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Found 10 results

  1. Hi We moved in to our rented property at Christmas 2017. We both work from home and took the property based on being able to do just that. My fiancé has a photography studio set up here with regular clients coming to the house. In May we found out that the neighbours had sold a patch of their garden to a builder who is now building a house on the land. The noise is unbearable, we are woken up every morning at 7 and we can't use the garden because of the noise and dust. The neighbours are also having their remaining garden paved by a separate company who also make noise from 7am. To top it off, our other next door neighbour have just started work on their house so we have to deal with hammering and banging all day on that side too. The landlord claims he knew nothing about any of it, which is rubbish and the builders have confirmed that they have had extensive conversations with him as part of the planning process and he in fact moved out of the house because of the construction. We have already asked for a rent reduction as we have been deceived in to moving in and the worst part is we pay nearly £2k in rent to live here! In this beautiful weather, we haven't been able to enjoy the garden at all. I have spoken to a solicitor who has told me whilst the landlord did have a moral obligation to tell us about the work, he unfortunately didn't have a legal obligation, which I just cannot believe! We have spoken to the builders who have now said they will try not to do noisy work before 8am, but even minor work causes enough noise to disturb us. We have to have the windows open because of the heat and there is no escape from it! We've requested a rent reduction but the landlord said no and we would have to pay to get out of our contract. There is another month left of the building works and we just don't feel like we can cope with it anymore. We're both being woken up in a state of stress and anxiety and its impacting on our work and our health! Is there really nothing we can do!?
  2. My partner and I live in a 1 bed flat in a house conversion. Our bedroom is above the kitchen/living area of the problem tenants below us. For about 2 years we have been complaining to the landlords about the noise from these tenants. They run a loud extractor fan at all hours of the day and night, bang doors and cupboards, shout at each other and their kids. Now they have a crying baby!! The walls are paper thin to the point where the heating cannot keep the room warm at all. The landlords have written them multiple "warning" letters and had one meeting with them, where they agreed to keep the noise down. This didn't happen. We kept complaining so there was a meeting between us and these tenants, which they denied making the noises. Again it didn't change. I then wrote a formal complaint, in which they reply was saying we are now alleging the noises are happening, even though in the past we have provided recordings of their noise! They also said if we agree to have the landlords come around and do a sound test (which involved one person in our room and one below shouting and banging doors). It clearly to them failed. They have now organised their building contractors to come around to investigate further - but their solution was a bead of silicone around the skirting boards?? This is yet to happen but will not solve the issue. Are we within our rights now to start formally telling the landlords that we are withholding rent payments until this problem is fixed?? It's reached a point where my partner now sleeps on the couch in our living area because the noise is just too much. The other issue is parts of our flat and the building are i believe not up to fire safety standard. By the way the landlords own the entire building. When we first moved in the building inspector and the boss builder did an inspection. The large window in our bedroom needed to be replaced - it was classed as a fire escape and should remain completely open to roll out of. But it just keeps shutting. The builder was told to replace it. Also our front door should have a furry seal around the edge, but didn't and again, should have been installed. To this day, 2 and a half years later, they have still not been corrected. Are the landlords in breach of our contract and fire safety standards?? Could we ask for a rent reduction perhaps?? And should we seek some form of legal advice?? We are at a loss here - the landlords do nothing and the only time you really here from them is to do with rent payments. We are contracted until mid 2107, and couldn't afford to move now, unless the landlords gave us our full deposit back before we moved out - not going to happen! If anyone has any sort of advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Or any more elaboration about anything i have written, please leave a post. THANK YOU!!!!
  3. hya all i am hoping some one will be able to give me some advice i bought my house 8 years ago behind a morrisons store everything was fine was told noise was kept to a minimum and that was fine about a year after moving in then the trouble started deliveries early hours from 10 at night untill 6 in the morning banging of trolleys wagons reversing even laughing and joking from the warehouse staff 7 years we have been complaining to morrisons and council eventually 3 week ago we had a noise monitor fitted off the council and are waiting on the results my daughter has just started secondary school and this is an important time for her but she is been woken at least 4 times a week and the situation is now that my daughter sleeps in the bedroom with the wife while i sleep in my daughters room well sleep is the wrong word i have had 2 strokes and the situation is realy putting me at my witts end i have looked on the internet for solicitors who are willing to take my case on a no win no fee basis but without any luck.hope anyone can help thanx in advance martin
  4. Completely out of the blue about half the residents of the building where I live have this morning received a letter from Environmental Protection threatening us with noise abatement action due to alarms going off. First, they've clearly made no effort at all to speak to anyone before making these threats. Second, the actual worst culprit isn't on the list of occupiers they've written to. Third, they acknowledge themselves that the basic cause of the problem is that the exceptionally bad weather has caused water to get in to some of the alarm boxes and short them out. We've been ordered (everyone, regardless of if their alarm is causing a problem) to arrange a service contract for yearly maintenance, which won't solve the basic problem anyway. I, and several others, are seriously annoyed that we've been threatened like this with absolutely no evidence that we are causing a problem or that we could do anything to stop it anyway. On top of that, at least two of us are amongst the ones that complained about the worst incident when an alarm was going off for 22 hours on New Year's Day! Are Environmental Protection allowed to do this - ie. issue blanket accusations and threats?
  5. Im a housing association tenant and have been complaining for 6 years now of noise from the upstairs flat. Its not music, i never hear that people walking around heavily/kids jumping around/things being dropped on the floor make almighty booms and creaks. ive lived in lots of properties in my life and not once made any complaints or even noticed bad noise. Its so violently loud it sounds like people are playing catch with heavy pieces of furniture! Its literally driving me crazy and i have just received a letter today saying they are doing nothing about it. Im devastated. Ive had a council sound monitor in some years ago. They quashed any problems by putting it down to children noise and wouldn't take it any farther even tho they said it was very loud. Same story from housing association they wont even install any monitors. Ive had numerous arguments and a beating from 2 friends of the neighbour through the noise complaints i have made. They were finally starting to go though files for the property for the sound testing but after months of waiting because of 'corrupt dvds' they have suddenly gone silent on me and just sent out a letter saying they are doing nothing. I really am close to breaking point. Im moderately agoraphobic so spend about 70 hours a week inside. I would be overjoyed if anyone can offer some help and advice. Im kept the post pretty brief as i just wanted to get it out there so if you need any more details please ask. Many thanks. Gordon
  6. Hi not sure if posting in the right section but here goes I live i a council house in a normal council street recently we got a new neighbor private house (ex council) he has his own loft conversion business and every morning from 5.30 am onward there are different cars turning up engines left running while people meet there change loads over to different cars slamming doors load voices and general noise this normally lasts until 7am ish so a good hour plus of early morning noise as we work lates this is loosing us sleep every morning can we do anything about it Kind Regards Casper
  7. We live in a block of flats that have rules stating work to be done between 9am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday only. No work is permitted during bank holidays either. We have had to endure out of hours, weekend and bank holiday work for non emergency work for months. When we contact the managing agent, they just send the owners a letter and nothing changes. When we tell the builders about this, we get ignored or abused for stating this. It is making our lives a misery as we bought the place to semi retire and enjoy the seaside.
  8. I have a flat above shops on a main road, there is an ASDA store opposite me, I have just been woken up by workmen in their car park burning the white markings on their car park, this is very loud and it is very difficult to get any sleep, I did not receive any correspondence about this nor did I receive any notification from the council. The noise started at 0100hr, even with the windows shut we can still hear the burning flame. Is there anything we can do I do not consider this as emergency repairs, is this a case of big corporate companies simply not giving a damn about the local people
  9. I'm not sure if this is the right section but I can't see a more appropriate one so forgive me if it is the wrong place. I'm writing this in the first person for simplicity but it applies to somebody else. I live in a rural area of Scotland (I only mention this because the laws may be different) and recently my landlord has started using a bird scarer. It starts as soon as it gets light (currently 5.00am) and goes on until dusk. It's located about 400m from my house. It makes a noise like heavy artillery fire - about ten times as loud as a shotgun and it is really disturbing for me and my animals as well as my neighbour who actually lives almost right next to it. It seems very inconsiderate of my landlord - I have lived here for ten years and this is the first time that a bird scarer this noisy has been used anywhere near my house. I am worried about complaining because I don't want to jeopardise my tenancy. What can I do?
  10. i have lived in my flat for 16 years, ive seen 3 occupants from the flat below come and go, then 5 years ago a woman bought the flat below me, all was well for 2 and a half years, due to a death in the family,i became depressed and started drinking, with the drink came music, in short a noise abatement notice was served, i paid the fine, had my possessions removed and got told to abide by the housings rules for 12 months. 8 months into my probation the neighbour started bombarding the housing with complaints about me again, this was aug last year, after i had put myself out to comply with the rules,and recovered myself, and has been complaining constantly since, noise she says, banging in the middle of the night, me and my son talking,my tv,my washing machine,me flushing my loo,walking up the hallway and down the stairs, i have so i thought been very careful in what noise i have made but alas it seems that its not enough, i did seek legal advice and got told to keep my own diary of all noise i hear and when i am not in my property as some issues were not accurate the last time. i have done this, when the noise team at my local housing phoned me and told me to expect a court date, i told my brief who said as soon as i know it to let them know, this was befor xmas, i did not receive a date, and yet this morning i get a letter from my court telling me that i have just 2 weeks for me and my son to get out of our home, im at my wits end, how is it possible to remove 16 years in just 2 weeks? no one seems to want to help me at the housing even though i have constantly tried, sound proofing is an issue in my flat as i am unemployed and cannot have sufficiant carpeting, the housing said they would refer me to a department that could help with this but never did refer me, i am a heavy set woman who does not step lightly as i have proven when i spoke to my brief, i have also came close to being admitted to hospital for high blood pressure due to this stress of these ongoing complaints, also being diabetic i tend to need the loo quite frequently which the neighbour has moaned about, i am going to the court tomorrow to fill out a N244 form, even though im not sre if this will help, sorry its been a long winded thread but i am at my wits end, i do not want to be thrown on the street with my son, somebody please help me:-(
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