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  1. Hello, would be grateful for some advice here. My boyfriend recently did 57mph in a 50mph zone on the M1 in Yorkshire (roadworks) realised what he'd done and wasn't surprised to get a penalty notice. He's opted to do a speed awareness course rather than the fine and points. Then, and this was a complete surprise, he got a second penalty notice from Derbyshire for a week later, also a really marginal over the limit. South Yorkshire Police have sent his details to the awareness course providers, he's registered with them to do a course re: the M1 incident before September 2nd. The girl he spoke to says that you are only allowed to do one course (i.e. avoid points and a fine) every three years, so although the course covers off the South Yorkshire Police incident, he will have to take the fine and the points re the Derbyshire one. Is she wrong - she might not know the law? It crossed his mind that by doing one course, he might satisfy the requirements of both South Yorkshire and Derbyshire Police. He's not denying the fault, I should stress. Any help gratefully received; and I'm not hiding behind him - I don't drive! Kind regards, Magiciansgirl
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