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  1. Hello, I have registered only with one CRA- Noddle. For those of you who are familiar with CR files will be able to answer my question, I hope... So I have a list of linked addresses etc...on Noddle which I guess is automatically updated once I update my address with banks, DCAs etc... There is also a different link for PERSONAL DETAILS which shows my date of birth, my full name and the last 2 linked addresses. There is also an option to change my current address myself which I did on Noddle. This last current address at the moment is not linked to any of my bank accounts and DCAs accounts showing on Noddle because I guess they have not updated my information yet- I guess it takes some time , they probably update these every 2-3 months or so... As I am not registered with any other CRAs I wonder, do the rest of the CRAs have on file my Personal details and will they pick my new personal address from Noddle and update it in their systems or will they only use what they have as information provided from the banks, DCAs etc...?? Does it mean that my REAL address at the moment can only be seen on Noddle until the banks don't update their information with my new address? Would you suggest to register with the rest of the CRAs to be able to update my address on time, so to avoid a sneaky CCJ from unknown 'lenders'?
  2. Hi i just recieved a letter from old friend bc today, claiming they have been reporting inaccurately to cras. Im pretty sure ive paid nothing since november 07, but it coudl have been 08. i remember finding cag around 07 time, and sending off for cca. the original cca letter copy i have is dated 04/08, and i wouldnt have paid anything for a few months before then as i was not working. After the usual back and forth, i asked if they had a signed agreement with cputr in mind, this would have been around 08/09, and this is the first i have heard of it since. they say in the letter they are defaulting me on aug 09, which is a lot more than six months after. So it either is, or almost is sb. Think theyll start chasing for it again?
  3. Hi Guys, . One of my issues is to do with a Welcome loan I had The full story is; I took an unsecured personal loan out with Welcome in early 2009 (I can't be more specific with dates, sorry) I was making payment for almost a year and then fell into trouble and had to stop the payments. My life has been a bit tumultuous in the past few years, job issues, relationship issues, house moves etc, and just over a year ago I started getting emails from Lowell saying that they had taken over the debt, it was now £8167 with no further interest accruing and they wanted to talk to me. As I had gotten myself into a better financial position and they gave me the option of dealing with them online instead of speaking to anyone directly I agreed to start paying back £100 per month. I've now paid £1000 and got a recent statement from them confirming the balance is decreasing. in my research last night I was told about noddle and on checking the CRA, which seems very accurate to all the debts I know I have, the Welcome one isn't there. No info from the original creditor and none from Lowell (although another debt I have that's in the hands of Lowell is there). I know from reading some other threads that there is a mysterious investigation going on with Welcome just now and that all reference to them from CRAs has been removed. I guess my question is, would it be worth me stopping the payments to Lowell (as it's no longer affecting my credit) and to CCA them to see if they have the right to enforce the debt? If they don't then I'm in control, if they do then I can offer a substantially reduced full and final offer on the basis that there is very little downside to me not paying this debt in the current situation. Any advice is really welcome. get it?
  4. Hi everyone, I have a bit of a conundrum, and I'm hoping someone can explain. I've been using Experian's Credit Expert service for some time and have had two active accounts completely disappear in the last two months. One of them is a loan secured on my property (9 years old, 6 years to run), the other is a mail order service (18 months old). Being a little confused by it all, I did the following: Checked my file with Equifax: they only have three credit accounts listed for me (I have 30+ active and settled accounts reported with Experian). The two missing accounts aren't listed. Checked my file with CallCredit (Noddle): the data is fairly comparable to Experian, at least in number (actually has two that aren't reported with Experian), but neither of the missing two are listed here either. I know for certain that the accounts were listed with Experian as they appear on old reports that I've had from them. How is it possible for ACTIVE accounts to completely vanish like this? I've every intention of maintaining payments to the creditors, because it seems like the sort of thing that'll bite you in the a*** in the long run. However, I have no intention of reporting it, as the mail order account had a couple of missed payments in the last 12 months. Is there a precedent that anyone can point me to please? I'm genuinely stumped. Also, how do I go about having Equifax update my accounts? They have next to nothing on me, including a CCJ that is due to expire in literally 12 days. Thanks in advance.
  5. hi Hope this is in the right section, basically i had a bill with british gas so they told me to pay in installments every month to clear the outsatnding balance, i was told that this wouldnt affect my credit file and i set up DD, payments were made and 1 payment was paid a few days late by card, and then also another payment was a week late.4 months apart i was told that it doesnt affect my credit file. i was checking my credit file and see i now have 2 missed payments on my file. i have contacted BG and they apologised for the information I was given and said theres nothing they can do i even went to the energy ombudsman who said they cant do anything and that bg offered me £25 compensation for the bad service. they tried to locate the recording of the information i was given b ut coulddnt locate it, so my tough luck my problem is i dont want £25 so i refused it and they couldnt close the case as i wasnt satisfied. i want to clear the late payments on my credit file as i was told by a bg rep that my credit file wouldnt be affetced i have never recived a t & c, or signed any agreemeent any options how i can sort this out thanks ang
  6. arthur256

    Link & MBNA

    In another thread there appears the following statement regarding CCA agreement defaults: "You have not replied to this request within the statutory period and therefore, under s78(6) of the Act, you may not enforce any agreement you may suppose to exist between us. That means, you may not 1) request payment on the account 2) add any charges or interest to the account 3) communicate any details regarding the account to any third parties. This inludes but is not limited to Credit Reference Agencies." Is item 3 really true? I have a dispute with Link over an invalidly assigned MBNA debt, which has been in default for several years due to Link persistently failing to send the Consumer Credit Agreement. They eventually sent me somebody else's CCA and I have reported this to the Information Commissioner. So it remains in default. They have continued to supply adverse data to Equifax and Experian, probably CallCredit too. If item 3 above is correct, how can I get the information deleted please? I already have a Notice of Dispute filed with both main CRAs, who said (when I first mentioned the situation) that they cannot remove it without Link's agreement. TIA
  7. Hello All, Why do CRAs use terms like. a) Satisfied b) Settled What is the difference? All information/advice will as usual be gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  8. After reading a number of threads I think I have made a mistake. I have 2 debts with Natwest 1. overdraft 1. loan account which they have combined together and I have been paying them an agreed amount .In 2008 I managed to get them to put in writing that they cannot produce an agreement for the loan and further they agreed that all of the money I pay them will be deducted from the overdraft only and it will revert to paying of the loan account when the overdraft is paid. According to their statements they are sticking to that arrangement .I am not paying any interest,and I have recovered all of the charges ,and rather than rock the boat, it is my intention when the overdraft is paid I will then say I am stopping payments as the Loan Account has no Agreement . The threads I have been reading all say banks cannot combine debts . I think I have shot myself in the foot, i s this the case, or can I make them separate the accounts or do I stick with the current arrangement until the overdraft is paid...........................FS
  9. Hi to all who read this. This is my first post, prompted by yet another day of hassle from HSBC. Some 6 yrs ago, I opened 3 accounts, Business, Joint and Personal. All had small overdraft facilities. Within the last 3 years the Business and Joint accounts always in credit had, with no reason given their facilities withdrawn also my wifes credit card which she had never used. My personal account has varied from £20,00 credit to £2,200 in debit, facility lmit £1,500. Latterly the limit has been exceeded fairly regularly. Inevitably charges and interest have been applied. I have sought meetings with Branch managers, been continually fobbed off, appointments made on bank holidays and on two occasions, people who stated they were the wrong people to see. I then decided on a letter only policy, my letters being passed on to Customer Service staff for reply. My questions are not answered and I am asked for duplicate information. All the time I am issued with threats. When the overdraft was cancelled on the joint account, I was forced to replace it with a Flexi Loan. Today went to check my SO and DD list on internet banking only to find that all my SOs and DDs had been cancelled by HSBC, without anyone having the decency to tell me!. I have not as yet taken any action regarding Interest and Charges, they must be considerable and I am using the Advanced Spreadsheet. Could any of your members advise me as to what I should now do?.
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