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  1. Hi, 2 Years ago i received a parking charge for not parking within the lines. i had a valid parking ticket to stay on this carpark. I appealed against this parking charge which was denied. On the appeal i noted that i did park within the lines and that i did have a valid parking ticket.. the evidence given showed my car parked close to the line on the RHS front of the vehicle on 3 pictures.. On the 4th picture it showed my vehicle over the line.. i stated that the parking attendant has angled the camera to make it look like the vehicle was over the line. (in a hatched box in the corner of the carpark). i then set on ignoring this company.. they have constantly bombarded me with emails demanding money which i ignored.. it then got passed onto BW Legal Services LTD who did exactly the same. They then resorted to ringing my landline which i have never given them.. infact my landline is ex directory so how have they got this?? Today i have received claim form from Northampton bulk centre.. I will wish to defend this but not quite sure how i should word my defence.. is anyone able to advise ? P.s, i was the actual driver of the car but the claim form is not in my name it is in my wifes who is the registered keeper.. i have never state she was the driver.. Regards.
  2. Hi didy you get a defense in on this one my friend has got the exact same claim Got a claim for apparently wheel was slightly on white line. He needs help with a defense claim is exactly same as yours. Thanks
  3. Good evening all, I am in a sticky situation, I received an invitation letter to go to the National Speed Awareness Scheme to write off my speeding offence, I was doing 58mph on a 50mph zone. My current situation: I've been financially struggling due to getting married in July abroad and money is something I've been struggling with but I'm getting by and putting things into place. I received the letter for the course on 7th January 2019 with every intention of attending the course, but I completely misread the situation, when I went online to drivetech to have a look at the course and how much it would cost it mentioned that it has to be booked within 4 months, I thought I'll strengthen my financial standing and book it at the end of month when I get some more money coming in. I went online today to book the course , and my details were not found on the drivetech record! I referred back to the letter, and it told me that it needs to be booked and paid within 21 days, but complete the course within 4 months! I had completely misunderstood that, and this is a genuine mistake I have every intention of attending the course, I'm extremely worried as attending court is the last thing I need on my plate, can anyone give me any advice I am ready to take the course, and book it at the earliest opportunity, I never meant to dodge the letter it was a misunderstanding from my part. Can anyone please shed some light because I can't get this off my mind at the moment I've never had a criminal record, points or a speeding notice before and because of my mistake I am now worried that I will have to attend course! Any advise would be greatly appreciated
  4. MOD launches biggest ever mental health awareness week with new confidential support for personnel on operations READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-launches-biggest-ever-mental-health-awareness-week-with-new-confidential-support-for-personnel-on-operations
  5. Just got a NIP in the post recently, 39 in a 30 zone. What's the likelihood of of avoiding 3 pts and being offered the speed awareness course? I'm clean, no points ever, in 30 years driving history. It was from Thames Valley Police in case that has a bearing. Lastly, I'm not sure if it was me or the missus at that time? We share a car and i'm 70% it was me but can't be 100% sure. Under the circumstances, I'm going to supply my details and take the punishment. Anything wrong with this approach? thanks
  6. I'd be really grateful for a bit of information on what my options are now - here is my situation. I was caught speeding (38 in a 30) on 31st December- I thought it was 40 so it wasn't intentional :o) It was with West Midlands Police. I got the letter and admitted the offence and on 5th February got a letter offering me a speed awareness course. My personal situation was a bit difficult at this time - my husband had just moved out because of cheating leaving me in a difficult financial situation - debt :o( I am just getting back up on my feet. The letter said I had 120 days to complete the course - so I went online to book it yesterday as I finally have the money together to pay for it. But it didn't recognise my drivers license. I checked the letter again - I had to book it within 28 days! I am now so worried that I am going to be taken to court. I had every intention of doing the course but I simply misread the letter and thought I had time to get the money together. I have tried calling the TTC direct but they can't do anything. I am going to call the central ticket office tomorrow morning - what options do you think I have? If I explained my mistake, is there any chance I can still get to do the course so long as it's before the 120 days? Or can I accept the points and avoid court? If anyone has accepted the points, what impact has it had on insurance premiums? Any help would be really appreciated xxx
  7. MODS: Please move if necessary. After my sister contracting this recently and having a mastectomy and reconstruction, then several friends contracting this awful disease, I have found a simple read for MEN AND WOMEN regarding this issue to try to raise awareness. Please take two minutes to read something which could save your life: http://simply-wrong.com/breast-cancer-is-simply-wrong/ Thank you!
  8. Hello, would be grateful for some advice here. My boyfriend recently did 57mph in a 50mph zone on the M1 in Yorkshire (roadworks) realised what he'd done and wasn't surprised to get a penalty notice. He's opted to do a speed awareness course rather than the fine and points. Then, and this was a complete surprise, he got a second penalty notice from Derbyshire for a week later, also a really marginal over the limit. South Yorkshire Police have sent his details to the awareness course providers, he's registered with them to do a course re: the M1 incident before September 2nd. The girl he spoke to says that you are only allowed to do one course (i.e. avoid points and a fine) every three years, so although the course covers off the South Yorkshire Police incident, he will have to take the fine and the points re the Derbyshire one. Is she wrong - she might not know the law? It crossed his mind that by doing one course, he might satisfy the requirements of both South Yorkshire and Derbyshire Police. He's not denying the fault, I should stress. Any help gratefully received; and I'm not hiding behind him - I don't drive! Kind regards, Magiciansgirl
  9. *** NEWS RELEASE ** NEW RESEARCH REVEALS LACK OF AWARENESS OF SUPPORT FOR FUEL COSTS AMONGST THOSE ON LOW INCOMES A new survey commissioned by Turn2us, part of national charity Elizabeth Finn Care, has found that people on low incomes are unaware of the potential support available to help with their fuel bills. This is despite the fact that nearly two-thirds (64%) of those surveyed are uncertain if they can meet these costs this winter without experiencing financial hardship. Over a third (37%) of people living in low income households* have never checked their eligibility for welfare benefits and tax credits, and over two-fifths (45%) are currently not claiming benefits that they may be entitled to. Claiming benefits entitlements can not only boost income to help pay fuel bills but can also act as a trigger for eligibility from various fuel poverty programmes. The research also found that over two-thirds (70%) are unaware that energy suppliers have to offer cheaper ‘social tariffs’ to their most vulnerable customers and over two-fifths (43%) are not aware of the government’s Warm Front scheme which provides funding for insulation and heating improvements – despite the fact that they are on a low income and could be eligible for assistance from these schemes. Furthermore, over one in three (36%) have never or can not remember when they last checked they were on the cheapest energy tariff available to them. These results are particularly worrying in light of the findings that the costs of last winter’s fuel bills caused over two-fifths (44%) to feel stressed, nearly one in seven (14%) to suffer illness or physical pain as a result of cold conditions and over one in eight (13%) to fall behind on their bill payments. Shockingly, over half (55%) said that if they were struggling to meet their fuel costs, they would resort to switching off their heating altogether or only heating one room at a time and two-fifths (41%) would cut back on other essentials including food, yet only 6% would consider approaching a charity to see if they were eligible for a grant. The official definition of fuel poverty is where a household has to spend more than 10% of its income on fuel to maintain an adequate level of warmth. There are currently an estimated 4.75 million households in fuel poverty in the UK, around three-quarters of which are on a low income**. Turn2us is running its second annual Acting on Fuel Poverty campaign throughout the winter to highlight the support available to those struggling with their fuel costs, and has launched a dedicated campaign microsite at www.fuelpovertymap.org.uk. The microsite directs users to sources of help including the Turn2us Benefits Calculator to work out which welfare benefits and tax credits they might be entitled to, the Turn2us Grants Search database which provides access to over 3,000 charitable funds, information pages on increasing energy efficiency and energy efficiency grants, and a link to the Which? Switch energy tariff comparison tool for users to check they are on the best tariff available to them. The microsite also includes an interactive fuel poverty map for users to find out, according to the official definition, if they are in fuel poverty and compare different areas across the UK. Alison Taylor, Director of Turn2us said: “Our latest research findings show that there is a need for individuals and families to have access to clear information and independent guidance to help them find support with rising energy costs. Our fuel poverty microsite brings together a number of tools which are free to use – all in one place, which can help households identify whether they can maximise their income and reduce their energy costs ahead of the arrival of their winter bills.” Helen*** worked as a nurse for many years before she had to leave work due to ill health, and on a limited income, she found herself struggling with her household bills. Her house was damp and living in a rural village, Helen would travel to the nearest town library once a week to keep warm for a few hours. It was here that searching on the internet, she came across Turn2us. Helen identified through Turn2us that she was eligible for a charitable grant which paid for the damp in her home to be fixed and gave her some extra money to put towards her bills. Helen said: “The money I received has been a lifesaver and has had a huge impact on my quality of life. I now live in a warm home and the extra money for bills has really taken some of the pressure off.” Turn2us is working in partnership with a number of charities and organisations across the UK for the Acting on Fuel Poverty campaign, who will help to increase awareness of the help available for those in fuel poverty and how they can access it. For more information about the campaign, please visit www.fuelpovertymap.org.ukand www.turn2us.org.uk.
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