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Found 1 result

  1. Im a housing association tenant and have been complaining for 6 years now of noise from the upstairs flat. Its not music, i never hear that people walking around heavily/kids jumping around/things being dropped on the floor make almighty booms and creaks. ive lived in lots of properties in my life and not once made any complaints or even noticed bad noise. Its so violently loud it sounds like people are playing catch with heavy pieces of furniture! Its literally driving me crazy and i have just received a letter today saying they are doing nothing about it. Im devastated. Ive had a council sound monitor in some years ago. They quashed any problems by putting it down to children noise and wouldn't take it any farther even tho they said it was very loud. Same story from housing association they wont even install any monitors. Ive had numerous arguments and a beating from 2 friends of the neighbour through the noise complaints i have made. They were finally starting to go though files for the property for the sound testing but after months of waiting because of 'corrupt dvds' they have suddenly gone silent on me and just sent out a letter saying they are doing nothing. I really am close to breaking point. Im moderately agoraphobic so spend about 70 hours a week inside. I would be overjoyed if anyone can offer some help and advice. Im kept the post pretty brief as i just wanted to get it out there so if you need any more details please ask. Many thanks. Gordon
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