https://www.facebook.com/TheresaMayOfficial/#_=_



Be aware she erases these overnight that the ones she does not like. She does not believe in her own public nonsense shared society bull**** she comes up with. But she has a duty to act on a written complaint. I still awaiting a reply to my letter 30 Nov 2016.



Downing st quoted 2015 in a letter reply to me when my complaint was on or after 1 Feb 2016. Incompetence or interference?

More interference in genuine complaints that May is in dereliction of her duties an obligation. she is breaking Uk law herself as is Greg Clark at DECC




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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it time this site had a dedicated EON Victims Group thread.

I for one are still awaiting a reply to the letter below.



perhaps this letter will act and encourage to fighting back. If you would care to support a class legal action against EON please contact me at the address below.But the letter was in response to a EON computer generated threat of a magistrates warrant.



Dr Tony Cocker




EON Energy Solutions Ltd 63 The Academy

Westwood Way Holly Street

Westwood Business Park Luton

Coventry England

England LU1 3DD




By email and Post



11 Dec 2016



Dear Dr Cocker,


Re We are in Dispute , Termination of your Contract on the 11 April 2014 regarding Account Number 0117 1466 2330 and your companies Harassment , Demanding money with Menaces and fraud and with reference to new and unsolicited Acc No 0151 7761 3930 and fraud therein, and refusal to send an outstanding and final & accurate invoice for the period 2007 to April 2014 now 30 months overdue and contrary to UK law and a reply with respect to The fabulous case of Arkell v. Pressdram [Private Eye].


Dr Cocker,


I acknowledge receipt of your companies insincere and disingenuous computer generated letter dated 30 Nov 2016 received on the 10 December 2016, copy attached. Do you really expect me to accept it took 10 days to post this letter? Furthermore I also refer you to all of my previous correspondence on this subject including, 18 Jan, 19 Feb , 4 March , 9 June , 29 June , 3rd July 10 July all in 2016.

But let me state clearly, and in the immortal words of Private Eye and with particular reference to " The fabulous case of Arkell v. Pressdram [Private Eye], I tell you clearly Dr Cocker to

" **** ***".

You appear to me to be an incredibly dense man. So please take note:-



1. We are in dispute. Fact.


2. I have no wish to create legal relations with your incompetent and unethical company and who engage in grotesque business practices. Fact.


3. There will be no payment, no consideration, so sue me Dr Cocker. I will not pay your ****** of a company, one penny for this new and unsolicited account Number 0151 7761 3930. I therefore do not owe EON the disputed sum of £227.86 or any other sum. Your company has committed fraud with regard this account. That is against UK law Dr Cocker, but I suspect strongly you know that.


4. I have no contract with your company for electrical energy on or after 11 April 2014.


5. I am still awaiting the receipt for my final and accurate invoice for account No. 0117 1466 2330 and after I terminated your account on the 11 April 2014 after your breach of a Luton County Court Order, your incompetence and unethical business practices. This outstanding invoice is now 30 months overdue and EON are still in breach of UK law with regard this overdue final invoice. 30 months of UK law breaking Dr Cocker. Shocking but nevertheless grotesque business practices.


6. You company is still in breach of a Luton County Court Order dated March 2014.


7. Let me make this quite clear Dr Cocker, I will see you in court, that is Dr Cocker if you have the balls to go there, which I doubt. But has we are in dispute and as Dr Teyssen your overall CEO in Germany, whom I understand has a law degree will undoubtedly know, it is not possible to peruse proceedings in a magistrates case in the full knowledge there is a genuine dispute between the parties, and albeit its far from me to tell you about law, but the correct course of action available to your company is an action in the Luton County Court. So I will expect the summons from the Luton County Court by return that is of course if you can grow a pair of balls?


8. EON Energy Solutions Ltd under your management and control are serial law breakers and have been since 2012 and has been fined for repeat offences by Ofgem. Fact. .


9. Your insincere letter of the 30 Nov 2016 is further proof of your and your companies "Course of Conduct "amounting to Harassment which is a civil and criminal offence. You are requested to cease and desist such actions.


As I said I will see your grotesque company in court (Magistrates or County Court I let you choose) Dr Cocker, that is if you can find the balls, so it’s time to grow a pair Dr Cocker?


You are a spineless man; a ****** who controls a company who commits xxx and your company’s grotesque business practices means it is in breach of other UK laws in addition to that above. Your company’s grotesque business practices amounts to organised crime.


Sorry I will not be sending you a Xmas card Dr Cocker.



Yours Sincerely


Mike Glynn



CC Theresa May -Prime Minister




EON disingenuous letter dated 30 Nov 2016.


Would all note No reply received or court application and issued to me made to date.

No final invoice now 32 months overdue when 2 UK laws require it within 6 weeks.

And EON reps that frequent this site this is way above your pay grade. Lets leave it to Dr Cocker to find his balls!



Edited by BankFodder
Removed some defamatory content
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I can see that you are extremely angry and frustrated. However, I also see that you've been expressing your anger around parts of the forum in a rather scattergun way which I'm afraid are pretty ineffective.


There are some aspects of your post above which I'm going to edit out because although you may well have a basis for your anger, we used this forum to try and help solve people's problems. I'm afraid that carrying content which is potentially defamatory is something we have to protect ourselves from. Also, carrying content which really amounts merely to hurling insults at some remote CEO, is very unhelpful.


I'm sure we will be very pleased to find out about the problem you have suffered over quite a few months and to try and work out with you the best way to address those problems in a way that maybe will produce a resolution and also give you a sense that you have taken control and also if you a sense of satisfaction.


We often find that this helps to deal with people's frustration at the way they get much around by these big businesses.


I hope you won't consider that your simply being blocked by mods here. You aren't, we are trying our best to support you and I would suggest that the best thing to do would be if you started a new thread and told us in a calm, but detailed and bullet pointed way what has happened over the months.

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I've had a brief look at your letter but frankly I don't understand the story.


What I can tell you is that big companies and especially the utilities companies receive buckets loads of letters like this every day. Their eyes glaze over and they bin them. I'm afraid that your letter is completely ineffective and you simply lose credibility.


If you have received a letter from EON that I suggest that you posted up here in PDF format – but in another thread which you should start and use to tell us your story calmly as I have asked above.

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please note law breaking for over 32 months on a final account is only resolved in a court case.

You seem to be ignoring this point.


Point 2 this letter of angry as you incorrectly refer to is in the public domain and has been out there for over a month, so if Dr Cocker disagrees he can issue court proceedings to morrow.


His silence is disconcerting but in line with his grotesque business practices , fraud , harassment and multiple law breaking.


EON will not issue proceedings why?


UK customers must be aware of EON business practices.


There are many EON victims out there, but the truth will come out in the end.


Why not discuss the matter in a civil and respectful way.


Let the people and victims OF EON criminal activities be the judge.

Dr Cocker has all the facts .

He fails to reply in person

. Not professional.



He runs a company that breaks UK laws with impunity. He harasses people.

He has selected amnesia when it comes to my 32 overdue final invoice.

He engages in fraud with regard a new unsolicited account.



As I wish no further legal relations with his grotesque company my letter represents my final position a sort of deadlock letter.

EOn's move.

Do nothing lose face.

Go to court when EON are in breach of a county Court and lied in court.

Rock and a hard place comes to mind.



The bill reversal [problem] is well known to me and EON and elsewhere is an industry problem.

Lets start with overdue final and accurate invoice on my old account.

What is causing this delay which is against UK.

This is posted on Theresa May's facebook and my own.

The letter was sent to Theresa May months ago.

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Well thank you.


I'm going to close the thread.


If you would like to set out your story and give us an idea of how we can help you, then we are only too ready to help.


In the meantime, I'd be grateful if you stop posting this stuff around the rest of the forum. You made your point here and your best course of action would be to tell us your story in a new thread

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Should Mrs May not introduce a windfall tax 15% on these German and French owned energy companies tomorrow as part of Brexit?


Would anybody like the 5% vat removed from their domestic bills?


What is Theresa May's Brexit policy for energy users in Scotland , Wales or Northern Ireland as energy is not a devolved act?



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Date Sat 11 Feb 2017

I see Theresa May and her government are leaking stories to their favourite newspaper the SUN again as the story was not in today's Daily Mirror or Star.


Let’s analysis the government cover up PR exercise in some detail. Firstly let me state Mrs May's and or Greg Clark’s attributed comments are pure humbug, insincere disingenuous outright lies and untruths UK energy users.


The Suns report stated :

Minister ready to impose regulated standard energy price .


What does this really mean - [ Government including Greg Clark and Theresa May, Cameron and Amber Rudd is an admission that Ofgem are " not it for purpose " as clearly they are the regulators and have failed to take appropriate action since 2012 against the law breakers off the big 6.


Will Theresa May and Greg Clark apologise for the failure and that of Cameron, Rudd and Ofgem all which have abused their power in public office.


Will Mrs May condemn EON's 34 months of law breaking? Not a hope in hell .

Theresa May is complicit in ripping off UK energy users with her lackey Greg Clark. It is morally repugnant and an abuse of their duty in public office.] Will they now close down Ofgem?


Officials ( my words, The energy cartel high command) are studying( my words, kid on to energy users we are going to do something fast when we will do no such thing, as the government are part of the energy cartel) plan to cap the most common tariff for 2 years.


The report stated ,

Under plans being considered for a government policy paper a new fair price or default standard variable tariff would be set by regulator Ofgem (my words, who are "not fit for purpose".


We the government could order an immediate freeze on price hikes tomorrow or hit the energy companies with a windfall tax, but we have to obey The energy cartel high command instructions and rip off all energy users. You like the big 6 we are law breakers as well.)


Source say firms would be expected to use this for at least the estimate 10 million customers who have not switched for at least three years


[ That’s the government con, to get you the energy customer to accept new onerous terms and conditions being imposed by the big 6 so you pay for the smart meter roll out all £ 11 billion or the Hinkley point nuclear power station estimated at £45 billion and there is much worse to come that we are not telling you. You’s public are gullible just like the motorists we pick on said a government source!].


Martin Cable CMA tabled proposal ( Note CMA also part of the energy cartel is failing to look into the energy cartel run with government complicit approval or my specific compliant into EDF. Why is that Mr Clark or Mrs May?)


Pre-payment meter customers still being ripped off. [The government plan to do nothing for the disadvantaged energy users in the UK, whilst we know they pay 20% more than other energy users.]


This is the smoking gun government admission

.Please all note:


Greg Clark states:

" he blasted the big 6 last year and said Government had a duty to Act over the " estimated £2 billion milked from Customers each year".



[in other words that sad old man of politics David Cameron and his lackey Amber Rudd failed in their dereliction of duty in previous years when in public office.


It means Theresa May and Greg Clark and Ofgem are also in dereliction of their duty since they took office. Why has it taken him so long to admit the government’s failure or even take positive action sooner?]


That means Greg Clark and Theresa May's positions are untenable.



I see no mention of withdrawing the EU required 5% Vat on domestic energy users by next week, after all we are leaving the EU are we not?


I see no mention of shutting down the energy cartel or stopping their law breaking.


I see no mention of the £1.4 billion ripped off last year from energy users being repaid in say 6 weeks from today to all customers or the government will claw it back as a windfall tax on big 6 energy company profits over the last 5 years.


I see no mention of closing down the fraud and harassment of energy customers by the Big 6 energy companies. Both of which are criminal and civil offences.


I see no mention of Energy Ombudsman increase year on year of customer complaints. Ofgem not been fit for purpose and how government will enforce to stop this increase in complaints.


I see no mention of a major overall of Ofgem with its failure to have regulated or enforced UK law or corruption since 2012.


I see no mention of the Big 6's abusive of their dominant position which is anti-competitive and against UK law.


I see no mention of Theresa May public statement condemning the Big 6's law breaking year upon year.


I see no mention that Mrs May will you publicly condemn EON's law breaking for 34 months. David Cameron also refused to do so.

Will Mrs May put a stop to EON's continuing fraud and ripping off of customers?


I see no mention that Theresa May will intervene and get on my behalf a 34 month overdue final invoice which contains fraud and which EON's failure to provide same is contrary to 2 different UK statutes of law.


I see no mention that Theresa May will apologise for a Downing St letter from Mrs T Sampson on the 12 May 2016 which was disingenuous and evidence of interference into my affairs?


These are just some of Mrs May's and Greg Clark’s shortcomings as they are also her duty and obligation in public office, to uphold UK law(s), so why is she failing to do so? Is she avoiding responsibility?



Why is Mrs May subverting UK law? It's morally repugnant.

In summary Mrs May is not fit for public office and she must be held accountable for her complicity in running an energy cartel and in EON's law breaking and fraud.


Mrs May's position and silence on this matter is a burning injustice as it was with that ****** David Cameron before her.

Or should we just file the news leaked from DECC today, as pure pish and a further abuse of public office?

You decide?

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  • 1 month later...

EON and Dr Tony Cocker and his team are still continuing their harassment and disingenuous communications.


Sending a post card to " The Occupier ". It begs the question does EON know how to tell the truth or take County court legal action, which I have invited them to do?




Dr Tony Cocker /Dr J Teyssen

UK CEO/ EON Worldwide CEO

EON Energy Solutions Ltd 63 The Academy

Westwood Way Holly Street

Westwood Business Park Luton

Coventry England

England LU1 3DD





Heather "no surname"

PO BOX 9286, Nottingham



By email :


[email protected]; [email protected] , [email protected]; [email protected]


27 March 2017


Dear Dr Cocker and Dr J Teyssen,


Re: 1. We are in Dispute and ;


2. Termination of Contract on the 11 April 2014 regarding Account Number 0117 1466 2330 and ;


3. Your companies reticence, uncommunicativeness, and refusal to send an outstanding and final & accurate invoice for the period 2007 to 11 April 2014 now 34 months overdue and contrary to several UK laws and ;


4. I have no wish to create further legal relations with your incompetent company after 11 April 2014 and;


5. Your company’s continuing "course of conduct" amounting to Harassment and refusal to cease and desist such a "course of conduct" and which has occurred on multiple occasions and ;


6. Demanding money with Menaces and ;


7. Fraud and fraudulent misrepresentations and with reference to an unsolicited new and disputed Account Number 0151 7761 3930 and ;


8. Your company’s continuing multiple breaking of UK laws between 2007 to 2014 and between the period April 2014 to present and ;


9. My unreserved and total rejection of any new unsolicited price increase tariff information and other general terms and conditions sent to me in EON's " undated March 2017" letter, which in my opinion your terms and conditions are illegal and fail to comply with your companies obligations in law and hereby rejected via my email and letter dated 20 March 2017 and ;


10. My previous written rejection of unsolicited new terms and conditions and which were received on or after 12 Feb 2016 sent by your company and rejected via my 4 March 2017 email and letter of the same date all with regard to the unsolicited and disputed new Acc Number 0151 7761 3930 and ;


11. Breach of a Luton County Court Order of the 21 March 2014.


Dear Heather no surname, Dr Cocker and Dr J Teyssen ,


I acknowledge receipt of EON Energy Solutions Ltd insincere and disingenuous generated postcard, copy of same attached, and received by me on the 24 March 2017 attributed to Heather "no surname " and addressed strangely to the "occupier" and to which the contents of said postcard are denied and your threats therein of disconnection are also illegal.


Is that your selective amnesia playing up again Dr Cocker? If you are having trouble writing and or addressing or even dating any inaccurate or dishonest communications to me can I suggest you check and double check ,my details with :


1, Theresa May, Prime Minister at Downing St, albeit Downing St has the same problem with getting the date in communications correct and ;


2. Iain Wright MP Chair, Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee at [email protected]or [email protected] and ;


3. Or even Dr Teyssen your CEO in Germany, on the assumption you and Heather " No surname" cannot not read and ;.


4. Lastly you could try the UK Press and media.


Your company's position and conduct is incompetent, embracing and futile but most certainly Dr Cocker illustrates your desperation and tendency to pathological lying and dishonesty.


I note with great interest, that the disingenuous EON postcard implies my home is to be visited . Does that mean placed under investigation, however your undated postcard does not amplify this "course of conduct" but perhaps you will confirm that this course of conduct is in relation to your company's continuing multiple law breaking and specifically your companies fraud, fraudulent misrepresentations, harassment, multiple breaches of UK laws in relation to Utilities Act, Electricity Act ,and Consumer Protection Acts and my 34 month outstanding final and accurate invoice which you and your company refuses to send to me?.


I however remind you EON's "rights of access to this property" have been withdrawn some time ago and also require my written agreement in advance, which you or your representatives do not have under the current circumstances. You could seek a magistrates warrant but that will be strongly defended and I will produce this and other letters in defence.


The "undated no surname" EON postcard constitutes further evidence of you as the controlling mind in relation to your harassment and your conduct and refusal to cease and desist your companies harassment of me. The “undated March 2017 postcard from Heather " unnamed" is further prime facia evidence of your company's continuing “course of conduct" of Harassment. That is a criminal and civil offence. Again you are requested to cease and desist from such a course of action.


In addition I see you are reverting to type Dr Cocker by getting a woman lackey, ( oh the memories of Wendie Bailon come flooding back in 2013 and 2014) to do a man's job. You have no shame. Your position in constantly lying reminds me of what a judge said in a court to a defendant that he was a " Glib and Shameless liar". You and your companies multiple law breaking and harassment are bordering on the pathological. You should seek some help.


You are a spineless man; a ****** who controls a company who commits fraud and harassment who engages in fraud and fraudulent misrepresentations and your company’s grotesque business practices and continuingly engages in and undertakes multiple breaches of UK laws and I include consumer protection laws.


The dishonest contents and addressing of the EON postcard to the "Occupier", shows you and your companies incompetence ,dishonesty and tendency to make misrepresentations and or breaches of the standard licence condition.


Furthermore, I also refer you, Dr Teyssen and your woman lackey Heather, " no surname" to all of my previous correspondence on this subject including, 18 Jan, 19 Feb , 4 March , 9 June, 29 June, 3rd July, 10 July and 11 Dec , all in 2016 and my recent 20 March 2017(sent by me as special delivery/recorded delivery and received by EON on the 23 March 2017 at 08.06 at their headquarters) and to which your company's continuing reticence to acknowledge or reply to any of my reasonable letters and communications or deal with my requests for irrefutable evidence. It also proves that your lies in your undated postcard about not been able to contact me is exposed for its dishonesty for all to see.


This is reticence on your behalf is simply absurd and grotesque. One of the deadlines set in my letter of the 20 March 2017 for your company to provide information lapses at end of business today the 27 March 2017 at 5pm. Please note that the time of writing, I have received no reply. Plainly you and your companies whole position is absurd and is indefensible.


But let me state once again, as you Dr Cocker appear to me to be an incredibly dense man.


So Please take Note:-


1. We are in dispute. Fact.


2. I have no wish to create legal relations with your incompetent and unethical company and who engages in grotesque business practices following my termination of the contract on the 11 April 2014. Fact.


3. In addition, your company’s latest attempts to fraudulently induce me into a contract has failed. Once again( refer to my previous letter 4 March 2016) , I hereby give notice that the computer generated and "undated March 2017 letter " signed by Chris Lovatt and headed " Your electricity prices will increase from 26 April 2017" and complete with the general terms and conditions" are rejected as is any alleged but denied and disputed contract for the supply of electricity and its alleged usage?.


4. Please note Dr Cocker. I will never enter into a legal relationship with your grotesque and unethical company. Your company is incompetent, its engages in criminal behaviour and its disregard for UK laws is shocking, absurd and grotesque. It time the government took direct action to remove and or suspend your electricity supply operating licence in respect of your repeated law breaking.


5.By copy of this letter, I would ask the chairman of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee Iain Wright MP to note this further EON harassment , further law breaking of Standard Licence condition SLC 25C.4 and EON'S attempts to mislead and file this letter as further evidence into the committees investigation all in relation to my allegations and complaint to said committee regarding EON's company's behaviour and breaking of multiple UK laws.


I remind the committee and EON of the duty and obligation under Standard Licence condition SLC 25C.4 "The Standards of Conduct are that:


(a) the licensee and any Representative behave and carry out any actions in a Fair, honest, transparent, appropriate and professional manner;


(b) the licensee and any Representative provide information (whether in Writing or orally) to each Domestic Customer which:


(i) is complete, accurate and not misleading (in terms of the information provided or omitted) ";


The EON undated postcard and it's contents are clear breach of said obligation in law


Let me say simply , you and your company Dr Cocker and in all my dealing with you, do not know the meaning of honest, transparent professional manner with regard to these obligations and duties set out in SLC 25C.4 Your company have repeatedly broken this law. Furthermore there is no doubt, your company has been previously or is currently in breach of this and other standard licence conditions, made law pursuant to the Electricity Act 1989 .


6. Furthermore, there will be no payment, no consideration, on the contents of the “undated March 2017 letter” with increased tariff or amended terms and conditions.


7. Dr Cocker, there will be no payment regarding the terms and conditions your company issued in February 2016 and rejected by me in writing at the relevant time please refer to my letter and email and letter dated 4 March 2016, related to the unsolicited and disputed new account Number 0151 7761 3930


So simply put, sue me Dr Cocker. Why are you reluctant to do so Dr Cocker? No barrister prepared to lie for you?


I will not pay your ****** of a company, one penny for this unsolicited and disputed new account Number 0151 7761 3930. I therefore do not owe EON the denied and disputed sum of £298.38 falsely claimed on your unsolicited 27 Feb 2017 invoice sent to me recently or any other sum of money claimed by EON on any invoice on or after 12 Feb 2016 to the present date.


The 27 Feb 2017 invoice and “undated March 2017 letter" from Chris Lovatt are prime facia evidence of your company's continuing “course of conduct" of Harassment. Your company has committed fraud with regard this unsolicited and disputed new account and continues to do so by issuing false and untrue monthly invoices all of which are falsely purporting energy usage ,which is denied and strongly disputed.


8. I also refer to you continuing harassment, fraud , fraudulent misrepresentations, failure to produce a final invoice in respect of Account Number 0117 1466 2330 now 34 months overdue, and or failure to read electricity meters accurately and within the prescribed frequency, and to ensure the proper functioning of the electricity meter and or certification of the electricity meter, all of which are obligations and duties set in law, Dr Cocker, but I suspect strongly you know that as well Dr Cocker.


Furthermore, I am still awaiting the receipt for my final and accurate invoice for account No. 0117 1466 2330 and after I terminated the account on the 11 April 2014 after your breach of a Luton County Court Order in March 2014, which I sight as further evidence of your incompetence and unethical business practices. This outstanding invoice is now 34 months overdue. 34 months of UK law breaking Dr Cocker. Shocking but nevertheless grotesque business practices.


9. I have no contract with your company for electrical energy on or after 11 April 2014.


In addition to my rejection of your “undated March 2017” letter and general terms and conditions, I turn to the matter of the alleged and disputed kWH usage indicted as estimated within all invoices issued and on or after 12 Feb 2016 to date such electricity usage is denied and disputed. I believe your company’s actions irresponsible and reckless. I will not allow you to simply attempt to brush this matter aside.


10. I also remind you that your company is still in breach of a Luton County Court Order given on the 21 March 2014.


11. Let me repeat what I said in my letter dated 11 Dec 2016 and 20 Mach 2017 so it quite clear Dr Cocker, I will see you in court.


But has we are in dispute and as Dr Teyssen your overall CEO in Germany, whom I understand has a law degree will undoubtedly know from my letter 11 Dec 2016 letter and 20 March 2017, it is not possible to pursue proceedings in a magistrates case in the full knowledge there is a genuine dispute between the parties, and albeit its far from me to tell you about the law, but the correct course of action available to your company is an action in the Luton County Court. I aver your companies failure to issue any proceedings in a magistrates court at any time on or after the 11 April 2014 is prime facia evidence of your company's "course of conduct" to harass me.


In addition, I was eagerly anticipating your companies County court application from the Luton County Court 4 months ago, on or after 11 Dec 2016. I note that you and your company have never issued such County Court proceedings either.


Why is that Dr Cocker? Is your incredible failure to issue legal proceedings perhaps a direct result of your company's current or past law breaking, harassment, fraud and fraudulently misrepresentations, breach of standard licence conditions or consumer protection laws? Your failure to act is absurd. Simply put, either put up or shut up as your position is irrational, farcical and indefensible.


12. EON Energy Solutions Ltd under your management and control are serial law breakers and have been since 2012 and has been fined for repeat offences by Ofgem year on year. Fact.


13. Your companies computer generated and insincere letters of the 30 Nov 2016, " undated March 2017 letter" and undated postcard received on the 24 March 2017, is further proof of you and your companies “Course of Conduct “amounting to Harassment which is a civil and criminal offence. I have previously requested you and your company cease and desist from such a "course of action". You are failing to comply with this reasonable request.


I repeat this reasonable requested to cease and desist from such actions. It is clear to me that you are the controlling mind behind this continuing harassment. Moreover and importantly, your failure in imposing strict liability on employees and failure to encourage them to maintain standards of good practice is ludicrous and absurd.


Please Take Note: I will see your grotesque company in court (Magistrates or County Court I will let you choose) Dr Cocker.


I await the information requested in my letter dated 20 March 2017 and this letter and or you Luton County Court application within the remaining 7 days Dr Cocker. Tick Tock.


Yours Sincerely


Mike Glynn


cc Theresa May - UK Prime Minister, Downing St


cc Dr J Teyssen - Chairman of the Board of Management / Chief Executive Officer of E.ON SE.


cc iain.wright MP ,Chair, Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee at [email protected] / [email protected].


cc UK National press and TV Media


cc "Heather no surname", EON, PO BOX 9286, Nottingham NG1 9DX.




EON disingenuous and undated March 2017 postcard addressed to "The Occupier" from Heather no surname" .

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I must thank CAG.


Previously one might expect to find posters such as this in the street, shouting and raving, without any indication of who their ire is directed against.


Not only is CAG keeping this OP off the street, they are giving them space to rant - even though their post doesn't seem to pose any question, ask for help, or offer help to others.

It still seems like a public service to offer the OP such space ....

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Thank you for the reply although I note it is not helpful in itself.


I further note you have failed to condemn EON who engages in illegal activities such as Fraud , Fraudulent misrepresentations, multiple law breaking of the Electricity Act and the Utilities Act 2000 and or laws including Consumer Protection laws and or breaches of the standard licence conditions.



I now gave you the opportunity to do so as it seems rather amiss of you to ignore these points. As the OP I find harassment which is a criminal and civil offence distressing and morally repugnant. It has no place in modern business practices and the law agrees with me.


I see no reason for a 34 month overdue final and accurate account either?


I hope the EON postcard has attached here which was crass on Dr Cocker part, but very much part of his and his companies modus operandi.


Equally I find 158% price hike in energy prices over the last 5 years when wholesale energy prices have not risen by the same amount absurd and shocking. There is no justification and have called Theresa May to account. Once again taking the fight to the law breakers. Is that unreasonable?


EON and their CEO are the law breakers here in my 30 Nov 2016,20 March 2017 and 27 March 2017 . Dr Cocker has had every opportunity to commence legal proceedings after EON threatening to do so on multiple occasions. He has refused to do so.



I suggest you read the law in the following legal case Lisa Ferguson V British Gas Trading ltd . I provided this link previously to help others so perhaps you will apologise for you crass remarks in stating I have not helped? My harassment is real and Cocker is the controlling mind behind the harassment.


I also add below my letter of the 20 March 2017 which EON's postcard refuses to acknowledge or reply to , why?:




Dr Tony Cocker /Dr J Teyssen


UK CEO/ EON Worldwide CEO

EON Energy Solutions Ltd 63 The Academy

Westwood Way Holly Street

Westwood Business Park Luton

Coventry England

England LU1 3DD



By email and Post to:


[email protected]; [email protected] , [email protected]; [email protected]


20 March 2017


Dear Dr Cocker and Dr J Teyssen,


Re: 1. We are in Dispute and ;


2. Termination of Contract on the 11 April 2014 regarding Account Number 0117 1466 2330 and ;


3. Your companies reticence, uncommunicativeness, and refusal to send an outstanding and final & accurate invoice for the period 2007 to 11 April 2014 now 34 months overdue and contrary to several UK laws and ;


4. I have no wish to create further legal relations with your incompetent company after 11 April 2014 and;


5. Your company’s continuing "course of conduct" amounting to Harassment and refusal to cease and desist such a "course of conduct" and which has occurred on multiple occasions and ;


6. Demanding money with Menaces and ;


7. Fraud and fraudulent misrepresentations and with reference to an unsolicited new and disputed Account Number 0151 7761 3930 and ;


8. Your company’s continuing multiple breaking of UK laws between 2007 to 2014 and between the period April 2014 to present and ;


9. My unreserved and total rejection of any new unsolicited price increase tariff information and other general terms and conditions sent to me in EON's " undated March 2017" letter, which in my opinion your terms and conditions are illegal and fail to comply with your companies obligations in law and hereby rejected via my email and letter dated 20 March 2017 below and ;


10. My previous written rejection of unsolicited new terms and conditions and which were received on or after 12 Feb 2016 sent by your company and rejected via my 4 March 2017 email and letter of the same date all with regard to the unsolicited and disputed new Acc Number 0151 7761 3930 and ;


11. Breach of a Luton County Court Order of the 21 March 2014.


Dr Cocker and Dr J Teyssen ,


I acknowledge receipt of EON Energy Solutions Ltd insincere and disingenuous computer generated letter which I will refer to throughout this letter of reply, as the " undated March 2017 letter " and attributed to Chris Lovatt your alleged managing Director, residential.


This " undated March 2017 letter" was received by me on the 16 March 2017 and headed " Your electricity prices will increase from 26 April 2017" and complete with new general terms and conditions. A copy of these two EON documents are attached to my email for clarity.


Furthermore I also refer you and Dr Teyssen to all of my previous correspondence on this subject including, 18 Jan, 19 Feb , 4 March , 9 June , 29 June , 3rd July, 10 July and 11 Dec , all in 2016 and to which your company reticence to acknowledge or reply to any of my reasonable letters and communications. This is reticence is simply absurd and grotesque.


But let me state clearly, as you Dr Cocker appear to me to be an incredibly dense man.


So Please take Note:-


1. We are in dispute. Fact.


2. I have no wish to create legal relations with your incompetent and unethical company and who engage in grotesque business practices following my termination of the contract on the 11 April 2014. Fact.


3. In addition, your company’s latest attempts to fraudulently induce me into a contract has failed. Once again( refer to my previous letter 4 March 2016) , I hereby give notice that the computer generated and "undated March 2017 letter " signed by Chris Lovatt and headed " Your electricity prices will increase from 26 April 2017" and complete with the general terms and conditions" are rejected as is any alleged but denied and disputed contract for the supply of electricity and its alleged usage?.


Please note Dr Cocker. I will never enter into a legal relationship with your grotesque and unethical company. Your company is incompetent, its engages in criminal behaviour and its disregard for UK laws is shocking, absurd and grotesque. It time the government took direct action to remove and or suspend your electricity supply operating licence in respect of your repeated law breaking.


By copy of this letter, I would ask the chairman of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee Iain Wright MP to investigate same and note this letter as a formal complaint to said committee regarding your company's behaviour and breaking of multiple UK laws.


In addition Dr Cocker, your "undated March 2017" Chris Lovatt letter and general terms and conditions are onerous and fail to comply with multiple UK law(s).


4. Furthermore, there will be no payment, no consideration, on the contents of the "undated March 2017 letter" with increased tariff or amended terms and conditions.


5. Furthermore there will be no payment regarding the terms and conditions your company issued in February 2016 and rejected by me in writing at the relevant time please refer to my letter and email and letter dated 4 March 2016, related to the unsolicited and disputed new account Number 0151 7761 3930.


So simply put, sue me Dr Cocker. I will not pay your ****** of a company, one penny for this unsolicited and disputed new account Number 0151 7761 3930. I therefore do not owe EON the denied and disputed sum of £298.38 falsely claimed on your unsolicited 27 Feb 2017 invoice sent to me recently or any other sum of money claimed by EON on any invoice on or after 12 Feb 2016 to the present date.


The 27 Feb 2017 invoice and "undated March 2017 letter" from Chris Lovatt are prime facia evidence of your company's continuing "course of conduct" of Harassment. Your company has committed fraud with regard this unsolicited and disputed new account and continues to do so by issuing false and untrue monthly invoices all of which are falsely purporting energy usage ,which is denied and strongly disputed , however I strongly suspect you know there has been no electricity usage since the 11 April 2014as you have previously been advised of same.


6. I also refer to you continuing harassment, fraud , fraudulent misrepresentations, failure to produce a final invoice in respect of Account Number 0117 1466 2330 now 34 months overdue, and or failure to read electricity meters accurately and within the prescribed frequency, and to ensure the proper functioning of the electricity meter and or certification of the electricity meter, all of which are obligations and duties set in law, Dr Cocker, but I suspect strongly you know that.


7. I have no contract with your company for electrical energy on or after 11 April 2014. I will gave you a further 7 days to provide unequivocal evidence of a contract between the parties including clear and unequivocal evidence of my alleged energy usage on or after 11 April 2014 and to which your company continues to make false misrepresentations.


In addition to my rejection of your "undated March 2017" letter and terms and conditions as given above, I turn to the matter of the alleged and disputed kWH usage indicted as estimated within all invoices issued and on or after 12 Feb 2016 to date such electricity usage is denied and disputed . I believe your company’s actions irresponsible and reckless. I will not allow you to simply attempt to brush this matter aside.


Notwithstanding same, I remind you of your duty and obligation under SLC 25C.4, that if you have a contract has you falsely allege and to which I deny and dispute, you are required to comply with Standard Licence condition SLC 25C.4 "The Standards of Conduct are that:


(a) the licensee and any Representative behave and carry out any actions in a Fair, honest, transparent, appropriate and professional manner;


(b) the licensee and any Representative provide information (whether in Writing or orally) to each Domestic Customer which:


(i) is complete, accurate and not misleading (in terms of the information provided or omitted) ";


Let me say simply , you and your company in all my dealing with you, do not know the meaning of honest, transparent professional manner with regard to these obligations and duties set out in SLC 25C.4 Your company have repeatedly broken this law. Furthermore there is no doubt, your company has been previously or is currently in breach of this and other standard licence conditions, made law pursuant to the Electricity Act 1989 .


8. Furthermore, I am still awaiting the receipt for my final and accurate invoice for account No. 0117 1466 2330 and after I terminated the account on the 11 April 2014 after your breach of a Luton County Court Order in March 2014, which I sight as further evidence of your incompetence and unethical business practices. This outstanding invoice is now 34 months overdue. 34 months of UK law breaking Dr Cocker. Shocking but nevertheless grotesque business practices.


9. I also remind you that your company is still in breach of a Luton County Court Order given on the 21 March 2014.


10. Let me repeat what I said in my letter dated 11 Dec 2016 so it quite clear Dr Cocker, I will see you in court.


But has we are in dispute and as Dr Teyssen your overall CEO in Germany, whom I understand has a law degree will undoubtedly know from my letter 11 Dec 2016 letter, it is not possible to pursue proceedings in a magistrates case in the full knowledge there is a genuine dispute between the parties, and albeit its far from me to tell you about the law, but the correct course of action available to your company is an action in the Luton County Court. I aver your companies failure to issue any proceedings in a magistrates court at any time on or after the 11 April 2014 is prime facia evidence your company's "course of conduct" to harass me.


In addition, I was eagerly anticipating your companies County court application from the Luton County Court 4 months ago, on or after 11 Dec 2016 the date of my last letter. I note that you and your company have never issued such County Court proceedings either.


Why is that Dr Cocker? Is your incredible failure to issue legal proceedings perhaps a direct result of your company's current or past law breaking, harassment, fraud and fraudulently misrepresentations, breach of standard licence conditions or consumer protection laws? Your failure to act is absurd. Simply put, either put up or shut up as your position is irrational and farcical.


11. EON Energy Solutions Ltd under your management and control are serial law breakers and have been since 2012 and has been fined for repeat offences by Ofgem year on year. Fact.


12. Your companies computer generated and insincere letters of the 30 Nov 2016 and " undated March 2017 letter", is further proof of you and your companies "Course of Conduct "amounting to Harassment which is a civil and criminal offence. I have previously requested you and your company cease and desist from such a "course of action".


I repeat this reasonable requested to cease and desist from such actions. It is clear to me that you are the controlling mind behind this harassment. Moreover and importantly, your failure in imposing strict liability on employees and failure to encourage them to maintain standards of good practice is ludicrous. I remind you that it was for these reasons that employers were to be held liable for wrongs committed by their employees in the course of their employment.


Time to find you moral compass Dr Cocker. I further note with great interest the Sun Newspaper on the 18 March 2017 is quoting you company's alleged net loss of 600,000 contracts equivalent of 300,000 customers. Bravo to those well informed right thinking people.


Please Take Note: I will see your grotesque company in court (Magistrates or County Court I will let you choose) Dr Cocker.

You are a spineless man; a ****** who controls a company who commits fraud and harassment who engages in fraud and fraudulent misrepresentations and your company’s grotesque business practices and continuingly engages in and undertakes multiple breaches of UK laws and I include consumer protection laws.


I await the information requested in this letter and or you court application within the next 14 days Dr Cocker.


Yours Sincerely


Mike Glynn


CC Theresa May - UK Prime Minister, Downing St


CC Dr J Teyssen - Chairman of the Board of Management / Chief Executive Officer of E.ON SE


cc iain.wright MP ,Chair, Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee at [email protected] / [email protected]


cc UK National press and TV Media.


encl in email

EON disingenuous and undated March 2017 from Chris Lovatt relating to " Electricity price increase on or after 26 April 2017" complete with accompanying general terms and conditions .


I trust, this letter of the 20 March 2017 plus my letter of the 30 Nov 2016 and 27 March 2017 will help others fight EON's grotesque business practice's. I am awaiting EON' legal proceedings. Why is Dr Cocker procrastinating on issuing same? Can you provide an answer?


Why does Dr Cocker not reply to my previous communications?

Why does Dr Cocker company continue to break the law?


The time clock has lapsed and he refuses to provide the information requested. The man has no shame.




Will you condemn law breaking by all energy companies?

EON undated March 2017 postcard page 10001.pdf

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Thank you for the reply although I note it is not helpful in itself.


I further note you have failed to condemn EON who engages in illegal activities such as Fraud , Fraudulent misrepresentations, multiple law breaking of the Electricity Act and the Utilities Act 2000 and or laws including Consumer Protection laws and or breaches of the standard licence conditions.


I now gave you the opportunity to do so as it seems rather amiss of you to ignore these points.


IF EON have broken the law then I condemn them for it. Ta-da!. Fixed.



Will you condemn law breaking by all energy companies?


I condemn law breaking by anyone.


However, which campaigns I spend my time on is dictated by the nature of the offence, any mitigation, and the chance of improving the situation.

So, If I speed at 75 mph on a clear motorway, in good road conditions, I condemn the law breaking but may not chastise myself too heavily.


Similarly, when I see the nutter ranting outside the tube station, I may not listen to discover what they are ranting about, but might use the west exit instead of the north one, and then walk north, avoiding the nutter. The nutter may have a perfectly valid complaint, but they aren't presenting it in a way likely to gain them traction.


I thank CAG again for getting Mike away from the tube station and into his own thread online.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I never understand people’s compulsion in failing to use their proper surname on webpage threads.



I also note you felt a compulsion to “babble on about what happened “regarding the mods of this site merging several individual threads that I started or contributed to, many of them nothing to do with EON. But thank you for your unhelp hypothesis.


They say fantasy is the faculty or activity of imaging impossible or improbable things.

In addition the say a pathological liar is someone who compulsively tells lies or fabricates information.



Such lies may not be rotted in reality believing the lies they tell.

Of course its pure fantasy, inaccurate, improbable, misleading and simply untrue.

In my opinion it would never lead to a nomination for a “Booker prize”.


Furthermore the say the rules of a pathological liar is never admit guilt, deny ,deny ,deny. Blame shift. Then cover up with more lies. Watching a compulsive lair scramble to do damage control when the secrets are unfolding is quite entertaining.


However I much prefer Greek mythology myself, especially the one about The Trojan Horse and the tale from the Trojan War about the subterfuge that the Greeks used to enter the city of Troy and win the war. I attach a fun picture to illustrate the point.


In your immoral and hypothetical world, it would appear that discrimination and intolerance of a physical or mental impairment which has an adverse effect on one’s ability to carry out normal day to day activates and treats one less favourably than others, is acceptable behaviour.

I call it victimisation and of course victimisation is illegal in certain circumstances and unlawful under the Equality Act 2010.


But I am also reminded that compos mentis - ‘Possessed of mind’ – Of sound mind: sane.



A “valid contract” must be made by someone who is compos mentis.

But then again in my affairs with respect to EON I have no valid contract nor do I wish to create legal relations with them EON who engage in grotesque business practices.


But in reply to your crass remarks and turning to the real world for the moment, I note the national press this week and their reports of the reckless speeding of a pair of bikers that tragically resulted in the death of one of the bikers( I send my sincere heartfelt condolences to his next of kin).



But then again according to your moral compass if this had been you speeding “ you may not chastise myself”. But speeding is a criminal offence and there is no justification for law breaking.


It brings to mind the words MENS REA - The “guilty mind” necessary to establish criminal responsibility.


The tragic accident will have profound effect and repercussions on the other driver involved, emergency services crews attending and other members of the public who may be called to give evidence, and most certainly on the dead bikers( may he rest in peace) family, but in your book that does not matter and shows a reckless indifference to law breaking.


But returning to your fantasy , I am sure every law abiding citizen driving down the motorway this Easter weekend with young children on board on a family day out will be reassured that a maniac driver in an EON van is careering down the motorway exceeding the speed limit and is about to have tyre blow out or his front wheel shears off due to the MOT running out the day before and as a result of lack of servicing and maintenance and in addition the van insurance is invalid, as the driver has not reapplied for his driving licence from his last driving ban as he did follow the courts instruction to attend a doctors medical examination, however the said accident causing havoc to other law abiding motorists on the motorway and the resulting death of a small infant.


The driver of the speeding and illegal vehicle was also on his mobile phone and over the drink driving limit that vary morning but chose to drive regardless and due to his recklessness and told disregard for UK laws , he does not care of the consequences that other people are seriously hurt or killed nor for one moment does he think of the carnage he causes having to be swept up by other emergency services and the cost to public services such as the NHS as he " may not chastise myself too heavily" after all he has been in this position before.


I suppose it begs the question would you turn up at court and because it’s a sunny day, you deliberately attempt to pervert the course of justice by being be disingenuous to the proceeding judge?


It also begs the question are you currently or are have you ever been engaged to provided professional services to EON Energy Solutions Ltd nor any subsidiary EON company here in the UK or worldwide? In other words do you have a conflict of interest? We are taught “to be cautious” so that not even the most penetrating stranger can find out what is not proper .


Or in the alternative “Aiud est Celare; aluid tarcere - mere silence- To conceal is one thing, to be silent another”.


Finally I am reminded of the words of RT Hon Lord Justice Jacob: one of the judges in the Lisa Ferguson v British Gas Trading Ltd[EWCA 2009] case, I have provided a link to same [ http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2009/46.html] and to which the RT Hon Judge stated : " It is one of the glories of this country that every now and then one of its citizens is prepared to take a stand against the big battalions of government or industry.



Such a person is Lisa Ferguson,". This country owes that lady a huge gratitude of debit. I would thoroughly recommend to all, a read of this fascinating case.


Will it’s been nice having this little chat.

It’s now 35 months and I still have not received my final and accurate overdue invoice regarding my termination of Account Number 0117 1466 2330.

Will you condemn such law breaking Barry S?

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and their endeth's today lesson read by the rev. Mike Glynn....




please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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I never understand people’s compulsion in failing to use their proper surname on webpage threads.


I never understand the compulsion to use one's forename and surname on threads unless one wishes to be identifiable .....

You have read the Posting Rules, haven't you?





3.1 It is important to remember that posts made on this website are being made in the public domain, and will be visible to anyone who accesses the website. You should therefore think carefully about what you post, and avoid including anything within your post (or your user ID, signature, or public profile) that will enable people to personally identify who you are and/or where you live.



I'm Bazza. I may or may not have Barry as a forename.

My surname may or may not begin with 's'.

But, that doesn't mean my points are any more or less valid with or without a forename and/or surname attached to them.


But then again according to your moral compass if this had been you speeding “ you may not chastise myself”. But speeding is a criminal offence and there is no justification for law breaking.


It brings to mind the words MENS REA - The “guilty mind” necessary to establish criminal responsibility.


Your 'grip' of the law is, at best, tenuous.

Speeding is a 'strict laibility' offence, only the actus is required. For (such) a strict laibility offence, absence of mens can't be used as a defence, only mitigation.



The tragic accident will have profound effect and repercussions on the other driver involved, emergency services crews attending and other members of the public who may be called to give evidence, and most certainly on the dead bikers( may he rest in peace) family, but in your book that does not matter and shows a reckless indifference to law breaking.


That is a falacious 'leap' in (what passes for your) 'logic'.


But returning to your fantasy , I am sure every law abiding citizen driving down the motorway this Easter weekend with young children on board on a family day out will be reassured that a maniac driver in an EON van is careering down the motorway exceeding the speed limit and is about to have tyre blow out or his front wheel shears off due to the MOT running out the day before and as a result of lack of servicing and maintenance and in addition the van insurance is invalid, as the driver has not reapplied for his driving licence from his last driving ban as he did follow the courts instruction to attend a doctors medical examination, however the said accident causing havoc to other law abiding motorists on the motorway and the resulting death of a small infant.


That'll be your fantasy, not mine ........


I suppose it begs the question would you turn up at court and because it’s a sunny day, you deliberately attempt to pervert the course of justice by being be disingenuous to the proceeding judge?


That would be 'presiding' judge........

But it is quite a leap to go from someone disagreeing with you, or highlighting your 'nutter tendencies', to a conclusion that someone would seek to pervert the course of justice. I'm reminded of the image of the nutter ranting outside the tube station again .....


It also begs the question are you currently or are have you ever been engaged to provided professional services to EON Energy Solutions Ltd nor any subsidiary EON company here in the UK or worldwide? In other words do you have a conflict of interest?


Would you (in your rabid state) be able to accept my denial, or is a denial further 'proof' of my 'involvement in the EON conspiracy' that you see lurking around every corner?.


We are taught “to be cautious” so that not even the most penetrating stranger can find out what is not proper .


Say what?. Are you saying that you think I'm a mason? or that you are a mason and that I'm not?.

Perhaps you are just introducing another cause for conspiracy theories. The thing is, the phraseology is well known so, sufficient that non-mason's can use it: so

We should level this out for once and for all. I'm not a mason. ........ ;)


Finally I am reminded of the words of RT Hon Lord Justice Jacob: one of the judges in the Lisa Ferguson v British Gas Trading Ltd[EWCA 2009] case, I have provided a link to same [ http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2009/46.html] and to which the RT Hon Judge stated : " It is one of the glories of this country that every now and then one of its citizens is prepared to take a stand against the big battalions of government or industry.



Such a person is Lisa Ferguson,". This country owes that lady a huge gratitude of debit. I would thoroughly recommend to all, a read of this fascinating case.


Thing is, Lisa Ferguson

a) was right, and

b) could string a coherent argument together.


When (IF!) you achieve a similar success creating a binding legal precedent, people should acknowledge your contribution and fortitiude.

Until, then : you are just another nutter to me, based on your rantings.


Will it’s been nice having this little chat.

It’s now 35 months and I still have not received my final and accurate overdue invoice regarding my termination of Account Number 0117 1466 2330.

Will you condemn such law breaking?


I've previously replied regarding my views on 'law breaking'.

I don't know if EON have behaved unlawfully towards you or not ....... the tl:dr version is "maybe he is right, but who can tell, as he just comes across as a nutter".

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