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Found 2 results

  1. Please help, am at my wits end over my neighbours increasingly worse issues against me, now making complaints about my dogs. Im worried sick that im now facing legal action and fines. 11.03.13 Received an Abatement notice from the council about my dogs barking. They stated 2 weeks ago, for 1 hour, my dogs barked constantly at about 3pm. I was not here (at an appointment so no way to prove/deny they were barking). Council have not issued any proof or evidence of this being true. A couple of weeks ago they sent a letter saying my neighbour had made a complaint about the dogs barking. This is following both man & woman neighbour banging hell out of my door at 11pm when I had been out for 2 hrs to complain the dogs were barking when I had been out - their brother actually caused the barking by placing things in my porch and disturbing them!!!) They had been drinking, were very threatening and abusive and made me feel very intimidated so since then I have stopped all communication with them! Ever since then we have been very prevalent to ensure that the barking is always stopped very quickly such as when they are due food, or out to loo, when I get up in morning - they are excited and yes, they bark, but are always stopped very quickly. I rarely now leave the house to ensure they are kept quiet most of the time, or arrange someone to sit with them. I don't even go out in the evenings or socialise now as I cant leave them unattended. The council who attended even said "Cant you get rid of the dog"!!!! would you get rid of a crying baby or child who is teething overnight for weeks??? However, one incident, 2 weeks ago I had no choice and left them in the afternoon for 2 hours. Typically, they barked for 1 hour, at about 3pm. This is the cause of the Abatement Notice. I have not been given any evidence or proof of this noise that was supposedly made. I do not know how long this Notice is in effect for - 1 month, 1 year or forever? I have 21 days to appeal, but HOW on earth do I appeal as its a load of gobbldegook technical jargon. Please help as I don't know what else to do, im doing my best already
  2. I have a flat above shops on a main road, there is an ASDA store opposite me, I have just been woken up by workmen in their car park burning the white markings on their car park, this is very loud and it is very difficult to get any sleep, I did not receive any correspondence about this nor did I receive any notification from the council. The noise started at 0100hr, even with the windows shut we can still hear the burning flame. Is there anything we can do I do not consider this as emergency repairs, is this a case of big corporate companies simply not giving a damn about the local people
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