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Found 9 results

  1. The driver has just received a letter from a solicitor regarding a traffic violation in Italy four years ago. All the information provided seems correct, i.e dates, type of car name and address of driver. At first we thought it was a [problem], this is now looking less likely but still possible. What is the best course of action? The requested amount is €300 from waters&gate
  2. Hi All, Firstly, this isn't strictly a PCN issue but it is related to one, so I'm not sure if this the appropriate forum and please let me know if not. My vehicle was clamped on 30th June and I discovered this and spoke to the bailiff on 1st July. I've submitted TE7 & TE9 forms to TEC so this should all be resolved this afternoon. However, I am going to make several complaints about the bailiff's actions as he was not only extremely rude and unprofessional when dealing with me, but also probably broke the law. Some background info: I called the bailiff (MO) on Sunday afternoon (01/07) but he didn't answer; he then called me at 10pm Sunday evening to discuss. During this conversation he told me the vehicle in question had been clamped previously and I had cut it off, telling me that because of this the vehicle would be towed immediately if I didn't pay the outstanding balance. When I contested this and asked for info his response was along the lines of "I dunno, that's just what the system says" and refused to give any further evidence. I was pretty incensed by the accusation so told him it was utterly false (exact words) and he hung up on me, refusing to answer again. Today I called him to get the PCN number then did my relevant homework and called him back to let him know I'd submitted forms with TEC and he should hear from the issuing authority by the end of the day. I asked him to give me his full name and registration details so I could submit a complaint about his behaviour last night and he outright refused, saying he didn't have to. When I told him he was legally obligated to give me his information he got increasingly angry and doubled down. He said he would show his certificate when releasing the vehicle but would not give details to me - to which I responded by saying we both know that will never happen as he will most likely quietly remove the clamp and then be gone. I eventually gave up with no information. I checked his name on the immobilisation certificate then checked the Certified Bailiff Register and found his full name and the court / company he's registered with, so am going to submit my complaints there first. My most serious complaint is that his attempt to extort me into payment by claiming I had removed a previous clamp (let me just state - I hadn't) is a violation of The Fraud Act 2006 Section 2 and his refusal to provide any evidence for this, despite it being "on his system" is also a violation of Section 3. So my question is this: who do I report this to and how? I'm currently drafting a complaint to Hertford County Court (where MO is registered) with all of this included, but would like to take this much, much further so he never attempts this stuff again. Having never submitted any kind of criminal charges before I have no idea where to start.
  3. Hi, I have a small shop on ebay selling printed Hen t-shirts, babygrows, mugs etc but nothing big but slowly growing with great feedback. Since may this year I have been selling a 2 t-shirt set for newly weds with a design I made of my own after looking at reference material online. But my design was a fresh font and shape and wording. Also at the top of ebay searches which was something I had worked hard for. Now in September I suddenly get these listings removed. Another t-shirt company has claimed copyright violation. I checked the design and it is similar but I have different wording and shapes it just looks too different to accept. The company pointed out their design was registered. I managed to search online and find it but it said registered 10 September 2017, about a week before I was reported. I have been selling my design from may 2017. It also look like the their t-shirt is a new listing. I am suspicious I am being pushed out by a slightly bigger company. I emailed the company as recommended and they replied with the registered number and to not relist my it-shirts. I have since checked them out and emailed the above and asked when they started selling their deisgn but no reply as yet. Can anyone see that this may be corrupt. Thank You
  4. Hi, I was hoping the more savvy on here could help me. I recently had to nip to the shops, once I got there & parked up I realised I had left my current/valid blue badge at home, I had been in someone else’s car the day before. The shops are in Warrington, the carpark is Council operated. I did have an expired BB including the clock in the car. My car is registered disabled. My disability, severe heart failure, means it takes effort to get to the shops, but needs must. The parking at the shops states disabled parking free & 3 hour stay. I displayed the expired BB & clock accordingly. When I returned about an hour later I had a ticket, code violation 87, Parked in a designated disabled persons parking space without displaying a valid disabled persons badge, (great). I notified the appeals centre that I am registered disabled and forwarded to them the up-to-date BB, believing that would suffice. I was wrong, they are pursuing the matter, hence I ask for any knowledge you can assist me with. There were no easily visible signs that deemed that a BB was required (nit-picking), from my research Under the Equality Act reasonable adjustments are required to avoid disabled people being placed at a "substantial disadvantage". They have an obscured/hidden sign 100m+ from the allocated parking over extremely uneven terrain, totally inappropriate for persons with mobility issues. As per the BPA Approved Operator Scheme Code of Practice, they clearly indicate that accessible bays are for Disabled use, the entrance signage ONLY indicates that their ONLY enforcement is on a 3 hour time limit. I note other posts state the European Court of Human Rights, ruled that disabled parking spaces were there for ALL disabled people and not just blue badge holders; anyone disabled and driving a vehicle, or a vehicle carrying a disabled passenger who are REGISTERED disabled can lawfully use these spaces there is no need to display a blue badge, which is deemed as placing additional measures. Has anyone come across this? I feel it is sad that a council would seek to profit from such a lapse of memory, which is 1 of my disability issues, I do understand and appreciate their need to enforce non compliance, but surely once proof of disability is shown there is no crime? Any assistance would be appreciated.
  5. Dear all, I'd greatly appreciate advice as I'm wanting to take ES Parking to court for breaching the DPA by claiming my details in the first place from the DVLA. I know this is going to be a long journey and lots of work but I'm willing to do it for the good of others and perhaps to teach them a lesson to stop harassing people when there is no basis for their claim. I've been through the following so far: Stage 1: Letter before claim: __________________________________________________________________________ (Sent mid December) Letter Before Claim (Ref number: XX111111) Dear ES Parking In May 2016 you issued me with a parking charge for stopping/parking in a publicly accessible road where no contract was formed and for which there were no road markings (provided courtesy of your own witness statement). It has been established that there can be no liability as you do not follow the protocols of the POFA and so it is not possible for a contract to be created. You have continued to pursue speculative charges despite it being firmly established that no charge could ever be due. I refer to case C8GF4C12 ES Parking Enforcement v Ms A. Manchester, in front of DH Iyah on 29/11/2016. It was established that there was inadequate signage and that you lost the case on the grounds that signage is forbidding. You obtained my personal details from the DVLA for the purpose of pursuing a parking charge, However, there was never any possibility this charge could be valid. My name and address information (together with other information) is classified as personal data within the meaning of s1(1) of the Data Protections Act (DPA). As there is no possibility that any monies were owed to you by myself, then attempting to charge a parking charge is caused harassment and personal distress to myself, is using it in ways which violate principles 1 and 2 of the DPA, and s13 of the DPA provides for financial compensation for this. The case of Vidal-Hall v Google Inc [2014] EWHC 13 (QB) provides authority that misuse of personal data is a tort and that damages may be non-pecuniary. The case of Halliday v Creation Consumer Finance Ltd [2013] All ER (D) 199 provides authority that a reasonable sum for compensation would be £750. I am therefore claiming £500 from yourself for misuse of my personal data under s13 of the DPA. You have 14 days to remit this amount to myself. After that time I will file a claim without further correspondence. The rules on pre-action conduct are here https://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/procedure-rules/civil/rules/pd_pre-action_conduct I believe I have provided you with all necessary information. I am willing to consider alternative dispute resolution and suggest the Consumer Ombudsman. Yours Sincerely __________________________________________________________________________ Stage 2: Claim filed with MCOL with the following details: In May 2016 ES Parking breached the Data Protection Act by accessing my details from the DVLA without reasonable cause. It has been proven on numerous cases including C8GF4C12 ES Parking Enforcement v Ms A. Manchester, in front of DH Iyah on 29/11/2016 that they have no grounds for pursuing a parking charge. I am claiming damages of £750 for misuse of my personal data under s13 of the DPA. I attempted to resolve this out of court with a letter before claim for which I have received no reply. __________________________________________________________________________ I've now received a defence which is attached I'm willing to fight them to the death on this and money is no objective, this is purely about principle - ultimately this is going to cost me money because of time off.ClientDefenceDPA.pdf
  6. Hi All, I really would appreciate any help/advice regarding this matter. I worked as a contractor for this coy delivering orders for a retailer. Signed contract stipulated among others; 1) £8/hr and 2) one week notice upon termination of contract by either party. I started when I was desperately in need of job, after working first week they paid only min wage, and some months down the line £7/hr, and some weeks back they terminated contract without notice. They're in breach of said contract. They're also owing me final wages because I've not returned company property. When I started they gave a contract to sign but didn't give me a copy to keep. I only know of said breach after I sent letter threatening court action and insisting they sent me a copy of signed contract. Any suggestion would be welcome. Thanks
  7. Morning all I think this May have been posted before but here goes as I need advice. My FIL parked in a car park patrolled by UKPC and got a Penalty charge he is registered disabled but did not display the badge correctly. He has communicated with them and given them his details and the badge number etc but the notice is for 100.00 (which I think is excessive in the first place). How do I fight it on his behalf he can hardly walk and has a heart condition etc and is also in his eighties. Any advice and or sample type letters would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Fozzie:-)
  8. Hi, I was going through some old paperwork and I found the initial letter which Advantis sent to my new address about a year after I moved in... It read: Are they allowed to just give out my information i.e. full name, with middle names and previous address? If not, what'd you advise I do about it? I personally am really not happy that they're just firing out letters with my name and addresses on it without knowing where they go.
  9. Hi all, Please may i have advise; the following is an email i sent to Phones4u on on the 16/12/2013 Thank you ---------------- Good Morning, My misses visited your Hounslow high street store on 05/12/2013 in order receive advice or a resolution on what appears to be a very common issue with the Samsung SII, the issue began on 03/12/2013, whereby the phone remained permanently in airplane mode. Your store advisor took a brief look and commented as follows (Actual quotes) 1.“It’s finished” 2.“It’s Gone” 3.“Not working” 4.“Gone” 5.“Sorry it’s finished; No warranty left, only 1 year” 6.“If you pay £80 we can try to fix, but not guaranteed, pay us £40 we will try!” 7.“You can buy a new phone, your contract finish in 5 days!” Later that evening she described the conclusion of the store visit: I replied “Warranty has expired… that’s it! We can't do anything!” We visited carphone warehouse (14/12/2013) which happens to be directly opposite the actual Phones4U shop in order to purchase a new phone; we proceeded with the 2 year contracted Samsung Note III. Before we walked out of the store with the new phone we kindly asked the repair individual if he could take a quick look at the Samsung SII, he said “yes no problem” and for no charge he tried to connect the phone, whilst downloading Samsung KIES to his PC he revealed “All Samsung’s have a two year manufacturer’s warranty, you should pop over their!” we were absolutely dismayed as we were told by Phone4U we have no warranty. We promptly walked across the road into Phones4u and explained the situation; they said “yes no problem”, “Take a seat” and immediately dialled tech support which resulted in an authorised warranty repair. We now have a new phone which we can’t return unless faulty; and an existing phone which will be repaired within a week; the original intention was to use the existing phone with a pay as you go sim card. We were intentionally misled by your staff which has resulted in an unwanted new Phone at an unnecessary two year cost of £800. Thank You ***** ******** They have offered a £25 good will gesture. Second email sent 17/12/2013 Forename: **** ***** Surname:****** Address:** ****** Avenue, **** **** Evening Mobile:******* Sim cardNo:************** IMEI No::************** REF::************** Retailer:209 High Street, Hounslow,TW3 1BL Sales Person:Bhavin I would also like to point my wife has highlighted other rather alarming comments mentioned by the advisor. Such as: 1) Its completely gone 2) Nothing anyone can do 3) You have no warranty left 4) Its a very bad problem 5) its finished She was also left without a phone whilst our son contracted a possible case of meningitis, she was not able to call an ambulance, unable to call me, and she was unable to coordinate the collection of out other son from school. Records available. Thank you. They again said thier is nothing they can do and still offered £20 Final email send 18/12/2013 I have no option but to contact trading standards + legal advice + online consumer protection forums. This is a very serious case of misconduct. Cost to us has been huge 1. Overlap line rental £30 2. Unnecessary mobile and contract £800 3. Taxi to take child to hospital £45, couldn't contact me. 4. Unwanted phone and mobile 5. Serious consequences for my sons due to the inability to communicate 6. All contacts deleted by your in store staff 7. Time taken to search for an alternative phone 8. Cost of accessories My wife would like to sue phones4u based on point 5. Please see: Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (2008). Response, they have denied all responsibility andhave stated some phones have a 1 year warranty. There is nothing we can do…. Good bye! That’s it. Please could someone help me with my options, Thank you all.
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